I did NOT enjoy spending my time or money for my "photoshoot" with Sarah Cabrera-Hernandez. She claims that she has been doing makeup and photos for "years" and that she is "self-taught" but after my actual experience with her, I see that she has a lot of learning to do. She piled on heavy layers of makeup on my face (WHICH LATER CAUSED ME TO BREAK OUT INTO A RASH) and when I got home, my husband was really upset and disappointed becuase my face looked like it was MELTING off. During the shoot, she would pose me like she has many of the other, MUCH THINNER, clients in various uncomfortable and "[censored]-like" poses claiming each time that they were going to be "great". It was obvious to me that she does not know what she is doing and even worse, she is claiming to be both a photographer and a makeup artist who can "make anyone beautiful" when instead she should advertise that she can ONLY make anyone look like a [censored]. You can also tell that she does not edit all of her clients the same, and is selective about who she actually wants to do a good job for. But my biggest complaint is that she did not take the time to actually consider what I wanted and CONSULT me, her client. Her "studio" is actually a revamped attic and the girl who did my hair even complained about her work. Sarah does what SHE wants and the CLIENT has to pay for her "vision".
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am still surpirsed that no one has reported her to the california state board! She is making (real) licensed professionals who took the time and effort to earn their credientals look bad. Her work is way to overrated, and to be blunt its FAKE. I've seen a few girls out in public and I can tell u this that 75% percent of them do not even come close to how sarah portrays them to be. I mean are u really paying all this money to look fake? Whatever happend to natural beauty? and the other 25% percent are already beautiful and really dont need her help to look good. She should really call herself a Myspace or FB photographer as thats all she will ever be! and everyone else is right! Your a little girl trapped in a grown ups body. Start acting like an adult stayout of other peoples personal business...
I know Sarah on a personal level and she is NOT the nicest person. She talks alot of trash about alot of people in a very small town. Chances are if your talking bad about someone it will get back to them. On a "professional" level and I use that term loosely, gals save your money. get a camera and photoshop and do it yourself. You'll be just as pleased with the results. She cheats the system on local, state and federal levels. I am a hardworking woman who pays taxes and it sickens me to know that her pockets are lined with money that other hardworking women give her. BUYER BEWARE FOR SURE!
I know Sara on a personal level to and she does talk A LOT but I can't help but wonder if she is writing this stuff herself to get people to feel bad for her? some of the comments sound a lot like she does and i cant say i would never see her doing this. she is def someone who likes people to feel bad for her but its really hard to when we know what she says about other people. I am friends with several people who know her and we all agree she is pretty messy with her business both professionally and personally. Sara is just a bit immature and i hope those folks at Shine don't go down with her.
I love how everyone that has had a bad experience with her is considered a "hater", "jealous", "ignorant" etc. I also think it's a bit funny how this site has back fired on her. She originally posted this on her facebook profile asking her groupies to add positive comments. So desperate for a little stroking to her ego. So as the negative reviews seem to be POURING in, that doesn't make anyone a "hater" as "team sarah" likes to think. believe it or not "team sarah" not everyone is impressed by her or her work. not even some of the ladies that work at shine. so for all you ladies that like drama, [censored] talking, over editing, and over paying for a service, I say go for it! I personally think she's way over-rated.
Does anyone notice how many "photographers" Napa has gotten lately? I have been a local photographer for many years now, before it was "cool", and I can say from an artistic standpoint that she is limited in what she can do. It is clear that her customers are not familiar with professional work. Based on what I've seen on her FB, her outdoor shots are HORRIBLE and her editing varies from not enough to way overdone! I have also seen many of her "models" out and about in Napa and what she does to them with editing alone does make them look extremely fake. I would agree that she is a FB photographer since most people don't look like that. And to be honest, she doesn't look like her photos either. But I think the most disturbing images of all are of the young girls that are on her page. They are CHILDREN and you make many of them appear much older and over sexualized. It's okay if you want to paint the faces of the 18+crowd, but to objectify your own child is disturbing. If you want a real photographer that captures what a real portrait is intended to, then search for other local photographers that have more experience and more variation. And if you want makeup, there are a bunch of those out there too that are willing to charge far less than what she does.
