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PuppySpot Group review: SCAM-BEWARE!!!! 32

Author of the review
9:10 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My mother purchased a German Rottweiler from this company-well a least they said it was a German Rottweiler. My children and I were waiting at her house for the arrival of the newest family member, he was flown in from Texas, and little did I know that once he arrived home I would spend the next 3 hours picking over 150+ fleas from this 8 week old baby. I worked at a vet office for 8 years and this puppy was one of the worst cases I have ever seen. Since he was too young to treat with any flea medication, I placed him in a sink of warm water so that the fleas would travel to his head, there were so many they were crawling in his eyes, ears, mouth, his skin looked like it was moving. His ears were full of ear mites and yeast; he has worms and bacteria in his stool. I wish I would have known prior to the purchase so I could have done some research on this company. I have no doubt this baby came from a puppy mill-do not order your next family member through this company.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Winnipeg, CA
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Aug 21, 2010 10:12 pm EDT

i'd send a note to the aspca cause if that puppy was brought to you in horrible conditions then other puppies might be in the same way.

Hinckley, US
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Aug 25, 2010 2:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is an extremely rare case. I'm a breeder and all of my puppies must pass a health exam to receive papers to fly. I can't imagine how they managed to obtain one for a puppy so obviously not healthy. I've been breeding and shipping puppies for 16 years, and never had one in this condition. It certainly wasn't Buy Puppies Direct's fault. Obviously the breeder had issues...

Hinckley, US
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Sep 08, 2010 11:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree that it's always best to meet the people when possible, but that's not always possible. Not all breeds are available in all parts of the country, and it's rather expensive to fly to a breeder's airport, rent a car to drive to their home, then fly back also paying for the puppy's airfare on the way home. This is quite expensive, obviously. If you want to make sure you find the best puppy, he may not be located within driving distance, so shipping is the best option. It's far less stressful to have a puppy flown than to make a puppy endure 10, 15 even 20 hours in a car to arrive at his new home. I ship about half of my puppies, after many phone conversations with my customers, of course. I've never had one arrive sick. Every family is instantly in love with their new baby too. Buy Puppies Direct is a business. Just like EVERY business in the world, they're in business to make money. If you run a business, you're in it to make money too, that's the American way. Why someone would buy through a broker when there are so many breeders online with their own websites and you can speak directly with your breeder is beside me, but many people do prefer that. To each his own...

Gulfport, US
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Jan 17, 2011 2:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I breed Morkie puppies and Shorkie puppies. I have 3 breedings dogs. Yes, this is a very small buisness. Small enough to talk to each person who gets one of my puppies. Small enough to get updates on each one and to honor my LIFETIME health guarantee.. Small enough to CARE, to build relationships and I like it this way. I can see 1 through 10 dogs. Much bigger and your dealing with a mill. Dogs kept outside or in kennels. Puppies who have not been held and loved... BuyPuppiesDirect or Pure Bred Breeders are brokers. They have little information on the people who sell their puppies through them. Their buisness is to sell puppies and make money..They also need to sell puppies nefore the breeder sells them and removes them from the site..The mark up is huge. Double what the breeder asks for the puppy. Both breeder and customer loose when dealing with a broker. Customers can be left with wrong answers and not really knowing anything true about the puppy they pick and breeders don't know the people who buy their puppy.
My thoughts? Choose a breeder and talk to them! If you feel uncomfortable RUN choose another until it feels right and ALWAYS ask the breeder ( even if your out of state and can NOT visit them) would it be ok to come to your home and see the puppies? if they say no RUN.. Trust your gut and do a lot of talking to the person who your next family member is being raised by.

Aussie lover67
Prunedale, US
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Jun 07, 2011 5:42 pm EDT

I have used this company with no problems. Actually they were very strict about having health certificates mandatory before any puppy is shipped. This is unfortunate that this happened to you, however, like anything, lets not let one bad experience ruin it for all of the good that overweigh the bad. We are to quick to make complaints and for some reason rarely find time to give praise. I am sorry you had this experience but after searching the net was not able to find that many others with similar complaints versus happy new puppy owners. The staff was always friendly, and I was able to talk with the actual breeder often with whatever questions I had. I do believe they should have paid for a professional vet/grooming visit due to this unfortunate situation.

Toms River, US
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Jul 24, 2011 7:43 am EDT

It's terrible that a breeder would treat her babies that way, however it is not the network that offer a website for you the buyer to connect with the breeder. If anything leave a complaint on the kennel that you purchased the puppy so consumers can beware!

