I am and have been having trouble with in-game ads with Lily's Garden. I will copy and paste my email to Tactile customer service. I went directly to them to get help, since the in game customer support wasn't helping. After I copy the email, I will have to hand type the response from Tactile because they answered my email through the game. I play the game on my Chromebook, not on my Desktop computer from which I'd written and sent the email. Here is what I sent to Tactile customer support:
I sincerely hope this does not go to customer service for your specific game Lily's Garden.
I need help from someone at Tactile that cares. I will give you my player i.d., so you can look at the messages.
I have been playing the game long enough to get to level #10156. I even was asked to speak with I think Emily (I think that's her name) regarding ads.
I was receiving ads as usual as I played. That was. until I made the mistake of making an in-game purchase. This was probably two weeks ago. Ever since then I have not received ANY in-game ads in my games to help me get through levels. I don't even receive an ad to get double coins after I actually win a level.
You will see from my interaction through customer service that I've been asking for help in this matter. Excuse after excuse. All I wanted was for CS to contact tech support to try to help me out. Nothing!
The reason I'm writing to you today is because I asked to speak with Emily (sorry if that is not her name), because she told me her husband was in development. I thought who better to speak with.
I was totally shot down by Cinthia, stating "That is, unfortunately not an option at this time."
This is not okay with me. I'm a customer, making a request.
Please help me. My player i.d. is [protected]
Thank you,
Nancy Carnes
This was Tactiles response: Hi Nancy, Thank you for reaching out. I have carefully reviewed your conversation with our team and would like to clarify a few things.
First and foremost, we kindly ask that you treat our support team with respect. We are here to assist you, but we cannot continue this conversation that includes insult's towards our team. If this continues, we will no longer be able to assist you.
I'm going to stop here because the response was quite lengthy. I was told that they never had an Emily working for the company and that no one from Tactile would have called me. So, I cannot remember this woman's name from month's ago. I was contacted and facetimed with a person from Tactile from Denmark regarding ads and what I liked to see. We discussed the times of the ads, the quality and my interest. It did happen. I don't make things up for fun. I also mentioned that this woman said her husband is in game development. That's who I asked to speak to, hoping I could get my issue resolved.
The Tactile support note said they don not tech support on a development team. This kind of proves my point.
What this all comes down to is how rudely I was treated by Tactile, the company itself. I have never disrespected anyone in Lilys Garden support staff. I, myself worked in customer service in one form another my entire career, until I retired 4 years ago. I know how to treat people and how not to escalate a situation. One person in particular, Cinthia, with Lilys Garden CS team was always very rude to me. I'm not one to take condescending remarks, so I asked to never speak with her again. If they makes me a rude person in their eyes, they have issues.
I live in America, not Denmark. Most American companies have a motto that "the customer is always right", I suppose that's not how it works in Denmark. I have never been treated so poorly by a gaming company that is in business to provide games and make money do so. I have no problem speaking out an letting Tactile know how I feel, regardless of they feel they can treat customer's.
When you look and study their website, it's all about the company and it's employee's. Not one thing is mentioned about customer service.
That should say it all. This is my way of explaining to them that customer's really do come first. Without them, the company is nothing.
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Sorry every thing I wrote is not grammatically correct. I wrote this is a hurry.