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Bluegreen Vacations

Bluegreen Vacations review: maintence fees 24

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4:52 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Being Held Hostage by Time Share Maintence Fees!

If you are considering buying a time share- DON"T! You are much better off just paying for the weekend package or weekly package by the hotel or resort. AVOID Time-Shares! Let me tell you my story...

I have and are still paying on time - every month (5 years) for the mortage "the right" to own a timeshare from the Blue Green Corporation. I have not missed a payment once and yet I have never even used my Time Share! Why?! Because of the Home Owners/Maintence Fees!

I was not properly informed at the time of contractual agreement that I would be responsible for paying an additional $500 for the upkeep of the timeshare resort! When I did find out that - was the case, I tried to neogotiate with them to see if I could apply the additional fees to my monthly mortage payments (like how taxes are applied to your residential mortgage) but their response was "no."

They then told me that I could use a portion of my unused "points" to cover the maintence fees and while never - ever having used my time-share to this day (5 years later!) they took 50, 000 points to pay for a minimal portion of my maintence fees, then told me that I would have to pay the rest up front before I was allowed the privelege to use the timeshare. And to make matters worse - they locked me out of the timeshare, because I have not paid the maintence fees - there fore I am unable to sell my time-share!

I am literally stuck!

If you are reading this, and you are considering a time-share please be careful! I am still paying the mortage for a time-share I have never used, nor do I plan to use in the near future. I have payed over $8, 000 so far all on time without a payment missed, and now they are threatening to foreclose on me because I was unable to pay the additional maintence fees upfront - all in one lump sum!

Please I beg of you - read the fine print and have a lawyer go over the fine print with you! Don't be a victim!

If there is anyone out there who can help me, or know of a consumer organization to help folks like me, please let me know. I appreciate your time in reading this letter.



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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o fallon, US
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Mar 30, 2010 3:42 pm EDT

I'm sick that this happened to another good person. Welcome to the Bluegreen nightmare.

o fallon, US
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Apr 09, 2010 1:44 pm EDT

There is a potential Class Action in the works. There is an attorney currently gathering potential plaintiffs. If you would like the information on how to contact them in joining a possible Class Action suit against Bluegreen please contact me.

It is my opinion that Bluegreen is an evil corporation that cheats hard working Americans out of their money.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 18, 2010 6:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


at it again I see.

Mary it does not matter who your timeshare is with, EVERY timeshare pays MF and if you are not in good standing with your fees then you can not use your timeshare full stop.

It is the same for all timeshares big or small it is the law sorry but that is a fact.

You are going to have to pay or be foreclosed

I see Shu did not give you any concrete advice

If you cant pay just stop paying your loan if BG foreclose because you have not paid your MF then your credit score will be hit in any case

Mary even when you have paid your loan off you will still not be able to use your timeshare points untill the outstanding MF are paid and yes you will not be able to sell it or even give it away unless you can find someone to pay the outstanding fees.

I am suprised it has gone on for 5 yrs if you are late with your MF then BG (as do with all kinds of companies for non payment of what ever) put it to an outside collection agency

The only way out of this is either to pay the MF (which you say you cant) or let them forclose.

As always with hindsight you should have seeked advice early but thats gone by the by now
You should have paid the MF and then made a reservation and rented it out at least you would have protected yourself.

At one point you could use your points to pay MF --- that was untill the greedy US Bankers created the credit crunch. Once that happened then a lot of owners wanted to use the points to pay, as you can imagine that left no cash flow so BG pluged the hole as to speak and made it unrealistic to pay MF with points to preseve the money going into BGVC and everyone lossing all.

o fallon, US
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Apr 19, 2010 2:07 pm EDT

Hey [censored]'s is going!
I see your over here at spewing more of your Bluegreen lies.
Copy and Paste this you septic dweller.
I find it hilarious that your profile says you live in England. Hahaha...PROOF POSITIVE [censored]S HERE IS A PAID BLUEGREEN EMPLOYEE!

lots of words no real facts: FACT: Bluegreen has a Better Business Bureau Rating of "F" in West FL Where Headquarters is.

no idea of how the system works: FACT: Here's how the system works A$$ Hole - BG makes promises they know they can't keep, unsuspecting people purchase what they have been told is the next great thing in Vacationing, people then discover they CANT go where they want when they want, they CANT sell it back to Bluegreen, Their Fees go up every year by 15-20%.