Clarksville, US
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Jul 29, 2011 6:43 pm EDT

Yes complain about the breeder! That puppy cant possibly be the puppy that went through the health check.

Happy Campers
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Jul 29, 2011 10:24 pm EDT

I have sold 2 puppies with this company one we delivered and one was shipped, I was nervous about putting my baby on the plane but all went well, It was a large breed puppy. I would never ever ship a small breed, like a yorkie, Never!
This company does make money but what do I care I get my asking price.I have spoken with both familys that have my pups. I do not see how the puppy was in such bad shape they must have forged the health certificate, The insist prof of a clean fecal befor shipping?

Mastiff momma
Monroeville, US
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Aug 02, 2011 1:02 am EDT

I am considering using this website to get our puppies out there and am very nervous about it, but the kind of exposure that they can give is amazing. I am not a puppy mill, just a mom with the love of the breed and I appreciate everyone being honest and giving there opinions and dealings with this company. Thank you

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Apr 28, 2017 12:41 pm EDT

I attempted to advertise a couple puppies. They wanted our drivers license and social security numbers upfront. This made us suspicious. We went online and found out they had 75 complaints in 3 years and went through a major lawsuit. We read all the scam reports and discovered they are puppy brokers.
When we asked how much to ask for the puppy on their site JoAnn Barone (she does all the telephone interviews to set up your account) said whatever price you list they double the price for profit.
Please do not use this company as they will use your financial I formation ad share it with 3rd parties. If you advertise your dog with them the customers can read all the scam reports and will likey not use their website. We also read that they have their own people make up fake positive reviews on them to try to drown out all the negative reviews from customers.
They are puppy brokers and only want to make money only through advertising. The employees wirh do not go to breeders home to check their living environments they just ask you to send in photos of your dogs ad their living environment to make sure it is clean. Anyone can stage a picture to make it look clean just to get puppies listed with them. JoAnn Barone is their telemarketer and she is a hustler and fast talker.
This company has changed their name 3 times in 5 years to avoid public awareness of their scams and puppy broker business in Florida.
Look it up on Google Search and read for yourself.

Mobile, US
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Oct 21, 2011 8:06 pm EDT

Ms. Mastiffmomma -

Go to - At least Matt, the manager of the site, will remove bad breeders from the site if he is given legitimate information. He is trying more than other website managers.

Jo Ann Vaughn
Monterey, US
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Oct 27, 2011 5:04 am EDT

i sold a female shetland sheepdog AKC reg. in june which made about 9 dogs i had sold through puppies direct . they were all vet checked &was supplied with health certificate by vet stating they were healthy. had all the test done fecal and all. had all shots up to date.the sheltie i sold in june i had pictures of her at airport playing in lawn pictures on cell phone still have them stored. ok they said the dog went into cardiac arrest the next day. the people that bought the dog said they gave her cpr all the way to the vet but wasn't able to revive her. i've never heard of cpr for a dog don't know how its done. the vet said it's intestines were thick &ropeyand its mucus membranes were white. &stated it had virul infection or congental genetic abnormabilityhe said he couldn't firm it down to what she passed away of.the dog was healthy at my home and airport before leaving on her flight ate and also ate at airport because her flight was delayed a few minutes my daughter was with me at airport and survalience cameras has her pictures playing. i think she got hurt during shipping but the lady that got her said she came out of crate and stole their hearts. just adored her she sent me a card telling me this Ifiled a complaint with delta airlines because i took 2000.00 ins out on puppy at airport they called puppies direct they told delta the puppy died of parvo so that screwed that up.i paid puppies direct ou of another dog that i sold after that 650.00 so their story is i owe them 650.00 more that is counting airfare300.00.crate vet bill health certificate that i had done is my now they have got me sued or they say they have. still got 1 male puppy 1 female puppy out of this same litter here at home they are fine &dandy they are7 months old i also sold 2 the same week tha ti sold this dog out of same litter no complaints on them.i have my AKC compliance report 6/23/11 it states my kennel&dogs is in compliance with AKCs care & condition policy. i have running water in my kennel a tub installed for their bathing. stalls inside concrete floors with drains in floor it is heated in winter air cond in summer. so i am going to have some proof of my dead autopsey was performed. no registration papers have came back to me. i want to know what happened to the dog.someone is going to have to ship me a dead dog back or something. i just can't believe this.better get your dogs off this website

Shannon Drake
Rogersville, US
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Dec 07, 2011 10:14 pm EST

There is no telling! Buy Puppies Direct is suing me, they are calming I "Fabricated" 2 vet checks & are asking for moats of the money back! They also clam that they offer puppy health insurance for 1yr on the dog. If that where so why are they after me?
They should be put out of business! For the $300 extra dollars they charge, us breeders could give them a years worth pet insurance!

