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Verizon review: customer service 40

Author of the review
7:08 pm EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

OMG! I called two weeks ago to have my landline disconnected, but keep my fios (internet) connection. They said no problem. And, that I would get a final bill that will have the credit from the landline service. Well two weeks later, no final bill, and they disconnected my fios service. I called three times, one time on hold for 3-hours, the 2nd time on hold for 2-hour. The third time I asked to speak with a manager. Get this, I had to leave my return number because that department had gone home for the day already. When I told the rep that I've been on hold for 3+ hours, she said to go a head and disconnect that line. She put me on hold to get the manager of the department that I would need to speak with and came back on the phone to tell me that the department had gone home for the day. This was at 4:52 pm California time. I guess they leave calls on-hold and then leave for the day. No one ever comes back to say that they have not forgotten you. Because, in fact they did. They forgot all about you and do not care if you are a satifised customer. I will never use Verizon Wireless, Verizon TV, Verizon Phone.

Might I recommend to all of you Verizon customers that you do what I did and buy OOMA.

Ooma service is completely free and works off the internet (DSL/Broadband, etc.). Verizon does not deserve any of our business, and if you can take your business elsewhere I would and I did with Ooma.

This company provides the what I beleive is the worst customer service in the world. They are really that bad.

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larekia M.Allen
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Sep 02, 2007 12:00 am EDT

They are charing a 15 year old a bill of 1122.54 for a phone when she was 10 years old.

patricia payne
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May 27, 2008 5:01 pm EDT

This problem has been going on with my phone for over six month one minute it working and the next minute it's back out again. My husband took off to day may 27.2008 because some one was due to come out after no one show up then they tell that there record show that he came out at 4pm i then told him me and my husband both were here and no one showed up and he then say he did not has to come to your home he could of fix the problem else where. All i want is my phone to be fix since i receive a bill each month for the same price.

Logan Adkisson
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Jun 09, 2008 7:38 am EDT

i called to speak to the cancellation department and i was told that i would have to pay a cancellation fee. But i am on active duty military orders. According to the soldiers and sailors act i am not required to pay this fee but i was told by a mrs Wright. in the cancellation department that i would have to pay the fee.

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Sep 15, 2008 4:33 am EDT

as longtime "subscribers" with verizon for local phone service, we signed up for a broadband "special" deal, it took almost two weeks & not the 7-10 days original promised by verizon to get a connection. when notified we now had broadband service we attempted to establish our connection, but noooo, it wouldn't work, so we called verison cs & thanks to a verizon cs rep who stayed with us for 2.5 hours we were finally connected.

we were scheduled to depart for a brief overseas assignment & contaced verizon customer service (joke!) & advised them to disconnect both phone & broadband service in 20 days, they immediately disconnected broadband! when asked when it would be reestablished we were to 10 days to 2 weeks!

their stupidity, but we had to wait, no recourse, ne credit, no refund, no "sorry"!

so verizon, when we return home we will never contract with you for servixce of any kind, we don't want or need to do business with idiots!

Judith E. Trotter
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Sep 21, 2008 7:02 pm EDT

I have come to the end of my "rope"! I have time and time asked for assistance from you people to PLEASE LEAVE MY E-MAIL SYSTEM ALONE! but; O-NO, you continue to plaque me with this "God awful new system that wipes out most all of my saved e-mails, will not print half of the mail I have received and THAN, "EDITS" or spys on what they want. And yes they do, as MY brother and I have just had this happed. Also, someone will stop our e-mails and block them. Now is this not invasion? I am about to change my service for E-mails, telephones, and DSL - so are many other of my friends in the McMinnville Oregon area. And as for the new system coming to this area, forget it. So far the only good thing I have heard is that the peoples TV works, their e-mail system has failed, and so has their telephone - so, think you need to reasses your tech dept.

