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Vatterott College / Vatterott Educational Centers review: Poor education, companies will not hire graduates 87

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12:00 am EDT
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I graduated from Vatterott College's Computer Systems & Network Technology Associates Degree Program about 6 months ago. Vatterott DID NOT live up to their promises. Their promotional literature stated that the classes would cover setting up and deploying a network (OOPS); it didn't. We didn't set up even one server. The enrollment counselor said the material taught was advanced and highly technical; it wasn't. I was told the instructors were experienced in the fields that they taught; they weren't. The student handbook said that each ten week course would consist of at least 60 hours of lecture time; they didn't. In fact most classes included less than 25 hours of lecture time. The instructors basically just gave assignments right out of the book and told us to read the chapter and do the review questions at the end of the chapter, while the instructors would sit there and browse the internet and talk about their day. I'm sorry, but I could have just bought the books and got the same education as everyone else. I was the only one in my class who took the CCNA exam, which I didn't even come close to passing, because the book was outdated and the practice software that was given to us, which I studied for over 2 months and passed every practice exam with a 98% or higher was no help at all. I guarantee no one else even took the exam after they saw my results and saw how hard I tried. I was also assured a job in the computer/networking field, but now the only thing that they can offer me is telemarketing or over the phone sales jobs which I could have done without the education. I would never even think of doing telemarketing, it's just not me. I would not want to spend my day dealing with people hanging up on me or cursing me out. I basically wasted $34,000 to be a telemarketer and their excuse is "you have to start somewhere", and they also keep pushing these mock interviews on me. I took 90 weeks of so-called Gen. Ed. classes which was all about making resumes and interviewing. I keep telling them that I have applied to every computer shop and computer related company in town yet I can't even get an interview so it's not my interview skills and I was even told by their Career Services that my resume was perfect. I don't think the companies around here even hire Vatterott graduates unless they were previously employed in the field. I can't even get a job at the local Dollar General or Carsons Nurseries due to my education. After 6 months I still have no job and I have to start paying my student loans by next month. For $34,000 this is all they can do for me? I feel completely ripped off. I am even thinking of restarting my education with a more reputable institution such as OTC or SMS. But the problem with that is that no colleges will accept Vatterott's quarter credit hours, so I would have to redo my entire education if I went that route. The bottom line is that Vatterott College cost twenty times more than the community college, and it wasn't even worth the time I spent in the program.

Update by Eugene Szumlas
Jul 31, 2007 10:28 pm EDT

_________This is an update to the above complaint.__________

I finally got a job at Cartridge World as a Refill Tech. This is still not computer related, but it pays good. I could have still got this job without the schooling and I also graduated on 2/7/07 and I got the job on 7/31/07, so it took 6 months to actually find a place that would hire me, so please think about these things before considering going to Vatterott College.

Update by Eugene Szumlas
Nov 17, 2008 11:11 am EST

I still have not found a job in the field. It's been almost 3 years now. I've been doing Maintenance at a local hotel for $7.50 an hour. I've basically forgot everything I learned by now. These A-holes really screwed me. I've been getting deferments one after another because I can't pay off these loans. Ever!

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Josh Emerson
Sallisaw, US
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Sep 19, 2007 1:17 pm EDT

Hey man your book reads just like I am still In Vatterott college Reading my book and stairing at my computer wondering what the hell Im gonna do. I have Recently hired or well working On hiring a lawyer and getting somthing done How many students at your campus took the pro rated settelments I told them to stick that settelment well you know , They cant get away with it I drive 186 miles roundtrip just to get to the school took out school loans I had to buy a vehicle to make the trip I fixing to alert the news stations In Tulsa and where i live and the Accrecdaiton people along with Sallie Mae and My senator I will not let them get away with this .

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Sep 19, 2007 2:16 pm EDT

I am currently enrolled at Vatterott College in the Missouri area and couldn't be happier! The instructor for my program, CAD, is very knowledgable about the field and we went right to work on the fundamentals of the course. Lecture time is not measured in actual "stand up in front of the class and talk" time. It's measured in discussions pertaining to the course work. Working out the books is a great thing, given you have Lab Time to correspond to the book work.
As for finding a job, your Career Services department CANNOT guarantee you getting a job in your field after graduation. It is impossible for them to fircast such a thing. It's also illegal.
As for the other comment above mentioning driving almost 200 miles roundtrip - why is that the college's fault?
Unless they told you that you had to BUY a car and MUST drive the distance in order to be accepted into the program, you are at a loss.

