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United States Postal Service [USPS]

United States Postal Service [USPS] review: Not getting my mail 39

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9:41 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am residing at 3401 s main street with my wife millicent l. Brodie - knight. My son dr. Mark knight and his wife were also occupants of that home and they have moved. We have put in three change of address forms on different occasions and the problem is the postman and the system. Some one had placed a card in the mailbox saying that unit is " vacant ", and the place is never vacant. I removed it. , and it was put back. I left a note in the box with names of the occupantts, and that vanished and the "vacant card " put back in the box. Now i am not getting any mail at all, and my son's mail is no coming back to this address and i am not getting any of my mail. My bank has put a hold on one of my accounts because my checks and debit cards were returned to them. I am also losing business because orders coming to me and payments are not getting to me. The post man or the post office does not determine where i live and has s responsibility to deliver mail to an address. This has been going on from april of this year until now. I have spoken to the carrier, the supervisor, the clerks in the post office, and there is no change in the situation.
I am now putting this in the hands of an attorney. Please have this matter cleared up at once, is all i am asking.

Willis j knight.

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Jonathan Lee
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May 12, 2008 10:26 am EDT

We are a mail order company that spent over $10, 000 on postage thru USPS alone.
Every year USPS gets more complicated. It used to be simple.

First Class stamp for the first oz and add oz stamp for each additional. (Still that way - YET!) Used to be able to pull off 2-9 add oz stamps in a strip - tear - lick and stick. Now its hard to get the first oz to come apart. Forget about taking the add oz stamps in strips. They always come apart.

Fixed amount for the 1st 2 lbs. Fixed amounts for the next lbs. - Now has gone to zones. Necessary? Maybe, but much more complicated and time consuming for the shipper.

It costs more when postage goes up. But no one seems to consider the time it takes to get adjusted to a new price scheme and pricing system. They seem to be so intent on pricing it just right, that they have totally forgotten the KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid! Just go up and leave it alone.

Last time I needed to get used to mailing envelopes with hard items, different size envelopes AND thicknesses. It's too simple to just go by weight.

Now they have just gone up again. Last time I had to get used to adding for envelopes with rigid items. But at least I could just add another 17 cent stamp that I had out already. Now I have to use a 20 cent stamp! I have to dig in my drawer for a stamp that I am not already using. Why not keep it simple?

Try going online and find the new postage rates. It took me 10 minutes to find them. They should be in a big link on the front page so that the average person can find it right away.

Sometimes I think that in our computerized age, we forget to use simple common sense. I hope that someday someone will catch on that more complicated is not necessarily better or cheaper.

Thanks for listening,
Jonathan Lee, President

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Jul 23, 2008 10:09 am EDT

We have a mail box that opens from the top. Almost every day the mail carrier drops off the mail and fails to take an extra 2 seconds and look into the mailbox to see if there is any outgoing mail, and so more often than not the outgoing mail does not get picked up. The only way the mail gets picked up is if it is sticking out of the mailbox, but then the lid of the mail box closes so the letter(s) gets bent. I can see the mailmen from my desk and they walk over, drop the letters in and leave. I have never seen a mailman actually take the time to look in to the mail box. This morning I had 8 letters in the mailbox and the new mail (including 2 magazines) were shoved in right on top of them. This is ridiculous!

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Aug 12, 2008 12:51 pm EDT

You should view this video.

To think we pay his salary.

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Sep 10, 2008 2:52 am EDT

F-CK this service, the caucasian dude was so rude, next time if I am home who answer the door, I will jump on you, you better watch out!

Greg Johnson
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Oct 08, 2008 11:54 am EDT

