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United States Postal Service [USPS]

United States Postal Service [USPS] review: Den of thieves within the post office 73

Author of the review
10:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Here is a letter i had sent to the usps inspector's office and the bell facility in california:

To whom it may concern,
On july 31st, 2010 i mailed out a package media mail delivery (Tracking no. [protected]) . The customer never received the package which was supposed to reach maryland. According to the confirmation - tracking number, it left the bell facility (East los angeles) and apparently never reached its destination. It is now september 3, 2010 and she never got her book. The customer filed a claim against me and i had to refund the money ($93. 99) ! I contacted usps consumer affairs and they never got back to me! What kind of an operation are you running? Enclosed in this envelope is proof of the book i delivered and tracking number. Here is phone # [protected], you need to call them and explain that it’s usps responsibility to deliver mail out securely! Someone needs to refund the money back to me $93. 99 because the book left the bell facility in the hands of a carrier so he / she had the book! If you do not resolve this problem then i will go to higher sources to get this problem resolved! This is totally unfair and unjust! You say to get insurance for high priced items being shipped. We shouldn’t have to buy insurance if you had tight security in the first place. Is getting insurance stating that it can possibly get stolen within the postal service? The package was in the hands of a carrier and never reached its destination which clearly indicates it was stolen within the post office facility at bell! This tells me it is your responsibility to refund the money ($93. 99) since it was last seen at the bell facility and not at the customer’s home in maryland! Hummmmm! Bell, california is not even close to maryland! I plan on mailing this letter to upper management and further until it gets resolved, this is uncalled for! Logic tells me it was stolen within the facility! According to the tracking info: “your item was processed through and left our bell, ca 90201 facility on july 31, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. No further information is available for this item. ” if the item is currently in transit then it’s in the hands of a carrier! Common sense, therefore i have obvious reason to believe it was stolen within the postal facility at bell!

Update by Carmelina Spinelli
Oct 15, 2010 1:42 pm EDT

This Carmelina the person who posted the Bell City Post Office incedent! Latest news: I received my money back from Amazon assuming they heard my complaints indirectly via Bell Post, L.A News, and Post Office inspection! Full refund of $93.00 YESSSSS! I did not give up and just kept pursuing this until there was a solution! So if there is anyone out there having the same issues, please contact THEIR local news, Post office inspections office and Bell City post as well until you get your money back! I even contacted city officials in Bell City SO YOU DO THE SAME! If you have any problems please email me and I can try to help!

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Sep 16, 2008 6:48 pm EDT

I subscribe to a service that provides cd's to me. One time the disc is delivered the next time it may be returned to the sender. I have a PO box and the disc fits into the slot. Then it may be returned.
What is the problem? Why does it work one moment then doesn't the next!

Tucson, US
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Oct 15, 2010 1:13 am EDT

I ship many things from tucson, AZ to the eastern seaboard and find that a portion goes to Bell, Ca. first.
That is the hundreds of miles in the opposite direction.
This happens with both media and first class packages.
Sometimes mail will even be delayed in Bell.
This does not happen in any other city.
What kind of scam does Bell have going?
We all know of the Corruption in the city counsel.
Is there a Mob or Mafia taking kick backs within the usps structure?
I would like to know why so much mail goes through Bell, even if it is out of the way.

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Nov 16, 2010 5:43 pm EST

I had a buyer purchase an item on Oct'28th.
shipped on Oct'29th
It was scanned at a post office at Bell, CA on Nov'2nd
and no updates on the 2 packages after that until today (Nov 16th)

today buyer emailed me saying the item is not received. I went to the local post office but it was not of much help. Looks like USPS has hired an bunch of thieves at BEll, CA post office. at the end of day I have lsot around $100 due to post office.