What someone should ask when going to enroll at a vocational college (such as Vatterott) is:
- Are they an accredited collge? Any College NOT accredited cannot receive federal assistance from the government

- What is their graduation rate? Any respectable college will either have this posted or will have it in their handbook upon inquiring about the college.

- What is their drop-rate? If their drop-rate is high, you shoudl consider another program or college.

- What is their Career Services placement rate, both past and present - for your program? This information will tell you the hiring trends and the placement history of your college of choice.

I hear and see negative information all the time and it sickens me that people will take this and run with it. There are alot of reallly good colleges out there and if you do your homework both before and after the enrollment process, things should run smoothly for you. As with any big decision, DO RESEARCH before making a huge decision. College is a HUGE decision for any working adult.

I hope the information I have given is helpful to anyone looking into Vatterott College. (Disclaimer: I, at NO time have ever worked for Vatterott College, and have never worked in an Admissions Department of any College.)

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May 06, 2018 6:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Carrie

Why don't we all ban together and start a class action lawsuit. This is unjust.

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Sep 19, 2007 2:31 pm EDT

----------IN ADDITION------

I also felt compelled to mention that companies WILL hire graduates from Vatterott, you just have to be mindful of the job market as well. I have friends that went to MAJOR universities all over the country with BA's in Marketing and Business Managment, for example, and STILL have yet to get a job. It's all in what's on your resume and what the job market looks like. 5 or 6 months is NOTHING to get a job in a field you just graduated from. The computer technology field is a difficult field to place into. You either have to be a complete WHIZ or know someone with connections. It's a saturated field, just like Graphic Design. There were gamers wanting to go and do what they love to do as a career...MILLIONS of market is saturated. Unless you were already IN the field and just looking to progress further by getting a were S.O.L. Another thing to keep in mind...THANKS!

Josh Emerson
Sallisaw, US
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Sep 19, 2007 4:18 pm EDT

Hey, listen to this sounds like what they told me when I enrolled he must work for Vatterott sorry that explination just doesnt cut it man bottom line Its not my fault what happen at this Place of business I was not running I guess I could myself the victim untell this happens to you, you have no Idea

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Dec 15, 2007 10:10 pm EST

I am also a student at Vatterott College (OK City Campus) and I am disgusted with the school all together! I was mislead during the admissions process and have continued to be lied to as well. A comment above said that they have such a great time at Vatterott (MO campus) and that people should do their homework on the school first. I completely understand where you are coming from on that, but the homework you do doesn't always help. I looked at all the information that Vatterott provided me as far as the drop out rate, graduation rate, population, instructor credentials... LIES! Come to find out, the graduation rate was not 90+ % as they stated! It was actually only 47% and I see why! People are tired of all the bull, the lies, and the manipulation. I am a student in the medical assisting program and I will graduate with an AOS of Medical Assisting Technology, but I just wonder how far that will go in the real world. I have a [censored]load of money to pay back and the dollar amount that they guaranteed Oklahoma would pay a medical assistant is nowhere near what I was shown! Their $20+ dollars and hour is actually about $8.75/hr! I could work at the Sprint call center and make $12/hr. So, I am forced to move back to Texas. Now, I also don't like the fact that they make us come to school on ice/snow days. They insist that you damn near kill yourself to get to school. If everything in the city is closed down because the roads are so bad, then Vatterott should take a cue! No, they count us absent if we don't show up! Another complaint that I have is that the program director for the medical assisting department (now fired) was incompetent and they had him teach a medical manager class during one of my phases. We ended up teaching him and all that we were told is that they don't care about our grades! Whatever happens, happens. I heard one of the admissions people tell a girl last week that Vatterott gives the medical department scrubs, free of charge! That's a lie! We get 4 pair of scrubs, and they ended up costing us about $400! Guess what brand they are? The cheapest kind out there... Cherokee! I could have gone to family dollar or walmart and gotten 4 pair of scubs for under a hundred dollars! Ridiculous. I also don't like the fact that they get our cost of living checks on the day that they say they will be processed to be requested! The loan company pays them about 30 days before they give our checks to us. come to find out, Vatterott is holding our checks in their corporate office's bank and drawing interest off OUR money! What the hell? Why are they making more money off me? I hate it and it was the worst decision of my life! I would tell anyone who was thinking of going to Vatterott College to run the other way. There may be people on here who may say different and that it is a great place to go to school, but don't listen to that. They think that way because they are gullible and don't know that Vatterott isn't even considerate enough to use lubricant while they have them bent over!

