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CB Consumer Electronics Sony Unjustified and unreasonable acts of the manufacturers and service providers

Sony review: Unjustified and unreasonable acts of the manufacturers and service providers 68

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12:00 am EST
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I purchased 1 pc. Sony Ericsson W800i cell phone (IMEI No. [protected]) from M/S S.P. Communication on 15/04/2006 for Rs. 18900 (Bill no. 00/62/K6). After using it for sometime, the joystick stopped working and I complained the same to the authorized service centre of Sony Ericsson (USHA INFOTECH (P) LTD., MR. GOUTAM CHAKRABORTY, Beslls House, 10A, Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani,2nd Floor, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700071 Phone: [protected]) on 15/11/2006 and deposited my handset vide complaint ID [protected]. On 17/11/2006, I phoned the concerned officer MR. GAUTAM CHKRABORTY and he told me that the handset cannot be repaired and further they will replace the same with the new one as it is under warranty period. Subsequently, I deposited the phone accessories full box to them. They were supposed to give the replacement withing 10 to 15 days. Thereafter I paid several visits to them followed by phone calls but they are not giving any head. It is almost 50 days have passed.Mr. Chakraborty has finally promised me to give the replacement on 7/01/2007 but again failed. To the most disgust, he is saying a stereotyped message " We cant say, whenever the Company will provide, we will give you the replacement".

I am a common consumer and facing a tremendous hardship due to such practice of the authorized service centre. I seek your kind intervention to get me the replacement and the compensation for the delay and the strict action against the authorized service centre, M/S Usha Infotech (particularly the concerned officer Mr. Gautam Chakraborty) so as to curb such unjustified and unreasonable acts of the manufacturers and service providers.

Consequences : I am without phone. Since I cannot afford to buy a further new handset, I had to take a handset from my friend and that too not on regular basis. I have a grocery shop and without phone, I have been incurring a huge monetary loss and my buyers are giving order to others as they cant
contact me over phone. I have to visit the authorized service centre during the office hours, as
result first I have to close my shop then I visit there.

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Jan 19, 2007 4:27 am EST

Just complain same with Costumer Forum in your city/area/district.

Contact them and describe your situation, it is obvious that you do not have in Written that they will give you New Mobile against faulty. If yes go with.

At least contact and discuss your case.

Bibhas Kumar Senapati
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May 17, 2007 3:11 am EDT

I purchased a Sony Ericsson Handset Bearing Model no. K550i. But i am facing lots of problem in that handset. Bad product.

Jayaprakash Mannil
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Jun 13, 2007 12:16 pm EDT

Yes, I do agree with the above complaint as I am also a victim of such act by the Manufacturer and the service provider.

debjit mitra
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Oct 03, 2007 12:33 am EDT

dear sir,

i purchased Sony Ericsson K550i, imei # [protected]-189787-0 on 29.09.2007 from RPG Cellucom India Pvt. Ltd., shop # 305, Forum Mall, Elgin Road, Kolkata - 700020, ph # [protected], the phone was packed sealed, but to my utter surprise i found the phone had some specific problems -

1. the reception quality is very poor.
2. call drops are frequent.
3. the ear speaker delivers very bad sound.
4. the phone gets hot very soon effecting the ears too.
5. when am syncronising the phone with the computer with the usb cable, after completing my job, when am removing the usb cable, the phone gets automatic switch off and then on itself.

i took the defective set to the shop, one representative named Arindam ( ph # [protected] ) inspected the problem and found that i was correct, as the set was newly purchased i demanded the shop to change my phone and give me a new one, as i dont have any extra handset and without a phone these days its hard to survive, but they insisted that it should be taken to the service centre, which may take atleast a week or more. so i left my defective phone with them and was compelled to buy a motorola set for standby untill my set is coming from repair. prior i used SE K750i, P1, P990i, but am disheartened this time.

well if i am under warranty and the defective set is brought for complain within two days, am i wrong to ask for a new handset ?

i am a sony fan, but its difficult to take such a harrasment from the company i love most.

kindly look after my matter at the earliest, wich i beg to you.

debjit mitra

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Oct 31, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I bought a cellphone from the retailer called the mobile store and after some days my mobile started going blank i had to call my friends after every 2mins when i went to this retailer he gave me the wrong address to repair my mobile and when i came back he gave me another address and i had already wasted behind this stupid mobile phone i want my phone replaced as soon as possible and i have never seen a retail bill without a telephone number Sony Ericsson is disappointing the cust by selling defective piece in the market so will never recommend for such a mobile.

