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3.6 66 Complaints
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Complaints 66

5:16 pm EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Willful abuse of my disabled grandson

My grandson is a twenty one year old ResCare client in Lubbock, Texas. I am his advocate.

For months my grandson has been bullied by another client in another of your houses on the other side of town. He has been physically assaulted, physically threatened, and intimated into handing over his belongings. Your local managers have a habit of taking my grandson and his roommates to this bully's house and "blending them" there. They frequently leave six grown men in the care of a single staff member who cannot possibly have eyes on all of her clients at the same time. He therefore has no protection there and he is terrified to be there. I've asked them to stop taking my grandson there, and they assured me they would. Not quite a month ago they took him to the house despite their promises and my grandson was so afraid he chose to isolate himself in the stifling hot garage (the temperature was 97 that day) until I could come and pick him up. I asked why he was taken there, and I was told by the staff's supervisor she didn't know; that she wasn't told by staff that was the plan. This morning he was taken there again. I was scheduled to pick him up at his own house at 9:30. At 8:19 I got a text from him saying they were taking another client to work, and then were going to the bully's house. On my way to pick him up he called me from the bully's house to find out how much longer I'd be. Your staff member got on the phone and screamed at me because my grandson refused to go in the house, and she felt she was inconvenienced because she had to stand in the hot sun with him. There was no concern at all about his safety; her only concern was that she was hot. Her supervisor gave me a lame excuse, saying they had a no-call/no-show and had no choice but to blend the house and take my grandson to the bully's house (the staff member who screamed at me gave a different version about having to "evacuate" my grandson's house because they were treating it for bed bugs). I honestly don't care what problems they're having with their personnel. My question is this: HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND that my grandson is not safe being forced into the house where he's been bullied and intimidated in the past? And WHY can't they get a handle on this? The solution is simple: TAKE HIM TO ANOTHER HOUSE. But nobody in your Lubbock Rescare seems capable of making that happen. I'm hoping you will.

Please note: when you talk to your local managers they will be quick to point out all the problems they've had with my grandson in the past. He has stolen on occasion and has lied on occasion and has done inappropriate internet searches. All of that is well-known and well-documented and HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this situation. I get outraged when they bring up his past problems as justification for taking him to the bully's house because one has nothing to do with the other. They are maintaining, in essence, that because he is not perfect it is okay to mistreat him. He has PDD; he is bi-polar and autistic. He has had problems in the past and will have problems in the future. Implying that his problems are justification to abuse him (and that's what putting him in the bully's house is) is NOT acceptable. Please, help me solve this problem. It should have been solved long ago.

Desired outcome: My desired outcome is simple. Stop taking my grandson to a place which terrifies him. You have houses all over Lubbock. He does not have to be taken to this one. Just take him somewhere else. That would fix the whole problem.

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Update by Fed Up in Lubbock
Aug 02, 2022 10:10 pm EDT

