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CB Dating Services / Plenty of Fish abusive dating site, removes profiles with no explanation, supports predators... / Plenty of Fish / Plenty of Fish review: abusive dating site, removes profiles with no explanation, supports predators... 39

Author of the review
2:28 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Plenty of fish is a dating site full of predators, liars, losers jerks and creeps.. Who aer all allowed to have their profile up with no problem... Allowed to harass abuse intimidate users at will... And yet people who've done nothign wrong have their profile removed for no reason and are scammed by pof.. And targeted wrongly. I know my profile was removed from pof years ago — for no reason and they wouldnt give an explanation — btw who rae the goons who run the website? They are very unfair and stupid people... Mny years later — finally I got back up on the website successfully... Met a horde of losers, jerks... Had been harassed by lots of mean guys for no reason... And had to report abuse several times... Was even called by one guy many times who was stalking me... I think my ex boyfriend got on pof and called them and made up lies about me... Next thing I know my profile was removed... And everytime I create a profile, it gets removed... I wrote to pof and got a message that... They did it for 'reasons' they can't disclose... So with pof... Every predator, rapist, sociopath pedophile and psychopath is allowed to harass abuse others with no problem and malicious ex bf's are allowed to badmouth ex gf's and get their profiles removed... Way to go you low lifes who run pof... You must be as evil as the jerks you allow on your place while you ban women for no reason... Sickos...


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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indian river shores, US
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Dec 20, 2010 7:55 pm EST

Had a disgruntled interaction with one of your users, who told me to "put a bullit in my head' That offender would be "yourmuse32"--yes the typical air brushed photo mag shot-narcississit who cant pose the sophistry to put together a logical disagreement. My review indicated the women are kept desptite the outrageousness of their scam. I know that assissting suicide is a crime, but I dont know if inciting someone to do so is. Can you imagine the outrage if I suggessted to one of your fish to commit harm to themselves or another. Regardless of the criminality issue, the talking heads and press are all over the media incited suicide issue. I will contact my Chamber of commerce, congressman, FCC or whateverit takes. Whenther Im', de-listed or not I will be monitoring this until this persons profile is removed. I'ts my hope that this remains a civil, non criminal matter and a matter of policy. I''m also a mental patient and beggining to feel a bit axious
cc )so far_ Fox News
Chamber of commerce
More to come, Peter Hepburn Milo1315

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 4:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

POf tolerates the incitement of vilence among its members..Peter Hepburn

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 4:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

that would be violence

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 5:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

POF liststhe proponents of violence a aslong as they have a have a pretty air brushed photo mag face...Peter Hepburn

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 5:10 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"yourmuse 32" pushes for suicide for thouse which she disagrees with.. p hepburn

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 5:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The internet fraud/complaint department of the attorney generals office has been notified. the employee at that office repospded with horror and disgust. she also notified me that I have recourse under "the americans with disabilities act." is that spelled "markus?"

peter hepburn
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Dec 21, 2010 10:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Plenty of fish has changed it's name to plenty-of-eugenics for the mentally ill Peter hepburn

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Jan 14, 2011 8:43 pm EST

This is true... but let me also explain... I had an airbrushed magazine picture on there as a female and was harassed to no end by pof... and profile taken down... this place is a huge scam run by jerks... they allow every pervert on the planet to have profiles and screw others over... pof sucks

Clinton Township, US
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Aug 26, 2011 12:30 am EDT

I had some italian guy, who had seen a picture of me, talk to me on the phone three times a day for two weeks and tell me his whole life story. he would text me and beg me to call him because he missed me. one day, he suddenly asked me for a "full body" picture of myself. I took a quick one in the mirror with my cell phone and sent it. he later texted me telling me that it had been nice chatting with me and that he hoped I had a nice life! by the way, if you happen to be in the metro detroit area of michigan, there is a guy who calls himself "duke whitten" who has an std and lies about it. I met a male and a female online who warned me about him. don't use this site!

Warwick, US
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Nov 27, 2011 7:41 pm EST

I had a bunch of dates from the site who turned out out to be dates from hell. there is one a guy I met on the site who is very serious about dating but the rest our sickos, liars, cheaters, #s and pigs don't use plenty of fish ever.

