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Apple Vacations review: dishonest to customer 5

Author of the review
12:19 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I recently booked a Korea tour through Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd / Apple Holiday to Korea. The trip was scheduled for 22 December 2009. I paid a deposit of 4 persons on November and full payment was made in full before 3 weeks for the departure date.
Two days after the full payment have been made, Apple holiday staff was calling me and informed me that Korea airline is fully booked and all 35 tours member are advisable to change to Thailand airline and we need to make transit at Thailand for 5-6 hours waiting at airport. At first they didn’t offer any discount or refund for us until I open my mount and asked them. Afterward they agreed to payback RM200 person to offset for the change flight and keep pursing us don’t cancel trip. It’s was so un-happy things sound like we got no choice and we got to follow what whether has been arranged by them.
Three day before the departure date, now they called and informed me. We will meet up with another tour group at Korea total we will have 36 peoples in one group with “big bus” provided. And I found out that other 16 peoples are actually taking Korea airline. Is such as un-honest travel agent. If I disagreed to go with Thailand airline they will give us korea air.
SORRY TO SAID NO NEXT TIME WITH Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd. Really Bad services and the tour fares is actually much higher than other travel agency.

Update by allyslin
Dec 19, 2009 12:31 am EST

same experince here with this travel agent in malaysia...lot of people given a good commet really don;t understand why...cos my friends also have same experince with them for Taiwan trip.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jan 05, 2010 1:49 am EST

I got problem with my korea trip as well..

We were suppose to join the 7 days 6 night tour, that will be leaving on the 21th jan 2010.
At first everything was ok, the staff told us, that the tour already got 8 person, plus me and my hubby it will be a full tour, ready to go.
And we asked for deviation, extend another 4 days.
Then she said ok.. Everything seems ok..

But last month, i received a call from another stuff.
She told me, that 7 days 6 night tour had cancel!
So i asked her, what shall we do now?
And i asked to talk to the previous staff, but the previous staff not around anymore!
Then very rudely, she told me, they cannot do anything, because the tour cancel,
they will return our deposit RM1000!
What kinda answer is that?

Then nevermind, i told her that my hotel for the extend 4 days already booked,
what kinda solution can she give me?
Guess what she said?
They cannot do anything also, because they never asked me to book the hotel so early..

So in the end, the girl asked me to join the japan tour or the korea 8 days 7 night tours.
And until today they never give me any reply yet..
I called up, but all the agent are engaged..

Im so regret to join their tour, wont introduce friends to apple vacations!

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Jan 15, 2012 7:47 pm EST

@allysin - that was a nasty arrangement

@cyinthia - Is there any mis-communication when u decided to boo the trip bcos usually they will ask you which date is your preferable date for your deviation before everything is confirmed, it appears that u didnt not consult them bout the deviation details and yet you reserved and paid via online hotel reservation on your own will.

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Feb 05, 2012 11:22 am EST

I've follow apple vacation to Korea as well...the food has nothing to shout about, most of the famous Korea food are not included in our tour. We were told 5stars hotel however the hotel are far from town area. Besides, the last day in Seoul city our hotel is 40 mins from town and the hotel towels are dirty, with blood stains or hole on it. Meanwhile, there prostitution provision in the hotel. The pricing for the tour is not worthwhile. They failed to meet their over rated reputation.

Evon Chong
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Nov 02, 2012 11:57 pm EDT

Fully agreed on the bad services given. My friend & I just came back from Taiwan Tour organised by Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd. The tour guide "Sky Yong" was very rude & no experience at all. Whatever you asked her, she always said don't know yet or give you the wrong info. For example: Is the hotel provide Internet service. She answered " don;t know yet wait we reach the hotel, then we will know." If we reached the hotel I don't have to ask you. the hotel staff will know better than you. Is today hotel near downtown or near night market. She will answer: Don't know yet, when we reach there, we will tell you. My godness, what kind of tour leader &%$#&. She said all the Taiwan hotel don't provide language services, If you ask for bell boy service, the hotel manager will personally to send you language to your room. Stupid answer! Even 4 * hotel provide bell boy services. She thinks that all of us never stay in the hotel before. Always claimed that "this tour is not premium tour, Apple actually have an premium tour to offer 5 star hotel." 5 star hotel is it mean you have an 5 * service provided? When we make the booking, nobody told us that our tour is "cheap tour & provide cheap service" The staff not even told us that they have premium tour. The fare we paid is actually more expensive that others agency. Due to the name of "Apple" we don't mind to pay more, now I understand that we pay more just for for their advertisement... very disappointed.