I have contacted the Internal Revenue service over 6 times since July 20'th when I received a letter from them 1 week prior stating that my Government Stipend Check has been issued, and should be at my house within the week. Upon calling them the first time They said that the check had been sent out two weeks prior to me calling, and that I "Should have it by now." They continued to tell me they would do a 6 WEEK investigation to see if it had been cashed, and if it had / hadn't they would resend it. Well, From August to September I never got it. So on the 3rd of October, I called them again and asked if it had been processed. According to what the service representative told me "The check was mailed on the 20th of August 2008. " and I should have it. but I don't.
Now, normally, I'm NOT the kind of person to complain aboutmail coming up missing, as I'm sure I'd do the same thing. But the post office at De Mont is getting REALLY tacky. I've had packages delivered to my house, and instead of GIVING THEM TO ME - they keep them in the truck, send me a notice saying I wasn't home, and then make ME go get them from the station.
I work at home. I'm here almost 24 hours a day, and I'm ALWAYS at home between the hours of Midnight, and 7PM Every day.
I've had bank statements, 2 Checks for 300$ each, credit card bills, phone bills, and NUMEROUS other parcels come up missing due to the neglegence of this station. Something needs to get done. And the thing that worries me the most is that I get my neighbors mail ALL THE TIME and have to go knock on his door, and hand it to him because the postal service doesn't know how to do it's job right.
But that's not all either. Iv'e called and spoken with managers, I've watched a man get arrested for stealing checks FROM the bellaire area (he was a Postal Service worker.) The manager just told me that there was nothing he could do since he would have to talk to the carrier, and to call at 6 IN THE MORNING.
I'm sorry, I thought I was the customer here. What the hell made him think I'd want to call at 6AM to ask why his employees are taking my money?
Then, as if it wasn't bad enough. HE CONFIRMED that it DID reach the station and he "Has no idea why it didn't get to my house." I know why...someone TOOK the damn thing, or put it in the wrong box.

It's not fair to anyone to have to put up with this kind of neglegence. Either they can do their job, or they need to find better freaking people. It's a GOVERNMENT CHECK - WHY WOULD YOU STEAL A GOVERNMENT CHECK ? Are these people ###ed? Do they just lose stuff on purpose, accident, or steal it. Someone needs to find out what's going on at this station seriously.
You'll have to excuse that last statement, but I'm a quite bit pissed off that I'm close to losing my HOUSE because these people insist on "misplacing" my checks.
Please do something about this station. The ONE job in the world you shouldn't just..."skip out" on is postal service. It's not hard to read a damn envelope.
Anyways, I'm done ranting. just please do something about this station, and it's employees before this check comes again in 6 weeks and they steal it again.
Thanks, and sorry for exploding, I'm just really mad that I may be losing my house because of the people that are supposed to deliver things from around the world, not take or misplace them.
Greg Johnson

Randy RiChard
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Dec 01, 2008 1:22 pm EST

I've had my mailbox vandalized & my money orders to pay my bills stolen. The mailbox is broken, dented, mail signal gone. Who do I report it to? What do I do? I know its the kids next door..

charles d hunter
Gary, US
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Dec 12, 2008 8:25 pm EST

i sign up to have my mail change starting nov. 24, 2008
but no mail to my new address is 945 stevenson st

Okmulgee, US
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Aug 05, 2009 9:55 am EDT

WE havent recieved mail for over 2 days now ..AGAIN!, i called the post office to find out the problem and they said"your route was pivoted out. there wasnt much mail yesterday so only a few people got delivered?"ARe you F@#$ing kidding me! Im waiting on my check which always comes on the third of the month every month..and the post master said.." if your street doesnt have much mail then we skip it until it does..And when we have mail we get the neighbors everytime even tho the dadderesses are clearly different. WE cannot send out mail unless we take it to the post office and drop it off!"WTF!..What happened to rain, sleet, snow, or hail we do our best to deliver the mail? This is pathetic...Thanx! now my gas is getting shut off and im filing with the BBB, FTC and Writing the newspaper..SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT OKMULGEE!(but i dont see it as there isnt even a place to submit your info for a response)..Way to go!

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Dec 08, 2009 5:34 pm EST

I went in to my local branch of the Post Office (a large station) in Charlotte, NC at about 10:30 AM in the morning, mailed some packages and then tendered a United States Postal money order for $155.00 to be cashed and was told that they did not have enough money in the cash drawers to cash it. That I had to return later in the day. Can you imagine the time wasted and the cost of gas today having to return at a later time? This seems to be a standard practice with the US postal service, and very unfair to we Americans who have to comply with their unfair costs and practices.

I'll bet that if I wanted a money order for $155.00 and want to pay for it later in the day they would not give it to me.

Angry resident
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 19, 2010 6:15 pm EST

Our mailman forgot to deliver mail! I saw him delivering in 333 N. Berendo...then he just took off! What a shame!He should be fired! I am so mad!I was expecting a very important package!

How this could happen?Was he drunk or something?

Please make sure he gets his punishment. He did not deliver mail to the whole building, 336 N. Berendo Str. on January 19, 2010.