I spoke at length to one of your "investigators." He said he'd fix the problem. Instead the situation got worse. He made a lot of empty promises and said he would make sure the abuse stopped. That single phone call took place more than a month ago, and of course he never did a thing. Right after my first hotline complaint the abuse got much worse. Your Lubbock staff began retaliating against him on an almost daily basis. Based on the Texas State Ombudsman's recommendation, we appealed to the Lubbock StarCare office for a transfer to a different company. That transfer took place today. I arrived at Zachary's house early this morning and helped him pack up his things. In the process of doing that a particularly sadistic ResCare employee pulled into the driveway with a bully from another ResCare house who'd physically assaulted Zachary in the past. This individual came into the house and tackled Zachary in a completely unprovoked attack, causing him to hit his head on a wall and injure his back. Then he ran back outside and got back into the van, and the employee drove away. Bear in mind this man did not live in Zachary's house and had absolutely no valid reason to enter it, much less assault my grandson. When we left the house with his first carload of belongings we went to the Lubbock Police Department and filed assault charges against the man, and facilitation to commit assault charges against the employee who took him there. We went back at 1:00 p.m., as previously coordinated with ResCare, to pick up the rest of his belongings, which we had left in the garage. Your ResCare staff refused to open the garage to let us retrieve his personal belongings. Not knowing whether the assailant was coming back for round two, and certainly not anxious to encounter any more surprises, we left. Since your ResCare staff effectively stole his belongings, you owe him $2140.00, which is the estimated replacement cost for approximately 70 articles of clothing, 40 blue ray DVDs, and a tool box of assorted tools. I am ready to recover this amount in the courts if you choose to ignore this request, which I'm sure you'll do, in the same way your "investigator" ignored the abuse when he had a chance to stop it. If you surprise me by doing the right thing and reimbursing Zachary for the things your staff stole, your Lubbock ResCare staff knows his forwarding address. (Zachary is a reasonable man and bears no grudges. If your staff would rather return the stolen items to him, he says that's also acceptable. If that happens, rest assured we will inspect each item closely to ensure they haven't been damaged or tainted in some manner). Since my efforts to get your corporate people to fix this problem have been totally ignored, I'm going to put you on blast on social media. You'll probably ignore me too, but I'm hoping that perhaps you have at least one person who believes the nonsense you post about caring for the disabled. I'm not holding my breath. Your people in the Lubbock Rescare office should be in prison. Every last one of them, up to and including the director, who was complicit in the abuse. I'm not going away. I am making it my full time mission to tell the whole world what kind of operation you're running and the sadistic people you have working for you. You should feel ashamed for letting this go on.

Update by Fed Up in Lubbock
Jul 26, 2022 12:17 pm EDT

I already spoke with one of your investigators almost two weeks ago. He took down a lot of information and said he would help. Since then the original problem still remains. In addition, Lubbock ResCare is retaliating against my grandson DAILY. Your investigator HAS DONE NOTHING! I've reported the situation to the Texas State Ombudsman as well as the disabled abuse hotline. I've also taken the first steps to initiate a lawsuit.

All of this could have been avoided if your people in Lubbock had just kept my grandson away from a man who had bullied him in the past. That's ALL I've been asking for. Instead they pretended the problem didn't exist and used a long list of excuse to explain why they would not or could not comply. Then the retaliation started and the problem got ten times worse.

The people in your Lubbock office are criminally negligent for the abuse of my grandson. None of them should be in the position of providing care for anyone who is disabled. YOU had a chance to fix this problem before it digressed to this point. Instead your investigator got lazy and blew it off after PROMISING ME he'd fix it. You people are despicable. Your CEO will be getting a copy of this thread. I want him to see the quality of the people he has working for him.

Update by Fed Up in Lubbock
Jul 11, 2022 10:13 pm EDT

I notice the complaint I filed earlier no longer shows up on your website. I only see it once I log in. I hope I'm missing something, but if I can't see it without logging in, I assume no one else can either.

So here's the deal... I came to you in earnest, requesting your help. If your website is just for show, and if you deleted my complaint so your company wouldn't be embarrassed, you should know something...

I have compiled a considerable amount of evidence in your Lubbock ResCare operation that you WOULD NOT want to become public. Embezzlement, sexual misconduct involving staff and clients, disabled abuse and several other things.

I'm quite willing to share what I know with state investigators if you don't fix YOUR problem that I asked you to fix.

I hope it doesn't come to that. PLEASE REPOST MY ORIGINAL COMPLAINT AND GIVE IT THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES. Thanks in advance for your help.

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6:41 am EDT
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On 6/13/2022 at 9am I was at clients on cleaning up after a storm hit Fort Wayne Indiana. As I went to the back of the home to get some cleaning supplies I heard a woman’s voice to I returned in to the home and I greeted her and ask who she was. She never stated her name she had informed me that she was a ss at a different home and that she was there...

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1:43 am EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Horrible company

Worked here for 2 years experienced horrible coworkers and management. Lvn is racist and harass people 24/7. There was only 3 good coworkers and 1 great house manager.