marcie marcie
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Feb 01, 2008 7:30 pm EST

Why didn't you leave after the first semester after you realized it sucked?

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May 19, 2008 5:42 pm EDT

I also have attended Vatterott college in Des Moines, Iowa and it has in no way measured up to the standards I was led to be leave the school had set for itself. Upon enrolling I was lead to be leave that that the school had a great success rate in all areas and that it was the right school for me.None of this is true. EVERYONE I have talked to has felt the same way. In a 10 week phase pertaining to Advanced operating systems we never once opened the book in class. ALL tests were multiple choice. Some weeks there wasn't even an instructor. IN my opinion far to much time was wasted on video games and surfing the web witch I was quite willing to do at HOME. It is fine to have fun at school but far to much time was wasted doing nothing. I am setting up a law suit against Vatterott. If anoyne reading this is interested in doing the same please contact me at

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May 22, 2008 10:29 pm EDT

Does anyone know how to get out of paying the money back to this ridiculous school. I am another one who has been cheated by the Vatterott "First Class" Education system. I have been fighting my student loans for about 6 to 7 years now and so far they are still trying to collect. It is to the point now where they are going to garnish my checks to pay back the outrageous amount they charged me for only taking 3 classes. $12, 000 dollars and nothing I can do about it.

If anyone knows or has any information on fighting this please let me know.

Xenu, US
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May 27, 2008 8:21 pm EDT

The school has instructors who basically do not care. Our school in KC has gone through several "directors" in the time I have been there. Also our current "directos" is non existant. He avoids the students at all cost to avoid our complaints. The career services department is a total joke like the financial aid department of which there are more of them then actual instructors. Once they have you locked into the 3rd phase of your "education" they do not care anymore. Basically they give you the answers to the test to just push you on to get their "success" rate. I have YET to hear an actual "success" story from the school. Our class started with about 14 people now there are 4. If people would realize that going to a school like this vs an apprenticeship school or actual university for whatever you want to learn that would be better. This place is a total joke. I should have listened to people when I was in the first "phase". I agree with Scott on suing Vatterott. Majority of the instructors do not have actual good experience in the field or the instructor doesnt know how to teach or not even there. It is bad when you have to BEG for help or hunt down the person. A majority of the instructors or "lab" assistants are graduates of the school with 2 yrs experience...of which came from the school.

Save your money time and sanity.

BTW IF YOU ARE GOING IF YOU TOOK 3 CLASSES YOU ARE S.O.L you have to pay them back. 3 phase means your screwed.

jim young
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Jun 02, 2008 2:24 pm EDT

I have an in law that took the computer programing in wichita. he got a job out of school in wichita then closer to home in El Dorado which is closer to his home in Kansas. He was paid 18 and hour starting. It so impressed me that I was considering taking the course.

Josh Emerson
Sallisaw, US
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Jun 02, 2008 6:16 pm EDT

Hello I commented not to long ago I was a tulsa computer tech victim now my loans are up for payment I didnt even get a degree I was advised by a lawyer who by the way did take the case to drop out because the mileage i was driving was costing me more and more and with teachers only showng ounce or twice a week that i was not benefiting Vatterott called me two months ago today and told they were sorry i was there during a transtion well you know thats not gonna help in bankruptcy court if anyone is starting a class action or any kind of lawsuit let me in I have been wronged, by this big conglamorite and I am fixing to sink from all the school loans

Richard Barker
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Jul 11, 2008 5:47 pm EDT