Angry resident

rachel mae young allen
albany, US
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Jun 01, 2010 3:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

my name is rachel mae young allen i noitce their are alot people with my frist name middle an last name what do, i do, in case like this . once live in waco tx . at 909 duty street, 126 kennedy cir, 211 lylindon cir. and austin tx 1601 e anderdon ln. the i move to ga 1101 s jefferson st. an i now live at 519 holloway st albany ga . iam just trying to locate my mail because it;s so many pupil with my name

Missed Mail
paineville, US
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Jun 22, 2010 4:53 pm EDT

Complaints here are just that, HERE.
I too have issues lately also, so after much failure to find a real USPS complaint area, (there is none) Next best thing, and probably the best.

How to Complain About a Postal Problem
When you have a problem with your mail service, complete a Consumer Service Card which is available from letter carriers and at post offices. This will help your postmaster respond to your problem. If you wish to telephone a complaint, a postal employee will fill out the card for you.

The Consumer Advocate represents consumers at the top management level in the Postal Service. If your postal problems cannot be solved by your local post office, then write to the Consumer Advocate. His staff stands ready to serve you.

Write to: The Consumer Advocate, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, D.C. [protected]. Or phone: [protected].

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Feb 01, 2011 1:44 pm EST

.Several months ago I called my city usps to make a complaint when my mailman dropped two pieces of very important mail a pay check and another important peice of mail that was found by a person a few bocks away soaking wet. This time I received a neighbors mail and mail of someone who lives miles from my home that peice of mail was from a Cedit card company if it feel into the wrong hands could have been a real problem for that person. who who who who who who who who who who And why why why why?

Jacksonville, US
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Feb 01, 2011 1:51 pm EST
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C'mon now...they do a great job. In fact, they have been petitioning for a raise. Let's raise the postage rates because we're doing such a great job.

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Feb 25, 2011 4:20 pm EST

I have written to you on two occasions about this! I DID NOT receive this book. I could not return it because I DID NOT receive it. The first time I knew you were dunning me for the money, the invoice was address to:

Roberta Stone

Temecula, CA

The post office does not regularly deliver books to a non-address. I DID NOT get this book. I can't make it any

plainer and I do not appreciate you turning it over to a collection agency when you don't even consider my attempts to clear this up.

I would very much like to talk to someone regarding this. I am not in the habit of ordering books and then skipping out on payment.

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Mar 21, 2011 7:03 pm EDT

I went on vacation for a week and a half and the USPS assumed I moved! I came home to no mail. I called my local post office and they said I now have to file a change of address form?

Why would I do that if I have not moved? More importantly, no one can tell me where my mail is. The person I spoke to says that after 10 days the USPS can send back a person's mail.

I have never in my life heard of this.

I have gone on longer vacations and never had a problem before.

This is a nightmare.

Chrisman, US
Send a message
Apr 25, 2011 7:25 am EDT

I have gone through nothing but HELL... with the local post office. I have a sweet dog, who is always inside the house or in the back yard - never anywhere near the mailbox in my front yard. Yet, my envelopes consistently were inked with "Dog Out" across the front. I am still unsure of what "Dog Out" implies. Eventually, after receiving threats written on my envelopes by the postal carriers and letters from the "postmaster" stating (and asking that I sign) that I had to keep my dog inside so that the mail carrier could walk through my back yard (which, she/he had no reason at all to walk though - other then save 35 seconds of walking), I had all my mail forwarded to a family member’s house an hour away. When I received a letter to pick my mail up from the post office, I was greeted by the "postmaster" literally pretending to be on the phone with animal control and stating my address loudly as I stepped through the door (I was the only customer there). When I told the "postmaster' that I would not sign any agreements, had filed a police report against the mail carriers who trespassed on my land (I had no trespassing signs up), and wanted all my mail sent to a different address (versus his idea that I would buy and pay for a box at the post office)...he freaked out and threatened to call the police (which, I had to again inform him that I had already spoke with). To this day I do not receive my mail. I have contacted the U.S. postal service numerous times and never heard back. Perhaps, I will just continue to sit and wait for something to be done. Do our taxes not go toward the government jobs? Why should I pay taxes on a service that not only lacks in completing its duty and requirements, but also harasses me?

