My husband became an o/o in October, he was terminated for a minor accident and told to get his stuff out of the truck, he was released from the lease agreement. Now we are being harassed by a collection agency saying we owe $95000. We do not have the truck, do not know where it is. There was minor damage done. No citation issued. no property damage. It was in the kanab desert. I tried calling rapid response to ask them what happened to the truck, they said they will not talk to us. They said we still owe for the truck, the agreement was for the lease not the truck. WHAT? We have no idea what to do, except get an attorney. I am concerned that there others out there that are still getting leases for trucks and have no idea what they are getting into. Help me if you can. If not let me know if anyone else has had similar situation.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Swift operates the same way as Central Ref. West Valley, Utah. A BUNCH OF CROOKS and own by the same person they should put him in jail with all the rest of his clan.
I too lost a truck with swift. Owner Operator or Slave Labor? On paper made over $85, 000 in 6 months. Took home only $2, 500 before taxes or child support. Just found this link. Hope it helps others.
I had been rip off with a lease but i am not going to let them do it any people that is in same situation please call law office of Getmansweeney phone [protected] and get your all money back
I started with Swift as a Company driver. I had gotten a friend of mine to be a co-driver. Then when I was to go home for home time, that I had to take a load because there were no loads near where I live, I agreed to it. Then after I got the load to another terminal, and tried to go home, I was told I was not allowed to leave except with a load. I got mad at this. So, soon after I leased a truck. I had to let my friend and co-driver go, because we were not making enough money to pay him and myself. Then, later on, I was on my own. I got my brother to help him get to school to become a driver. His friend was with him, so I got the both of them off the street. I got pulled into a scale for a DOT inspection. I was ticketed for having two unauthorized passengers on my truck. With being a lease operator, I was told I was allowed to have riders, but apparently that was not true. I was told to get them off, and I told them, I was not dropping my brother off in the middle of nowhere. They got mad at me for this. You just don't do that to people. I got the other one off and paid what I had for a bus ticket, and then got an approval for my brother. I left Swift, because I couldn't afford to keep just living off of one advance per week. I have bills to pay, and was not able to pay them. I tried to get into a different trucking company, but apparently with them, because of the unauthorized riders, it has hindered my chances at getting back into another company. So, now I will lose everything I have because of them. Not only my career, but everything in my life as well, and now will be on the streets. So, thank you Swift, for nothing. I am still waiting to hear if I will get anything back for the money they took out for the down payment, but I will not be surprised if I get nothing at all, or they will come back saying that I owe them. Since there was no damage and everything was good on the truck, I am sure they will find something to where I won't get the money.
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