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CB Auto Parts and Repair Stores Canadian Tire it simply does not cut the grass properly!
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Canadian Tire review: it simply does not cut the grass properly! 89

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Bought the Yardworks Cordless Reel Lawnmower (model [protected]) in May 2007 from Canadian Tire in Winnipeg. Used it twice before I realized that buying this mower was a great mistake. It simply does not cut the grass properly. Called customer service to voice my complaint and was told that I could not get a refund or exchange because it was used. Sent an e-mail to head office asking for a refund and challenged their policy on used items, asking: how can one know if something works unless you use it at least once? Didn't receive a direct answer regarding a refund or exchange. The last I heard, Customer Service was going to send my correspondence to their buying office for review. I 'll be surprised if I ever hear from them again... I believe this is another stall tactic on their part. My advice: don't shop at Canadian Tire and don't ever buy a Yardworks lawnmower.

Update by Richard Palanuk
Jul 30, 2007 7:56 am EDT

This is an update concerning The Yardworks, cordless reel lawnmower that I purchased from Canadian Tire. After discussing my dilemma with the owner, I returned the mower on Sunday (July 29) and was given a full refund. Thank you Canadian Tire... you restored my faith in dealing fairly with customers!

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Ken collins
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Jul 22, 2007 8:56 am EDT

It is the worst lawnmower I have ever owned. Moved to downtown Toronto and I have no need for a large mower and I thought this one would do the trick at $250. It is piece of garbage. No matter how many times you go over the same spot pieces of grass are sticking up. And the bag does not fill properly. More grass is spewed all over than is caught in the bag.

Linda Lemphers-Fenton
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Aug 02, 2007 11:30 am EDT

I strongly agree - we purchased one and used it once - thought maybe we just got a dud but obviously it isn't going to get any better so ours is going back to Canadian Tire.

john sullivan
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Aug 06, 2007 2:58 pm EDT

I see that quite a lot of people are having problems with Yardworks products.

I purchased a 125' vinyl reel hose from Canadian Tire some 3 years ago. The guarantee on the literature stated 10 years. The hose busted away from the brass coupling and I tried to get some satisfaction from Canadian Tire. First, I found that the hose was discontinued a year ago. So much for the long guarantee of 10 years. This thing about guarantees, in my opinion is just an dishonest ply to get people to buy. Obviously Canadian Tire do not expect people to save their documentation, but I did. All Canadian Tire would do was give two cheap hoses, one 100' and another 50", and I had to pay the difference in price from that which was the price on the original receipt. The guarantee now is but 4 years.

Anyway I am just not letting this go. Soon as I can I am contacting the BBB, Better Business Bureau about my situation. There has to be something that can be done to stop this highway robbery. Most people cant deal with this kind of problem and hence just drop it so as to keep sane. Ive had so many bad encounters with Canadian Tire, so now Ive decided to fight back. F... them and their dishonesty.

Dave Saunders
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Sep 01, 2007 2:22 pm EDT

I'll add my experience with my Yardworks cordless 19" rotary mower Model [protected]. It's just over 2 years old and won't hold a charge more than about 5 minutes. I think the battery is shot. I did call the company support line only to find the model's been discontinued with no parts available. You can guess where it's made. More junk from overseas and it cost $300. So much for the environmental friendliness of this design. I have yet to call Canadian tire about this quality product they sell but since its over warranty who knows what if anything they can do.Maybe I'll try to source a higher quality battery and try to fix it myself. Last yardworks product I ever buy, the name goes on before the quality goes in.

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Oct 07, 2007 10:49 am EDT

my complaint is that I purchase a two wheeled self dumping wheelbarrow (6 cubic feet) and after a year all the rubber is cracking. (wheel tires and handle grips) and it's guarantee for four years. What is?... Who do we contact.

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Nov 11, 2007 5:30 pm EST

Same song. My yard works [protected] cordless mower won't hold a charge either. Bought it in 2006 and didn't work in 2007. Was going to look into buying a new battery but doesn't sound like that is possible, as per D. Sauders above. Pile of junk!