Class: Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Processed through Sort Facility

Your item was processed through and left our BELL, CA 90201 facility on November 02, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

Detailed Results:
Bullet Processed through Sort Facility, November 02, 2010, 1:03 pm, BELL, CA 90201
Bullet Electronic Shipping Info Received, October 29, 2010

Newport Beach, US
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Dec 14, 2010 3:48 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

90% of my packages that arrive at the Bell, CA USPS facility NEVER gets delivered past this facility to its final destination. Recent incident #18:
12/06/10 PRIORITY USPS package sent from San Diego, CA to be delivered to San Juan Capistrano, CA (62.4 miles).
12/07/10 PRIORITY USPS package processed through sort facility FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON.
12/09/10 PRIORITY USPS package processed through sort facility BELL, CA. 1:35 p.m.
There have been no further updates.

That Bell USPS facility should be shut down. I wouldn't be surprised if the employees are stealing packages. Bell, CA is located in a neighborhood worse than Compton, CA.

clermont, US
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Jan 01, 2011 4:08 pm EST

i have been having the same problem the sender sent me a book by media mail, and i live in iowa. The book was supposed to be here 12/27/10 it is now 1/1/11 and this is the only update i have
Electronic Shipping Info Received, December 20, 2010
Processed through Sort Facility, December 23, 2010, 3:49 am, BELL, CA 90201
and that was the last update i received. I also tried getting the number to call the sort facility to see what happened to the package if it was delivered or what exactly the would know what happened to it that i couldn't see by the tracking number...and good luck with that call the 800#... they give you the # to bell post office...they say "not their problem call the 800#"... call 800# again and this time get a # that is supposed to be the sort facility (the one i asked for in the first place) has nothing but a busy signal... sounds like to me, from all the other complaints about this facility...that the U.S. Postal Service should take some initiative and move the facility elsewhere to where all the people probably speak english, are american citizens, and have past a 5th grade education. It's pretty obvious that wherever in L.A. this sort facility is located that maybe 1% of the workers there fall into all of those categories.

clermont, US
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Jan 02, 2011 4:45 pm EST

if thats the case that it can take up to 30 days, then that is what they should put... my update from usps said it was scheduled for delivery on dec. 27. but there was no other tracking then bell ca. and no i knew there wouldn't be an update on the 1st, but they were open on the 31st and there was still no update. i didn't expect it to be here in 2 or 3 days, but i did expect it to be hee when they said it would be here considering i ordered a a book for washington same date same shipping and that made it here on the 24th. and it had updates at the end of every business day where it was. so if one package from the west coast can do that, the other one should have been here when they said it was supposed to be.

clermont, US
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Jan 03, 2011 4:31 am EST

thats your opinion but from what ive seen looking up on the internet, Bell ca should be relocated somewhere else where the people will actually be capable of doing the job they were hired to do. and get mail to where it is supposed in the time that it is USUALLY supposed to get there. besides that, this was my first time ordering books online. didn't know the difference in shipping.

clermont, US
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Jan 12, 2011 11:07 pm EST

It's Jan 12 and my package still shows bell ca as its last known place. Keep defending the postal service though. They are doing an awesome job out there.

clermont, US
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Jan 14, 2011 2:43 am EST

I thought you said it could take a your changing your mind and it is lost...hmmm...that makes me feel so much better that you agree with me now

Dorothy Anderson
Lynchburg, US
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Jan 26, 2011 7:03 am EST

I too mailed a package to my son in San Diego in time to arrive in time for christmas. My son needed the clothing I sent but the last place his package was seen was Bell California. I believe there are people who are stealing the goods from packages. I read the article that said the city is corupt and 8 politicians including the mayor was arrested. They need to see about the postmaster too aparently he is not doing a good job of overseeing. When I called the lady explained that they have many packages smashed by the machines. She said they had a car engine sent by mail" it went through the machines and leaked oil on things." Sort of unbelievable. My package was coompletely covered with many layers of tape even the oil would not have harmed it. Interesting only priority or insured mail is missing. Likely because they think something valuable is inside. Never have I missed a package before never has a package of mine had to go through Bell California. The postal service should have an inspector on duty in Bell California. I fully intend to write to my president. Yes Barack Obama cares about us. It may take a while but he does address issues that need to be addressed. Isn't it odd that all the complaints are from Bell california?Dorothy Anderson Lynchburg, Virginia.