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Sep 23, 2008 7:10 pm EDT

i sighned up for home telephone service with verizon and when i got my first bill it was huge.. i called cosomer service to let them know that they were charging way too much.. the operator just kept explaining to me "unfortunatly "there is nothing that verizon can do for me..they explain that i was charged tax for having the service plan that i did have and phone taxes on top of other taxes.. ... verizon nickle and dimes and has very poor costumer least at&t will fix wrongs for there costomers

david ..a
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Sep 23, 2008 7:24 pm EDT

i called verizon to inquire about there internet packages and received a couple different prices..i than said to costomer service person thank you.. not interested in internet plan, i would like just like home phone service, everything went well she gave me my new number and i thanked her and hung up ..yhinking everything was ok..4 days later a package from ups arives at my door with a new internet modem inside...i called verizon and told them that i never ordered a modem or internet service and that they have made a mistake..they sent out a complimentary postage paid stamp for ups return wich is fine to me..but i had to take time off work to drop package off to ups.. i then call verizon to attempt to get a credit adjudtment to my bill for my inconvienience and there is nothing that they can do un fortunatly .. they simply just do not care...that i lost wages to have to take there item back and have to take time off work..verizon does not have a procedure that they follow or corperate complaint phone nimber or any means of good costomer service for that matter... after i went online and did my own searching i found a verizon retension team that will be able to help and are there to try to keep you with them.. after a feiw agonizing hours i was able to get a 25.00 credit to my bill .. my lost wages for work were 200.. do the math.. verizon sucks..priod...if you have a problem with verizon you can call there retension team and get some releif from there .."red" tape"..when you call costomer service ask for there retension dept.. they will not give you number but they will transfer you..

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Oct 15, 2008 1:34 pm EDT

Lovely Verizon! I'm sitting here waiting for a tech for the second day in a row as I write. Would you believe they installed FIOS DVR cable 9 days ago and it still isn't working? I've spent hours on the phone ... finally got them to agree to swap out the box. Yesterday the tech gets here and tells me it was "just overheating" because the first tech put my DVD player on top of the vent. I didn't realize that he hadn't replaced the box at all until later in the evening when the system started crashing again. It resets itself every few minutes, records in 6-8 minute segments which jam the machine when you try to view. I got a text message 3 hours ago that the tech was on the way ... sitting here at home waiting for them a second day ... YES! VERIZON SUCKS ... glad I don't work for them -- I would hate to be embarrassed whenever anyone asked me where I worked ...

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Oct 19, 2008 12:38 pm EDT

As a soilder you can cancel without a termination fee. That is def an error. you should call back. they dont even need paperwork, just verbal and it can be waived. was this verizon wireless or verizon landline?

Fredericksburg, US
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May 05, 2009 8:34 pm EDT

We got FIOS installed in February 2009. The Internet, TV and phone all work fine. The customer service is another matter. I work for a major insurance company and the good news is that we would never treat our customers like this. We have been trying unsuccessfully to get our cable buried. When the technician came out to install, he ran a different cable to the other side of the house. Verizon can't seem to understand the reasoning behind why we need it buried. Weekly phone calls resulted in no service. We started calling every day now for the last few weeks. Still nothing. We were told Saturday. Then we were told that someone was here doing it today. Well, guess what? It's still not buried. I don't think it's a difficult request, but for some reason, it just can't be handled. We keep getting told to call back the next day if it hasn't been resolved. Well, I should start charging my hourly salary for all the time we're spending on the phone with them.

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Jun 17, 2009 9:58 pm EDT

Verizon came out to install FIOS for my neighbor (which he was complaining that they ripped up his yard) and they clipped my line to my home telephone line. I call thinking there might be someone that can come out. Nooo, I have to wait 5 days until someone can come out and look at my problem. That in the year 1970 would have been poor customer service but in the year 2009 I am embarrassed to use this service and own stock in the company. If you are with Comcast or another provider I would recommend staying and not switching to Verizon. They leave you hanging for 5 days before someone will come to service your phone. The funny thing is this is the second time something like this has happened. Verizon once snipped my cable line for my Internet when they were installing FIOS for another neighbor two homes up. Verizon hires contractors that don't take any responsibility for their work.