Very unorganized, management is lousy , Lvn snitches for no reason , gets people fired , doesn’t know how to do her job.

And false advertising 10,000 for a sign on bonus it’s fake .

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5:59 pm EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services My son is a client at rescare in gore va

my son was not checked in on often as the staff was supposed to look in on him every 15 to 30 min my son is non verbal with minimal communication I reported to the area supervisor jay salinski that staff was allowing my son to spend countless hours in his room were he was infact urinating under the papers on his floor in his dress ect. not to mention the staff not properly assessing situations before reaching out to crisis intervention team reach or calling police on my son and accusing him of defecating into a thermos when he was simply trying to make hot chocolate because staff did not assist him putting his belongings from xmas and hot coco got in his possession and finally the area supervisor left my son in the er department for almost 9 days they just abandoned care pulling staff and my son could have left the er and nothing could have stopped him from doing that anything could have happened to him and area supervisor had staff place charges against him for assault as well so now my son has a court date I hate the fact I ever met this company or brought them into our lives they also continued to bill for groceries after my son food stamps was cut on and he would not try to speak with me about the fact6 they was still billing for groceries after food stamps was cut on not to mention they lied to me about the monthly allotment amount plus I cleaned my sons room and found Motrin under the trash and a pair of hair clippers in his possession as all was brought up to supervisor and he said he would retrain staff and nothing was ever done

Desired outcome: i do not think jay selenski should be in charge and i want to know whats going to be done about the neglect greywolf in gore was cited with please contact me further [protected]

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Fed Up in Lubbock
Lubbock, US
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Jul 11, 2022 9:02 pm EDT
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Ah, so that's why you have such a high percentage of resolved complaints. As soon as you post your standard blurb, you mark it resolved. Let me guess what happens next... nothing, right? Let's wait a few days and see.

8:28 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Leadership and management at local office

Issues were developing around a client that was difficult to care for. DSP working with him was on duty 20hrs/day 7 days a week. Client developed a breakdown in his skin integrity. Leadership did not listen to staff concerns or report the issue to APS or suspend the DSP except one time regardless of how many times it was reported. By allowing the DSP's behavior to continue the Program Manager did not have to work as a DSP in the home. She chose to not listen. Hiring staff was difficult for this location. Once reported to APS by various individuals (case manager, hospital ER, and others) the DSP was still allowed to work in the home with the client. I resigned. After I had resigned the Ex. Director had left for the day and returned after about 30 minutes and told me I was found negligent in the performance of nursing duties associated with your position ". I was being held responsible for the actions of another Registered Nurse so they would be able to tell APS and OHFLAC the nurse responsible is no longer working for ResCare. I was not the nurse caring for the client and the last time I saw him and assessed him six days prior, his skin was intact. I was not a Delegating RN. I should have resigned months prior when I saw the red flags, but did not because I wanted to help the agency rebuild their reputation within the community….. regrettably

Desired outcome: Be removed from being responsible in any way

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8:16 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Hiring process & treatment of staff

Almost everyone where I work is either related to each other, going to be related to each other or are very close friends. Staff are not treated equally, e.g., one staff receiving a Corrective Action while management overlooks another staff who is guilty of the exact same rule violation. Making and saving money is more important than the client and the welfare of staff. Having safe environments is an issue when things aren't fixed or not fixed correctly in order to save money.

Desired outcome: For employees to be treated fairly & equally, Work Orders to be completed in a timely manner, clients to receive new items, a trillion dollar company to pay employees more & to invest in improving facilities, especially group homes.

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4:10 am EST
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Rescare in Jasper Indiana is not a really good work facility. They hire staff who cuss at the clients talk to them however yjey have staff who treat some of the clients at skyview like friends getting drunk and high with them instead of being a staff memeber. there is staff who relay staff messages to clients and it starts fights Glenda davis at skyview ha...