Send a message
Jun 24, 2011 7:43 pm EDT

Several times I have NOT received packages sent to me in mail. Unless it is insured I rararely get my packages sent to me from distant relatives including packages sent to me recently for my birthday. When I called to complain all they said they could tell me was that unclaimed or lost mail ends up in maim office in Arkansas. I do have a suspiciion that besides postal workers stealing packages I also have a concern that a local postal worker here in Oplusas, La 70570 named Robin Neal Pickett may have tampered with some off my mail due to a faLling out we had a few years back due to hois drug usuage even though I don't suspect he is the only one since I have packages sent from Maryland, Texas, and 0oklahoma that never arrived. I hope that postal workers stealing mail is not an upcoming trend even thouigh I have heard of similar complaints from others as well. My email is and my cell is [protected] my name is David W Bellard Jr. Should you need to contact me-thanks

Send a message
Aug 29, 2011 4:44 pm EDT

For MANY years (at least 10) the USPS has been sending mail belonging to a neighbor on the next block and they have been getting much of our mail. At least every week there are two or three pieces, including very important bank statements, retirement statements, etc. that are misdelivered. I DO NOT WANT this information that can be misused delivered to ANYONE else! I have called and called and called and complained and complained AND COMPLAINED to the USPS to NO AVAIL! I am EXTREMELY aggravated about this. How incompetent can a company be? Doesn’t the USPS hire postmen who can read?

Send a message
Sep 19, 2011 7:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


My brother has sent a parcel (rain coat) from US through USPS to bangalore on 6th sep, 2011. As of now the status of parcel show “item sent to customs”

For the past 7 days, the status has not been changed. I don’t have any further updates. How do I track this further. I badly need my rain coat as it was raining in bangalore alomost everyday.

Please help me in this regard.
Label/Receipt Number: CP387615136US

Service : United states Postal service (USPS).



jim .. jones
mesa, US
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Sep 23, 2011 10:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

THEY DID THIS WITH 2 DIFFERENT PACKAGES BOTH RECEIVED ON 9-6-2011 and Today is [protected] and I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED EITHER OF MY PACKAGES YET. This Office SUCKS! My packaged was sent on [protected] and THIS BS USPS OFFICE MARKED MY package as DELIVERED on 9-6-2011, yet today is [protected] AND I STILL DON"T HAVE MY PACKAGE. Yet This BS office marked it as "DELIVERED" or "RECEIVED" on 9-6-2011. and it's been sitting in their office for the past few weeks. DON"T DO BUSINESS WITH THIS ### OFFICE.

The Old Grouch
Franklin, US
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Oct 07, 2011 2:22 pm EDT

It's no wonder that the USPS in in financial trouble, especially in light of the erratic service they provide. A few weeks ago I sent a package to Connecticut and it was delivered in 2 days. Last week I sent a package to Seattle, Washington and it, too, was delivered in two days. This week I had a package sent to me from Phoenix, Arizona. It took 1 1/2 days for it to get to Louisville, Kentucky, which is just 135 miles from here. The package will be delivered today, which means that it took 2 1/2 days to travel the last 135 miles. Talk about inefficiency and waste! It's no wonder that the USPS is having troubles, given the totally erratic service they provide.

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Nov 03, 2011 6:44 pm EDT

I sent a letter in a flat large envelope priority mail on Saturday morning, March 20, 2010. Today is Monday, March 29 and the document has not reached its destination in NYC. I made several calls to customer service and to a couple of post offices(here in Florida and NYC) with no resolution to my problem. A few of the representatives I spoke to were rude and even one of them, instead of trying to help me, suggested I make a complaint. I feel that if I sent that document regular mail, it would have reached its destination faster and it would be cheaper. I don't understand why I am paying for priority mail if the letter is not guaranteed 2-3 day delivery. Furthermore, the postal clerk reassured me that the document would reach NYC by Tuesday. I understand things happen, but everyone I contacted about my issue could not help me. I'm very disappointed with the USPS in South Florida!