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Jan 09, 2008 7:16 am EST

my name is sunil i purchased sony ericsson w910 for rs 18500 and after 15 days or approx 20 i started facing problems like sliding n phone start up so i gave it in company to repair so they told me to cum after 15days.after 15days i got a call from company that ur mobile will not be get repaired i was shocked by hearing such a stupid reply bcos only 15 days had been over i purchased the mobile.when i asked wats the prob they just told me that parts r not u tel me what shall i do only 15days had been over i purchased mobile n iam from a middle class family n bearing 18500 is a huge amount for me. plz help me

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Jan 14, 2008 1:16 am EST

The quality which sony was offering previously has been changed. I had purchased k700i and after its performance for over year, i have inspired to use this make only. So I have buy latest k810i but after some days, i am facing lot of problems. Service centre in delhi Yusuf sarai or Paschim vihar etc... are the collection centre only thet do not repair. I am disapponted & not to buy the same product in future.

Arindam Chakrabartty
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Apr 02, 2008 2:24 am EDT

I bought a Sony W200i Set five months ago. My hand set is giving me trouble. The vibration system is not working.

Please look after my matter.

With regards

Prasad Maynak
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Apr 24, 2008 7:15 am EDT

My cell phone(w300i) display was showing some problems for which i approached the sony erriccson service station at garodia nagar east, Ghatkopar. The attendant told me it is beyond their scope of warranty even when my phone is just 8 months old. She got my phone repaired for Rs 1200 but to my horror plainly refused to hand over me any reciept or bill or any sort of acknowledgment.

She says it is our policy not to give reciepts. Isnt this against the law?

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May 14, 2008 8:34 am EDT

Plz cheque The My Missing Mobile is SonyEricsson W610i
I do Complet in Annpurna Police Station
Request your find my Mobile My IMEI # [protected]

coll Me at PH. : [protected], [protected]

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May 15, 2008 12:27 am EDT

w 550 soft ware change after initliaszing GDFS

amresh jaiswal
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May 23, 2008 12:13 am EDT

my mobile is k200i, in this set how to capture a video. there is no any function is showing in this, whenever I checked on Internet about this set, there is video Capture is showing as "Yes"

pl. reply me immediately on my mail.



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Jun 17, 2008 11:16 am EDT

Hai guys,

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Jun 24, 2008 3:47 am EDT


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Jul 14, 2008 3:25 am EDT

I purchased a W580i handset in the last of march 2008.
Within 1 month of normal usage, the cell started heating up very soon, while in use(calling).
Rt Outsourcing(Allahabad) is service center where i gave my set for repair.
They said its Unrepairable. they kept the set for about a month and said they have changed the motherboard of the set.
After 15 days its screen display gone.
I approached them and they said.. now the screen is gone and it shall be repaired as soon the stock arrives. kindly wait.
It has been now more than 15 days and i every alternate day ask them for repair and they say.. SORRY Sir. Cant Help. STOCK has not arrived.
Just 3 and 1/2 months of purchase and the cellphone is like a torture.
I swear i shall never in life purchase or suggest anyone purchase a hand set of Sony Ericsson!

Manvendra(Allahabad, U.P.)

lynsey thomas
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Jul 16, 2008 2:05 pm EDT

i have a sony ericsson w580i and i have had three of them in ten months i will never buy another sony ericsson after having this model because nobody has been interested in my problem and i now once the year is up, my phone will only be three months old when anything goes wrong i will have to pay for a new one the model is ###! it has been made to brake after three months im sure of it.