Don J Lorencz
West Kelowna, CA
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Apr 29, 2008 9:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We tried the same reel mower and it was a piece of crap! We returned it and purchased the Yardworks 24V / 20" 3-in-1 Cordless Lawn Mower for quite a few more dollars and so far we are happy with the mower but the service from Canadian Tire sucks big time!

They carry a dethatcher blade for just about every other mower there is EXCEPT THIS ONE and they make no apologies about it, that is just the way it is according to both the store we purchased it at here in Calgary and the customer service department.

My advise to anyone concerned about after sales service is to stay as far away from Canadian Tire as you can or you will be as dissapointed as the rest of us are! Go to Home Depot or RONA as they have proven over and over again that they know how to look after their customers!

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May 15, 2008 3:16 pm EDT

Bought a Yardworks [protected] a couple of weeks ago. Charged it overnight and tried it only once on medium length grass where the area of the yard was only about 2500 squre feet. Grass clippings seemed not be be able to get in the bag since the clippings seem to get jamed in the opening leading to the bag from the mower; am guessing the mower was simply not powerful enough to propell the grass into the bag. Motor also seems to to stall in the medium length grass when the height of the mower was set at 2.5 inches; only got better if I left it at the maximum height setting. After the mowing (which lasted for 35 minutes), the indicator light was on red already meaning it had less than 20% charge.

Called the support number for Yardworks the following day to find out why this mower was working so poorly. After I gave the receptionist the model number I was put through to the department dealing with lawnmowers. Left 2 voice mails on two separate days and no response.

Not receiving any response from Yardworks, on the fourth day after the purchase I called Canadian Tire's customer service department who advised me that since the mower had been used (once) and since it was not defective, I was unable to get a refund or store credit since their warranty is for defects and NOT a satisfaction guarantee. Though sympathetic, the service representative stated that since it was used at least once already, it would be impossible for them to re-sell it thus it was basically buyer beware.

Five days after I originally bought the [protected], I went back to the store where I bought it, spoke at length to the store manager (nice guy) and showed him excerpts from this forum as well as several news articles stating that that 60-1767 mower had been recalled in 2003 due to fire safety concern( I think he knew I was extremely disgruntled with this machine since I told him I was willing to even take a store credit at half the purchasing price. He tested the mower, thought about it, and gave me a full refund.

Anyway, have since checked around to purchase a GAS powered mower since I will never go electric again due to the poor power and discovered Canadian Tire and Rona appears to be the only chains that will NOT take back a used mower due to unsatisfactory performance. Note I said "appears" since other companies TOLD me they will take machines back (some with fairly hefty 're-stocking fees') due to unsatisfactory performance though I haven't gotten anything in writing yet.

By the way, now that it has been two weeks since I left voice mail messages with Yardworks, I still haven't received a response from them; I think we all know why.

Audrey Donahue
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May 24, 2008 1:12 pm EDT

I am in the middle of a struggle with C.T. over my Yardworks 24V [protected]. It was purchased at end of mowing season September 2006. First problem was that it was a floor model. I had to phone and push and shove for a year before I got an owner's manual. I used it for one season and it worked well. I kept it on charge all winter and went to use it this spring, nothing. So, I called C.T. and they ordered me a battery on warranty. While waiting, I had to hire out to have my lawn mowed. Battery came in, it was completely the wrong battery. I just phoned them again and am waiting for them to call back about getting me the right battery. Meanwhile, my grass is growing and due for another cutting. And I have no working lawn mower. After reading the above, I guess they won't be able to find me a battery. A refund or at least an exchange would be nice. I would sure hate to have to end up with a $300 pile of junk and then still have to buy a new lawn mower.

