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Zynga review: unauthorized charges 26

Author of the review
5:52 am EDT
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Yesterday 7/4/10 i had two unauthorized payments leave my bank account! i am totally distressed as i do not understand how they happened, i checked my online banking statment and because of these charges i am now overdrawn, i would like a refund, an appology and my zynga account closed straight away! i checked my email and i did not even recieve email confrimations to say that i had brought these payments! i did not even play on farmville yesterday, i am really worried somone has my account and card details, if this does not get sorted today then i am going to publish over facebook how you have charged me for someting i have not used and that your games are not secure and safe, i have many friends who use farmville and they will all cancel if you do not sort this out straight away!

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Falkville, US
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Oct 22, 2009 3:44 pm EDT

I had 2 consecutive charges of $150 on my bank statement paid to Zynga Games Mafia Wars. I never even played the game and never gave them my account number. My only interaction with Zynga was accepting a couple of trees and animals for Farmville which is one of their games. I didn't care for the game so I just stuck the gifts on the page and never did anything else. I contacted their customer service and they said they needed the confirmation code for the purchase which I didn't have since I never made a purchase. I also posted a my complaint on a blog that belongs to Marc Pincus, who I have since found out is CEO of Zynga. I used a phony name and gave no information and the complaint I posted was emailed to me from Zynga customer support. This could only have happened if I being hacked somehow.

Dallas, US
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Nov 12, 2009 4:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am an attorney researching the business practices of ZYNGA and their apps, such as: FISHVILLE, FARMVILLE, YOVILLE. I am interested in reviewing their business practices to determine if they are deceptive, such as questionable practices, used by third parties on their behalf, obtaining personal information via surveys resulting in unauthorized billing practices made on user's telephone bills.

Pending my review, consideration of legal action shall be evaluated. I located your complaint from a google search of all those complaining about ZYNGA. Any information you may provide would be helpful so as for me to understand the issues, but response should not be considered as developing an attorney-client relationship. I merely need to obtain information.

So as to support my interest and qualify my identity, I would refer you to a few of my recent cases I filed, so that you can confirm that I do represent individuals in internet privacy matters. Google my recent cases:

valentine v nebuad
simon v adzilla

Once you locate these cases, review the atorneys noted, and then confirm I have the same email as the attorney noted on the lawsuit:

"Attorney Joseph H Malley"

Please feel free to contact me in confidence to discuss any issues. As noted at this point I am merely researching and discussing complaints to determine if there is any allegations of merit.
Attorney Joe Malley

email me back at:

Lafayette, US
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Dec 14, 2009 11:55 am EST

I just had two $150 unauthorized charges from ZYNGA for games on my bank account. . I do own a facebook account, but play absolutely NONE of the Farmville, Mafia wars etc games. I have no idea how these charges got on to my account. I do have a Texas Hold'em free game on my iphone, but never gave account information or purchased anything from this game and have only played less than a handful of times. I just deleted this game, in case this was the culprit. I cannot get anywhere with my bank as the charges are pending. They will not stop pay prior to these coming out of my account and say once posted then I can dispute them, . However, after reading all the horror stories, I have no idea where to go to get my money back or make a complaint. Please help me, I am a single MOM and $300 is a lot when you have a special Needs child. Please someone HELP ME!


Boston, US
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Dec 16, 2009 10:15 am EST

You need to call Zganya directly and tell them of the charges that were unauthorized. They will investigate. Understand its not Zgnga - its someone hacking thru them - and its happening a lot - even through paypal accounts.

After you chat with Zgnya - call your bank and request a 3 way call with bank and Zgnya - the bank will do that. tAfter this is done - the bank will have to investigate who actually posted on your account - but the bank will return your money. Its important to set up the 3 way call though - Call bank - give bank Zgnga phone number and it should happen.