The funny things is one of the tour members called to Apple to make an complaint. The supervisor not even border by saying " u can't call here to just make complaint..." Not only the tour leader, the office staff speak the same language... This is my first time to join Apple vacation & the last time.

audrey liew
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May 17, 2015 10:09 pm EDT

Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:01 AM
Subject: Pathetic

To whom concern,

I hope you are the honour reader to share the message I intended to convey. Not long ago, my husband and I joined your apple vacation tour to Japan and we were looking forward to have a fabulous vacation since from word of mouth Apple vacation is best known for attractive itinerary and its remarkable services.
However, I do believe there is a certain degree of truth behind this statement especially when I spoke to your other decent staffs but WENDY PHANG and NGAN SWEE CHING exclude from in the LIST. During the trip these two idiots behaved hostile towards me and my husband and I wondered why and at last I got the answer they two ‘BUKI GATAL’. Please be not caught with surprise with these two awful as they two used to mark a statement that my boss daughter a General Manager married an engineer earning RM 2, 500 whereby she as a GM earning RM25, 000. Guess what, they made such statement for times as if you are the issue of that FIVE DAYS TRIP. Along the trip idiot Wendy phang kept on questioning my husband what’s the hotel name we been staying in KL exceeded for 5 times. My husband commended her as 8 Po none of her business. Besides, she been caught for giving me hostile glared for 3 time in a row. What an idiot image that a senior tour consultant was projecting on behalf of Apple vacation. Worse still, while I was queuing up for buffet dinner that hooligan ngan hao po made an disgusting pose towards me and with unpleasant rotten face asking for quarrel with me.
In short, certainly I can understand why two idiots are daring enough to boycott me and my husband since you as a GM they two also making full use of you as topic of jokes throughout that trip with no respect to their own boss who bestow them a bowl of rice and poor me I pay for 10K in reward for these two idiots monkey face! Lastly, Calvin 8 gong I advise him to have talked and backstabbed right in front of me but not towards wendy phang! If I ever seen you two 8 po again I will come forward and slash your face! Trouble maker ngan swee ching behave yourself and I say WHAT ARE YOU IDIOT!


to me, Tracy, Gwen

Dear Sir and Madam

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you.

We refer to your email on dated 14 June 2014 which i received today in respect to the captioned.

I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me your contact number so that I can make a call to you regarding the below matter.

thanks in advance

Dear All,
I got cheated by your staff Lavence Lee when she making phone call to me for clarification.
Initially she kicked start with ' Hey your words very rude audrey you quoted my colleagues as 8 po'.
Actually my mother will correct me if she finds me behaving rude but need not she Lavence Lee
to predict things for me. Then she told me that actually Ngan swee ching has been banned for
years for leading tours ever since after the incident. Lavence Lee also alleged that Ngan swee ching
is now suffering chronic cancer and added that she visited her at Hospital Thong San while Ngan having her medication
there. At that moment I heard that news I felt nothing and I chose to believe Lavence Lee but I still pointed out
the issue that Ngan san severely bothering me till today even her sickness is another issue of her own. Besides,
I knew if Ngan san has been banned for leading tour and is now enduring illness it means I cannot expect any outcome.
But at least a single apologies on behalf of ngan san and wendy phang by Lavence Lee to portray her sincerity and intention to solve the issue with me and more importantly admits the truth that ngan san and wendy phang misconduct attitude and promise to change for better. Never had an apologize nor admitting ngan san and wendy phang trouble maker's attitude. Notably, Lavence Lee was trying to protect wendy phang as she told me she don't believe that wendy
behaved in such way and to her wendy is very cute. To me Lavence failed to act as a negotiator and try to solve
the case of the statement she made. It turned out to be apparent when yesterday I browsed through apple webpage photo
gallery and spotted that 1st June 2014 Ngan San was touring group to Hokaido. I still remain compose and conclude that
Lavence Lee all the while attending me like running a one man show. Have you guys ever think why I still
lamenting of the issue because no one admits that ngan san and wendy phang wrongdoing but indirectly or
directly signalling me that am the one who create problems. Obviously they sided Ngan san and wendy.
Lastly, if you all want me to let go the issue but why at first these two idiots don't let go me while
I was queuing up for dinner Ngan san stood there asking for quarrel with me. I told Lavence Lee all that she just kept
mum and why so hard for her to admit ngan san is wrong besides making efforts to brain wash me and twisting
the truth. I felt humiliating and what makes her Lavence Lee so confidence that able to cover the issue
by deceiving me that Ngan san having cancer ailment and she already got her karma commented Lavence Lee!