Pablo, US
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Dec 31, 2011 2:56 am EST

my husband cheated thru this site

Pablo, US
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Dec 31, 2011 2:58 am EST

he was known as Talibankiller406)

Toronto, CA
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Sep 13, 2012 10:08 am EDT

Plenty of fish: the name says it all.

It's a catch and release site. of course there are exceptions but you'll have to have the patience of job to stay at it, while you're continually disappointed.
I really wouldn't recommend online dating sites in general. the vast majority of people lie or bend to truth to the extreme. not a great way to start off a date. the problems range from ancient pictures, to employed or very vague about their employment, mentally disturbed, stalkers, man-haters, extreme baggage, generally unhappy people with too much time on their hands. to put it simply: these people don't have their act together. you'd have more fun in an old folks home playing checkers.

From a man's point of view, it's very tricky to arrange a date. here's why: the ratio of men:women is absurd and not indicative at all of reality. the result is reasonably attractive women that really overestimate their value. why is this happening? : due to the influx of dozens of men emailing them. this over-inflated sense of self is alive and well online, yet the moment they step outside into the real world, rest assured they're still somebody you wouldn't want to date.

Pictures bear importance for all. ladies: attractiveness starts visually for men; if you're going to show just your face and ample cleavage, be prepared to show a full picture of yourself. after all, fair is fair. why would I waste my time meeting you if you're not going to show me what you look like. i'm not keen on blind fact, i've had a woman cancel out on me because she refused to send me a head-to-toe picture. by the way, it's not shallow thinking at all, it's called having a preference for certain body types, and simply not being attracted to others (yes, overweight). these are questions men wouldn't have to ask had they seen you in public. therein lies the problem with online dating. false representation.

There are alternatives to online dating. put the word out to your friends, family, coworkers that you're single, or join some clubs. anything is better than dealing with the bottom of the barrel. one last note: get your # together before wasting other peoples' time.

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Jun 10, 2018 9:49 am EDT
Replying to comment of Derek111

I agree with you 100 percent the ratio of men to women is way out of portion there are 10 men for each woman so it is no surprise that even the most unattractive ugliest of women feel empowerd

Lovely French Matou
Halifax, CA
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Dec 06, 2012 6:50 am EST

it's so true
There is people that get their account delete for no apparent reason and other that can't get their account delete
we should all complain to

Not worth my time
Asheville, US
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Nov 03, 2013 5:06 pm EST

Michael ingram, commerce georgia, known as the georgia horse rider is on plenty of fish a dating site. he is one of the predators, liars, losers jerks and creeps, who is allowed to have his profile up with no problem, allowed to harass abuse intimidate users at will. michael ingram has even called several times and continues to stalk me. this man is a predator, sociopath and psychopath and is allowed to harass and abuse others with no problem and use malicious verbal language. he looks for women who are financially stable and lays a story about how he's lost at love, business, and pleasure and needs a new start. mike ingram needs to join a porn site instead a site with people looking for a relationship! this person is nothing as he says

Calgary, CA
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Dec 11, 2013 5:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Disgusting business practice by Markus owner and creator of POF. His system or himself deletes profiles without any explanation why. Had 3 profiles deleted consecutively after recreating them. I am a well mannered gentleman there was no need. They should not of touched my profile or even read my business. Obviously this Markus guy reads peoples messages. It is not a private dating site, and it is disgusting business practice to delete users profiles which immediatly loses all contact with previous people you talked to. No explanation, no email no nothing. Businesses that conduct business like this are disgusting. It would be entirely no different than Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook deleting profiles with no explanation.

I would NEVER suggest anyone pay for services through POF. I will continue to blog this all over the internet, getting the word out about Markus and his POF is a good thing.

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Jun 11, 2018 1:18 am EDT

There is a guy on there now that has punched me, de-frauded women (criminally...police caution) has a long list of hurt women behind him, they have deleted some of his profiles but he keeps putting up new ones as fast as they can i help other women? There is a FB post about this guy but women are only finding this after he has made them feel "like [censored]"...