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Jul 23, 2008 4:53 am EDT

I bought a sony ericson k800i model from modern home, Doha, Qatar, in november 2006.Now i am having a problem with the phone, all the functions are working but there is no text displaying on the phone .As i consulted with the service centre in calicut, kerala, india .they are telling it is a problem with the software and they are not having the software for this model because this model is not for sale in india .so what should i do to get my phone repaired ?can you please give me some help ?

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Jul 30, 2008 3:11 am EDT

i have given the set to repair then ur people told that it has to be replaced then i agree for that and i give the mobile on 17.07.2008 and ask one week time but still now i did't get my set they r not responding me i given in mysore kuvempunagar in accel frontline ltd, 515/A, 1st floor P&T block anikethethana main road kuvempunagar mysore please help me out in this matter i request u to do needfull to me please

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Aug 02, 2008 2:29 am EDT

purchased Sony Ericsson K220i, imei # [protected] on 20/07/08 from Poorvika mobile world., shop # 174, N.S.C.Bose Road, Parrys, Chennai - 600001. ph #044 - [protected], the phone was packed sealed, but to my utter surprise i found the phone had some specific problems -

1. the reception quality is very poor.
2. call drops are frequent.
3. the ear speaker delivers very bad sound.
4. camera picturs could not save.

you know one thing iam purchase with in 10 days only. i tell the information of service centre they r not responce . i complaint directly head office This is my complaint No : SE 738-1738

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Aug 02, 2008 12:04 pm EDT


Date of Purchase: 2/8/2007

1)I had a problem with my phone from the day when i bought it, it had the famous bug that when camera button is pressed 4 6 0 wont be working.
2)I once gave it at Digicom kalyan to Mr Girish for charging problem it wasnt getting charged, he took nearly 7 days and told that the board of the phone is to be changed and once when i went there he just resetted it and gave it back anyhow the problem was solved.
3)Then i started getting problem of camera pics taking time to getting saved on the MMC.
4)While talking on phone suddenly the call used to drop and the Entertainment menu used to be displayed on screen.
5)When unlocking the keypad sometimes it didnt used to get unlocked after pressing the * button the unlock key was showing on the screen that it is pressed but the phone didnt used to get unlock.
6)Considering all this problems i went to Salora Service Center Grant Road(E), Mumbai. on 1/8/2008
7)There they took my mobile for repair after an hour they gave it back to me and the reason given to me was that your cell is out of warranty as it has liquid damage on the keypad.
8) I said ok as in the mobile was working well just having a few bugs in it as i am a Computer Engineer i do understand the difference between Hardware and Software problem so i accepted.
9) Then i inserted in the Battery and sim card and turned on the phone, to my surprise the KEYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 0, *, #, left Selection, WEBkey were not working so i said the concerned person to check the mobile and give it back to me as it was, he said that if it was to be done so easily i must have repaired it, i said i was not having any hardware problem but my problem was software bugs.
10)So going to SE Service Center just increased my problem to a very great extent. I forced the Service Center persons to just consider the matter and look into it but they replied it cant be done, if i want it to be repaired i will have to pay Rs.600 for repairs as your mobile is out of warranty we wont even consider your case if you come after today. I asked them can i meet your concerned head they replied why?,
after some time i was telling them and they were not responding me.
11)After a request they provided me a Receipt of the complaint and told to me that "You Can Take Whatever actions you want against us!"
12)I walked off from the Service Center.
13)Then i used the phone for 2 days just to receive calls and to call them whose nos are there in my PhoneBook.
14)I then tried to get it repaired from a local repairer and guess what he told me that the strip connecting the keypad and the socket was broken and guess how it happened "at the Service Center" i know that you people cant take water damage mobiles under warranty, its ok, but what if your engineer has mishandled it and broken inner parts, shall i pay for it?, Liquid damage can sort the electronic parts but can it cut a cable

Antara Majumdar
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Aug 04, 2008 8:04 am EDT

Hello Sir/Madam,

I am extremely disappointed with the services I received from such an esteemed organisation like yours. I am feeling very helpless now.