I used to work with Sarah and I agree that she is NOT a nice person. When I first met her, I thought she was really nice and professional, but as she became comfortable in her job and with us, she got really sloppy. She was always talking about some one and she made fun of just about anyone who came into our store. She isn't shy with her personal business and anyone who knows her has to be careful. If she can talk about her own family like that, she will repeat your business too. We were all guilty of taking an eyeliner or two, but she would really take a lot of product and give a lot out to her friends. I'm glad to see that she has gone into business for herself since I think it would be hard for her to work with other people. Her messy style will eventually catch up to her.
The previous complaint is actually mine. I was using someone else's computer! Oops!
It's pretty hard not to know who Sarah is in this small town and good or bad, the facts are clear. She charges WAY TOO much for work that is not consistent, she has a very specific style of photography that tends to make her models look much older than they do in person, she is a bit heavy with her makeup, and she needs to work on being a professional. But who cares if she is a nice person or anything else about her personal life for that matter? I am sure she is nice when you are paying her.
Sarah is very nice when you meet her and tries her best to make you feel comfortable during your session, but I have to disagree with some of the people who say she is open to feedback. After meeting her and reading her responses to the person making the complaint and the other comments, I don't feel comfortable talking to her. I agree that she charges a lot, and you only get 1 or 2 pictures and I didn't get to look at the pictures to pick which one I liked. I think that she knows this and that is why she is always offering discounts for specials. I also didnt realize that the makeup would be so heavy, which makes a lot more sense now when I see the picutres in her albums. Most of these girls do not look like their pictures and some of her editing does make people look sort of fake. And it takes her a long time to get your pictures, but i notice she posts new pictures of the ones she likes or who are her friends. I would also have to agree with some of the other people who say that your money would be better spent with some of the other local photographers and make-up artists. It will be cheaper and you get a lot more pictures for the money.
Like a lot of other woman I was impressed with her work when I first was friend requested by her on Face Book. I thought it would be fun to get dolled up and get pinup style pictures. I contacted Miss Hernandez and after a couple of brief messages I set up an appointment. She assured me that she could do a fabulous job and she told me she was looking forward to our shoot. I did think that her pricing was high, but I thought it was a one time oppurtunity and I should go for it. The day of my appointment I was contacted and she let me know that her first shoot was running late and she would have to push my time back, which would have been fine, but I took time off of work for the specific time my appointment was scheduled for. I showed up for my appointment, at which time she still had not cleaned her brushes from the previous client or had even begun to get ready for me. Another thing that I found to be rude was she answered a couple of personal phone calls during the makeup application. Not only that, but she proceeded to fill me in on information about what the phones calls were about and who they were about. She also kept telling me how tired she was and how much editing she had to do on other clients pictures. After my makeup was caked on she had me look at it to see what I thought. It probably would have been ok other than the fact that one eye had more makeup on it than the other. She assured me that she would fix it in the editing? I left the session feeling, well let's be honest, ripped off and I hadn't even seen the pictures yet. Finally after a couple of weeks I was notified that I could pick my disk up. I know a lot of other girls that have had pictures done by Sarah so I know how many pictures should have been on my disk. I recieved 6 pictures of which there we 2 pics just zoomed in or out 3 times.
The "editing" was so over done that they didn't even look like me. I showed them to my boyfriend and a few friends and they all said the same thing "is that supposed to be you" or "who is that". I know that I'm an attractive female so I don't know why she felt the need to alter my pics so much. But as time has gone by and the more I have seen her work and her clients in everyday life, she does it to all of them. She is not a photgrapher she is a photoshopper. And a really bad one at that. Ladies if you want to have your pictures taken go to a reputable photographer that specializes IN PHOTOGRAPHY. I definitely would not go back to her and whenever I here someone thinking about going to her I steer them elswhere.
i am just curious as to how much you gals are paying for this service?