Florida City, US
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Dec 08, 2011 1:00 am EST

you should be sued get it right... we have sold about 20 puppies on puppy direct... yes they double the asking price but they give a ( 10 yr. warranty on the puppy )

Fayetteville, US
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Dec 11, 2011 6:10 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We use buypuppiesdirect for our puppies and send our VET health certificate AND THE MEDICAL RELEASE / FORM from buypuppiesdirect that our vet fills out it gets faxed back to buypuppiesdirect, but ok what i have read so far from everyone i find it very hard to believe that a puppy with that many fleas, parisites etc came from a bad breeder ...but lets say it did why not go after the vet that signed that vet certificate that stated that puppy was free and clear of parisites / fleas / mange buypuppiesdirect cant see that puppy all they have is an licensed VET stating this puppy is very healthy and can be shipped. yes they need to stand behind their customer and the agreement they made, i dont know about any other breeder thru this website but buypuppiesdirect did a extensive background check on us just to make sure we werent NO puppymill and almost every puppy we have sold thru this company we have spoke to the new owners and remain in contact with them and exchange pictures of their new family member ...also i want to make it known that any airline wont ship any animal without seeing a vet certificate that states that animal can also DEMANDS PROOF of a RABIES VACCINE certificate if old enough to have one ! if someone did get a sick / injured puppy thru this company my heart goes out to you but please remember buypuppies direct isnt soley responsible that licensed veternarian IS .just my 2 cents... we will ALWAYS use buypuppiesdirect and think they are an impeccable company and we think they do a superb job.

Shannon Drake
Rogersville, US
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Dec 15, 2011 2:48 pm EST

I just found this! If you against WATCH OUT! cause they have many different names for them selves!

Walworth, US
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Jan 20, 2012 4:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a breeder who uses Puppy Direct.. My puppies are well cared for, raised in my home and all vet checked. I also talk to the families that adopt my puppies and even have delivered to the families door. I feel that one bad experience does not make this company bad. Their standards are high and they expect the very best from me.

Waterbury, US
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Jan 23, 2012 7:48 pm EST

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! or are you just asleep!
Everyone please GO TO:
See: HUGE INTERNET PUPPY BROKER "PUREBRED BREEDER".COM supplies sick puppies for sale ON "800 WEBSITES" aka "BUY PUPPIES DIRECT. COM" aka VERMONT PUPPIES FOR SALE.COM aka PAMPER MY PUPPY.COM and the list goes on and on of their alias'...OK, you ask they caught them! NOT SO! THEY ARE STILL UP & RUNNING TODAY, January 2012! They are in a Law Suit in Florida but that means little. Google the name from the human society's article : Jason M. Halberg comes up under the link for their law suit aka aka They just change their names and incorporate to hide their identity over and over! 800 names with 800 WEBSITES! You can also go to and search under the company or the persons name and see who these people are!
The question is not "did you catch them" & stop them, the question is:
Didn't and doesn't anyone see the same telephone number and the same puppies under all these different company name web sites? Did anyone not see through the double talk when they were not allowed to pick up the dogs or visit with the parents of the puppies (even if you didn't want to bother to take the time and spend your money) a "reputable breeder" would welcome it, if not insist on it. At least you noticed that the breeder didn't want a background check on you? and asked an extensive list of questions to find out who is going to take their beautiful, cared for, part of their family, sweet puppy?! NO? NO? No one asked and checked you for even the minimum information that a shelter would ask?! How many dogs you have?, are they socialized?, did you take them to a class?, what is your vets information so it can be checked, your history with the breed, your time available to be with the dog...on and on. These are only the tip of the list of questions even a rescue or shelter will ask BECAUSE THEY CARE! Not because they sell 20.000 dogs per broker company on average per year at about $2, 400. each equalling $48, 000, 000. which they take half of! A "REPUTABLE BREEDER" does not see your puppy as "live stock" in a business and you the customer as a dollar sign! And the most important question "Will you take back the dog if I have to give him up? Any compassionate, human being would, that loved their dogs and that CARED. A business would not. JUST THINK...What would you do if you had to give away one of your children? This is how a "Reputable Breeder" feels! AND THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN ONLINE BUT IN PERSON!
STOP and THINK. Get a list of breeders from AKC.ORG. Wait, go to the breeder, make sure they are an AKC member and a member of that breed club, meet the parents, see if they are kept inside their home with a yard or caged all day in a kennel and outside with little human contact except to take that online photo that they look so unhappy in, ask and get proof of how many litters a year they have or if no proof keep a record of how many you count on their website during the months year prior, get a copy of vet records with OFA, AMCA, CHIC, hip, eye, thyroid, cardiac test results and certificates BEFORE YOU BUY and make the calls to their lab (not their vet) and background checks to make sure those tests are real. Remember a health certificate means nothing, it only means "their" vet looked at the dog and he seemed ok-he did not do blood labs, ultrasounds, x rays or testing on your pet!
Now pick your puppy and take pictures for definite markings so you know it's the same one you will end up with when you finally pick him up and take him home.
Note: Goggle: deaths of animals due to breeders shipping by pick your dog up.
YOU CAN STOP THIS NOW. Google & YouTube and look at the puppy mill videos if you can and let everyone know what they are doing to these beautiful animals that you love so much! If you don't who will?