Taylors, US
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Nov 28, 2011 5:10 pm EST
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No one cares at the post office. I'm in a similar boat, but I'm just not receiving my monthly bills/mail (phone, cable, electric, car insurance bill, medicare correspondence, etc.). I am receiving everything else including junk mail, but it's going on the third month with these bills being sent back to the sender and the sender having to call me to find out where I am. My phone company and tv company both call me to let me know my mail is being returned as "undeliverable" but no, they won't call the post office to find out what's going on. I've asked. I have lived here since March and had no problems at all until August/September when I was informed my bills were being sent back to the sender. Why am I still getting junk mail, birthday cards, etc, but just my monthly bills (and who knows what other important correspondence) are being sent back? I have called my local city post office four times now, the county post office twice (I just called them again and left a message with the Postmaster), and I've even filled out the "missing or stolen mail" complaint online with the USPS. That was over a month ago and I haven't heard a word back. Again, I'm on my third month of my bills being sent back to sender, I haven't moved (which these companies keep asking me when they get the bills back), nor am I having difficulty it appears receiving other mail. JUST MY BILLS which can really mess a person up credit-wise or can result in utilities being shut off for non payment. I am also disabled which limits my ability to go in person to complain. I had made a slight complaint - I didn't want her to get into trouble and even said that to them - against my letter carrier for proselytizing to my father who was in hospice care with me after I told her on an earlier occasion we were a different religion, but that was back in April or May. Is she messing with me? She's not very nice to me now like she used to be, but hey, she went against my information and cornered my father in his wheelchair anyway. He was upset to tears fearing he was going to he-you-know-where and I had to report it. Now I'm wondering if this is in retaliation. By the way, his mail IS undeliverable now, but the letter carrier knows I'm still here and again, I've reported this issue several times with no results. Not even a call back from someone who tells me they'll get back to me. I'm ready to call a PI and a lawyer to find out what's going on myself if this continues.

Kaplan, US
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Dec 19, 2011 10:48 pm EST

The rigamarole of trying to find out what happened to a package I mailed 12-7-11 to Wales that shows on the USPS tracking site (when I can access it) as only having been accepted at the post office I mailed it from. Three other packages I mailed the same day have passed through Miami on the 14th. I made loads of phone calls locally and to 1-800 #s, heard too many automated voices. I actually got through to a person who could not help me from one of the 800 #s then gave me another. When I called that one--automated voice mail "this person does not subscribe to this service. Goodbye." I am starting to understand why people get so upset with the post office and do not care if it crashes. Merry Christmas.

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Feb 13, 2012 5:36 am EST

I received three boxes of china from Texas. Eight plates were broken. Because it was insured by the sender I filed an insurance claim. After following all of the insurance claim rules I copied everything they asked for and sent out the originals to their claim service. I used tracking and the envelope was delivered as addressed. Then NOTHING! The claim was sent in November and now it's mid February. NO acknowledgement, no requests for more info, not even a denial! NOTHING. I insure everything I send out with USPS. This has to be a pure money scam. Collect the money then ignore the complaints. Can anyone offer any help? t.y.

Roswell, US
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Apr 09, 2012 5:08 pm EDT
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I lived in Albuquerque New Mexico for a time. My mail box was at the end of the block with a number of other residents. The mail carrier started stuffing newspaper ads into the box twice a week. They had no address at all. I requested the delivery of this garbage be stopped. I put the newspaper ads (called advos) back into the outgoing mail for the carrier. He stuffed them back into my box. I left a note, I do not want this garbage. He left a nasty note, saying I could not refuse the garbage, that I had to accept it since it wasn't first class. I took the note to the local USPS office. They didn't do anything except put another carrier on the route. The cycle started all over again. Then I moved to a small town south of Albuquerque. Since I received so much garbage in Albuquerque I decided to get a PO box. I filled out a very intrusive application, all kinds of ID required. The postmaster began filling up my PO box with mail from former box renters. Then he would hold my mail saying I needed to get a bigger box (for other people's mail to be delivered to me). So I had filled out an application for a PO box only to be forced to receive other people's mail. I started returning the mail addressed to other people. They began to return my mail to the sender but continued to stuff other people's mail in my box. I complained that I did not receive a couple of checks and legal documents. It continued. They wanted not only to force me to accept other people's mail, but they demanded I empty the box on a daily basis or buy a bigger box. Then I moved to an even smaller town. At this point I receive very little mail because of the trauma USPS carriers cause. So in my new place, I took down the mail box. So the carrier delivers other people's mail between my screen door and my inner door. I tape up the door. The carrier pulls back the tape, stuffs the mail in -- all junk mail by the way -- and tapes the door back. I tried to mail a box at the USPS office today. They wanted to know what was in the box, my ID, and since I had no ID, they demanded to know how I got to the PO box because everyone who drives is required to carry a drivers' license. The childishness and stupidity of all the USPS workers I have ever come into contact with is astounding. It's as if they have a personal stake in forcing you into all kinds of useless bureucratic rules -- but it only goes one way. They can force you to receive whatever junk and garbage they want, but when you try to send a box, they depose you as if you are in a court of law. I cannot WAIT until USPS goes BANKRUPT. All those snotty carriers may miss their pension.