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12:45 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Unauthorized payroll deductions, workplace hazing that was known, retaliation for reporting severe physical and emotional abuse of consumer

I was hired August 2020 by Brightspring to work as a DSP in a home in Homerville, GA by Melinda Easler from the Valdosta, GA home office. I opted in UHC health coverage shortly thereafter in October 2020 but days later, I cancelled due to a major life event that made it impossible for me to afford. (Divorce) UHC cancelled my coverage but Brightspring continued to deduct $138.60 weekly from my pay and also retro payments from insurance premiums for several months that I was not even employed with Brightspring. This resulted in my payroll check net amount being in the negative from November through January. My net amount on my paystubs was literally $0.00. Upon the very first deduction, I immediately called the Brightspring Benefits Helpline and was given the runaround. I have records to show that I called the Benefits helpline and spoke with a rep more 31 times from October 20th-January 15th to no avail. Also, I filed an appeal with UHC per Brightsprings orders to which I was again assured in writing that United Healthcare DID NOT have my money. My house manager and District manager also were contacting Corporate on my behalf because they were immediately made aware of the mistake. I worked through Thanksgiving, Christmas and 21 days of the New Year WITHOUT pay. By January 21st, 2021, I had maxed out my credit cards and blown through my savings. Due to major health issues exacerbated by the extreme stress caused by the incompetence of this companys' Human Resources and payroll employees, I filed for short term disability which was denied. Working at this place was one of the worst experiences of my life. Not only was I working without pay, I was getting subjected to hazing and getting treated horribly by 2 of my coworkers because I reported abuse that they were subjecting one of our consumers to. Once one of those employees was fired because apparently, this was not her first incident of physically abusing a consumer, the hazing towards me became much worse. I lost my car due to this. My claim for unemployment was denied. It has now been nearly 11 months and I still have not managed to dig myself out of the financial position my employment caused.

Desired outcome: I would like to my money that I worked hard for and sacrificed my dignity, health and safety over. I would to be fully compensated and the appropriate people had fully accountable so that this does not happen to anyone else.

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8:03 am EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Refusing to relocate

On Monday July 5 2021 I arrived at house #217 in Beverly WV around 6:45pm.My scheduled shift was 7pm-7am. This is also the house I would normally work as I have been in that location the entire time I've been employed through Rescare NE. The house was scheduled to have 2 people that night. The second night shift staff was due to arrive at 8:00 p.m. around 15 till 7:00 we received a phone call from Gladys a supervisor from a different area asking to speak to that staff. Once she arrived she probably returned the phone call and was asked to clock out and go to a different location where she had never been trained and wasn't familiar with the area. She declined that offer because she was not comfortable doing so. After refusing Gladys didn't have to speak to me. I was asked to do the same. I also refused due to the fact that I have not been trained at that house and wasn't familiar with the area. Once I refuse Gladys then told me that I would have to take it up with Katie the supervisor for our area that she was told to give me the message that since I had more seniority than anyone in the house and was refusing I needed to clock out and go home. I got off the phone with Gladys and called my supervisor. She advised me that if I did not go to the other location that I needed to clock out and go home. I asked why I would have to lose my hours due to what they had going on somewhere else. I had showed up 15 minutes early for my shift and had been clocked in and working for just a little over an hour when all of this happened. I explained to Katie that I couldn't afford to lose the hours and ask again what the reason was. She explained to me that if I didn't do it it would cause another supervisor to have worked 5 days in a row. I then asked have been working 5 days in a row was more of an issue than me losing my hours and being short on my pay. Katie was very clear that she didn't feel a supervisor should have to work 5 days in a row that it was more important for them not to than me being short my hours from not going. I then explain that I was not trained at that house and that I knew without training I was allowed to refuse. I understand that it had I been trained and refused a
corrective action could be taken. That was not the case. For years I have worked Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday one week Monday Wednesday and Friday the next. Katie reminded me that they didn't have to run that schedule threatening that she would change it. My schedule had nothing to do with the issue and I should not have been threatened by it being changed bc I refused. I stated that I would not be bullied into doing something I wasn't comfortable doing and that I would take it up with human resources and call the Union. Katie told me that my every other Day schedule wasn't part of the Union yet I pay union dues that's taken out of every paycheck. I was told "end of discussion "and had no other communications &
had to clock out and leave my shift.