I purchased a W830i on 6.5.07 from M/S Anandamela paying Rs. 15700/-, the IMEI number of which is [protected]. Unfortunately within one year of purchase the set started troubling me. It started getting automatically switched off even if fully charged. I had to send it to the following authorised service centre on 19.04.2008. The job sheet number was 8429.

KOL 700006
PH# [protected].

They took more than a month and I received the repaired set on 21.05.08. Since the set was within warranty, I have not been charged anything.
But, to my surprise, I found that they had damaged my keypad!
I had to go to them again on 23.05.08. They again took the set from me and prepared a fresh jobsheet with a number 9101, and assured me that they would deliver the same to me within 7 days. They again took more than a month and delivered the repaired set to me on 8th July 2008.
At the time of charging, it is showing " Charging alien battery". And few minutes later it shows "Charging error. Stop charging." It took the whole 24 hours for charging. After two days while charging it showed the message "Serious Error. Stop Charging. Stop using your phone and contact Sony Ericsson Call Centre."

I was totally taken aback and fearing that it might burst, I stopped using the phone.

Now, would you please let me know what should I do. I had spent Rs.15700/. Does this money of mine have no value ? I have been harassed again and again by your service centre, had to spend bus fare every time for following up with them. Is this the way a customer should be treated ? Or since the set was within warranty, let the customer suffer ? Where will I get the money I spent on it ? Who is going to give ? Do your good self has an answer ? I do not want to give my phone to the service centre again. They would again damage it. Please arrange to give my money back to me.


Antara Majumdar.

Victor Mahadeo
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Aug 05, 2008 6:13 am EDT

i hav been using w550i since one year.
Recently my phone's display had broked and so i gave my phone for repair on 3/7/08 and on 25/7/08 i received paying an amount of rs 2, 200. then again my phone started giving problems and i realised that my speaker is also working.
I gave them the phone and it has been 5 days and still they are saying that my phone has not been repaired. On asking them when will i receive my phone they say that we dont work here! Im paying money but still there is no service
the adress of the service centre is:
babli media, 106a, raja dinendra road, manicktala post office
I would lik strict action to be against them

Rahul Bhatia
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Aug 19, 2008 9:35 pm EDT

I bought a new Sony Ericsson W 580i phone from Reliance Mart using credit cad on 26th of June, 2008. But the dam phone stopped after 1 month. For the last three weeks the phone is lying in the service center situated in Okhla Ph 2. Every time I call they people refuse to give the handset saying that we still haven’t received the part from Chennai. I am completely help less and don’t know what to do now. If any one reads this complaint and thinks of a solution, can mail me any time.

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Sep 12, 2008 2:16 am EDT

I purchased G502 august 2008, but its so many times showing no display( hanging) while capturing video, internet browsing,

2. And some time its not keeping inside recently taken images and videos..

I already complaint about this already but i didn't received any reply main or suggestion.. Please provide me the solution..

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Sep 27, 2008 4:55 am EDT

I have purchased your K810i mobile from M/s. Subiksha, Chennai vide IEMI No: [protected], dated 10th March 2008. Suddenly the Cancel Keys were not working and gave for Service to Accel vide their RO Number/Call No. SFI-SE-615068-CP dated 16/7/2008 and got rectified in a couple of days but again Cancel keys and Back Button keys were not functioning and had given for service again to Accel vide their Call No. SFI-SE-006611/2008-RTB dt. 26/9/2008. I was quite impressed with your K810i mobile model and I now regret for having purchased the same. I have paid a premium price compared to other brands just believed in ‘SONY’ and paid Rs. 12, 975/-. But within a period of 6 months, more and more problems made my life miserable. I have not visited Nokia service for the last 8 years of my usage of mobile. Suddenly changing my brand loyalty from Nokia to Sony made me miserable. I request you to replace my mobile with a fresh piece of K810i. Expecting your feedback.