Ron G 99
Yucaipa, US
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Mar 02, 2011 5:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree that something should be done about the Bell, Ca. postal sorting facility. I've had items shipped and lost there and had items shipped to me, that made it from back east all the way to Bell, just to be lost. I've got a claim #, which seems to be less useful than the paper I wrote it on. I'm told " if " it's found they'll contact me. That's been a month and half ago. I can't talk to anyone there because it's an automated facility? No one at my local post office can seem to do anything about it either. They say to just write it off, order a new item, or just try to get my money back. All I want is my package. From here on I'll pay what ever it costs to ship with anyone but the incompetent buffoons at the US postal service. I'll also recommend to everyone else that they should not use the USPS, especially if they're shipping to southern CA. I know this rant wont accomplish anything, but maybe if there are enough complaints, just maybe, someone who can do something about this problem in Bell will.

Houston, US
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Mar 05, 2011 6:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

same thing here, I shipped very important books about a month ago and I regret it that i sent them by usps
it's now in transit to the destination in BELL, wtf?

Santa Ana, US
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Mar 18, 2011 7:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I ordered a DVD set from amazon on the 10th of march. It was shipped from New Jersey the 11th. It was at bell from the 13th til I finLly received it the 17th. Keep in mind I paid for 2 day delivery. The package had rips and was taped up. It was a gift so later last night opened it and the 5 discs were missing from the DVD set. Someone opened it and taped it back up. Now after reading about this Bell facility I think I know who stole it. I sent amazon a claim so I'm waiting to get a reply. It has only been a day so we'll see how this turns out. I was so angry when we realized the discs were stolen. I will drive to bell myself if t his isn't resolved soon. Maybe a 30 minute drive

Stockton, US
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May 25, 2011 8:00 pm EDT

I'm in the same boat here. 2 packages mysteriously disappear as they pass through Bell Ca. It is line the "Bell Triangle", things go in and never come out. I have contacted to local news stations and complained to the postal inspectro here I think we all should and then maybe those theives will actually start doing federal time for their thefts.

bookseller from OHIO
Cincinnati, US
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Jul 05, 2011 2:33 am EDT

I am a used book seller. Media mail is my main shipping means. Every time I ship something to that area i cringe not knowing if it will actually arrive. I can not count the lost items thank to the Bell facility. I do think it help to get insurance and or use priority service, even first class is a little more reliable. Very messed up place. Today I received a complaint from yet another customer. I am filing some sort of complaint.

bookseller from OHIO
Cincinnati, US
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Jul 05, 2011 2:35 am EDT

Also why does this site need my name, address, sex ... TELEPHONE NUMBER. BS. I am sick of data diggers.

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Aug 25, 2011 3:47 pm EDT

I recently moved cross country, shipped several boxes of books media rate from California to Michigan. 1 box arrived, battered and ripped up--had been opened and contents removed (maybe got dropped or damaged on processing line and box broke?), many of the books missing and those that did get delivered looked like they had literally thrown back in the box and were quite damaged. I also somehow ended up with someone else's book thrown into my box as well! Another box is still missing. Boxes were mailed August 2nd, USPS website states "Your item was processed through and left our BELL GARDENS, CA 90201 facility on August 03, 2011 at 4:44 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination." It is now August 25th. I called the post office and they created a case number, said someone would get back to me in 2 business days. That was 15 days ago. Each time I call back to follow-up, they say it is still being investigated, call back in another 2 days.

I stupidly let the nice lady at the post office convince me that I shouldn't insure the books because the post office gives pennies for used books, and "things may get a little banged around, but they always arrive." Clearly I am kicking myself for not getting insurance, will never mail something uninsured again. Do I have any recourse for my missing/lost/stolen books, or without insurance I am just SOL? Has anyone ever heard of someone actually getting items back from the Mail Recovery Center?

Pomona, US
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Sep 22, 2011 3:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On Sept. 10, 2011, I sent a package from Thiells, NY, to Florida. Now 12 days later, and the package is sitting in Bell Gardens, which appears to be a black hole. Why it would go from NY to CA to get to FL is something only the USPS can answer. I have no idea if the geniuses at Bell Gardens will ever get my package on route to Florida, but I guess I have to keep after them to have any hope.

