I was told that I need to sign a proper form in order to buy Tangerine fund despite I have already an existing RSP account with Tangerine Investments for about 20 so years. When I requested such application form to be mailed to me with all information filled out, the Tangerine agent kept telling me to ''hold on'' for over 10 times. He did not provide a non-ambiguous answer as to what was wrong or why the long 20 minute wait for such very simple, straight-forward request. Finally, enough is enough, I ended this long wait for nothing contact & told this Tangerine agent ''It's your loss. I am not buying anything from you anymore!''
When I was working, I knew nearly all my job related information well & could answer & provide proper answers to callers right away most of the time. AND THIS TO ME IS TRULY & TOTALLY PROFESSIONAL. I felt really guilty & incompetent to keep people waiting for me to find answers to their questions relating to my job & program. After all, isn't time precious to ALL OF US?
Mentality/Aptitude with unpractical/user unfriendly tech really have changed a lot for many people now. Working people are largely not well-trained at all with tech on hand that is supposedly to aid them in doing a much efficient job. On the contrary, excessive, ambiguous info is overwhelming & many people nowadays rely too much on computers even for the most simple questions such as hours, mailing/email address, whatever they are promoting online/TV, name of their supervisor, supervisor' s contact information and so on. It is not uncommon that people cannot do their work properly whenever their computers/tech are down for whatever reason.
Of course, people who are lucky enough to have a job & most of their employers, businesses or offices, big & small, care nothing about getting complaints which seem to have become part of the unavoidable yet acceptable reality at work & doing business. The more complaints they are getting the merrier so that they can keep if not expand their already quite useless, time-consuming, bulky, incompetent & bureaucratic complaint department & its complex & confusing process that under most circumstance in my experience, achieves nothing other than much more time being wasted contacting them