Hi Tracy,
I have been seriously thinking that two ### women (Ngan Swee Ching and Wendy Phang)
apparently owing me a word of apologies. As such you also mentioned to me that they
two are willing to apologize to me and I would choose to have each of they two write me
a formal letter for apologizing.

After all even the incidence happened to be three years ago
but their akin to dog expression did to me was utterly unforgivable and at moments I still
feel being humiliated and extremely angry towards their attitudes even they respectively
earned their tipping RM 150 each. It was outraging when I paid RM 300 to eat KOBE beef
that itchy Ngan San allured me like a dog before serving the beef on the table. She profited from the
Kobe beef and at the same time wanted to humiliate me. What a jerk!
They two never really valued me as a customer who had paid and seeking
for a simple yet memorable vacation nor did they treat me like human being with virtue.
I wish to read their apologize letters in which written by themselves with their own languages and please
be sincere otherwise it does not bear a meaningful solution.
What do you think, approprite?

Dear Audrey,

Happy day to you.
Thank you for giving an opportunity to serve you.

On behalf of Apple Vacations, We sincerely apologize for our Tour Guide Ngan san & Tour Leader Ms Wendy Phang that failed to fulfill the expected services and his professionalism performances during the tour. We will try to prevent encountering the same problem like this in future.

We do appreciate hearing from you as feedbacks are vital for us to improving our service levels.

However you will receive an apologize letter in hand writing from them (15 working days) from the date of this email.

Once again, we are very sorry about this cause happened make you and your husband have an unpleasant holiday.
Best regards,
TRACY TAN | Executive (Asia)

Dear Audrey,

Good day to you.

So sorry for our late reply in responding to your email dated 22 Apr 2015.

As you have also requested for apology letters from both Ngan San and Wendy Phang, we have asked them to personally write to you their apology in their own words as per the 2 attachments herewith. We hope that by these apology letters, we will be able to help you close this chapter of unhappy experiences and memories with Apple.

We deeply regret that our services did not meet up to your expectations and that our staff did not show forth the expected professionalism during the tour.

Before signing off, I do hope that we will be able to have the opportunity to serve your future travel needs again, as we would like the opportunity to provide you the level of service that Apple Vacations is well known for.
Best regards,
TRACY TAN | Executive (Asia)

Hi Tracy,
Please refer to my email dated 22nd April 2015 which I have clearly expressed my request that they two each
have to write me a formal apology letter separately and I thought you have accepted my request since your last email dated
3rd May 2015 also indicate that they have prepared 2 letters because from your sentence ' personally write to you their apology in their own words as per the 2 attachments herewith'. If they have prepared only one combined letter then why
are you saying as per the 2 attachments? I was searching everywhere the 2nd letter and only found 1 attachment.
I doubt that if they are really sincere as to what you been telling me for uncountable times they are willing to
apologize to me personally. Then, why Wendy is not composing the letter instead of using Ngan san's
letter. Is she lazy to write or she is illiterate!

Each of they two consider 2 distinct solo individual or entity and how would you
interpret that they are the same since they two done different idiot things to me.
If you insist that they two have done their best and being utterly sincere for that
letter you sent to me then you go ahead with it need not write to me anymore.
You been telling me that you wish to close the case since been dragging
for 3 years and please pause and ponder what went wrong.
At this point, I perceive all the call I received is just a drama show!


Dear Audrey,

Greetings from Apple Vacations!

Once again, we would like to thank you for bringing up this situation to us as indeed your case has highlighted to us the shortcomings in our Company and triggered a need for QC in our training and development. We are indeed sorry and regret that your journey with us had not met up to your expectations.

Referring to our recent tele-conversation, we would like to officially conclude this case by writing you this email.

As this case had occurred 3 years ago, we believe that we have done all in our power to mend the situation and have performed our duty in disciplining and chastising the Tour Guide and Tour Leader involved. However, we cannot in all good conscience continuously punish these 2 ladies for their lapse in service 3 years ago. We hope that you too will share the same views as us, and have the graciousness and willingness to forgive their shortcomings and give these 2 ladies another chance to improve and become better persons. Their apology letters to you also shows their seriousness and sincerity.

In conclusion, we would like to inform you that we are officially closing this case with this final email. We regret that we will not be responding to any more emails from you should it pertain to this case that had happened 3 years ago, as we realize that there will be no closure as long as you are not ready to forgive these 2 ladies. As we’ve mentioned above, we honestly believe that we have tried our best to resolve this situation. We seek your understanding in this matter.

Thank you and regards.
Best regards,
TRACY TAN | Executive (Asia)

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