San Diego, US
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Sep 26, 2011 6:10 am EDT

Package Services

Processed through Sort Facility

August 15, 2011, 4:57 pm


Expected Delivery By:
August 17, 2011

Delivery Confirmation™

Processed through Sort Facility

August 11, 2011, 9:11 am



August 10, 2011, 10:41 am

WILSON, NC 27893

San Diego, US
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Sep 26, 2011 6:14 am EDT

A package of books I ordered has been stuck in Bell Gardens since mid August, it's now nearly October.

Escondido, US
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Apr 30, 2012 11:03 pm EDT

I've had 3 items in the last year, LOST OR STOLEN, that went to Bell Gardens, CA. Each time, I've filed complaints with the post office to ask what kind of people work there for USPS? Can anyone in Bell Gardens USPS read English? Does anyone know how to scan and sort there? Are the employees high on Meth? Maybe a few have a grudge against the PO and decide to re-route packages all over the country because when I track them, they end up in Des Moines, New York and Hawaii. Odd since once it reaches Bell Gardens, CA, it doesn't have far to get down to North San Diego where I live. A pair of valuable citrine earrings mysteriously showed up at my home 6 weeks after I paid for them and long after I filed a complaint. One of my packages sat in Hawaii for a week after being sorted in Bell Gardens, CA. Now I'm missing a pair of shoes that went through that damned USPS sort facility! It's been over 2 weeks since they shipped. I'd love to know how many packages are missing from there that had no delivery confirmation or tracking number!

Escondido, US
Send a message
May 01, 2012 12:04 am EDT

everyone...please submit an email complaint about Bell USPS, CA! I did and you can do it here:
I said they ALL need to be drug tested. Something is seriously wrong with that location!

Oceanside, US
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Jul 03, 2012 2:30 pm EDT

If I am located in Oceanside, CA then why the f*** did Bell USPO send my package bak to Ohio. Check this out:

Package Services

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
July 03, 2012, 8:24 am
Delivery Confirmation™
Depart USPS Sort Facility
June 30, 2012
Processed through USPS Sort Facility
June 30, 2012, 12:14 am
Depart USPS Sort Facility
June 27, 2012
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility
June 27, 2012, 1:52 am
Accepted at USPS Origin Sort Facility
June 27, 2012, 12:37 am
Electronic Shipping Info Received
June 26, 2012

If an item is going from NC to CA, why would you ship it to CA and then to OH? What the f*** is wrong with you?

berkeley, US
Send a message
Jul 17, 2012 11:41 am EDT
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berkeley, US
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Jul 17, 2012 11:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Package Services
Depart USPS Sort Facility
April 30, 2012
Expected Delivery By:
May 4, 2012
Delivery Confirmation™
Processed through USPS Sort Facility
April 29, 2012, 8:46 am
Processed through USPS Sort Facility
April 28, 2012, 5:48 am
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility
April 27, 2012, 2:31 pm
April 27, 2012, 12:59 pm

Austin, US
Send a message
Jul 27, 2012 8:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm waiting to see if my package from MO to TX (a 12 hour drive) will arrive. There's no reason to go to CA for sorting. So I'm half expecting that my stuff will be stolen.

USPS - if you are listening - this is why you're going out of business - and it's an easy fix.

Depart USPS Sort Facility July 27, 2012

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
July 27, 2012, 12:54 am

Shipment Accepted
July 25, 2012, 5:23 pm

Fort Bragg, US
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Aug 13, 2012 10:30 am EDT

I too am experiencing the same problem. I mailed a envelope, media mail on July 27th. It has been tracked to Bells Garden and sorted and scanned for departure on July 30th. No updates since and it is now Aug.13 th. My customer wants a refund and I know that the package is out there somewhere. Of course the post office is saying it could have been destroyed therefore I should have purchase insurance. Well I didn't and now I am out 20.00 and the item. I think that the post office should make us aware of all this information first and maybe I would have not of hesitated on purchasing the insurance. I really believe something is definitely wrong with this Post Office. I am terribly upset for my customer too. She picked my item, I package it securely, and sent it immediately and yet it disappeared. Thank you so much Usps for ruining my reputation and losing my merchandise.