I graduated from Vatterott College in St. Ann in 1996. I found a job in the field 6 months before I graduated as a Microcomputer Specialist for a Consulting Company that offered services for the US Government. I then left that job for a more profitable opportunity with a company that Designed and installed retail point of sale systems. I also have done free lance work setting up office LANs for small companies at a rate of $ 85.00 per hour, and I also free lance design web pages and charge $ 65.00 per hour and never have to leave the house to do that. I lost the job with the retail Point of Sale company because they went broke, but found another job with a Consulting Company who has contracts in 'St. Louis with major corporations like BJC Healthcare, Boeing, Maritz, Dept. of Defense, Honeywell and Lucent Technologies. My salary has always been good, and I'm jealous of a friend who graduated a year before me and got some additional certifications and makes almost 100K per year for Ricoh. Jobs are harder to come by these days than they were 10 years ago, but keep in mind, job hunting is as difficult as having a full time job, and it takes a lot of work, but the effort is worth the time it takes. I have been in the IT business for 12 years, and would still be in the restaurant business if I hadn't graduated from Vatterott College.

Denise Jackson
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Jul 22, 2008 11:14 am EDT

I graduated from Vatterott College (St. Ann campus in Missouri) in 2007 with an Associate's Degree in Computer Programming. First let me say that I have wasted 36 grand. I could've went to a 4 year university and gotten more out of it. My first 60 weeks were the pits. The teachers didn't seem to care if we got the information or not. They would just say "Read the chapter", "Read your notes", or "Read the handouts". If you're not understanding how the above things help you out. There was not any tutoring available. No computer lab to try to study or pratice running programs. No incintive to attend school (ITT offered a laptop with their enrollment package). I received software to download and practice at home but I DON'T OWN A COMPUTER! So that was useless to me. As Eugene stated, I don't want to be a telemarketer. So why is this the only job you can find for me? Jobs in my field want me to have what Vatterott couldn't give me: 3-5 years experience, different software that VC hadn't taught us, and a Bachelor's Degree. The Bachelor phase of Computer Programming was a goal of mine until the Director of the Dept commented by saying that HE WOULD NOT HIRE VATTEROTT STUDENTS! Then why work somewhere where the staff wouldn't hire you? Currently, I went to UMSL to try to transfer my credits and was turned down. The same thing happened at the community college. Was told by some man that was working in the office that Webster takes our creds but it's not in my field. If there's a class action suit going on please email me.

Oasis Programming
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Jul 23, 2008 8:30 am EDT

Spent $22, 000 on vatterott's lack-luster education, and I couldn't be more unhappy. I graduated salutatorian, with perfect attendence, and I made Directors Honor Roll 100% of the time. Looks like I'll be working at Wal-Mart. Take my advice, go to a real 4 year university.

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Jul 24, 2008 6:06 pm EDT

I'm in the Kansas City, Mo location and I feel the same as everyone else. I recently found out that the same program I am enrolled in is offered at a community college for around $2, 000 and I'm paying $24, 000. Then come to find out the credits are NOT transferrable to any other college. When I enrolled I was explained that NAU and Webster took Vatterott credits. It's all smoke and mirrors to get your money. My advise is that anytime your schools administrators work on commission your doomed! I wonder how many people would be willing to file a class action law suit?

Independence, US
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Aug 04, 2008 2:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As a former instructor at Vatterott I have to agree that the education is terrible. One of the biggest problems is that Vatterott is profit driven and the organization places incredible emphasis on retention of students that should have never been allowed to enroll in tech related educational programs. There are some great students, but trying to educate them is challenging when instructors are pressured to sacrifice educational standards in order to insure that sub-par students get passing grades. The game at Vatterott seems to be that of enrolling anyone you can get into anything they want and then keep them in school for as long as the money flows. It doesn't matter if intelligent and hard working students are bored to death and cheated out of a quality education as long as an instructor finds some balance to retain the bad students and keep that money rolling in. An instructor will be punished and castigated for failing a lazy, tardy, absent or plain dumb student. I never saw an instructor rewarded for how much he taught his students. In fact instructors were discouraged from requiring students to perform to a level that is acceptable in a given career field. I have seen diplomas and grades faked in order to keep students enrolled and happy. That sad thing is that these "favors" were not done to salvage potentially great students or tradesmen. It was all about the money. I wont even go into the integrity issues involving staff members, inappropriate relationships between staff and students, the bogus credentials and faculty degrees touted by the school, the near worthless accreditation schema used in the career school industry, the pop in the butt Vaterrott got from the Feds for cheating staff on overtime, the milking of the state funds or the snow jobs presented to the industry advisors to make things look all legit. I don't know if the other trade schools are just as sleazy, but I can guarantee that no one I know will step a foot inside Vatterott College. Kids, if you want an education, go to a state accredited institution and bypass Vatterott College.

