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CB Gifts Shari's Berries / 641 Berry Shoals Road, Duncan, SC, 29334, US
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Shari's Berries /
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Shari's Berries / company logo

Shari's Berries /

641 Berry Shoals Road, Duncan, SC, 29334, US
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1 complaint
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4:51 pm EDT

Shari's Berries / - chocolate covered strawberries

My son purchased 6 chocolate covered strawberries for me for Mother's Day, first I ate one, the next day I ate two mid morning and one in the evening and within hours I was sick, nauseated and upset stomach and then while grocery shopping had to run to the bathroom. I couldn't stop going to the bathroom all day and in to the next evening, I was living on pepto bismuth. The strawberries were literally the only thing I had to eat. When I called my doctor they said it sounded like food poisoning symptoms and asked me what I had eaten and they asked if I had any left, I said yes, they asked me to take the chocolate off them and look at the strawberry to see if there was any white or gray fuzz and there WAS! I know how expensive these are and I'm really ticked off that he spent hard earned money on these and I ended up sick as a dog. I literally lost three pounds from being sick. I haven't dared tell him because I don't want him to feel bad but I'm extremely disappointed in your company and at my age with my health issues you could have killed me from food poisoning. Shame on you. The photo was after I had had my first one, and then I posted on facebook thanking my son before eating the others.
Liz Wrennall

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