Copy and Paste this you ###.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 19, 2010 5:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Copy and past again Shu

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 19, 2010 6:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


you should do engage your brain first

follow the above link for todays true accredtation and that is B

number of complaints in the last 36 months 0 (thats a big fat zero)

where did you get your info from

the internet is a wonderful thing

o fallon, US
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Apr 21, 2010 9:25 am EDT

[censored]s...Nice try ###. Thats an old link. Yet another attempt to deceive.
Follow this link to the big fat "F" rating (as of today).

Better yet...go to the South Eastern Florida BBB site:
Then search for bluegreen. Then go down the list and see all the "F" ratings.
Not your site Lord Mankinscams, the BBB site.

o fallon, US
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Apr 21, 2010 9:27 am EDT

as of April 21, 2010


Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 21, 2010 10:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well you fell for it hook line and sinker lol

what credability do you put on BBB when within a couple of hundred miles it gives such different results

and by the way it was not an old link i the information was taken from YOUR POSTING above and entered into a well known search engine.

Why did you think I made the coment I knew you would have to answer it just shows how anyone can minuplate any information they find.

385 complaints in 3 yrs and many from non owners not a great % from 200, 000 owners of a vacation club that is owned by a major corp listed on the new york stock exchange.

I have worked in the sharp end of Textile customer service and I can tell you for a fact that most complaints do not have any real substance ie a hole has appeared in my bed sheet you will have to replace it --- it turns out to be a ### burn, I have only had this quilt cover 3 months when the design had been discontinued for 10 yrs

Have you checked out the complait rate for Ford, General Motors.

At the end of the day If you cant use what you bought (if you ever did How many points do you have) that is only your fault.

If you bought a product that you did not understand then that stupid.

Nobody put the pen in your (and others hands) and made you sign or did they hold a gun to your head.

At any owner update we dont buy more points we just take the $100 (put it to our MF) and walk away

So very simple

To quote one of your fellow countrymen "YOU CAN"T HELP STUPID"

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
Send a message
Apr 21, 2010 10:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


sorry I missed quoted it should have been



o fallon, US
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Apr 22, 2010 9:08 am EDT

I agree [censored]s...there's no hope to fix you.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 22, 2010 9:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

God you are soooooooooooo funny I take it you have run out of insults and lies

may be I have done the impossable and fixed stupid

o fallon, US
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Apr 23, 2010 9:45 am EDT

Hahaha...I think you mean "impossible".

I'm curious, what part did you consider a lie. I can offer evidence of the validity of every complaint on this, or any other web site with respect to Bluegreens unethical business practices.

As far as the insults though, I take great joy in sparing with ------- like you. However, my legal eagle gave me the evil stink eye and suggested I cease and desist with the banter. So, I shant be articulating my personal opinions of Bluegreen personell anymore.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 23, 2010 2:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you for correcting my spelling, have to admit it is not one of my stronest points lol

Looking back at your posts I think you would make a very good salesperson, they are all full of half truths, wrong information, vital pieces omitted.

mmmmmmm maybe you have been a bluegreen sales person after all and they fired you.

You have never told in any of your many posts how many points you have and which trust fund they are in and remember your points will still get you the same units you had in the very beggining, those points never ever change

o fallon, US
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Apr 27, 2010 10:27 am EDT


10000 points annually
Purchased in 2005 in Pigeon Forge TN
Not a salesman - I'm in the military. That is why I am so vehimently opposed to Bluegreen. They are polar to everything I/we represent...Honor, Integrity, Personal Sacrifice for others...principles you couldn't begin to comprehend.
I am here because Bluegreen has robbed me of a little over $9500 so far (and counting). That, as I see it, is money they stole from my kids.
If you weren't so busy distracting people from the truth you'd remember that I've tried many, many, many times to book time anywhere from 2-10 months out. "No Availability"...every time.
10000 points, or 10 million points - it doens't matter. If your not paying cash - Bluegreen is not going to book you vacation time.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
Send a message
Apr 28, 2010 3:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


try this approach pick you date/ resort 12 monthsout, then at the 11 month out date call reservations and you stand as much chance as any other member (prem members make up only a very small % of owners). It is said that the average number of pointsper owner is 7000 per an .

Make that call at the start of business on that 11 month out date and you will get your reservation, it is true that you maybe unlucky at some of the resorts were BG inventory is very limited but i got 7 nights at Resort 66 in 2008 in June and only called end of feb.