Waterbury, US
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Jan 23, 2012 8:05 pm EST

If that is not enough, also, check all the NEGATIVEcomplaints on and Google: complaints complaints

"One of the Largest Ring Leaders of PuppyMills"!

And If you are a unknowing, innocent "family" breeder:( be ashamed you are doing business with these people! You are now guilty by association!

Walworth, US
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Jan 23, 2012 8:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For your information ceeandme:::: I am AKC inspected and approved, my dogs are micro chipped, vetted, have had all the above mentioned checks and socialized, live in my home and sleep in my bed, my puppies raised in my home and you can eat off of my floors any time of day and come to my door unannounced to see my puppies and the parents of puppies. I have hand delivered my puppies to families who went through purebred breeders, been in their homes, talked with them on the phone, met them, plus have met the parents of the puppies. I am not sure where you are getting all of your information as far the breeder not being able to talk to the new pet owner or them not seeing the parents of the puppy, I have to disagree with you because the bleak picture your painting is totally opposite of who I am as a breeder and the experience I have had with the company...

Walworth, US
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Jan 23, 2012 8:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For your information:::: I am AKC inspected and approved, my dogs are micro chipped, vetted, have had all the above mentioned checks and socialized, live in my home and sleep in my bed, my puppies raised in my home and you can eat off of my floors any time of day and come to my door unannounced to see my puppies and the parents of puppies. I have hand delivered my puppies to families who went through purebred breeders, been in their homes, talked with them on the phone, met them, plus they have come to my home. I am not sure where you are getting all of your information as far the breeder not being able to talk to the new pet owner or them not seeing the parents of the puppy, I have to disagree with you because the bleak picture your painting is totally opposite of who I am as a breeder and the experience I have had with the company...

Tuwana Vinson
Boston, US
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May 05, 2012 12:31 am EDT

Hello everyone, I bought a Teacup Pomeranian from Puppies Direct and I am so happy with my purchase! Heidi (pet pom) was born on Dec 15 2010 and I picked her up at the airport on Feb 13, 2011 just in time for Valentine's Day. I live in Massachusetts and she was shipped from Montana...I had no problems what so ever...Heidi was cuter than her pick ever could do her justice...Now what gets me with the above complain is on the agreement papers, it clearly stated the dog had to be taken to the vet within 48 hrs of arrival to get checked to insure the 10 yr insurance purchase contract...if not it would be void...Heidi did have a runny stool, but the vet and also the breeder told me that may occur as the puppy may become very anxious or frightened by the flight and unfamiliar surroundings...with i was reimbursed the $48 bucks to have this treated (which was nothing more than a stool culture and 11 day antibiotic treatment). I will soon be buying a Maltipoo for my mom for her birthday in June...I would recommend this company to any and everyone! Not to mention the breeder and the Puppies Direct called me 3 X's over 2 weeks to see how Heidi was doing...I am sorry about the above complaint, however this was no where near the experience I had. What a shame, I feel it should be referred to as an unfortunate incident instead of a scam...because obviously I didn't get scammed...I purchased Heidi for $1250 and it was money well spent and I didn't waste a penny...I love PuppiesDirect!
Tuwana Tia Vinson