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Nov 20, 2008 8:45 am EST

I just graduated from Vatterott in Omaha, Ne last month! I am trying to reach corporate, this school is a JOKE! I don't know how many teachers I went through not to mention Director of education, along with my career placement lady Maria, and the school just basically takes and steals money from the Government. I have requested a list of books I recieved and the price list of which I paid for these books and the refused to give me one..why..Because they bundle it in the the 10 week phase and rip you off. I was harrassed by Vicki Ruckman the MA director as well as threatened never to call corporate.

We all need to get together and sue Vatterott for the abuse, lies, and money we have lost and will have to repay the government for what they have stolen from them in our behalf.

Anyone feel free to contact me on these issues!

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Aug 29, 2018 10:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Mandy

I graduated in 2007 with my Associate of Applied Science in Chemical Dependency Counseling. Education was a joke. But, I finished what I started. I'm currently 80, 000 in debt from Vatterott with interest. I have not been able to work since graduating due to disability. Now that I am actively looking for work, I am embarrassed to put down my education that I worked hard for. I have not been hired by anyone yet either. Someone help me.

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Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm EST

These are some negative comments about an institution, glad I ran into this discussion, for I was ready to jump in. Not anymore, thank you everyone, I know how you feel. Few years back I was down 15K at some "joke school" that doesn't even exist anymore. I was able to clear my debt through hard work, and almost made the mistake twice. Degrees are worthless, what I do now is not even remotely close to my degree of IT. I'll get the books and study at home and spend the $$$'s on funnier stuff. Beware.

vatterott sucker
Wentzville, US
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Dec 08, 2008 10:28 am EST

I went to Vatterott in O'fallon Missouri,
I only went to two fazes and got charged for three
all the instructors quit within that period, they didnt teach us nothing
the lab was completely down and we never used the books, just packets of simple information
we had open discussion of the test questions on Wednesday and took a test on friday
after the test school was over on friday
we all spent maybe about one hour max in class time and lab if you could find something working
and sometimes came in with no call, because the teacher called in and had no backup teacher
I went them with my problem a number of times and they did credit a small portion of the bill for school
but didn't ask if I was satisfied.
the whole Vatterott experience was a joke !
If anyone from the St Louis area knows of a Lawyer that will take the case
I would appreciate a response back, on this page or e mail me at :
Thanks for your time.

vatterott sucker
Wentzville, US
Send a message
Dec 08, 2008 10:46 am EST


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Dec 15, 2008 10:39 am EST

You all are ###ING idiots. I just completed my CT Associates Degree there and got an amazing education and hired within 3 weeks making 70, 000 a year salary doing computer and networking work. Maybe you should ACTUALLY DO THE ###ING WORK!

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Jan 30, 2009 9:47 pm EST

Griff I strongly suspect that you are full of BS. Unless a relative owns the company, I am willing to bet you didn't get any such job based on anything you picked up at Vatterott. How 'bout posting the name of the company and the phone number? I'd love to call and verify how many Vatterott grads work there making $70k or better. You sound like some corporate blow hard talking trash.

Independence, US
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Feb 16, 2009 12:05 am EST

I just enrolled in Vatterott in Kansas city, Mo. I am worried it all might be true my class doesnt start until april can I still cancel?

Eastlake, US
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Feb 19, 2009 9:59 pm EST

THanks everyone. I was about to waste my money on this school. I think I will just go to a community college for the extra year and get a real degree.