Sarah Hernandez is nothing more then a criminal. She is practicing cosmetology without a license and she is over charging her clients for a half-[censor] no skilled job. I mean literally ladies come on u can doll yourself over with a ton of make-up and take a ton of photos zooming in and out and crop the hell out of them and u got what people call SH quality work. On-top of having a nasty attitute and being extremely un-professional she likes to mix her personal life with business which for real professionals with real clients is a big no no. I mean no one wants to hear about your llame personal life or anyone invovled in it, and to be truthful the only reason her as people call it "Team Sarah" even supports her is because they get free pictures done and they can add them to their wondeful facebook or myspace accounts and have people post picture comments and how wonderful it must make them feel to have fake photo choped pictures of what is supposed to be themselfs. To be truthful they are probably only nice to her because as I hear it her gorilla look alike husband is probably sleeping around with all her so-called friends...
WOW! I was going to write about my experience with Sarah and it sounds very similar to what happened to not.impressed. She answered her phone during my session and the only reason it takes as long as it does is because she is unorganized and unfocused. It was pretty clear that she was arguing or mad at someone and rushed her work with me. And she did exactly the same thing and started complaining about how much work she has to do, etc. etc. Making money is more important than quality and customer satisfaction and unless you are friend of hers or she needs you for a specific look, don't expect much. I was going to Shine long before Sarah ever came to the salon and I have to say, putting her at the front counter or even having her downstairs with the stylists is a bad decision. it really ruins the expereience of an otherwise nice salon. And she and her "gorilla look alike husband" have their business all over the salon and this city! Stop already and grow up!
OK... I don't know Sarah at all but my daughter is friends with her on fb and i kind of feel bad for her. First off, my daughter asked me if she could have some money to take pictures. Her prices (ranging from 100 and up for very few photos) are extremely overpriced and I think her make up is a bit too heavy for children, so naturally I refused to allow my daughter (who is 17) to go to her for services. But what is really upsetting is that my daughter, who's friends have used her services, really looks at her fb page and this woman shares too much personal information with random people! Tonight, as I was looking at her page, I saw that she listed the school that her children attend BY NAME! Hello! You are friends with RANDOM strangers, and possibly pedophiles! You should be ashamed of yourself! And then she writes to some random girl who's default photo is of her holding her middle finger up and writes "so hold your middle finger high!" Are you kidding me? Mrs. Hernandez, please remember that you are "friends" with children and influential teens, you are a parent, and if this fb site is being ran as a business site, listen to the advice of your friends and leave that immature garbage for your personal page! I will NEVER allow my daughter to use your services and I am quite surprised with several of the comments written on this site. It is a true display of your character and you should really look at yourself before posting advice.
A Concerned Parent
Has anyone seen Sarah up close!?! If she is saying that the makeup needs to be heavier for photos, what is her excuse as the photographer? It makes sense why she does face painting at NVLA because she wears a LOT herself. It is NOT flattering to wear that much coverup on your face. I was pretty shocked to see her up close. If this is what your clients look like when they leave, then I am not surprised by some of these comments. Save that crap for halloween!
Very disappointed in Sara's level of professionalism. Make-up application was uneven and heavy and photos took much longer than her work shows for them. Very immature conversation and allows for distraction which adds to the length of your appointment time. Will not return or refer anyone. Her work is intended for high school students who want to look older. Another local makeup artist, Holly Neal Makeup, does much better quality work and doesn't over edit in photoshop to compensate for poor application.
Don't worry folks! I know for a fact that the people that are VERY close to her think the same thing but smile in her face everyday and feed her head with lies so they can get free pictures and makeup. The truth is coming out about her and it isn't from strangers!
Sarah Hernandez was hired to photograph pictures of a co-workers wedding. She showed up in jeans, a t shirt, and a banana clip. REALLY? Not very professional if you ask me. I hope the pictures turn out better than her appearance.