Desired outcome: I lost my pay for my shift bc I wasn't allowed to work. I depend on my hours and have bills to pay. I want my money.

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7:27 pm EDT
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Some of The staff at Rescare in Bedford Indiana are unprofessional, very rude, and treat other staff/clients like garbage. I did not cover a shift for one of the staff, and now they are accusing me of all kinds of things, and had me moved from the house they work in. I worked in a house where the clients sister is staff, along with her mother. I am not the...

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7:30 am EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Unsafe working conditions / neglect

DSP (direct support professionals) fighting in the parking lot with tasers and sleeping on the job. I worked in Lake City Cluster as a nurse and I was personally harassed, intimidated and threatened by a handful of DSP's, management did nothing. I called their compliance hotline and it took almost 2 hours to file a complaint because the woman hardly spoke English I had to spell out almost every word to her.

Desired outcome: Give appropriate care to developmental/ handicapped clients

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10:26 pm EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services home care

My mother Ethel Geathers went without care on Saturday night and Sunday night of this weekend. She is serviced by the Georgetown, SC offices. She was not contacted about who was going to be there, nor was she informed that whoever was scheduled would not be there at all. Melixxa and Saretta have both assured that my mother would never be without assistance. My mother relies heavily on a walker, especially after having broken her hip, and does not have the use of one hand. SHE HAD TO GO TO THE KITCHEN TO GET FOOD AND COULD ONLY HANDLE GETTING YOGURT. This is unacceptable. It is NEGLIGENCE. And on top of this, with all the numbers available to call, there is NO ANSWERING SERVICE. This is NOT a properly run health care organization if you can't reach anyone when the expected help does not arrive.

Desired outcome: Get an after hours answering service. Fire the individuals who did not show up as expected.

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Jun 11, 2021 10:58 am EDT

I was a nurse in lake city fl for 1 1/2 months recently I was harressed and threatened because I woke up a sleeping DSP. Another DSP slept in her car for 4 hours and I was not allowed to reprimand of course I quit. I also witnessed neglect and verbal abuse. They cover things up so they dont get tagged. I called state and compliance and spoke with a woman whom hardly even spoke english so so sad im sure nothing has been done.

3:36 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Tax information

My name is Madison Vannatta and I am a former employee for Rescare my employee number was 0613700 and I was able at one point to log into Brightspring and see all my tax and payment information I no longer can access that. The address that was on file when I worked for Rescare is not the correct address and I need to be able to access or change my address please let me know what I need to do in order to get my W-2 thank you in advance.

Desired outcome: Get my W-2

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12:59 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Staff working at treeline in terre haute

The staff there is very unprofessional there have been multiple times the staff have messed up meds and giving them to the wrong clients and covered it up. The DSL picks favorites and does not treat DSPs equally there. There is no order and no one seems to care for the clients. Lack of communication and lying. They have covered up many serious issues and do not inform house manager of things taking place. Instead they spend more time trying to run new people and poc out of the house. Nurse that is over the house is very neglectful as well. DSL has being lying to other workers in the house and starting drama as well.

Desired outcome: That something be changed or fixed or they re do training of how to care for clients, communicate, and properly pass meds

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8:50 pm EST
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I work for the company of Rescare located in Manhattan, Kansas. Since I've worked for this company starting in March, 2020, I have witnessed two different supervisors get fired, alongside the hiring manager. Now management if filled with DSP staff I have worked with in the same year. The unprofessionalism has increased, I have had multiple conversation...

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9:00 pm EDT
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Mail drop off - main office on court house road

Ami Rae Powell 9-25-86 is a consumer at Rescare Harmon School road, Princeton, WV. I am the guardian. Due to corona I am not allowed to go there, so last week I dropped her birthday card/with money at the main office. They assured me she would get it by last Friday. She still hasn't received it. My question: where is it? Who has it? Why did she not get it?