Reading, US
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Apr 27, 2014 4:52 pm EDT

Violence is always a problem on POF and if you report it i can say this you will be banned from the site. Even if you turn down invites you will be warned and then they block you from ever entering the site you place your name in and a new email you will be black listed off the site. POF is nothing but a joke. The men not only lie but also violent as well they will force them selves on you and try to make you do things you would never do with out reason they lie to the site about you and then your are banned. I was sad to realize that POF takes lies and the truth... But what do you expect it is free never pay for the site because this site is a joke...

Jenkintown, US
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May 24, 2014 7:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Plenty of fish sucks and is cheap website Markus should be fired for scamming people

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Jul 06, 2014 9:54 am EDT

Daniel is not the man he claims on this site. He lies and is very manipulative. He is verbally and mentally abusive. Dan is married and also has children with a mistress, he takes care of & sees none of his children due to his abusive behavior. This type of deceptive behavior in my opinion is untoloratable. He should not be permitted to use online dating sites to prey upon unsuspecting women who are like myself honest and sincere in a search for the same. Daniel also uses 3 email address to keep rejoining dating sites once he is "outted" so to speak they are ;
His phone number is [protected]
If you contact him re this issue he will become verbally violent with his speech also if a phone call is made he will yell & scream at you.

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Jul 24, 2014 8:07 pm EDT

AOL just really sucks. They could not compete in the IP business so now they have resorted to installing bogus software / spyware and tracking code. Did you ever wonder where the computer wimps that couldn't cut-it went? Look to companies like ebay, AOL and QuintStreet. If these loser were any good maybe they could find a decent job.

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Jun 10, 2018 9:50 am EDT
Replying to comment of wallytc

in my opinion Markus needs his dork face punched in

augusta, US
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Oct 22, 2014 9:07 pm EDT

As a user of of I will state that it is absolutely true. one psycho after the next. I met one who we only dated officially two days out of almost two months and he does not stop. he and his friends play stalking games and harassment games where they won't stop emailing me nasty messages. they continuously spread rumors about me and he barely knows me. he went and found my ex and dug up stuff to throw at me and say things to try to hurt me even more. please be careful who you meet. of is a bad place. I left my account because others were us sing my pics and meeting guys and talking to them and then these guys came looking for me where I live because of crazy allegations of us dating. he's not the only crazy I met.

roll Royce
London, GB
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Mar 01, 2015 10:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This web site is complete joke. there a user on there his profile marmalade59. he using the site like a pick up joint. some think needs to be done about him. his not using the site the way its been designed too. his collecting as much girls as possible on there. please can his profile be deleted

Miami, US
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May 26, 2015 1:38 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pof is run by #s. they will go bankrupt as more and more people hate them for their policies. especially the top # for his policy of trying to force people to his way of doing things. limiting emails to a range of 15 years. you gotta be kidding. dictatorial abuse of power. I hope they go bankrupt.

Kim Chinnien
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Nov 01, 2015 5:20 pm EST

Hate pof too.
Am a guy and had my profile deleted too... twice... without any explanation and without any wrongdoing on my part.
In the space of 2 weeks, I also had 3 promising contacts without any reason.
Somebody on their side is doing this... problem is... why?

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Dec 04, 2015 6:21 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It seems pof can prevent you from setting up a new account after wrongly deleting the original one!
A guy (with small man syndrome and an ego) sends a cheeky message for no reason absolutely slating me for liking tall guys "my preference" but i'm expected to just take this abuse and no to respond! I don't think so!

well pof you can stick your website where the sun doesn't shine...

You should check out a situation before deleting someone's account then preventing them from setting up a new one! online reviews will be done and I will slate your crap customer and management services as much as possible! I have a lot of friends on pof and will make sure they know that pof expects them to be abused on a daily basis and to just accept this abuse or face having their accounts deleted, i'm sure they will be amused.
It must be a bunch of chauvinistic clowns that run this site!
Pof encourages online abuse!