Tulsa, US
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Apr 23, 2009 8:12 pm EDT

Vaterott is fake... the reality is that if you get a job with this on your resume, its likely you would have got the job without it.

In mmy own area, it would in fact cause your resume to be ignored however..

Go to a top college and you will likely find a legit list of the 'legit' colleges in the area you want.

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Apr 29, 2009 1:25 am EDT

Thank you everyone who posted their horrible experiences with this college. In this day of so many lost jobs, and high inflation what a shame that this college exisits to rip off unknowing good intentioned students. I am not a young person, but my job has been eliminated and I wanted to get HVAC training so that I could be fairly sure of a job somewhere. I went for the interview, I don't qualify for financial aid since I did work last year. They told me it would be $32, 000 for a 24 month course and of course touted what great demand there is for their graduates. I would be 58 when I finished this course and it sounds like I would probably not know enough to do the work. Thank you all again for warning me of this. I will be checking into local state college to find out what is available. If I were you unlucky students I would contact a lawyer maybe you can get a class action suit going. Good luck to all of you.

pittsfield, US
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May 20, 2009 12:17 am EDT

I graduated from Vatterott in Quincy, Il last october from the computer technology program. I started the associates, but the instructors were little more than a joke. I have applied to many positions across the state and have yet to even get a phone call.
My instructor was AWESOME(and is no longer employed there) but given the time frame to present the material was ridiculous. Chapter 1 monday, chapter 2 tuesday, brief lab on wednesday, review (almost verbatim) thursday followed by a test. This is pathetic! Not to mention that a quarter of your grade is based upon whether or not you wear your cheap ### uniform shirts or not? No wonder noone will accept their credits. Worst mistake I ever made, and to anyone considering attending this "college"...think twice!

Tired of the lies
Republic, US
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Jun 03, 2009 9:43 am EDT

You who have compaints about Vatterott are correct. I am a former Instructor there and they are not mush better to the workers thatn the students.
The places that will do something about your are the actual boards that the school goes through. You can request that they peroform audits on the campus you are located in. I'm sorry this has happened to you all, I am trying myself to do something as well. Good Luck.

Accst= the group Vatterott is accredited through.

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology - ACCSCT phone # [protected]

BBB= check out other complaints on your campus.
Better Business Bureau -

Tired of the lies
Republic, US
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Jun 03, 2009 2:21 pm EDT

Statement of Ownership

Vatterott College is owned by Vatterott Educational Centers,

Inc., principal offices located at 8580 Evans Ave, Berkeley,

Missouri. The corporate officer of Vatterott Educational

Centers, INC is Pamela Bell, President.

Student Grievance Policy

If you are not satisfied with any part of your training, or you

have a problem/complaint with the school, the instructors, or

administration, we ask that you first approach your instructor;

then, if necessary, the Campus Director. If the problem

continues, you should immediately provide the school with a

written notice describing why you believe that the training is

inadequate or inappropriate. If you are still not satisfied that

your complaint has been adequately answered, you may contact

the School Administrator, Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.

Corporate Suite A, 8580 Evans Avenue, Berkley, MO 63134.

Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career

Schools and Colleges of Technology require a procedure and

operations plan for handling student complaints. If a student

does not feel that Vatterott College has adequately addressed a

complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the

Accrediting Commission. All complaints considered by the

Commission must be written, with permission from the

complainant(s) for the Commission to forward a copy of the

complaint to the college for a response. The Commission will

keep the complainant(s) informed as to the status of the

complaint as well as the final resolution.

Please direct all inquiries to: Accrediting Commission of Career

Schools and Colleges of Technology, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite

302, Arlington, VA 22201 or call [protected]. A copy of the

memphis, US
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Jul 21, 2009 2:23 pm EDT

I attended the vatterott in memphis, TN, and it was also a ripp-off/joke. The teachers pass any and everyone, they where very unprofessional. The school had 3 to 4 different dictors, the only people that work in the front office when I started is the financial aid people. I file complaints with the BBB, and a few other place, and when the teachers found that out they started to tell the other students I was a snitch! I refuse to pay be pushed around, when the school breached its contract, with false advertising, poor education.