Harsh Realities
Harsh Realities
A Beach City, US
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Jul 19, 2009 12:41 pm EDT

FIOS has a department to investigate damage to a customer home and is diligent in repairing any damage.

Patricia Derocher
Troy, US
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Oct 22, 2009 2:09 pm EDT

I want to cancel usbi NOW and i dont want it again.

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Jul 05, 2010 7:13 am EDT

It seems customer service is with clerks who have very little care how they are doing their job.

Omaha, US
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Jul 14, 2010 10:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My bank made a payment via Bank Pay, and Verizon lost it for over two months. My bank faxed them proof of payment; Verizon denied that they ever received such fax. They suspended my service three times, even though they were conducting an investigation as to the "lost payment."

The third time, when I called (the only call I could make was to Verizon), the only department I could be connected to was their equivalent of collections. I asked that they call my bank to have the fax resent. They cannot call out. Five times I went round and round trying to get Customer Care -- on various such calls I was disconnected, sent back to the automated message, sent back to collections -- I cannot remember how many times.

The sixth time is simply unbelievable:
A very nice woman told me that my account was delinquent.
I said it was not and that my bank had faxed proof of payment.
She said they did not receive it.
I asked her to call; she cannot call out.
I asked that my phone be reinstated so that I could call my bank. She could not -- my account was delinquent.
It is not, there is an investigation.
You have to have your bank send proof.
I cannot call out.
That is because your account is delinquent.
It is not.
Have your bank send proof.
I cannot call out. Can you call?
Then reinstate my account so I can call.
Your account is delinquent...
Six times we went around like that. I asked for a supervisor. I asked him if he could call out. Yes, but I had to give him the phone number. While I was looking for that, he found the lost payment. In fifteen seconds! It had taken the rest of the company two months and three disruptions of my service and they still hadn't found it. Then I asked him if he would waive the early termination fee so that I could just get away from Verizon for good. He told me it had been my fault in the first place. No remorse, no apology, no accommodation for the many hours and extreme frustration Verizon had caused!

New York, US
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Jul 27, 2010 12:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Rude customer service rep on the phone.

San Bndo, US
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Aug 23, 2010 11:32 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think Verizon is the worst company I have ever dealt with period. The nightmare started in Aug. 2008 I order new service for internet and phone. It took two full days to hook up, I dont live in a rural area and I had service with them before. This was on a Fri./ Sat. my weekend was shot. When I recieved my first bill it was 250.00 dollars and it was suppose to be 54.00 dollars. I had to call every month for three months to fix it. Verzion also charged me for the internet protection for months without my approval.
In 2010 After months of trying to work out a better plan with thier customer service, I deceied to switch. Verizon assinged me to a new bundle without my approvaland hit me with a early termination fee. On top of that left me without internet without notice therefor no phone for 5 days over the weekned.
Wow needless to say this is how companies go down. Abuse your customer they never forget there reps. are the pits I would rather deal with the worst telemarketer then any one in customer service from the regular reps to so called supervisors. BEWARE NEVER SIGN UP WITH VERIZON

Rockville, US
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Sep 23, 2010 10:02 am EDT

I switched from Verizon to Clear (that needs a different complaint page) and within a week I tried to switch back to verizon. Verizon canceled my international carrier, and chargned my SIX dollar per minute. As much as I tried Verizon was unable to switch back the number or win back the number. They sold me a bundle but did not tell me that with a bundle I can't choose my own international carrier.
Every time I called them, they put me on hold, no one had a clue. No one cared.

Every thing they want to do, the need one to two weeks. Meanwhile I have been left without phone and internet. Aweful company. Don't buy into their commercials.

Stay away from Verizon if you can.

