I have been a valued cardholder since 2019 and have paid for this card on time. You lowered my credit limit on the same day I made a substantial payment therefore negatively impacting my credit score. Specifically, I had at least a credit limit of 6500.00 and paid 3,000.00 to this account. I have never had this occur with any other creditor. Additionally, this letter that was supposedly sent is not available to the consumer on the website once you login and therefore you must call into customer service to obtain this letter. And to think that after I paid this amount, I was notified of the lowered credit limit. It was in my best interest to not have paid this amount. I am extremely upset with this process of negatively impacting a consumer’s credit score when the user had the opportunity to increase their credit worthiness by paying down a substantial amount of the balance. I am quite disappointed with this process and lack of transparency when it comes to this credit card. Account holders do not know that they are penalized for paying off the balance because then you are lowering their limit therefore impacting their credit score in a negative fashion.
Recommendation: don't do it