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Jul 31, 2009 8:37 am EDT

I worked at corporate years ago and I have to sadly agree with the negative comments. There are people within the organization, both faculty and staff, who genuinely want to have a positive impact on their students, but as a for-profit system, the focus is largely misplaced and there are too many cynical and negative people working at the top. I heard one campus director tell marketing he didn't care about the quality of promotions because he wanted "s*** for the s****, " the latter s*** referring, I assume to Vatterott students. I never heard anyone suggest trying things like making credits transferrable to other institutions or even updating the programs. The attitudes I overwhelmingly met during my time there were "It's not my problem" and "Cover your a**." The lawyer is probably the hardest-working person in the company.

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Sep 21, 2009 2:25 pm EDT

Im a taking vatterott to court, plz pray for me, i am going to do this for everyone who has ever been ripped off by this school.

Xenu, US
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Oct 04, 2009 7:30 pm EDT

Vatterott College is now "teaching" a program called NCCER which is "National Center for Construction Education and Research" who has "programs" in virtually "all" aspects of construction. They give out "certifications" as plumbers, pipefitters, crane operators, welders, and etc. NCCER.ORG

Their program can easily be done in a computer lab, library, or in your home. Which is funny because Vatterott has a "program" which they brag about to their "prospect victims" that they will be ready to run jobs, make $20.00+, and basically be better than ANYONE who did not go to their school.

The NCCER program is basically a scam/quack. If you have your little card (that is not a block/state/or legit certification) and the ACTUAL IN FIELD experience to back it you are nothing more then a wee apprentice. The school lacks to actually tell their students this. However, the Vatterott college in Kansas City (I do not know about the others) is filled with Non Licensed, Inexperienced Instructors, who have little to no actual experience in the field they teach. Hell, the electrical director went from graduating to electrical director which is odd with ABSOLUTLEY NO EXPERIENCE.

This is the equivalent of the cheaters who take their trade license. Vatterott College will pass ANYONE. By anyone...ANYONE. Failure is not an option in their standards. If you show up BAM you pass. If you are alive BAM you pass.

As far as their Associate Program goes. It is the same. It is a joke. You can save yourself a tremendous amount of money, stress, and etc by going to a Community College or an apprenticeship/internship and get a lot more. 3/4 of the material Vatterott teaches is so outdated you will not run into it.

Employer wanted people who are on the cutting edge and a ball of fire. All you will be coming from Vatterott is a dull edge and a twinkle...not even a spark.

Belleville, US
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Oct 17, 2009 10:50 pm EDT

1. Vatterott College is a for profit institution, just ask any of their executives, they make plenty of profit.
2. Aside from the inflated tuition, mark-up on your books, uniforms and lab fees are outrageous...Yes, they use the CONTREN system, which may cost them around 300.00 maximum in the trades classes, but they charge up to 2700.00 for those same books. Four sets of uniforms for four hundred (you can buy the same items for 200.00 at any retail clothing store) . Most of the labs are established, but you are still charged approximately 1600 in fees for a 14 month program (this should be included in your tuition and not a seperate additional fee).
3. As far as the Contren system is concerned, it is outdated and not applicable in market areas outside of the southeastern section of this country. It is an "INDUSTRY DRIVEN" instructional system, meaning that the errors in the system are supposed to be corrected by the instructors or institutions...would you do copy editor work for free?...Instruction from this system thru Vatterott is instruction to the test in most of their programs, in other words, what you are taught for three or four days is what is required to pass the test, nothing more.
4. If you are breathing, you can attend Vatterott. No, you do not have to be able to read or write for that matter beyond the second grade level, unless you want an A.S. degree which is not transferrable anywhere in the world. If you are failing, whine enough and you'll pass.
5. Admission reps will brag that they can sell anything to anyone and they do. They consistently sell lies about placement rates, starting salaries and just about anything else to get you to sign the dotted line. Quotas are set for starts at each school in order to keep the money coming in. Individuals with criminal backgrounds are enrolled in programs that they will never be able to work in due to not being bondable.
6. Can't complete your financial paperwork on your own, don't worry, the financial aid rep will help you complete the process (this is illegal).