Barbara Goldberg
West Orange, US
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Oct 05, 2010 2:03 pm EDT

Verizon is the worst company ever. My 92 year old grandfather has been without a phone for 1 week now and has a medical condition and a lifeline service that is hooked up to the phone. Verizon did not show up for 7 appointments to come fix his phone. It is now day 8 and they still have not shown up. They care about noone, but you can be sure when they want their money they are right on the ball. WILL NEVER NEVER USE VERIZON AGAIN! THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES TO LEAVE A 92 YEAR OLD MAN WITH NO SERVICE FOR THIS LONG WITH NO EXPLANATION!

JP Smith 20012
Bethesda, US
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Dec 30, 2010 2:50 pm EST

I have a Blackberry phone and it stopped working. I went to the store and told them I needed a replacement. Itwas under the extended warranty. Ike waited on me and he looked up the account but told me the warranty did not include a new telephone. I explained that two months earlier we were told that we were due for an upgrade at no charge. He told us the phone would be inexcess of $500.00. or if we sign a new two year committment it would be around $200.00 once we received the rebate. I asked him on four occassions about the cost of a new phone since we were told it would be free since we had the warranty. He kept saying no. I went to another person in the store who confirmed I was right. I asked to speak to the manager, Shawn Devonish but he appears to be too busy to speak with anyone since he never came out from the back of the store. I explained to the staff that I would make sure everyone I knew was aware that they are scamming people. Still no call from the manager. I suppose they simply dont care.

cheifland, US
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Mar 02, 2011 1:32 am EST

this phone company is wack

Waterloo, US
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Apr 04, 2011 4:39 pm EDT

some how they took my money off my credit card rip off.

Jupiter, US
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Apr 09, 2011 4:25 pm EDT

After your initial attempt to sort your issue out with Verizon – SAVE YOUR BREATH! These people are not interested in working with their customers. You must file a complaint with the FCC -
or [protected] When I went to the FCC’s website who do you think is on their main page – Verizon. FCC just won multi-million dollar settlement from them for (among other things) overcharging customers!

Tampa, US
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Apr 16, 2011 5:17 pm EDT

I just finished asking Verizon to cancel my movie package which they have just raised the price of from 14.99 to 15.99 a month. I asked the customer service person when the service would be cancelled and he said it is already cancelled then I heard a click. He hung up the phone without even saying have a nice day. I guess he didn't like the fact that I didn't order home phone service. Now I believe the nightmare will begin. When the bill arrives I expect the charges will still be there because that happened when I tried to explain to Verizon that I didn't have a DVR and shouldn't be charged for it. Several months passed of being told the bill would be changed and getting credited each month for the charge then getting the charge on the next bill. Finally my husband went to Verizon took the HD box to them, showed them it wasn't a DVR, and the charge went off the bill. BTW they told me I could get free HBO for a month for my troubles. Guess what? They charged me for the HBO. Yikes.

mary lovick
Cornucopia, US
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Apr 26, 2011 2:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

it would be nice if verizon could actually take care of all their problems with a customer in one phone call. Not a new phone call every month. some one doesn't push the right button on their end and then your bill comes and your plan has been changed per my request, but gee, someone forgot to tell me the one phone has gps which is 10 dollars a month but you have to take it off manually -directly from the phone. then they can't do this can't do that. they suck! money grubbing corporation that doesn't care about their customers. the stores don't even know how to solve problems. they reboot your phone and say ALL FIXED and the problem is still there. It makes you wonder if the fix it people at corporate even know what kind of problem people are experiencing because they sure can't fix problems that have been going on for approximately 2 years. I've been a customer of theirs for over 18 years and they still can't treat you and your problems with their products and services correctly.

James G-E
Philadelphia, US
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May 10, 2011 1:26 pm EDT

can not see my bundle bill on line


Fresno, US
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Jun 16, 2011 8:40 pm EDT

They do not have a number like 0 you can push to get directly to a person they make you sit through their menu options which make no sense. Also, instead of silence, they make you listen to that annoying verizon lady trying to sell you more verizon crap! People want silence when they are on hold!

W.P.B., US
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Jun 17, 2011 1:12 am EDT

Really, you took the time to post that on a complaints board? c'mon. Maybe not someone giving you a sales pitch, but the reason for music is so the person doesn't think they got hung up on. And again, your complaining about that!