Long Beach, US
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Sep 07, 2012 2:07 pm EDT

Many USPS employees at Bell should be put to firing squad. Tampering mail (even opening) is a federal offense. My stuff from Amazon is stucked at Bell, CA fro the last three days and I'm in Long Beach, CA. I lost my trust with USPS in general.

Long Beach, US
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Sep 11, 2012 9:35 am EDT

I agree with the "den of thieves" assessment completely.

I'm a seller on Amazon, and on Aug. 6, 2012 I dropped off a package containing a book at the Lakewood, CA post office, to be mailed to Purchase, NY. Here are the details:

Acceptance August 06, 2012, 11:38 am LAKEWOOD, CA 90714

Dispatched to Sort Facility August 06, 2012, 6:49 pm LAKEWOOD, CA 90714

Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility August 07, 2012, 12:56 pm BELL GARDENS, CA 90201

Depart USPS Sort Facility August 08, 2012 BELL GARDENS, CA 90201

Processed through USPS Sort Facility August 14, 2012, 8:29 am BELL GARDENS, CA 90201

So it was processed, shipped, and then..."processed" again. My buyer complained on Sep. 7th about not having received the book (a month and a day after I originally mailed the item), and I immediately called up the sorting facility and they gave me a case number. I was told that I would receive a call with regards to the item by Monday evening Sep. 10th. Well, Monday came and went, and when I called up the sorting facility today (Tues. Sep. 11th), I was told that absolutely NO PROGRESS had been made toward looking for the package. But I was told that they'd keep the case open, meaning of course, that it's lost forever. So, I'm now more than convinced that they're running some sort of project over there. Either that or they are in fact just ridiculously disorganized. From now on, I'm shipping through Fedex only.

disappointed ebay customer
Mesquite, US
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Sep 12, 2012 12:23 pm EDT

I purchased 3 books from ebay to be shipped from WA to Mesquite, NV. The books were shipped 8/30/12 and sorted at the Bell Gardens facility Sept. 3rd (labor day?). Was that facility even opened that day, a legal government holiday? Today is now September 12th and I have not yet received my item. I will never purchase anything again from anyone who sends USPS.

Long Beach, US
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Sep 20, 2012 9:32 pm EDT

Bought a book for school online and paid extra to get it here before the quarter started. Came from Portland, Or; made it's way down to the "Bell Triangle" and then arrived to Long Beach, Ca to me. The issue, well it's stamped with "package empty at arrival of 90803" (90803 is the Long Beach zip code). I guess I should be happy that the empty box made it out and it didn't all completely disappear but still my $200 book is gone, stolen by those thieves working at the Bell, Ca USPS.

Miles City, US
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Oct 16, 2012 9:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think that the USPS Sort Facility is a ###ing joke and a bunch of ###ing thieves. The USPS is suppose to be a high security entity but unfortunately they are pieces of ###. I too, am waiting for a package that I bought on Ebay and it is stuck at the Bell facility for days.

Spring Valley, US
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Nov 01, 2012 1:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bell got my package October 8th 2012 and it was never seen again. I had a tracking number but based on complaints this post office is famous for losing the mailed items. Bell Post office employees must be stealing like the city administrators.