Karthik T
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Sep 27, 2008 10:26 am EDT

I bought sony ericsson k530i this march and the painting around the display screen is just ripping off like a nail polish within 6 months. and now the painting is almost gone and looks like a ugly, fake one. Is this the standard of sony ericsson India mobiles? or sony ericsson as a whole? my IEMI no. is [protected]-796691-9 which is still under warranty and 6mnths old. When I called customer care, they say the painting does not cover under warranty. Who can ask this...they simply say the paintings does not come under warranty.
name: karthik
ct. no [protected]
IEMI no. [protected]-796691-9

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Oct 04, 2008 2:27 am EDT

I bought sony ericsson 580 i in december 2007. but from the day one i am having problems. now i request you to please let me know the address of a reliable workshop address so the i can get it rectified

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Oct 06, 2008 3:17 am EDT

I too faced the same problem. I bought SE w580i and the the phone completely stopped working with in 7 days. When I took to the service center, they told that the motherboard was damaged and it will take 15 days to replace it. Now its more than 40 days and they are still promising me to give it next week. Don't know how they are expecting me to trust them. Got completely frustrated with SE and its authorized service centers. I feel cheated by SE. Especially Indians (Dont know about others), as there is very bad service for SE, I feel people should avoid buying SE phones, no matter how good the reviews are for a particular phone are. Because, you can never guess what kind of problems will come, and if problems come, there is no one to help you.

sagar jasud
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Oct 06, 2008 9:47 am EDT

bad phone

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Oct 16, 2008 8:47 am EDT

I have bought a sony ericsson w350i mobile 4 months back ...2 weeks back it was not getting i went to the neary by service centre which is located in chennai...jambulingam salora international...i given the mobile on 3/10/2008 at 11 o clock...they told that it will be rectified within 4 days ...after that, i called up them after 4 days...and enquired about the status...they have replied that ...there is some board will be rectified within 15 working days time..(i patitently waited)

today morning a lady called from salora international and told that my mobile is got ready ..u can come and collect the same.

with my busy scheldule and heavy work pressure, i rushed up to the store around abt 2:30 pm...and they have given the mobile to me and i put the battery and swithed on was not on...then i given to the service engr..he put the charge...even then it was not on...then he told that coolly...sir pls come by tommorrow that too u pls call one mr..sundar..on his no..[protected]...and then come...

i was waited around 1 hr their..till 3:30...such a bloody...response from salora...see their mottoo

Our Service Motto is (salora)

- Getting it right the very first time
- Listening to customers
- Handling complaints in a constructive way
- Being assertive when under pressure
- Communicating clearly
- Making it easier for all colleagues to help customers

non of the above is matching with their service

i had a good faith on sony ericsson because previously i was used sony ericsson w550i for about 2 years i didnt even visited the sercvice that faith i purchased the new model...w350i...but, their customer service is not even is worst...

i dnt have words...service centres they are making customers as fools...i know to shout...but i dont wants to deal like that and get myself tensed...for this sort of funny reasons and funny peoples...

complaint ID: SES08CHE17595 & IMEI NO. [protected]

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Oct 21, 2008 1:11 am EDT

Just before TWO MONTH BACK i purchased sony erission from a outlet at Malleswaram shop name is WHOLE CELL.That person is purely proffessionaly talking...I hoped that I got a good brand cell.But that shop owner play with me along with warreny not only bad reputation of SONY but also lack of custmer satisfation.He told me u go to service station ...why i should go to service station ?He try to convinced me in different example.Any way if this kind of thing will be continue then SONY company will be affect only.please it is my request you ...give 100% custmer satisfaction


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Nov 10, 2008 4:25 am EST

D.No.2, Anubhava Nagar,
2nd Cross, Nagarbhavai Main Road,
Bangalore – 560072
Ph : [protected]