Sarah has a foul mouth and is unprofessional. Her appearance at the wedding does not surprise me. If it's not about her, she just won't dress for the occasion. Just look at Chata's personal page and you can see for yourself what your dealing with. She carelessly calls people "[censor] and [censor]s"and yet she presents herself on her business page as a innocent victim who doesn't understand why people don't think she is as wonderful as her fb friends do. That's because they don't know you or they aren't getting free pictures. All they know are your photoshopped pictures and random blurbs of "appreciation" on fb. What they don't realize is half the people she photographs are getting their jobs for FREE or she is trading them pictures for more random artwork to cover her beefy arms! She goes through friends like she does makeup and like makeup they don't last. Before you seek her services, do your research on the person and see what she's really about.
For all the TEAM SARAH fans, take a look at modelmayhem.com and see where her "original" ideas really come from. This is a website for professional models and artists and photographers. Just looking at the site, you can see where she gets her ideas from.She is a fraud. She takes concepts and ideas from real artists and throws her twist on them as if she thought of them herself! Give me a break Sarah! Just because you bought some softboxes background paper and a load of MAC makeup does not make you a professional or an originator in any way. Just looking at some of your complaints, it seems like your biggest "haters" are closer than you think.
"beefy arms" LMFAO!
Is that why Aldo's so fat?
OK, when I first came across this site, I was surprised to see how many negative comments Sarah has gotten in the past few months but I have to say she's asking for it. First off, her work is on and off. I know a few people that used to be her guinea pigs when she was snapping pictures with a compact camera and I have also noticed how very few have come back. That's because she has become so BIG HEADED that she thinks her work (whcih used to be FREE) is worth the hundreds of dollars she charges! Its absurd! Her rates are way to high for what she actually does! Yes, she applies makeup, yes, she takes pictures, and yes, she edits the images, but her prices are not worth it! She used to give people 10 times more images for hundreds less. She is a fb/myspace photographer that LIVES on the internet and enjoys posting random comments and tagging people so that everyone's wall is full of her garbage! And the comment about her model mayhem profile really makes sense! I have never even heard of this site and after brosing around, I was surprised to see similar images as the ones she has taken. But the funnyest thing is that she is now on the hunt for Herbalife because of someone called her "beefy"! Oh Sarah, I used to admire your work, but now, I think you need to stop trying so hard to impress everyone and come back to reality! Your insecurities are becoming obnoxious. Good luck on your diet and rethink your prices or you are going to be offerring specials for the restof your short lived career!
sarah morris lane blows anything that sarah cabrera hernandez does out of the water. with her eyes closed and her hands tied behind her back.
I agree! Sarah Lane Studios is a much classier, sophisticated photography service with an impeccable reputation for high quality and no drama! "SCH Studios" only tries to duplicate the work. Unless you like the overmade and oversexed look, why would you go to someone who is a self procroclaimed makeup artist and not a real photographer for photos? Lyzzy deserved better than what Sarah did for her wedding pics and people need to stop telling her that she should be shooting in Hollywood! Stop kissing her butt to get free pictures! But if she keeps doing them for free then I can't blame you! And Sarah is the last person to say anything about marriage when her slimy husband is flirting with every girl, including her so called friends all over Napa! I see him around once in a while and it sure isn't with her!
She's definitaly no wedding photographer.
Sarah is a liar! She claims that she does not keep images after she's done with a job, but yet she is "featuring" new images that are years OLD! SHe used to post her "work" on myspace and some of these pictures are repeats to make people that don't know better THINK she is that busy! But what about the jobs that people have PAID for!?! You claim you don't sleep Sarah and yet you spend all of your time playing on fb and editing old stuff and not doing the work you are being PAID to do!? ANd why is the turnaround time so long? You edit 1 or 2 images and charge ridiculous amounts of money for them and you burn them on a cd or email the images! That's IT! Stop advertising to get more "shoots" when you can't even keep up with the customers that PAID! Any REAL photographer knows that if it takes you THAT long to photoshop, that means your not very skilled behind the camera or you are just plain and simply LAZY! I just LOVE how you acts like you have "staff" when you don't PAY anyone anything because you are selfish and arrogant! She offers free pictures to anyone that will give her a discount or trade so don't get too excited people, she is a fraud! And for the comments about Sarah Lane Studios, it is an insult to even compare this criminal with a legitimate photographer and businesswoman like Sarah Morris Lane. Everyone who lives in this small town knows if you want quality for the money, your not going to find it with SCH Studios!
i just saw sarah and aldo yesterday and all i can say is wooooooowwww! they are just gross and sloppy. ew.