Lewisville, US
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Jun 23, 2011 7:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Signed up for the triple play on 03/08 and was given an install date of 03/16. Received a call from local office to move the install to 8:00-10:00 on 03/14. Took the day off from work to be here for the installer who never showed up. At 11:00 I made my first call and was told that I would receive a call from the local office as to what occurred and when the installer would arrive -- that call never arrived. I called again at 1:30, 3:00, and 4:00 and was again told that I would receive a call, again never came. Finally at 4:16 I received an email stating that my install date had changed to 04/06. I again called and was told "it must have been a computer glitch." As I'm a computer person, I found that suspect. Verizon agreed to upgrade my HD receiver to a HD DVR as a "courtesy" for missing the install.

The installed arrived on 04/06 as scheduled and was here from 8:05 am until 5:34 pm aside for an hour when I told him to go to lunch. The phone was setup to go one place, the cable another, and internet a third. By lunch, he had the internet up, but 3:00 he had the phone, but he couldn't get the cable. The solution to get the cable to work was to unplug everything and wait for the tech's to get everything done correctly. He packed up everything and reconnected our old cable. Five days later he called to tell me that he thought everything would be fixed by the following day. The installation was completed on 04/12, 35 days after the initial order.

Here's where the fun begins. I received my first bill in May and found that the DVR's that were to be free were billed at 15.99 each and my total bill was $155.33. I called and told the CS rep the problem and was told to pay the bill in full and a credit would be applied to the next bill and subsequent bills for the DVR's. The bill reflected the start of service as 04/06 the install date, not 04/12 the actual date that the work was completed. Again, I was told to pay the bill in full and a credit would be applied. I did so knowing full well that nothing would be done.

I received my next bill and to my utter amazement, one thing actually got done, but it was wrong as well. The start of service for the cable was pushed back two days to 04/08, but the voice and data were still 04/06. There was no credit for the DVR's and there were full price for this month as well. I called CS on 06/15 and spoke with a Ms. Powell. I informed her of the problem and told her that before I paid anything I wanted to know when the credits and the true start date was to be corrected. Her thoughts on what was causing the problem with the DVR's was that since the initial install date was missed, a Verizon tech had to initiate the second order and either she didn't include the free DVR's or that promotion wasn't being offered at the time. She assured me that with documentation she could get the problem corrected. She agreed and asked me to send her all the emails I received and a description of the problem and she would "get right to work." She actually replied to my emails later that afternoon and signed off with "I'll be contacting you soon, and rest assured that I'm working on this issue for you." I actually felt somewhat confident that the problem would be corrected. I should have know better.

It's now 06/23 and Verizon has cut off my service. There are no notes on the account for the CS agents to look at and to get the service turned back on they want payment in full plus a $300.00 deposit. Ms. Powell will not return my emails and nobody at Verizon knows how to get in touch with her.

When a monopoly screws you, they can really do some damage. My two options are (1) bend over and take it, or (2) cancel the service and wait days until I can get new voice, data, and cable. Impressive, I wish I could do this to my customers in order to get them to pay what I wanted.

My solution is to cancel the service and contact my attorney. They are the worst I've ever dealt with and I will tell anyone who asks the problems I've encountered.

Goodfield, US
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Jun 27, 2011 11:15 pm EDT

Try just pushing 000000 over and over and see what that does. I doubt anything though. I have been on hold for over 30mins. with verizon before.

Livingston, US
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Jul 01, 2011 2:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Verizon charged me $6.65/min for an international call to China.

nowhere, US
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Jul 01, 2011 2:58 am EDT

and thats the best you got? you may want to review your contract

Hudson, CA
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Aug 26, 2011 3:19 pm EDT

Verizon gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Customer Service' - I was with them for several years and got to a stage where I wanted to set my account so that the broadband service component would only be billed when I go on a trip (several times a year).