St. Charles, US
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Nov 24, 2012 8:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I ordered a vinyl record as a christmas present to be delivered to Illinois. The latest tracking information on Amazon says it's "out for delivery" in Bell, California meaning the package is being delivered to someone who lives in Bell California! At first I thought it was an error, but after reading posts on this website, i'm starting to worry. What's going on over there? Something needs to be done.

jennifer sprenger
Newport Beach, US
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Dec 28, 2012 3:03 am EST

Help Oh My gosh, I sent package [protected] this is a very expensive HUGE BOX! I repeat HUGE and it has to be impossible to lose a box this big! I want to file a lawsuit with the USPS if they do not find my package this week. THIS WAS BEING SHIPPED FROM SANTA ANA to RALEIGH NORTHCAROLINA why in the flip did it go to bell gardens. GOSH please semeone help me!
[protected] package services
Depart USPS Sort Facility November 23, 2012 BELL GARDENS, CA 90201 Expected Delivery By: November 28, 2012
Delivery Confirmation™
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility November 22, 2012, 11:20 pm BELL GARDENS, CA 90201 Dispatched to Sort Facility
November 21, 2012, 4:22 pm SANTA ANA, CA 92799 Acceptance November 21, 2012, 3:08 pm SANTA ANA, CA 92799

Your Label Number


Status of Your Item

Date & Time




Package Services

Depart USPS Sort Facility

November 23, 2012


Expected Delivery By:
November 28, 2012

Delivery Confirmation™

Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility

November 22, 2012, 11:20 pm


Dispatched to Sort Facility
November 21, 2012, 4:22 pm

AcceptNovember 21, 2012, 3:08 pm

Hesperia, US
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Jan 04, 2013 4:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well the den of thieves is still there. On Dec. 12, 2012 my daughter mailed a package from Hartford, CT. it went through the facilities in Jersey City, NJ and unfortunately was sent to Bell Gardens, CA sorting facility. Supposedly is was processed in on Dec. 16, 2012, and on Dec. 17th 2012 it states "depart USPS sort facility", which I have my doubts. We made several inquiries, both my daughter in Connecticut and I went to the post office here in Hesperia, CA to no avail The clerk in Hesperia commented that the Bell Gardens USPS is a "black hole" and it's no uncommon for parcels to be lost there. On Dec. 28th I received a "attempt to deliver" notice from Hesperia and went to the post office on Dec. 31st. I took the list of contents my daughter sent to me and when I presented my card to the postal clerk before I even saw the parcel told her I wanted to inspect the contents in front of her. Well when she brought out the package it was beat to heck. So I opened it from the bottom so I didn't disturb the shipping labels on top. All of the contents except one gift card were removed and they restuffed it with plastic packing sheets and then bound it all around with their binder stuff. Now the kicker is, it was tracked and insured, but according to post office officials, they don't insure gift cards or cash, so I ask myself, why do we insure then? We are filing complaints and a claim, but to what end? After reading so many other complaints before mine, when will someone check out these employees and isn't it a federal offense to tamper with the mail? I am hoping that even if we don't get our gifts back that whoever did this will be prosecuted and jailed. They deserve no less.

Springfield Gardens, US
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Jan 05, 2013 5:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The VERY same thing happened to me Christmas time in the Bell Gardens post office. I shipped very expensive items from Tracy CA on December 7th and it is marked that it went to Bell Gardens and left it on the 8th, but never got to any other destination. Certainly, it looks to me that they scan the packages there, I had a Tablet and 4 watches in my box and they could make great Christmas gift for a family of thieves that work in this BELL GARDENS Post office. Be aware everyone... If that is the case, we should file a collective complaint to the POST MASTER to really investigate this facility... And catch the thief... My package can be tracked at and here is the tracking number [protected]
Anyone with similar experience please email me to

Turlock, US
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Jan 16, 2013 7:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same thing is happening to me. I sold my book, it went through Bell Gardens and never came out. I needed this money and I just had to refund. This is not okay. We must stop this.

Scotts Valley, US
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Jan 22, 2013 2:25 pm EST

Sent a package (Ebay Sale), went to Bell Gardens, never left. It was a RARE and sought after set of Lord of The Rings books worth at least 50$. My customer never got them and asked "Why did they go to CA when I live in MO" ?
I had no answer, but yet again, another package swollowed by BELL GARDENS SORT FACILITY.
-Bran6man (ebay user name)

Send a message
Mar 22, 2013 6:55 pm EDT

Write to the Consumer Advocate's Office in DC to hopefully get this place shut down! This has gone on far too long.

WASHINGTON, DC [protected]

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