Sacred Sanctuary Retreat in Florida had a visit from the DEA. and Aluna Healing in California are next. Aluna kept mouthing off using Han Maasland that the Spiritual Master would be reported to the authorities for organizing ayahuasca retreats. The curse appeared in America as the authorities raiding ayahuasca retreats and it does not concern the Spiritual Master. Sacred Sanctuary Retreat never had an exemption and they were operating illegally from the start.
The facts are Sacred Sanctuary Retreat was hit with a raid from the DEA and they admitted it on their website. It was ayahuasca and there are pictures of big jugs of ayahuasca on their Facebook and loads of comments about how they had to halt retreats. and how they got raided.
It was in December 2024. This is some of the comments about it.
Our beloved church, Sacred Sanctuary, is under attack by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
As many of you know, Sacred Sanctuary, our cherished place of healing, spirituality, and community, has been struck by an unexpected and unjust raid by the DEA.
We have been forced to halt our ceremonial use at this time.
The Spiritual Master is not responsible for the DEA intervention actions that do raids on ayahuasca retreats in America. When you are not legal and you get raided. It's your fault.
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We are quoting the Spiritual Master and this is what he said. This is the source of the comments.
Aluna Healing Centre (Ayahuasca and MDMA retreats California) — Making legal threats, threatening dea informants by proxy, unethical behaviour.
When Sacred Sanctuary Retreat in Florida got busted just after December 8th 2024 by DEA (Drug Enforcement Authority) for ayahuasca (promoting ayahuasca retreats online, just like Aluna are) Aluna decided to stop commissioning harassment, harassment posts, revenge postings on my profiles, spamming my website forms with lists of urls, something they have been doing for years.
Aluna stopped it as they are in a new reality in the United States of America where DEA can, and do, do raids on ayahuasca retreats. When they come, you are arrested, placed in criminal proceedings and your ayahuasca retreat business is suspended (for a very long time), and then you have to ask for a DEA exemption to restart, and Aluna will not get a CSA exemption based on the background to the case.
Chacruna Institute advised people not to ask for a CSA exemption which is plain stupid, you have to have one before you supply ayahuasca in the United States, and that is what the law is.
Aluna are also not a bona-fide Church and as explained we are not responsible for the legal problems in the ayahuasca community, and the facts are they (the bulk of the ayahuasca community in multiple countries operating ayahuasca retreats) are defying law with intent and then crying poor me when the dawn raids come.
Daniela of Aluna kept defaming the Spiritual Master as mentally sick and she was ordering harassment stalking attacks for Inner Child Integrative Aluna retreat to try and get in his energy for the 8th.
It was December 6-8th 2024 and it was the wrong 8th, and because Han Maasland kept posting he would be reported to the authorities in the USA for ayahuasca, it appeared as a DEA raid at Sacred Sanctuary.
Backstory from January 2024.
When the Drug Enforcement Agency do a raid at 13200 Pine Ave, Potter Valley, CA, United States, California and find lots of iilicit substances we will say they brought it on themselves (hoisted by their own petard) and throwing stones in glass houses (meaning if you are trafficking and dealing in drugs don't accuse others of the same crime).
They have even put their address online in clear view for the Drug Enforcement Agency 13200 Pine Ave, Potter Valley, CA, United States, California
Here is the DEA information
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Johannes posts) also means you better serve Aluna or we will report you to the authorities for supplying and selling ayahuasca. You can see its them and they are advertising MDMA and Ayahuasca online
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If I was this Spiritual Master and someone kept posting I would be defamed for raping kids and snitched out to law enforcement for doing drugs when I aint, then write I love doing it and you cant stop me doing it. Then let me tell you something when I see your doing drugs. The first thing I will do is turn your names over to law enforcement and come on guys you were really begging for it. People are right this Aluna place is a circus show full of lunatics nutters and people off their rockers. Freedman's people were cracking arson jokes about how they love stalking the Spiritual Master and his Star beings crippled Freedman's race at A1 sorcery. Freedman was in Portugal for these 8ths and Johannes Maasland wrote keep going, keep going, we all loving it. Daniela kept writing he is an autistic baby and needs to grow up. Its growing up time for some very immature and babyish idiots, law enforcement will give these people life lessons in growing up.
Aluna Ayahuasca Healing Center California — Drug enforcement agency violations, witness tampering, supply schedule 1s
Aluna was sending the Spiritual Master emails saying he was mentally ill and there was offensive content of bestiality and comments about rape and blow jobs. The rest are not emails but just copypasted from this complaint and when they proved it was Aluna they stopped it.
They were stalking him to make him do Freedman's punishing arrangement and Freedman admitted making false allegations, and he was parroting Johannes saying he was mentally ill and full of froth.
They were doing it for these ayahuasca 8th retreats also and where it says 8th harassment it means do an ayahuasca retreat on the 8th and tell Johannes post he's a pedophile. Then say you never did it and your lying. The Spiritual Master is beyond reproach and that means without blame.
I also never defamed Sacred Sanctuary Retreat, and the allegation (made by Aluna Healing Center, from their email, and by Daniela Mar) that defamed and lied about them (as an organization serving the medicine "ayahuasca" in the United States), is completely false.
Clearly they got raided, ayahuasca was confiscated by the Drug Enforcement Authority, and the admissions are all over their website, Instagram and Facebook. They were advertising ayahuasca retreats online, they never had a CSA exemption from the authorities, and they got busted. That did happen, and good luck trying to say I lied about the raid, when the truth is clear for all to see. Aluna are the liars in this story.