I find it so ironic that Sarah is offended by this website, considering she "hates" as she would call it on numerous people verbally on a daily basis. Hey Sarah, sucks to be the one on the other end. Doesn't it?!
Keep posting feedback people! Regardless if it's personal or professional, poor little sarah is reading and it is FINALLY making her get off her lazy [censor] and get our pictures done! i think its so funny how she blogs about how people don't understand her "vision" or her "art" but its all so people can refill her already inflated head with compliments telling her how wonderful she is. It is obvious that she is insecure and the way aldo flirts with people in this town, she shoud be. Get off your tail and start editing and stop acting like we care about what your kid wants to be for haloween!
I think it's great that other people don't think Sara's work is as outstanding as her fans like to think. She is taking already beautiful girls and overglamourizing them to much if you ask me. I mean really, does an 18 year old REALLY need THAT much makeup to take a pretty pciture? If you compare a professional photographer's work with sara's you can see why she is being criticized. A professional photographer features balanced and well composed photographs that are appealing and taht tell a story. Sara's "best work" and i use that phrase loosely, features heavy eye makeup and sad attempts at magazine style poses. When she does try to step out of her comfort zone, like with her attempts at wedding photos or senior portraits, her work is washed out and unbalanced. Her work makes her look more like a "fan" of photography than a "pro". she lines her studio with images from fashion magazines and makes numerous attempts to copy other photographers work to no avail. She takes on more work than she is equipped for (often complaining about camera or computer problems) and based on the other comments, her immaturity is definitely a problem. do your research before using this service.
okay, PLEASE stop with the HORRIBLE Halloween "shoots". So poorly done and amateur.
I am so sick and tired of hearing about Sarah Cabrera Hernandez! Whether it's good or bad, i think that she has a BIG head, both physically and figuratively. She has become a boil on the butt of Napa and people need to stop calling her a photographer! She is a amateur NOT a PROFESSIONAL! And who does she think she is asking people to pay more than her camera is WORTH for photos that are abysmal!?! Earth to Sarah, you aren't good enough to charge as much as you do for so little work!
Boring work from a self proclaimed "artist" -SCH needs a new hobby
Overrated and amateur photographer who has more personal issues than skills. Sarah needs to move her and her wanna be husband out of napa! There reputations continue to make napa look like we are a bunch of idiots and wanna bes.
Sorry but her editing SUX! OMFG! She did my friends pictures and recently posted them and WTF!?! Her hands look HUGE! If you're gonna edit the pix then edit them right! Sarah claims she pays attention to detail and is a photographer but what happened to my friend? Hella people are laughing at her and making fun of her "man hands" and she spent money on them and sarah put them on her page! OMG how embarassing. And another girl I know said sarah edited her pic and made her look crosseyed. great work sarah- NOT!
first it's HALLOWEENSHOOTS and now XMASSHOOTS! Dear lord, she is about as creative as a two year old with crayons. Hint for all her "clients"- that much makeup makes you young ladies look old!
Times must be hard becuase now she has become a salesperson for USED MAC pigments online! LMFAO! aww.. poor Sarah... people finally see that your actual photography isn't worth the disc you burn them on? You have to sell makeup now to pay the bills?
is everything that comes out of this womans mouth bull [censored]? not that long ago she was bosting about how she's booked out for 5 months, now you can get xmas pictures done and "edited" by christmas? and who wants used make-up anyway? gross, considering how i've seen first hand how she "cleans" her brushes.
In true Napa form, Sarah has evolved her business into a flea market with crappy pictures, used makeup and now hairy jewelry. Bravo Mrs. hernandez, bravo.