Simona S
Irvine, US
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Jun 26, 2012 10:06 am EDT

I worked with BuyPuppiesDirect too and I find it very sad that something like this could happen. We sold 4 Shiba Inu puppies through them and we went through thorrow medical exams and pedigree checks and I think they did a great job at following up with us and the buyer to make sure everything was OK. We d got confirmation every single time from the new family and BuyPuppies Direct that everything was great and the furry guys were safe and sound after the flight.They do charge double and I have no idea how the 10 years guarantee is supposed to work, so I guess it's a matter of breeder integrity and making sure everything is as they say. I would ask to talk to the breeder and it's always best to pick up in person. I spoke with each one of the buyers and a couple drove from San Diego to Orange County to meet us and pick up their puppy.

Simona S
Irvine, US
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Jun 26, 2012 11:21 am EDT

I just went through Buy Puppies Direct testimonials, and found one that made me so emotional because it was about our puppy. We have sold Harry Potter to a family in San Jose and I died when I recognized him and saw her sweet note.

belton, US
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Jul 02, 2012 4:09 pm EDT

As a past breeder that used them I can tell you as a breeder everything is great until you have a sick pup and then they will let it slide until they feel they are not making enough on your puppies and will suspend you from the site. They do nothing to talk to the breeder about how they can remedy any issues but just send them an email stating the puppy showed up sick and the breeder is responsible for any vet bills... If they get to many complaints they drop you without hesitating and don't even call you to tell you why. They do not stick by their breeders or even speak to them about sick pups but they are only in it for the money and when they see they are having to reinburse buyers they cut the breeder off... If you are a small hobby breeder they might work for selling your puppies but have no loyalty to you and will ask for you to pay thousands of dollars worth of vet bills that go well over what you got for the puppy if your pup has anything at all wrong with it... Even if it is something like baby teeth that need to be removed... And they are obligated to pay back nothing at all after they have made a butt load on your pups... If they are truley in it for the puppies they would talk to the breeder and give advice but instead just tell the breeder to lie about how many dogs they have and how they live and have conference calls to make sure the breeder goes along with the lies... They have breeders that have hundreds of dogs but tell them to only discuss the two parents and the puppy and will end the phone call if you start to talk about any other dogs. They will also suspend the breeder if the breeder mentions how much they were paid for the puppy to the buyer... I have had them lie about the size of a puppy, transport procedures, and lots of other things when selling my puppies and found out after the buyer contacts me after they have the puppy in their home... It is a 50/50 chance so why take it... Best advice to someone buying a puppy is Just find a breeder that you can speak honestly to without someone listening in and being dishonest. I got tired of them only being loyal to the mighty dollar and so do not use them anymore and any professional breeder that is honest will stay far away from them... Many buyers tell me they just could not find a breeder with wat they wanted... My answer is you are not looking hard enough... Because of these big sites that can pay for hundreds of ads and domains it is hard to find the honest breeders' websites that have your breed available. I suggest going to,, or which are sites breeders pay to place their website ads on... You can also do a google search on free pet classifieds and find lots of sites where us small breeders have ads that don't have the money for those expensive ad sites... Best way to buy a puppy is to visit the breeder yourself, but if you can't ask for references and even video to see the puppy before you receive it...

belton, US
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Jul 02, 2012 4:13 pm EDT

oh and it is not hard for a sick puppy to pass a health check... Most cases the breeder may not know the puppy is sick and if the puppy is not not having a fever or seriously ill at the exam the vet will probably not notice anything... That is why a breeder should have a set procedure of wormer and antibiotics on every puppy for the week before it leaves... Even then a puppy could be sick or have a defect that was unnoticed by the vet at the health exam...

San Diego, US
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Jul 28, 2012 6:03 pm EDT

I bought an 9 week old siberian husky through this company. She arrived via airplane. She was clean, healthy, and full of energy. I took her to the vet the next day and she was healthy, no fleas, no worms, etc. She had to have a vet certificate in order to fly and she was up to date on shots as well.

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Nov 18, 2012 4:27 pm EST

So confused after reading all these comments, I want an old English Bulldog puppy so bad but unfortunately cannot find a breeder in my area!:-( They want a lot of money at but I really want one and am willing to pay the price but I want a good healthy pup when she arrives! I have one all picked out I just am so sketched out about sending such a large amount of money before even receiving my pup as there are a lot of scams going on the net and it's a huge gamble!