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7:36 pm EST
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My father, Cottrell Wesson is a Veteran who receives services from your Jennings, Louisiana location. A little over a week ago, I filed a complaint against staff at this site because of ineffective coordination of care, follow-up, and poor staff planning. I would like to address ineffective communication as well. On February 4, 2020, after 4:30 pm, I...

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12:38 am EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services staff, specifically tracy and jimmy/james.

There has been many incidence with a staff named Jimmy. He neglected to give my brother (Darwin Burket) his nightly med on 1/13/20. My brother also reported that a fellow house mate feel down the stairs resulting in major injurie while on Jimmys watch. Jimmy Is negligent to his responsibility of human life. Tracy Talks down to and is very hostile to Darwin. There has been many times when I will pick up Darwin and she will be wrapped up in a blanket sitting a foot away from the tv. She is not professional by any means and is incredibly rude to residents, staff and family or friends of residence. She is very disrespectful and her staff feed of that and then also think they can treat residence poorly. It has been stated that Tracy allows a specific resident to come home strung out on drugs and she does not report that. It should be investigated because that's not her decision to decide what she reports and doesn't. Is has also been stated that she bring illegal drugs to work with her and will smoke marijuana on the job. I also feel like this should be investigated because she is putting the residence in danger, my brother in danger.
Please Contact me. We have a video of my husband confronting jimmy about about the neglect of my brothers medication and he laughed it off and said Tracy mislabeled it. There is many things wrong with this house and it breaks my heart for 1. That my brother doesn't feel safe or comfortable especially when jimmy or Tracy are on the clock and 2. That my brother is not being taken care of properly. He is a human and deserves to be treated properly and respectfully. He has endured many years of abuse, he doesn't need to be treated poorly by Tracy and neglected by jimmy in a place that is getting payed to take care of him.

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Jul 09, 2020 1:44 pm EDT

Hi julie. While trying to get them reprimanded for the wrong doings that they clearly shouldn't be doing while on the job, I would give adult protective services a call and let them know what is going on and that you are scared for your brother and his housemates safety. I'm sure you have already called the main office and spoke to the executive director in your area that the staff work out of. If not I would talk to them first and if it doesnt change then call aps. Hope this helps out and I'm sorry about your brother's situation.

7:49 pm EST
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To Whom It May Concern: My family and I are complaining against the CNA who comes in to clean twice a week for my mother. She is rude and has a attitude problem. Her name is Kathy. She got an attitude with my sister when she asked her a simple question. We do not trust her. She roams our house in areas she is not supposed to be. We do not want her to come...

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4:00 pm EST
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ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services the manager

Hello, I am trying to contact someone about the house on Colorado st in kingman AZ. I was just laid off from there and the manager Chelsea ledesema has been ignoring the fact that I wasn't paid for the 24 hours training I did. I have repeatedly contacted her and she keeps telling me "it's not her problem ". I tried getting a hold of payroll and they won't call me back. That house is so unprofessional and something needs to be done. I've been there before when Chelsea let another girl bring her little boy to the house and told me not to say anything. All I want is the money that I worked for. If something does not get done I will contact my lawyer.

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Overview of ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services complaint handling

ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 6, 2008. The latest review I am complaining about two employees. was posted on Feb 14, 2024. The latest complaint I am complaining about two employees. was resolved on Feb 14, 2024. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 66 reviews. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services has resolved 43 complaints.
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  2. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services phone numbers
    +1 (866) 737-2273
    +1 (866) 737-2273
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    +1 (502) 423-4336
    +1 (502) 423-4336
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  3. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services emails
  4. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services address
    9901 Linn Station Road, Louisville, Kentucky, 40223–3808, United States
  5. ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services social media
  6. Olivia
    Checked and verified by Olivia This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024
  7. View all ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services contacts
ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services Category
ResCare / BrightSpring Health Services is ranked 47 among 357 companies in the Beauty and Well-being category

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