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Valve review: credit card fraud 54

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2:04 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I found 6 charges to my card this morning totaling $600. Luckily my bank will take care of it. I called the number and there is no way to speak to a person. Same with their website. This company is clearly a front for fraud. They probably sell games as well but their primary objective seems to be to steal as much money as they can, make it look like an accident, and if no one catches it then off to the bank they go. You people who are defending them need to think about who processes the card numbers? Where does the money go? This is not a gamer problem (that’s what they hope you will think) it is an absence of morals problem with steam games itself! The fact that so many people have complained about this and contacted their banks but the government/fbi has not done anything about it for more than three years tells you a lot about the state of our society! It is not enough to just call your bank. You need to file a report with your local law enforcement agency and/or fbi office - do it today! It is enough to make you throw something! The banks are not going to do anything about it and these creeps know it, that's why they keep doing it and why the list of victims continues to grow and grow. Sites like this need to be actively engaged in stopping fraud not just taking comments from those who have been defrauded! What is the point in that? There isn't one!

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lau S (laursaurus)
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Oct 12, 2017 2:45 pm EDT

Happened to me twice. Paypal and Visa. I caught both in time and reported unauthorized charges. These boneheads reversed the charges both times. It was stupid of me to think no way that would happen twice. The site dominates the market and kids want to play online. Now, they use cash for a Steam gift card.
Before I reported anything, each kid logged into his Steam account history to confirm this was pure BS money grab and not my kids running amock online.
Imagine the amount of profit this company makes through outright fraud. They have a successful online business that unfortunately has no competition. Remember, this is just one $29 legitimate purchase made (cha ching), cash received, and hope parents have autopayment and don't notice.

Natalie Edwards
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Nov 03, 2018 5:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had the same thing happen to me this morning read your info while searching info on what the he'll is. I reported it to the FBI via online Cyber crime form. Informed my Life lock account. So we shall see what happens. The fraudulent charges were 5× $100.00 = 500.00. I am leaning on Amazon and partnership as this occurred after I purchased a movie to rent on Prime Amazon. I never order anything on Amazon before and data suggest via online complaints that this partnership has had conclusion pointing to them.

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Dec 05, 2022 3:30 pm EST

steam account hacked most likely

Alisha Richards
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May 01, 2018 12:25 pm EDT

Same here. about 750 dollars worth of fraud that they got away with :( luckily the bank will file it as fraud and give my money back, but the scammers still got the money... Will it help to file a police report?

Avel Arjete
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May 25, 2018 7:41 pm EDT

Why is my atm account reduced the $139.51?...I do not know about that steam games...just get my money back, ..plzzzz

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Jul 29, 2018 9:24 pm EDT

I have just noticed this morning 9 transactions from totalling $727.84. I only get paid monthly, so with a lump sum coming in once a month, it would have been so easy for this to not be missed straight away.

I have never heard of, and I'm fairly certain my husband and kids also haven't, so it is a mystery how they got hold of our card details. Luckily the payments are sitting as pending at present, so we have spoken to the bank and they are investigating.

Online fraud is such a concerning issue. I often enter my card details into websites to pay for things without much of a second thought- will need to re-consider that now I think.

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Dec 05, 2022 3:29 pm EST
Replying to comment of SarahKB

its an extremely popular game website. im sure your kids and husband have. maybe ask?

john hancockxxx
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Aug 05, 2018 2:19 am EDT

5-Aug-18 Sydney, Australia: I don't play online games but four charges on my credit card each for A$136.13 (US$100). Three were from Hamburg and one from the US. Westpac Bank flagged it as possible fraud and alerted me.

Little Red Riding Hood
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Aug 29, 2018 2:19 pm EDT

In the past two days, I have had three $100 debits from my card. One disappeared the next day and two of them now have credits to offset but this is a scam. I am fixing to cancel my credit card so they can't do anymore damage.

The money hasn't been taken out of the account but is pending.

From what I read, company has international locations and money is taken out via different international banks as well against the card.

Never heard of the organization and I don't play any games via the internet.

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Sep 04, 2018 11:13 pm EDT

I had $1396 taken out of my credit card on Monday. Luckily I saw this straight away - however Steams response was that no money was collected by them as it was caught in time to not fully process, and now they have basically left the ball in my court saying that my bank has to refund me and it can take up to 7 weeks! Absolutely ridiculous. My bank has cancelled my card and is starting the process, but the clause from them says there’s no garuntee of getting it refunded.
There are 5 other people I know that have had the same thing happen to them from Steam games in the last few weeks. This site has FRAUD written all over it! I recommend you never use it and if you have an account you deactivate it right away.