The rep explained that when you de-activate, it comes back every three months. Not good enough, I said.

OK, to keep you as a customer, we will make sure it does not come back unless you re-activate. Guess what ! Three months later back it came. I complained (this took hours to connect with someone who actually seemed interested). Nothing they could do, apparently ! I told them to cancel both the phone and the broadband and put me on their Do Not Call list.

Guess, what - they called again this morning to advise a past due amount of $44. for the "service" I was assured would not be billed, would be put up for collection if I did not pay the balance.

I again told Verizon to put me on their do not call list and now - my next required action, it appears, is to report a violation of the Do Not Call legislation.

Seminole, US
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Aug 27, 2011 3:45 am EDT

I had VERIZON as my Internet, Phone and Cable provider at my home and business. I started having issues with my Internet at home so I called a service tech to come fix it. After waiting all day for them to come they didnt fix the issue. After a few weeks of just dealing with no internet I called to tell them I was planning on disconnecting my services and that I had scheduled Brighthouse to install a week from then. Then the next day my cable TV went out, when I called they said that since I was canceling there services they will not send out a service tech, so my family will have to just deal with no tv or internet until the new provider comes to install the new system. Being unhappy with those answers and the fact that Im paying over $500.00 a month to have VERIZON stealing my money I have decided to cancel there services at my business and that I would need to keep it on for 10 days or until Comcast can come and install a new system . The next morning I noticed that the phone was not working and the internet was really slow so I once again I called customer service. The supervisor tells me again the same thing, ( since Im scheduled for disconnect they will not send out a rep to fix the issue). Im sure that they are creating these problems. Not only is it costing me time and aggravation but also my money that im missing from missed phone calls and the fact that Im still a paying customer that isnt recieving the services that I should get . I was considering keeping Verizon because Comcast is also lacking customer service but at this point there is no way. They both suck and tommorro I will be weighing my options. VERIZON'S CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!

Read Read Read
San Diego, US
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Dec 28, 2011 6:19 pm EST

I have been with Verizon for years----but will not be with them when the contract is over. I have always carried the insurance on my phone. In November I got a new phone. Immediately I knew something was wrong, I took it back, they sent me a new one. Same problems. I returned again---it was suggested I select a new phone. What they failed to tell me was to get this new phone I had to add a line, and have a $10.00 a month fee for the unusalbe line. The bill came, I noticed the $60.00 fee plus $20.00 monthly fee, since it was the middle of the month I would be charge for the past and present month. I called, the customerservice person there said I had to go back to the store since they made the error. Back to the store--wait--wait---finally a person that appeard to have worked for Verison for 12 minutes tried to help, then pass me on to someone different. I was told I would get a $35.00 credit, that was the best they could do. No credit appreard. Back to the Store. Another new employee, so I asked for a manager, he at least had worked for a week. Not only was he rude he lied to me---not once but twice. He told me I had cancelled my insurance, and that the person who helped me was a woman---after I clearly told him it had been a man. He gave me the phone numbe of the person who first assisted me (she no longer works at that store). I was call her and see what she remembered. Really? I went home called the *611 number---hit a few more numbers, listened to Verizon ads. Botton line since I had signed the contract (?) receipt, I had approved the line. She would give me the $35.00 credit but I would still have the $10.00 monthly fee or I could cancel the line. Cost to cancel $170.00 or pay $10.00 for the next 24 months...I cancelled. This may not seem like a lot of money, but for a retired senior citizen it is. I feel I was taken advantage, I had trusted them to solve my problem. SENIORS beware, lesson learned, read read, read everything you sign. Second lesson go to AT&T.

Seal B, US
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Apr 10, 2013 4:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been a Verizon customer for many years. Verizon provides my land line, cell phone and Internet services. My billing for these services appear on one bill and paid for through my auto pay plan with Verizon.