Ypsilanti, US
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Jun 02, 2012 9:51 am EDT

I'm was setting in limbo on Saturday (5/26) at 11 AM with a Saturday GTD redelivery confirmation of a perishable item (4 trees) and can't verify ANYTHING, the USPS website service displays that my packages were delivered the prior day that were paid for as 2-day priority mail with a 5/25 delivery date, of course an obvious error - but they should have been left as NO signature was required, my local carrier embodies the notion that this Saturday delivery is NOT his responsibility with a chuckle without personally checking anything, I had a GTD redelivery order number of #ORR18655596 for Saturday, I have ZERO access to anyone in the Ypsi Township post office via their phone listing/automated answer system during posted business hours and the USPS 800 Customer Service staff is useless in verifying anything as they are but a farmed-out business service (it's amazing that it's not from India) who are essentially working from manuals with absolutely no access to contacting any USPS branches during USPS branch business hours.

I receive the trees the afternoon of 5/29 after calling USPS Consumer Affairs - Detroit. So I PAY FOR 2-day priority mail and receive the parcels in 6-days. The consumer affairs rep informed me they wouldn't have been delivered on Tuesday if I hadn't called. Once again I PAID FOR 2-day priority, have a GTD redelivery confirmation for day 3 (Saturday) and even then the parcels wouldn't have been delivered on day 6 Tuesday without ME calling!

So I pay for a steak (2-day priority) and end up with a McDonald's hamburger (6-day delivery) ALL (300%) the direct result of USPS's own screw-ups and not a scintilla of civility as Joe Consumer has to EAT the difference in costs-versus-actual services performed?

On the morning of May 29, 2012 (Tuesday) I go into the Ypsilanti Township Post Office to deliver a copy of the complaint letter to the Postmaster and the USPS counter person demanded that I buy a stamp. We are standing in the Ypsilanti Township Post Office and I respond in utter bewilderment, "but it's in this building." Talk about a shady-business; but this is exactly what the USPS epitomizes today.

Does anyone see any elements of a 'that-a-boy' GREAT service in the above FACTS?

So we have the USPS employees with their inflated pensions, extravagant healthcare benefits, a union guarantee of no lay-offs if one's a six-year USPS employee, a federally mandated law that ONLY the USPS can deliver the nation's first class mail, ... and the before mentioned service that I received by the USPS and this is what we, the US taxpayers, get as the USPS receives hundreds-of-millions per year in "implicit subsidies, " such as breaks on property tax, vehicle registration, and sales tax, in addition to subsidized government loans.

They live in a WORLD-OF-THEIR-OWN and they don't have the common decency to deal with the public humanely when glaring errors occur that THEY, the USPS, have produced themselves and when confronted they act like ostriches with their heads buried to avoid anything that might require a scintilla of effort to aid their employer - 'Joe Citizen' - with their flippant responses indicative of 'it's not my responsibility.'

Norfolk, US
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Dec 11, 2012 7:11 am EST

Over this past year more than 6 of maybe 20 some odd packages being sent to me thru USPS have been returned to sender for no apparent reason. The ship to address (mine) correct, labels printed, correct, everything involved correct. When received back by the sender there are no, notations stating reason for return. A mystery. Each of them I watched thru tracking number as they come to the Main Hub here in my town one zip code number away from mine and then away they go back where they came from. Can you say frustrated? Pissed off? Roiling Mad? Is this happening to anyone else or just me?

John Nimmons
Stratford, US
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Jan 23, 2013 12:50 am EST

You would think that it is real easy to to get a package delivered these days, with all the technology, IE, tracking #'s, computer scans, handheld scans, satellite links, GPS. But no, it all comes down to one postal service worker walking over to a roll-a-Dex and looking up a PO Box number and confirming a physical address. Now mind you all the residences in town can fit on a roll-a-Dex. And because it is not their job and they are not required to spend two seconds to look up and match physical address to a PO Box they don't do it. The whole town is on PO Box. And for this the package spent 4 days at Sratford CA post office (10 days is the norm ) and over the weekend it was sent back because they could not or would not cross check the address. Because the whole town is on a PO Box system most shippers or sellers will not deliver to a PO Box # so you have to put the physical address without the PO Box #. I haven't contacted the Post Master yet but from reading the other posts on this subject it may not do any good anyway.