On 27.03.2008 I purchased a Sony Ericsson W580i mobile phone at Mobile Store in Vyalikaval, Bangalore. Within one month my mobile was getting frequently switched off. I thought it was a minor problem. Then on 09.08.2008 I visited Numeric Communication Service (Sony Ericsson Services Centre), in Malleswaram and they repaired the set. They assured that the mobile will not have any problem in future. Again the problem stated, then on 31.10.2008 I went to Asental Service Centre in Dr.Rajkumar Road and also lodged a complaint in Sony Ericsson Customer Care. I have contacted Mr.Khokan, Mr.Rashish and Mr.Raj - Customer Care Executives & they gave the complaint No.SE1032-1068. They told that after second service, the mobile will not get switched off and they also ensured that if the same problem continues, they will do the replace of mobile phone. Believing their words to be true, I went and collected the mobile on 08.11.2008 from Ascental Service Centre. But again I am getting same problem and another new problem started, whenever I do outgoing call and incoming call I will get some different sound from my mobile phone and also some message is coming “Ciphering not provided by operator, insecure transmission”. And it will switch off automatically. When I approached Sony Ericsson Customer Care, one of the Customer Care Executive Mr. Rashish, stated that, he told me to leave the mobile for repair in service centre.

The customer care and service centre persons are not responding for my grievance and they are not providing proper service. From the beginning I am getting some or the other problem with that mobile. Now the mobile is not working properly. I don’t want get repaired again and again. I wanted a replacement of refund or cost of the mobile 10, 3000/- with 5 months interest @24%. If you are nor resolving the issue within 15 days from the date of receipt of this letter I shall be forced to approach consumer court.

With Regards
Priya .S

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Nov 10, 2008 1:29 pm EST

Dear Sony Ericsson,

As per your mail, I had gone to the service centre at S. G. Infotech, A-10, S. V. Road, Borivali (W), owner Mohan Mistry [protected]). I would now describe my experience.

1. I was impressed to see the service station. It prominently displayed the Sony poster and I was given a token and to add to all the surprises there were good chairs for the customers to wait.

2. When my turn came I went and informed the person (named Abid) that my phone is not able to read my memory card and can he check the problem and let me know how much money will be needed to repair the phone. I also asked him about the call-drop problem that I am facing. I was told that it is a problem which SE users face with Airtel when they use a SIM which is not 32kb. I wish to know why was this information not disclosed to me and what are you going to do about it. I am fed up with the call drop problem in my phone w810i. And please dont blame it on Airtel, other handset users dont face such problem.

3. He went with the phone inside and came back in less than 15 seconds and told me that it will cost Rs 850. I wish to know how much time does it take to ascertain whether a phone has a problem with the memory card reading or there is a problem with the memory card itself. Is it done by visual inspections? And do you think that one can be reasonably sure in 15-20 seconds what the problem is.

4. Once he had told me the figure of Rs 850 I asked him for the breakup. To my surprise he refused to tell anything stating that 850 it is. I asked him again about the breakup - the parts and the service charge. To which he again replied that he will not tell anything more. I said that as a customer, I have the right to know why is Sony charging me 850 and he has to tell me. At this point he asks me to go to some other place but he will not tell anything more. To which I replied that as a Sony authorised service station it is his duty to serve me.
How can one of your authorised service centre guys refuse to divulge details of the cost breakup (even if it is a estimate)? I get a feeling that Sony has instituitioned or at least encouraged such behaviour.

5. As a Sony customer why am I being asked by Sony centres to go to other places. I can sense widespread corruption in such scheme of things. Hapless custumers (who know nothing about the technology of cellphones) are charged exorbitant sums and the breakup is never given. The service centres just repair the phones and give a large bill including spare parts. They don't like being questioned and are so arrogant so as to ask customers to get the repair done from some other place. I wish to escalate this matter. In the first place I am being subjected to a sub-standard phone ( infinite call drop, failed card-reader, malfunctioning earphones and all this in less than 2 years) and when I want to get it repaired I am not disclosed the breakup. Why is Sony turning a blind eye to such corruption? What am I supposed to do? As a customer, am I supposed to pay large premium to buy Sony phones and then live with such corruption while you provide patronage to such rogue service providers.