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Irina Butnaru
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Jan 04, 2019 9:29 am EST
Replying to comment of LaraEF

I don`t even have an account and I got charged today! had to cancel my card, start everything all over.. had to go to Police..
My advice is to go to the Police - maybe this way we stop them!

Kaz T
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Nov 03, 2018 1:22 am EDT

I've just noticed a charge of $1276 AUD on my credit card and reported it to my bank. My son has not touched his Steam games account in years!

Irina Butnaru
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Jan 04, 2019 9:26 am EST
Replying to comment of Kaz T

did you ever get the money back?

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Dec 19, 2018 7:15 pm EST

My account was charged 2x for $100 on the same day by Steam. I had never even heard of this website or company. As soon as I put the address in Google, instant fraud and scam reports popped up. As I was reading this forum I noticed one of you stated something about purchasing a $29 item and then being scammed. This reminded me of a website I just purchased a power washer gadget for this exact amount. It wasn't until I complained with the company for sending me a broken item and asking for a refund, that these unauthorized charges were placed on my account. The website I purchased the gadget from was called Modern Beyond. BEWARE! I've had to cancel my card and file a dispute, each taking about 2wks to process. Being a mother of 3 with only one source of income, this b.s. definitely placed me in a bind. They took ALL of my money. The amount they took was exactly what I had. Smh. I'm pissed.

LB community
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Dec 23, 2018 5:25 pm EST

These a-holes tried to make 10 $100 charges against my credit union account. The bank called me from some # I don’t know so I called my bank and they transferred me. The fraud Dept said 3 of the 10 tries were successful but they’ll take care of it. I looked at the transaction and it says a charge with is pending but no amount showing. I know I didn’t have that much in my checking, I keep everything in savings until it’s time to pay bills, thank God!

Irina Butnaru
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Jan 04, 2019 9:27 am EST

happened to me exactly the same thing today - only that my bank did not called me.. I had to call them because I noticed on time..

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Jun 01, 2019 3:12 pm EDT

Your credit card info was probably compromised, Steam is trusted by millions... You can even search it up 'Valve' Or 'Steam Games'. I'd suggest you not call them A-holes because they're a very large and serious company. If they did fraud, they would be out of business by now... But they're not!

Irina Butnaru
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Jan 04, 2019 9:13 am EST

I have been charged today - cca 1000 USD - 10 transactions, each cca 100. I have never been on to this site and my kids don`t know it. so this is pure fraud!
I wonder if anyone else received the money back?
I have signed an official complaint at the Police today - I hope this gets resolved.

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Jun 01, 2019 3:10 pm EDT

No offense, but your kid must be stupid enough to not know what Steam is. Obviously, if they don't play games and PC Videogames or so, but if they do... They're definitely lying to you. Steam is a very serious and large gaming company. It is trusted by millions across the globe. All I am going to say is that your Credit Card Information was probably compromised somehow.

zoltan mikulik
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Jan 06, 2019 9:10 am EST

Dnes mi sučtu táto špinavá podvodná banda zučtovala 4 x 131, 77 € t.j. 527 € podvod 4 transakcie . PZR podvodna banda mizerná . napísal som sťažnost na banku ale zatial nič . kto mi vráti peniaze . FUj

zoltan mikulik
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Jan 06, 2019 9:14 am EST

Today I'm sucking this dirty scam band taught 4 x 131, 77 € ie 527 € fraud 4 transactions. PZR underwater bunch grind. I wrote a complaint to the bank for nothing. who will return my money. yuck

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Mar 02, 2019 1:46 pm EST

I never had a steam account neither I purchased anything from them ever
Still today I have noticed 8 transactions from steamgames transactions.
I have called my bank and they have blocked my card and will refund the amount.
And I have seen many like this when I googled
So definitely some [censored] going on with this creepy guys

Naing Zaw Forrest
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Mar 09, 2019 12:07 am EST

I never play online game but i see my bank acc show charge by 2 times 9416 THB.Its around 600 usd.I go to inform to my bank and now my bank is investigate what happen.