There number is [protected]

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Dec 16, 2009 2:54 pm EST

This just happened to me today. I got 4 different $150 charges by Zynga to my bank account. I've called Zynga and my bank. Zynga is not being very helpful! They are only 'escalating' the issue and cannot tell me when they will get back to me. My bank was able to reverse one of the charges, but as the charges are pending, they said there's nothing they can do until it either goes through my account or falls off. I'm so mad!

Redding, US
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Dec 22, 2009 10:51 pm EST

I just got a charge for $150 from Zynga -- totally unauthorized. The charge was made to my PayPal account and I just now filed a dispute through them. This is very disturbing, and Zynga needs to step up. I would love to know where these mysterious 5M in Chips I supposedly bought are, what they're for, etc. Makes no sense to me. If Zynga is not behind this, then where is the money going?

Ann Smyers
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Dec 28, 2009 12:42 pm EST

I too had a paypal charge from Zynga; $150.00 for 5M chips on Dec. 22. Since I've never used or even heard of Zynga, Paypal red flagged the charge and had already frozen my account and reversed the charge before I even got the email advising me of the transaction. I thought perhaps that someone had gotten my credit card number on a receipt after my car was broken into two days before the charge. Paypal was adamant that the perpetrator could only have hacked my account if they had my password or my credit card number. Anyway, you should contact Paypal. Another way to go is to find out what state, city and county Zynga is in and file a complaint with the district attorney in that area. The FBI also has a complaint procedure. Since this is happening with others, I intend to contact the FBI.

Mason, US
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Jan 01, 2010 7:16 am EST

This just happened to me as well. I don't think I have ever played either Zynga or Farmville, but I had two charges from Zynga from my paypal. One for $150 and one for $50. It must be happening quite a bit because Paypal had already flagged the activity before I even saw that charges.

The two charges would be enough to wipe out the account associated with my Paypal, since I don't keep much $ in there for that reason. If I get overdraft charges I'm going to to be pretty pissed.

Lee F
Bourbonnais, US
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Jan 02, 2010 2:16 pm EST

Having the same issue. 2 $75 charges today. Something is going on. Had to disable our credit card and filed a complaint with Zynga and they said they will get back soon via email...we'll see about that though.

Anyone know if Zynga requires CVV when purchasing? Seems odd there are a lot of people with charges on their account.

Newburgh, US
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Jan 05, 2010 11:54 am EST

Same just happened to me. 12/31/2009 at $150 charge from Zynga unauthorized. Zynga hasn't gotten back to me yet and it's been over 24 hours.

Crestview, US
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Jan 16, 2010 7:02 pm EST

I have 8 pending ones from them for $100 each!

Mount Gilead, US
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Jan 20, 2010 7:34 pm EST

It somehow helps to know i'm not entirely alone with this nonsense.

I woke up this morning to the charge notification in my e-mail account of $150. I notice alot of people have the same complaint.

This however has resulted in my bank account being overdrawn to -$384. There's no time this is appropriate, but last week my first child was born, and my wife could be dying, and i'm 6000 miles away from them, and have been ignoring my own health to bust my ### to save money to get to her as fast as possible.

I am a man, and that's what men do. But i can't tell you how this has me in tears. Every day has been some new trial to face, concern for my wifes health taking precidence above them all, and now this.

Whoever is responsible for this, may god have mercy on you. Look at how many peoples lives you're destroying. I hope, when this age ends, and the new kingdom comes, your 5 million tokens was worth all the suffering you've put people through.

Now i just feel balled up, numb. I contacted paypal, 5 times they said the $150 is refunded, 5 times they said they'd fax the information to the bank explaining that it wasn't my fault, so that any charges incurred would be waived.

I called the bank several times, monitored my account, no refund, no faxes. The manager offers to help me as much as he can when he sees some evidence of action on paypals part. EVERY DAY! There will be new charges. Eight of them, $32 a piece, every day.

Now, the only job i can afford is the one that's breaking my body down and could render me functionally useless. I stood out in front of my parents house with a sign begging for work or donations because my wife and child are worth my sacrifice. Now the weekend job, gone. No gas. The check this week? Direct deposit. Gone.