Have you tried to book online at www, bluegreenonline .com

and swollow your pride and join the yahoo group and ask what u are doing wrong.

The banter has been a laugh but please just try the above

o fallon, US
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May 06, 2010 8:04 am EDT

Yet again, your an a$$ hole. AGAIN - - - The YAHOO club is a venue for BG sales sludge to try and sucker more money out of desparate owners.
Of course I've tried the online route. That, and pretty much any other means you can imagine. Which...oh by the way, is not what they sell people.
Please do us all a favor and quit spewing the same rediculous "rah -rah" crap. Quit BG and get a real job. Please...for the sake of your immortal soul. It's not to late to do some good for your fellow man.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
Send a message
May 06, 2010 9:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hi Shu,

god you are so t hick and stupid I have told you many many times I work in Textiles in the UK (check it out Standfast and Barracks). Now for you depending which forum you are complaning on depends and what job you do

You cant use what you bought, I bought the same product and can use it.

I f you dont want to learn how to use it then thats not my fault, you can only take a horse to water, you cant make it drink.

The only person taking money from your kids is you.

Get over it and stop being pig headed

Ritas dad was right "You cant fix stupid"

So I have tried and failed, you sit there and complain, I will go enjoy my Bluegreen Holidays


Dekalb Danny
Dekalb, US
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May 17, 2010 11:05 am EDT

Hi Everyone,
I'm a Bluegreen Owner. I am very happy with this company. Some of you may have gotten bad advice from your salesman or saleswoman. But if, like we all learned from childhood, you took the time to check everything out (Buyer Beware), you would not be posting these stupid complaints. Bluegreen is very honest and will answer all your questions. You must not have asked or just assumed some things. Again, your salesperson may not have been very helpful, but that stills leaves you to do your own homework.

I joined with a sampler package with 9, 000 points for one year. I did this because I though everything sounded too good to be true. This way I had one year to check it out and no additional costs. After 6 months of reading the fineprint and checking things out, I decided they were legit and became a full owner and upgraded to 6, 000 points every other year. I came back again in about 6 months and upgraded to 10, 0000 points per year. This is where I am. I have only been with this company for 2 years. I have been to Branson, MO twice (summer and Christmas), Wisconsin Dells 3 times, and Shenandoah once. No problems making reservations at all. Of course you need to make them many months in advance for the more popular places. This just proves how popular Bluegreen is and how many owners are taking advantage of the resorts. I currently have a few reservations for Branson for Christmas again, (it is fantastic there), as well as a couple of other places.

Finally, the costs of the original purchase mortgage and maintainance fees are resonable. Remember, you keep this for life. You can even pass it down to your children and grandchildren. Over the long haul it is a great deal. But, even in the short run, it is a good deal.

God Bless You All
I Wish You Well

o fallon, US
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May 19, 2010 8:29 am EDT

Well...I discovered the deal with these Bluegreen cheerleaders.
Ever wondered why someone would come to a consumer complaints site and cheer on the bad guys, the rip off artists, scamsters, crooks and thieves (Bluegreen). I just didn't get it...until I did some research. These guys are paid "REPUTATION DEFENDERS". Companies pay these dirt bags to scour the internet and DEFEND thier practices.
Proof: Google the following words "reputation defense".

[censor] working for [censor].

Las Vegas, US
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Mar 21, 2011 1:39 am EDT

Are you serious ? Listen, you have got issues.
I am salesperson @ Bluegreen if anyone is having problems and I have not had anyone complain to me that I have sold (who get my personal cell number after they buy). There is a some serious delusion goin on w/ this guy. geeze.

As far as complaints,
every company has them and we had a complaint site for all of personally as nice and as much "integrity you think you may have, I am sure we would all have complaints against us. No one and no company is perfect. Besides who claims they have honor and integrity and uses the low-class and bitter language like this. Sad...

Pam Nickelson
Portland, US
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Mar 06, 2012 7:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today, March 2012 the internet reports that the Attny General of Pennsylvania got a settlement from Bluegreen for bad business practices. Over 500 people in that settlement. There are currently 6 class action lawsuits that I know of. All those people can't be wrong.

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
Send a message
Jun 17, 2012 7:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pam in your own words "all those people can't be wrong" over 200, 000 owners 2 weeks ago 100% full at The Fountains ... no your right all those people can't be wrong

Dana Fryman
Batesville, US
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Jul 23, 2014 1:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hey Danny, do you have a penny? I will sell you mine!

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