Tallahassee, US
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Mar 16, 2013 8:27 pm EDT

I am interested in this thread b/c I use both AKC website and Buy Puppies Direct to home my puppies. These are the exact same puppies from the same litters. They are just avenues for selling pups (and yes I DO require that Buy Puppies Direct let me approve the new home before selling the puppy) . I am both AKC inspected (at my own request!) and approved by Buy Puppies Direct. I only breed one breed of dog. My dogs are all genetically tested, OFA'd, and tested as appropriate for their breed. My male is an AKC champion, my females (all THREE of them) have excellent show records. So to state that ALL Breeders that use their services are not REAL breeders is absolutely untrue.
I have sold around 20 puppies in the last 5 years through their services. Not ONE single complaint has ever been filed against one of my puppies. Most buyers call me to tell me that their own veterinarians are amazed at the health, grooming, and excellent socialization of the puppies I sell. I actually sold a puppy to a veterinarian of a client that purchased through Buy Puppies Direct. He had been too scared to purchase online and yet wanted a puppy. When he examined the puppy I had sold his client, he asked for my information, called me and purchased a male puppy sight unseen with all the guarantees I offer.
I am now a featured breeder on their sites b/c of my excellent track record with puppies. My puppies are placed within 24-48 hours after I list them. ALL of them! I listed two last night at midnight and both were sold by 2 pm today. Fourteen hours later. So while I understand that some people may have issues with their puppies, from the thread above, I see that Buy Puppies Direct has also cut off the breeders that have multiple complaints about the health of their puppies. Mine are freshly groomed, vaccinated, dewormed, parasite free, and smell excellent when they are put on the plane. Not one complaint in FIVE YEARS! Please dont speculate on ALL breeders on the this site. Local breeders can be just as shady as someone selling on the internet. AKC inspections while nice, do not ensure excellent conditions. I do in fact raise my puppies in my home. I do dentals and annual exams on my adults every year. I have CARE CREDIT just in case my dogs need anything at any time. I am not a BAD breeder simply b/c I use Buy Puppies Direct. Please remember that stereotyping anyone based on a few is just plain ignorant.

Tallahassee, US
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Mar 16, 2013 8:34 pm EDT

Oh yes, I forgot, if you are in the veterinary profession, you should know that Advantage is labelled for puppies 7 weeks or older and Frontline Plus is labelled for puppies 8 weeks or older. So picking fleas off of a puppy b/c you cant use anything is simply not correct. Frontline Plus has been on the market for over 15 years, so certainly nothing new to a vet or in theory to their assistant. Just an FYI

Webb Kennel
Hewitt, US
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Jun 04, 2013 1:58 pm EDT

I advertise my puppies on which I just found out is affiliated with I was told today that I can not ask buyers to fill out an application so I am removing my puppies from this site. I do not for any reason or any amount of money deal with puppy mills and if a buyer can not pass reference checks they will not buy one of my puppies. My puppies are house raised, health certified and certified with no fleas, ticks or parasites. I do not fly my puppies and will not have one delivered to a location site unseen. So, in as this is a legitimate complaint all sellers with them are not the same.

Sheila C Seymour
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Nov 01, 2016 9:37 pm EDT

Considered this company because it advertises virtually everywhere I search on the internet! Very enticing for sure! Photos, videos with music, nice, right? Upon reading information that I should ask for prior to purchase my emails from the company weren't really addressing my questions. For ex. Vet records of the puppy and his/her parents prior to purchase. NOPE! They don't do that...hmmmm, I'll keep looking. (The little fellow I adored I doubted was the one they were selling). Although I didn't receive a response on that direct question concerning the pup in the video did not look like the one in the pics. I informed the sales representative that I had read that some breeders and their services post pictures of other puppies from other sites, ect. I ended our correspondence after my short experience with Puppy Spot (doing business by many different names apparently). Just beware. If anyone knows a reputable Breeder for hybrid/designer small dogs, please let me know !

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  4. PuppySpot Group address
    12233 SW 55TH Street, Suite 811, Cooper City, Florida, 33330, United States
  5. PuppySpot Group social media
  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 09, 2025
  7. View all PuppySpot Group contacts
PuppySpot Group Category
PuppySpot Group is ranked 9 among 111 companies in the Pet Services category