6. Later, three different people tried to shout me down. I was sort of intimidated by one of the service centre guys. I was later told that I need to change the IC which will cost Rs 600 and the service charge would be Rs 250. I wish to know the price of IC that needs to be changes. My model is w810i and my phone is not able to read my memory card. I hope that this information is enough to give me the price quote. At least, it was enough for the guys to tell me the charge.

As a loyal Sony customer, I had ensured that all my family members buy SE phones. I was happy to pay the premium for the instruments but I am highly dissatisfied by the quality and after-sales service. I have always stood against corruption and would like to escalate this matter to higher authorities in Sony so as to ensure that as a cutomer my rights are protected.

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Nov 16, 2008 8:26 am EST

sub:- complaint for not providing service

I had purchased a mobile handset model( K790i) from HARSHA ELECTRIALS at club road belgaum on 02/09/2007, bill no, 017548, IMEI NO:- [protected] by credit card of my brother mr, sajid khatib for amount (16500/-) i had a network problem in the hand set i gave to repair in belgaumto cosmoic service in belgaum, they told me upload software then charged me rs(350/-) after a weeki met with same problem so i visited them thay told it not reparable, so i send to my cousin in banglore mr nurullah hanafi, he had given to a service center some accentel at commercial street 1st floor, in mean time i had sent to a complaint by mail u people had given me a case no([protected]), i got my hand set back and the reply was its not repairable its mother board is dead, iam well aware that the warrenty period is expired
but i am ready to pay the cost of servics but there is no responce from u people i had sent 2-3 mail regarding it if i wont get any propr responce from the company then i am sorry to say i have proceed for leagle action or seek healp from (CONSURMER FROUM) if u need any history u can refer case no Case : [protected]

Swati Singh
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Feb 06, 2009 10:42 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased S500i on 22 April 2008 and in october there was problem in my handset related to no network + LCD and from that day i was continousaly visiting service centre and there services are very poor, finaly in December last they told me to replace the cell with new handset.These all things are really very disheartening as I am suffering from october till now. The services from sony ericsson are so poor it is really unbearable. The money which I have spent on my handset has no value or you all are thinking us fool.When I have purchased this set then there were lots of commitments from your side now all those things are faded.
Now this is my last status regarding my cell.If the same situation persists then for sure I will move to consumer court it is ridiculous to wait for such a long time of 4 months. I am giving details here My set is S500i, My last complaint id no-SES09ALD10412 IMEI No-[protected] to nearby service centre of Allahabad-(radio centre Shop No 3, First Floor Meena Bazar 10 s.p. marg civil lines Phone no-[protected]).
I have already logged my complaint to yours all India service and support centre.I want immediate action .Hoping to be seen from your side because we trust on sony.Don't break our hope .I can also attach my scan jobsheet and receipt .

171/6, RAJROOPPUR, NEAR-PNB (Allahabad)
Mobile No-[protected]

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Feb 25, 2009 10:29 pm EST

Yes I agree with all of the consumers here.I personally have a SE k810i.After 4 months of its purchase the mboard gave up leading to the cellphone hanging up.A friend of mine exprd a similar problem.The service centres suck.I had mailed my greivances to the SE site in HongKong but did not get a good service.I just tell you all not to recommend or buy SE cellphones in future.

Hamid Shariff
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Mar 20, 2009 9:26 am EDT
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Mobile Defective and Bad Service from the sony erricson service centre

I would like to inform you of my dissatisfaction with the Sony Ericssion P1i mobile phone and the service provided.Since I have bought this phone, it has been working well, until recently it stopped functioning normally. I returned the phone to your customer service(Trident United Products Private Limited Bangalore, Koramangala) on 20th January. The customer service representative informed me that the phone mother-board has to be replaced and they would make the phone ready in 10 days.