Hopefully you are understanding where this is going...If you wish to continue your education, please avoid Vatterott...Go to your local community college or trade school, it will be cheaper and carry you further than anything obtained at Vatterott

Saint Joseph, US
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Oct 23, 2009 5:31 pm EDT

Look to all this is reading this information. Education is what you put into it. Go to the local university. Some put them into trailers. Heck some accredit colleges really do suck. The bottom line is this...u have to do the work...u have to do the work. The jobs can be done if you are 25 or younger at Job Corps. The material is updated. The local Community College offer better programs that this place. I have an AOS degree in Computer Programing and Networking Management. Thank god ..the local university takes 6 credot hours and since it is accredit that my job accepts the degree. To get a 70, 000 year plus degree really. Take the time and get the lic and cert with that area of study. May god help all the Vatterott College out their.

Tulsa, US
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Nov 19, 2009 6:13 am EST

i am a tulsa oklahoma student dong what i can to fight back the last 15 weeks ive had 5 instructers that tought nothing i got a 4.0 with ### attendace and no midterm or final that alone should show its a joke
my email is i am dealing with state rep sue tibbs and obpvs dennis rea any action you took as well as outcome would be greatly helpful

Florissant, US
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Dec 19, 2009 12:32 am EST

Thanks for all the comments. I went with my son he wanted to sign up for classes there. something did not seem right. My son has a va letter stating that all his education will be paid for by them but the financial aid admin was insisting he sign up as a traditional student and get financial aid through loans and grants and scholarships, then repay those when the va benefits come. the admin did not seem to know answers to my ? and kept going back to lets get this paperwork filled out. I will discourage him from attending there. Thanks again. I just have a feeling they will be making a bit of extra money their way,

frustrated student
Joplin, US
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Feb 03, 2010 12:14 am EST

Sounds like I am in the same boat as everyone else is. I attend Vatterott College in Joplin, Mo and I must say that the school is a freaking joke. I wish I knew this before I enrolled and wasted almost a year of my life. I am in the MOA program (Medical Office Assistant) about to go into the MA program (Medical Assistant). We were told just recently that the MA program has completely changed and what used to be a 6-month program has turned into another 90+ weeks program. Plus, the director said nonchalantly, "By the way, the classes you just took, you didn't really need and they won't transfer to any other college." So I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I would really like to slander their name all over the news and sue their sorry ###. It just doesn't seem legally right to start with one curriculum and in the middle of everything, change it to something else. Has anyone tried to sue them and actually got something from it?

St. Louois, US
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Feb 23, 2010 1:27 am EST

I guess Sunset Hills/St. Louis has better instructors than everywhere else. I graduated from Vatterott in 08 and loved every experience. My instructors were awesome and always had an open door policy. If I didn't understand something, they took the time to go back over it and also set aside time for me and others after class. We had an awesome lab to work in and the instructors let us set it up without any interference from them unless we requested their help. We all worked hard and most of us passed our certification exams (A+, MCP, etc...) on the first try. We set up study groups in our own time and quizzed each other constantly throughout the day. I currently work as a contractor for the government making 55k/yr. with benefits.

I will be attending another school this summer to get my MS. I spoke with a counselor this morning and they are accepting my Bachelor's from Vatterott. However, I do wish Vatterott would get a better accreditation (ACCSCT). It was hard to find a school that would accept my Bachelor's. My new school is accredited by HLC NCA. The same as WashU and SLU!

Kansas City, US
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Apr 27, 2010 10:55 am EDT

It isn't worth the huge amount of money if you are just hoping to save some time by going here. They will lie to you about costs, benefits, your pay on graduating, grad rates, job market, accrediting everything! You would be gambling your time and oney on the wild hope that you may be one of the lucky rare few that ever gets anywhere with a "degree" or certification from the cash cow diploma mill. They are evil liars that are after your wallet and do not care at all if you learn anything there or ever even show up. My classmates actually stole and copied the final exams and when we turned them all in for it, they all still passed and nothing was done, the exam wasn't even changed. What does that tell you?

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Vatterott College / Vatterott Educational Centers is ranked 195 among 269 companies in the Colleges and Universities category

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Poor education, companies will not hire graduates
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