If we ever meet face to face, whoever is responsible for this... God have mercy on you, don't you dare ever ask it of me.

Santa Barbara, US
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Jan 20, 2010 8:02 pm EST

same thing happened to me I got 4 $ 1 charges on my debit card and 4 $150 charges, so a total of $604 fraudulently charged on my account! Had my debit card blocked and am disputing but it will take 10 days until I get my money back!

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Jan 21, 2010 12:30 pm EST

Same here. on Jan 17th and the 18th. $150 each day from Zynga. No clue how they got my info and they could not give me a general timeframe as to how long it would take to "investigate" it so I could get my money back. They quickly sent me an email stating that they had cancelled the charges but 3 days later the $300 in charges is still posted to my bank account.

Phoenix, US
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Jan 31, 2010 11:27 pm EST

I got hit this weekend... six charges of $1.00 (I guess this is the first step to make sure the bigger transaction will go through) followed by three charges of $20 and three charges of $150. I have no doubt that three more debits of $150 would have been forthcoming had I not caught it today. I called Zynga and got the same story as above, it's being "investigated". I also contacted my bank (BofA). They said they can't do anything until the charges are posted, but they did give me some confidence that they'd have my back... we'll see. What a shame this can happen...

Fayette, US
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Feb 03, 2010 1:55 pm EST

I also got hit this weekend. So far my charges total over $1, 000. My Regions and Bank of America accounts were both hit and both banks have been more than helpful. I have all of my money back in my accounts and the representatives from each back even transferred my $$$ to my other accounts to protect what I have. I did file a fraud report with both banks and the police department. Request an affidavit from your bank and take it to your police department! Also ask your bank to file a fraud report on your behalf. The police in my hometown are investigating as I type to find the person responsible for this. The majority of people are responsible are from across seas, but mine happens to be in the U.S. and I am going as far as possible with charges. Trust your banks - they will have your back :) Mine have been amazing!

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Feb 18, 2010 4:25 am EST

i'm scrammed for 150.000 coins pls helpme

Danville, US
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Feb 20, 2010 1:56 pm EST

i got scammed 4000 coins a couch and big tv

Danville, US
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Feb 20, 2010 2:01 pm EST

i got scammed 32 yocash and a 6000 coins plz help

New York, US
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May 26, 2010 11:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As of 5/26 -- this is STILL happening! I'm "lucky", my charge is only $25 (on 5/22) and my credit card company (Citibank) is helping me to resolve this issue. Just so you know, the [protected] number is not valid! It keeps giving you a busy dial tone.

I hope all of you had gotten your money back since this posting/your comments came out.

jemy schimeyer
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Jun 30, 2010 12:06 am EDT

some one stoled my zynga poker chip can i have back, plzzzzzzzzzz zynga hellp me...

San Antonio, US
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Jan 21, 2011 11:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had a call from my credit card company today: 2 charges of $288.17 each. Card has been canceled, charges disputed. I am angry, because I don't play any of their games. :(

Alison Henry
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May 05, 2011 1:51 am EDT

I can't seem to make a complaint to zynga about my farmville both first and English one. I can't ask anyone to my party, can't send return gifts, can't asdk for help with a suvey or get any responce to requests from my neighbours. Can't give invites for adding new friends or nieghbours on any of my games. It is getting so frustrating, I am ready to quit. Also why do we always need FV cash to buy things when we have enough working cash. Hope you can fix for me. Thank you. Alison from New Zealand

Miami Beach, US
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Sep 02, 2011 3:58 am EDT


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Jan 19, 2013 1:56 pm EST

Cafe World from Zynga is crooked.. I can't get into the game anymore, asked about my cafe cash. I got rude reply and got a warning when I notified other people about spending money on that game.

palak rani
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May 01, 2013 8:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sir, in my zynga holdem poker account have 135 million chips but now this is only one million chips.
Please return my chips as soon as possible

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