On the third week of March, I came home to find my land line out of service. I called Verizon and was told that a serviceman could come out the following Friday (eight days later) and explained the possible costs for that call. I was told I would need to be home to let the person into my home. That meant I would be without Internet all that time. Not being happy with that conversation, I decided to visit a Verizon office in Cerritos, CA. to see if they could provide a date sooner. I spoke with a representative who was very eager to help me. She made a few phone calls and informed me that the dispatcher would contact me regarding re-scheduling the appointment. At that time, she commented on some options to my service that could result in a lower telephone bill. Not having time to discuss further I said I would return later to have her explain the options to me

I wasn’t contacted by the dispatcher, but received a cell phone call on Monday (while I was out of town) that the serviceman would be at my home that morning. Apparently, he was able to resume my land line service as when I returned on Wednesday, my land line was operating.

All was well to that point. I returned to the Cerritos store and again spoke with the same representative regarding the options she mentioned. As a result of that call, I agreed to have the land line wireless and also obtained a “jetpack” for computer use at my weekend residence. So far, so good.

This past week, I received two bills in the mail, one for the original account . This indicated that the service was discontinued and the payment would be deducted from my bank account on April 18. I was instructed “not to pay this bill”. In the same mail came a second bill I understood this to be for the new service I established. Now the frustration begins. I went on line to establish this new account on auto pay. The computer program would NOT let me established auto pay on the new account without paying the entire total of the two accounts. I spent from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. with Verizon's service center trying to get this done. I allowed the service representative to access my computer and She forwarded my call several times. I literally spoke with 6 different people (billing, tech support etc.) I finally said I would go to the office and see if they could perform this function for me. During these conversations I was told my account was closed for non payment of my bill. Untrue, as it stated on my paper bill not to pay as it was on auto pay.

Again, I spoke the representative in the Cerritos office. She tried to establish the auto pay for me and she could not do it either. One option she and I were given was that I could pay $3.50 and place the charges on my credit card. My question to that why? I didn’t want to be penalized to make a payment and go onto Verizon’s auto pay plan. After almost an hour, Cynthia said because this was a “One Bill Pay Plan”, I would have to go the Verizon office on Willow St. in Long Beach. So I drove 7 miles to Verizon's Long Beach office and the young man graciously took my payment. He then proceeded to take me to a telephone within the office so I could talk to someone about having the bill on the auto pay plan. No offer from him to follow through although I had explained my frustration with Verizon and the hoops I had previously jumped through.

I can't believe that such a seemingly simple request became such a horrendous problem not only for me but Verizon's representatives. It would seem that Verizon's I.T. department needs to look at this situation and make some kind of resolve for it's many customers. I, in my simple mindedness, think that a computer program change would eliminate the problem.

In addition, I was told that the area I reside in has poor reception and seemingly nothing can be done about it. So much for my defending Verizon, I guess I finally came across what everyone else has complained about.

pete bison
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Jan 18, 2014 8:37 am EST

today I tried to cancel one of my cell phones lines and after being on hold for a long time a manager named Natalie id 553814 informed me that I would need to pay a 60 dollar early termination fee and she could not wave the fee .I was trying to cancel it 15 hours early but no matter how hard I tried to get it done Natalie id 553814 would not wave the fee .I have been a customer since 1995 and this is the way they treat a long term customer as soon as my other line contract ends in 5 days I am getting rid of Verizon for good thank you Natalie 553814 for your help

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Sep 19, 2015 6:48 pm EDT

The loudest of their music at their alpharettea, ga theater is over the top for some venues. My god, the people who want to hear the music are there, not 8 miles away. If you were the last connection on earth, I would go without. After reading how you treat your workers, this just confirms that you are evil.

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Feb 23, 2016 5:55 pm EST

2/23/2016 is the last straw with the employees for Verizon. I show up to work everyday and see the guys and one gal mess around with their phone when there is no customers in. They bad mouth people off in secret. They act like the can do whatever they want.

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Apr 27, 2016 5:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is the quest company. I have had constant problems. My landline does not work. I called, they did something from their end and I lost cable on one of my televisions. It has been fixed e days, the technician never showed and they can't have a technician available until next month.

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