I purchased a simmons mattress 6 years ago, it cost 1400$. We loved the mattress but noticed that over time there has been a divot on my side, it has progressed to making that side unusable. It is the type of mattress that can not be flipped. It has a warranty, I had someone from the company come out..they didnt ask any questions, took measurements and said it was fine. It isn't fine! I am 82 and it is hurting my back. They said that I should but a new one and they would see what they could do to compensate me. But they wouldn't give any guarantees that I would be. I bought this mattress for the guarantee
I want them to honor the warranty and get me a new mattress or a reasonable amount refunded to me as per the warranty
compre 2 reclinables simmons de color negro y supuestamente de piel, en una tienda, resulta que no son de piel y fue un regalo que le hice a mis padres en el 2012 y uno de ellos el mecanismo se rompio, y los dos se han despellejado o sea se le ha hido desprendiendo el color de la pintura que dando una tela debajo, hay me di de cuenta que no es piel, en tan poco tiempo como se ha deteriorado esos dos reclinables, donde solo lo usan ellos dos solito para sentarse, mis padres son desabilitados al igual que yo, reuni con sacrificios ese dinerito para hacerle ese regalo y resulta que me siento enganado y muy mal y con pena por mis padres, tengo los recibos y puedo darles prueba de fotografias de los mueble en las condiciones que estan, quisiera por favor una ayuda de ustedes, lo dejo en sus manos, mi email es agh1964@live.com, y mi nombre es Arnaldo gonzalez hernandez, mi direccion es 3660 nw 18 terrmiami fl, 33125, estoy agradecido por haverme comunicado con ustedes, espero respuesta sin mas muchas gracias, atentamente Arnaldo gonzalez hernandez.estos muebles los compre en BIG LOST localizada en la 27 ave sw 23 stree miami, fl
Although Simmons gave me replacement cushions for my sofa a Columbia with the chaise. I have never been able to enjoy this sofa. Those cushions sink down too. Purchased from Big Lots. Have to buy a new living room set whether I want to or not. Not one comfortable place to sit on there. Vivian Noel [protected]. Help
Emailed Simmons about their junk sofa asking for refund because bottom cushions will not stay put. The center cushion that is not sat on, pops out and completely fall off the sofa onto the floor. It is only two months old and the material already shows signs of wear.
I do not think Simmons is a reputable company operating in good faith and I doubt I'll ever get a response from them.
I will never buy any Simmons product again.
In 2017 we purchased a Simmons couch and loveseat with reclining seats at each end. The fabric looked like a type of leather. They both were very lightly used, but soon started deteriorating. The horrible fabric started peeling off and cracking all over, even when it had no stress at all. We lost over $2, 000.00 on this horrible furniture. The Jordan’s from Eureka California