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Sep 08, 2013 10:19 pm EDT

Not so much as a complaint as an observation, The promised improvements in package tracking has fallen well short of stated goals. Still no scans in or out and mixed dates such as package in transit a day before it left shipper. Time travel ? I don't think so, just lack of professionalism at United States postal service..

Elk, US
Send a message
Nov 20, 2013 9:51 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have been getting our mail delivered incorrectly for a few years now. I have complained about it to no avail, no one has done anything. Delivery will improve for a while, but then, back to the same old thing. I am constantly getting other neighbors mail delivered here, and I see other neighbors coming to my mailbox with mail of mine that has been delivered to their mailbox. Also, we have a locking mailbox, because we had a theft problem for a while. So needless to say, we can't receive larger packages. They are supposed to leave a note so that you can go pick up the package at the Post Office. Many times I have not received a note. Then we will get one that says, FINAL NOTICE! These packages are important, as some times we receive prescriptions through the mail. Many times I have had to do all the research myself. Look up the order, track it, and then find out it has been sitting at the post office for several days. I have about had it with the postal service. Very poor service and the postmaster does nothing about it.

Barbara Thomad
Durham, US
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Feb 15, 2014 8:02 pm EST

My name is Barbara Thomas can you please tell me what happen to my mail I have not have any mail in 4 days what is going no I live in Durham nc.

Jock Cullen
San Antonio, US
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Aug 23, 2014 5:34 pm EDT

I am having a problem receiving my mail. I live in an apartment complex doing ministry work. A couple months ago my wife sent me a card with $20 in it. I never got it. She sent me an important letter a month ago. I never got it. Another person sent me a gift card to buy stuff for needy children. I never got it. Last week my church sent me a gift card to buy school supplies for needy children. I never got it.
This is not right. I don't trust the U.S.P.S at all. I am not confident my mail will get to me If someone wants to send me something. I don't know what to do. If my wife wants to send me something. I just tell her not to, I may nor get it!

Jock Cullen
San Antonio, US
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Aug 23, 2014 5:40 pm EDT

2nd time. I am not receiving some of my mail. I live in an apartment complex doing ministry work.
My wife sent me a card with $20 in it. I never got it.
She sent me an important letter. I never got it.
Someone sent me a card to buy food for a needy family. I never got it.
Last week my church sent me a card to buy school supplies. I never got it.

I don't trust the U.S.P.S. I no longer have confidence I will get my mail. That is sad.

Susan M Haynes
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Mar 07, 2016 6:27 pm EST

4246 valley view rd my mail is late or the neibor gets my mail WHAT IS HAPPIYNING TO OUR POSTAL SERVICE

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Apr 13, 2016 9:24 am EDT

To Oklahusker: 2 days without getting your mail? That's nothing! Try 5 weeks! Now I see why no one wants to use the postal service!

Searcy, US
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Jun 09, 2016 4:21 am EDT

Archie at the USPS in Searcy, AR makes going to the post office a very unpleasant experience. He is rude and behaves in a "superior" manner than those he is serving.. He works the desk and I have tried to see if there is a time of day to go in order to avoid this man. He boosts that he wants to make as many women upset has he can before he dies...Yes I am a woman, but he has very little time for anyone and he is so smug...I on occasion will send out packages and it never fails that I have not put enough postage, which is ludicrous as I have a mailing scale. Also, when I have been fortunate enough to be waited on by anyone else but Archie, I have only once not had enough postage and it was only by a few cents.

When I drop off a package I always have it checked in and Archie gives me the "stupid" attitude that he does not know what I mean when I asked for the receipt that prints out every time I check in a package. He did it again just a few days ago...I simple told Archie, that is my proof that the USPS has the package and when I dropped it off.

He is rude, asinine, and truly makes going to the post office a nightmare.. I have 2 packages here I need to send and I am considering taking them to the next town.

George Green
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Jul 21, 2016 6:18 am EDT

In 2003 New Bern NC Postal Training Facilities was closed. Their training technician Mrs. Gail Whitford lost her job. I am the training technician for Kinston, NC, a Disable Veteran with 23 years. I have put out of my office and lost my job to Mrs. Whitford which has not been transferred or excess and is also the junior employer. I have all documentations to prove my allegation. Please assist me with this matter. EEO works for the postal service; in fact they are postal service manager. The union has a grievance that has been pending arbitration for the past four years. The postal service willfully discrimination and refuse to hear the case. I am requesting your assistance in this matter.

Thank You,
George H Green

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