1 Month later, the phone is still not working.I received my phone with the motherboard replaced on Feb 18, Within 2days i had to revisit the service center as the phone started hanging frequently.
The manager promised me that he will replace it. But now they tell they haven't committed any thing like that

On each occasion they have kept the phone and apparently worked on it with no luck. Their attempts to resolve the problem have not been satisfactory and they finally claim that there is nothing more they can do to help me.Even the customer care department([protected]) wasn't able help me and solve the problem.

And now they claim that they need 4 more working days to give back my cell. They need 2 months to solve a simple problem.And trust me guys they are meant to make false promises please don't trust them.

Yours faithfully,
Hamid Shariff

Aiswarya Mohan
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Mar 25, 2009 1:11 am EDT

I would like bring to your notice the dissatisfaction which I am having to face by purchasing a Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone.
I purchased the Sony Ericsson Model NO : W350i on 26th October 2008. The phone started giving me troubles on the very first week of purchase. Apparently, the phone was unable to maintain the battery charge for more than a few hours even with minimal usage. Following this, I placed my first complaint (NO : SES08STH15564) on 31st Oct 2008 (5 days from the date of purchase). Thankfully, the phone was repaired in a day.
However, now after barely 6 months of purchase, a few buttons of the phone just decided to go on a strike. Again, I dutifully took my mobile to the nearest Authorised Service Centre on 23rd February 2009. I was told that I could have the repaired phone back within a week. A week later, on calling the Service Centre, I was informed that some spare parts of the phone were not available and that it would take a week more to have it repaired. Being, patient, I decided to wait. Now, after nearly waiting for a month, I find my patience is running out since the phone is still not repaired and your technicians seem to be having a tough time finding the spare parts. I understand that no product is totally bug free and sometime or the other there is bound to be some problem. Hence, I would safely assume that you have the necessary spare parts/skilled technicians to help your customers resolve the problems they are facing with their phones at the earliest. What bothers me is that I am not able to find enough support from your technicians for having placed my trust in shifting my loyalties from the "Nokia" brand to Sony Ericsson.
I would like to get the phone repaired/replaced within 2 business working days (i.e., by Close of Business 23rd March 09) failing which I will be forced to move to the Consumer Court.
The address of the service centre is:

B-56, First Floor, GCDA Complex,
Marine Drive-31, Ernakulam

Aiswarya Mohan

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Apr 02, 2009 6:55 am EDT


I too have had a very bad experience with Sony Ericsson mobile. I was holding W200i SE. Then I decided to go for upgraded mobile. I visited Sony's exclusive Showroom at Chennai (Tambaram). I bought W302 only on 22.03.09 evening (ofcourse as per the suggestion of Showroom person) which was suiting our budget too. The next day I didn't use it. On 24th I started using the mobile. In two minutes' usage I could notice that it gets hot. I was not satisfied with audio performance also, which was very poor.

I wrote a mail immediately to Sony. They gave me a Case No.[protected] and gave the Service Centres' names (Salora & Info Flows). It was not even a weeks' old.

The very next day I took the mobile to the same show room where I bought. I argued for replacement and they were reluctant to hear anything from me. They just kept on telling to visit their service centre. Finally I got annoyed, removed my SIM card from the mobile and kept the mobile on the table and left the place.

After this, I sent a mail again to Sony, mentioning what all happened to me. (There is no problem with Auto Reply from Sony - We can feel very happy to receive only this promptly). Now my Complaint No. is [protected]. After this complaint, there is no feedback. Again, mentioning this complaint number, wrote a reminder mail. For that also there is no answer till this moment.

Now I have been forced to move this matter to consumer court.

Request your feedback and suggestions on the above. May please mail
to the id :

Sujatha C

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Apr 29, 2009 4:42 am EDT

hi i bouught sony ericsson t700 model... an it display got broked. then i contact sony erricssion show room near my location... an one mounth passed stil am not getting display for that model..

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