Keila Sa
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Apr 26, 2019 8:30 am EDT

Eu nem de jogo eu gosto, pois hoje 26/04/19 foi realizada compras em 8 tentativas no meu cartão, bloqueei meu cartão temporariamente. As compras dão no total de R$ 400, 00; tem uma márfia das grandes em relação aos cartões de créditos.

priyanka verma1984
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May 05, 2019 10:57 am EDT

Rs. 36000 got debited from my debit card by am physically challenged, work hard to earn a living.. and these cruel people took away all my come this website is still up despite so many fraud case complaints? Bring them down!

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May 24, 2019 9:29 am EDT

Steam games hit my bank account for $181.47 I did not buy a [censored]ing thing from this site. I reported this the this to the attorney general office I will get my [censored]ing money back some body is going to jail rotten motherfuckers

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Jun 01, 2019 3:08 pm EDT

You guys probably have your credit card information hacked, as this issue seems to be quite obvious... Steam/Valve is a very large company, and I doubt they will do such thing as fraud. I've been a faithful consumer with them since their first days in 2005 and I've never had a single issue with them. Please check your credit card info hasn't been compromised. Or if you haven't used any "trusted" 3rd party apps that asked for your credit card info.

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Jun 10, 2019 12:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

$150 in 3 separate transactions before my bank flagged them as fraud. Steamgames needs to do more to validate their users and to fight fraud. Obviously this has been going on for years.

Saikat G
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Jul 05, 2019 3:57 am EDT

I had faced a similar thing. 3 separate transaction alert I got in a minute all on while I was purchasing on an Indian website ( I informed bank looking forward to a resolution.

alan mccollum
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Jul 14, 2019 3:46 am EDT

yep me as well, at my local Walgreens to pick up medicine and my card was declined, of course I was surprised, embarrassed, and left without my medicine, pulled up my account and there was 6 different charges from, in the amounts of $160.00, $260.00 $100.0 totaling over $800.00, called my bank will be reversed ya da ya da ya, must wait about 2 weeks until I will have access to my money, so how do I get my medicine, put gas in my car, buy food, pay my other bill, that was all the money I had, and you now body cares, I was upset, but now I must figure a way to survive for the next 2 weeks with the roll of quarters I had for my laundry, I am a nurse, often I hear from people (patients) I have worked with that I will be blessed for what I do and how much I put into my job as being a nurse, e.g. I often have worked the overnight shift at facilities and residents will be hungry, for me its seems like the thing to do is to bring bread, bologna, cheese from the corner store, and to see how appreciate the residents are for this, this is just one example I the simple things I will do, so I will simply wake up tomorrow and see what happens...however, I know God is good... p.s. I have never responed to one of thsese sites, but it just seems like this time I should put my 2 cents out there...

Algie Powers
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Aug 29, 2019 4:36 pm EDT

Woke up to 15 text notifications informing of charges from SteamGames in the middle of the night. I don't even PLAY games! 3 went through for a total of $350. The other 12 were declined, when my bank noticed something fraudulent. I guess 3 charges in less than 2 minutes is pretty fishy. Luckily they blocked the other 12. This was on my debit card, so the money is GONE. Hopefully the dispute will work and I'll get my money back. I don't have extra money lying around, so this has really made an impact on me. How do you report something to the FBI anyway? I'll do it for sure!

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Sep 05, 2019 3:42 am EDT

same here guyz.. illegal transactions from steamgames at around 2 am IST of 3.5k.. i dont know what is happening

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Sep 06, 2019 7:57 am EDT

Got a notice this morning my card has been charged $1000 on something called STEAMGAMES.COM AND STEAMPOWERED.COM.
Time to get yet another new damn card. Pisses me off. These new cards are supposed to be safer yet my CC company let this go through. They halted my card for $22 the other day!
I would love to see these criminals prosecuted!

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Sep 18, 2019 9:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same here $44.12 charge from Luckily was picked up before bigger charges were put through. This company really needs to work harder on validating accounts as there are just too many posts here connected to fraudulent purchases!

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Sep 29, 2019 8:40 am EDT

From Indonesia...they stole 135*4+100=$640 from my credit card. Never heard of this website before. It seems the bank even knows this website is fraud. Received phone call from the bank card division immediately after transaction. My credit card is 3D secured, but it seems this website doesn't need any further authentication..

Tracy Lona
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Nov 04, 2019 4:48 am EST

I too have just be defrauded by this company
6x transactions of R3942 & R2140, the bank was only able to reject the 3x and i have lost R5800.
Cancelled my card and issued a new one. case has been opened with std bank for this.