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Mar 03, 2016 3:29 am EST

Females who stalk and harass men they meet through POF and who hate rejection are common.
Men...beware of one Doree Buck in Portland, OR area. Search for "Doree" on POF. She's a pathological liar and manipulator.
She has multiple arrest records and convictions in Multnomah, Deschutes and Washington counties for stalking, harassment and petty crimes. She files fraudulent restraining orders if she's been rejected.
Her criminal records and mug shots are online...look em up. Currently on POF 3/3/16

Lied to again and again
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May 12, 2016 6:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Several but one in particular.
TWMyler is handle but also has a secondary account under pornaddct76
He has an STD and uses this site for hit and quit!

Concerned in W. Burg
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Jun 30, 2016 6:10 pm EDT

Craig Farley aka cuddlefish has an Std is meeting women and not telling them. He did however tell me, that's why I refused to date him! I have reported his profile 3 times and Pof will not take it down. Ladies watch out! The deadbeat lives with his son, has 7 children and can't support himself! Real winner this one! Located in Williamsburg va.

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Chelsey Lynne Gontier
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Aug 17, 2016 3:15 pm EDT

Plenty of is a waste of time & a croc website. the users are rude & only want sex. the markus guy did targeted my profile & removed all my pics & told me not to reply back & that was my only warning. so, this creator specializes in threaten its users.
Don't use the site & if on it, don't use money on the site. it's good for absolutely nothing. there's also racism up to higher heaven on this site. I was very displeased of the behavior of management & it's users.
I hope that is on a reported list to watch out for & bypass.

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Mar 23, 2017 1:55 pm EDT

I have had the same thing happen to me. I have done nothing wrong nor against their so called policies. I was talking to someone on there, had a message, went to check it and it kicked me off. I was unable to log back in. Kept saying incorrect username or password, nothing had been changed. So i created a new profile. It was deleted by POF within a few days. I created 5 that day, all deleted within minutes of being "live". Just created 3 today and all kicked off. Nothing about removing my profile makes any sense at all. I emailed them and got an automatic reply stating how they were sorry they cant reply to all emails, but if you are a paying user they would. One user, before i was kicked off the first time told me to go to hell. Then my profile was removed. It seems to me that this site is discriminating against women. As long as you are male, you're allowed to stay on there, even if married, which the site claims to have a 0 tolerance for. Such a crock of horse poop!

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May 02, 2017 4:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

correctamundo I feel the exact same way, it's the truth really and someone needed to say it.

Abuse Awareness
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Nov 30, 2017 8:07 pm EST

I have personally met 18 males on here claiming to want a relationship only to find out their entire profiles were lies and they were all narcissistic abusers... stay off this site

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Feb 24, 2018 11:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Exactly! I won't be going back. I've already been through 2 narcissistic sociopaths (pre pof), and now a rape thanks to pof, don't need more!

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Jun 10, 2018 9:52 am EDT

In recent days many man porno graphic profiles have been showing up with pictures of sexual acts when these are reported pof bans your account why?/ because markus frind is getting paid by these porno sites to allow them to be on pof pof bans men's accounts right and left for the simplest and stupidest of reasons yet women can use the f word and curse and say nasty thing pof is discriminatory towards men my account was banned to day for simply reporting a black man with a woman sucking on his private parts it is time to turn pof to the fbi and a class action law suite is in the works
markus frind need to have his [censored] kicked I hope some one hacks that site and destroys all it's data pof is unfair dishonest and full of perverts and scumbags

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Jun 11, 2018 1:23 am EDT

Adding to this... user on pof now (kkcsp) is his name, he was violent towards me (punched me on the arm, very hard, during a date at his home... very scary) pof have not deleted his account... women are being hurt verbally, lied to and shamed and made to feel terrible by this very damaged individual... there is a post on fb about him... catherine anne blackett has been de-frauded by thousands of pounds by him and he has a long list of hurt, damaged women in his past... recently he has hurt a woman and she only found the relevant post after he had done his work! so if anyone has any advice on how to "out" him... google search does bring up info... thomas raven/tom raven...

stop abusing men
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Sep 05, 2020 6:10 am EDT

I don't see how its fair that dating sites charge men yet women get the service for free

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