Donna Valdez
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Nov 14, 2019 1:17 pm EST

I have several charges on my debit card for this Steamgames...I just noticed today that I have charges that go back to the end of Oct ...10/29. I do not know why or what services I am responsible for because there is no explantion of services given. I will check with my bank today of course but this the second time this year that I have to change my card due to scammers. I do not believe it is just gamers that get a hold of a card number and hold on to it. The charges are random and in different amounts. I can not afford to pay any more of these charges for nothing. I want a refund Sure wish this could be investigated and stopped . Donna V

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Dec 28, 2019 5:54 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

La fel si eu am taxe pe cardul meu de la acest joc . Nu am jucat niciodata iar acum ma trezesc ca am bani luati de pe card .Si nu este doar o tranzactie sunt m ai multe . Niste escroci caci altfel nu ai cum sa le spui.

heavenhelp ya
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Jan 21, 2020 6:19 pm EST

On 1/21/20, I was notified by my credit card company that 2, $25.00 charges were made by outfit. the transactions were stopped, but I can certainly tell that this is a fraud outfit. Have no idea who this company is, never heard of it. Most likely an international fraud organization.

Raza G
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Mar 10, 2021 10:32 am EST

Same Fraud with me before one month ago why I should

Julio Veras
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Mar 14, 2021 11:08 am EDT

I am facing the same trouble.

I was checking my accounts on suddenly I saw that STEAM charged me transaction the day 7-March the amount of $ 4.18 with the concept: "STEAMGAMES.COM 4259522 Hamburg DE". In Addition, the day 10-March they charged me the amount of $ 20.92 for the same concept ("STEAMGAMES.COM 4259522 Hamburg DE") again.

I dont know why me but I have already notified to STEAM supprot this "deplorable act" . When I have more details I will display you.

A Canadian Hey
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Apr 09, 2022 9:44 pm EDT

Same here! The transaction was originating from Hamburg. The credit card co cancelled the card, emitted a new one, then hacked again. Same amount, same Hamburg origin.

A whole year after you and they are still operating the scam!

Davide Suppa
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Apr 08, 2021 5:11 am EDT

Buongiorno, è successo anche a me.
stamattina ho trovato una decina di addebiti per importi pari a €12, 81 - €18, 79 - €38-, 45 per un totale di oltre €600, 00..
Ho appena fatto denuncia alle autorità ma non essendo un conto bancario ma una prepagata delle poste è molto probabile che io questi soldi non li rivedrò mai piu.
Bisogna fermare queste truffe.

Rizz Samsung Tab
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Jul 18, 2021 8:20 pm EDT

From Malaysia here, I was just charged RM19.00 equivalent to US 4 dollars..I don't even play games online or offline.
Quickly I called my bank and canceled the card, I think they're just testing the water whether I'm aware or not, the next fraud will be more I think.

Ivan Ray Destajo Basan
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Oct 14, 2021 5:35 pm EDT

Just Happened To me fee hours ago, it was 2am in my Country, I lost all the money in my account, And the thing is I have to wait for the bank to Open. Somebody or authority should be involve now this thing should be stop. Im from Philippines by the way.

Lani Balaoro
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Dec 04, 2021 7:31 am EST

Just happened to me now and I lost 18k plus on my account. May I know if you get your money back?

Emilia Summer
Texas, US
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Nov 06, 2021 7:56 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It has never happened with me. What can I say, it is a true nightmare for a person who has earned and lost it. One of my friend who is a writer at faced Debit card fraud by a online store. Truly speaking it is a nightmare for me.

Kushal Gupta India
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Jan 21, 2022 8:24 pm EST

5 transaction happened at 6:26 am. luckily i called bank in 10 mins.

gin lee
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Mar 12, 2022 11:24 am EST

Malaysian victim, charge credit card Japanese yen

RM0 HLB - Your HLBB card ending XXXX has been debited with JPY11,350.00 at STEAMGAMES.COM 42595. If you did not perform this tranx, pls call Ctc Ctr.

First transaction successful, they try transfer second transaction in half hour again. Block credit card finally.

Jackson Untam
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Mar 15, 2022 2:43 am EDT

Yesterday I got 3 messages stated that there were 3 unauthorized transactions using my Credit Card. I called my bank on the spot and luckily my bank will take care of it. In return my bank block my affected credit card and change it to the new one. I never knew this website exist and have no idea how they stole my credit card details. I was charged for Rm423.30 x 3 totaling Rm 1269.90 ( approximately $300)

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Dec 05, 2022 3:28 pm EST

thats obviously a scam.

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