Audrey Donahue
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May 24, 2008 3:29 pm EDT

Update on my post 2 hours ago.
Thanks to the information I learned here, I felt better equipped to argue my case in regards to this situation.
When C.T. called me back, as I had already learned here, they said they were not able to replace my battery. They offered me a full credit towards the purchase of a new mower provided I had my receipt. Thank goodness I did. So, I hauled the mower to the store and paid $70 to get a new one. Yes, I did buy another Yardworks cordless. I'm thinking that perhaps they have improved it over the years. I am pleased with the end result. I am anxious to attack the weeds once the battery charges.
So I am still a Canadian Tire fan. Whether or not I am a Yardworks fan remains to be seen.

Darren Watson
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May 25, 2008 11:49 am EDT

I have a Yardworks mower. It worked great in year one and is a good choice for a small yard. However in year two it did not hold battery charge. As it works out you are supposed to charge the battery every month in the winter and keep it heated. I did this to the letter this winter and my mover is pretty mediocre after first use this year. I am going back to CT today, so here is hoping for good luck. I like the conept of the battery mower, but the yardworks battery is simply not adequate, even with proper care.

Darren Watson
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May 25, 2008 11:53 am EDT

To clarify my previous comment, I got a new battery on warranty last year, so the battery that does not work now was new last year and has been properly serviced. Just an poorly engineered product.

Ken Senter
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May 27, 2008 9:42 am EDT

I have had a Yardworks [protected] for a few years, maybe 4, I am not sure, since it was a Father's day gift.
Battery charging after the first year was a challenge as it barely lasted an hour.
This year the charging connection is intermittent but as other people have found out nobody at Yardworks returnes voicemail. I am hoping it lasts another year or so, but it owes me money. It never cut that well and the strength and staying power of the battery is very suspect.
I kept it charged all year in a semi heated garage and it gives me enough power to cut short to medium length grass for 3/4 of an hour.
Yardworks won't be on my list for a new mower or Canadian Tire for that matter after hearing these stories.

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May 28, 2008 8:34 am EDT

I have the Yardworks 14" battery mower and the battery lasted one season. I bought another battery and it too only lasted one season. Very very poor quality batteries. I really like the mower, but buying a new battery every year is ###ed. So, skip these lead-acid based units and get a Li-On.

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Jun 04, 2008 8:45 pm EDT

Canadian Tire Gave us our money back today. We purchased a Yard Works [protected] in may 2006, 2 years ago. The mower would not hold a charge, when we looked at the battery it was easy to see the bagged out side of one of them. It was never frozen, and was stored in-doors for the winter, it was not able to mow thick grass at any time, and was like pushing a wheelchair through .sand while mowing, heavy . We used the mower aprox 30+ less than 45 times in total, It cost $340.00, about 8-11$ a mow.Our Canadian Tire called Yardworks and Yardworks Hung up on them. It was not a pretty scene at the store. However we printed these pages and stood our ground, and we did O.K. I liked no cord or gas, just wish it worked.

Ross Wakefield
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Jun 07, 2008 12:06 pm EDT

Yardworks stuff is crap. Bought hose nozzel, first time we used it, the pivot broke; CTC refuses to warranty it without "proof of Purchase" - hell, they are the only ones to sell it, and it was on my CC, surely that's good enough - NOPE - has to be the printed receipt.
Yardworks will "wear" the nozzel & will never buy aything else of theirs.

Adamant, US
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Jun 07, 2008 8:52 pm EDT

Ross Wakefield like so many other complete idiots cant read english. On the back of your recipt it would say that you need it for any and all returns, warranties, and inquiries. So go back to grade two you little whiny ### and learn to read.

Ross Morley
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Jun 10, 2008 7:46 pm EDT

Bought 2 Yardworks 1/2" brass hose joiner kits from Can. Tire and found out after cutting the hose and inserting the 1/2" brass connector into the hose and trying to place the stainless steel clamp over the rubber hose it just wouldn't go. The clamps were also 1/2" and could not be placed over the hose as it was larger. The clamps should have been at least 3/4" diameter so it could easily fit over the hose and then be tightened as the instructions stated. What rocket scientist at YARDWORKS CANADA figured this one out. And to go back and wait in line to purchase the correct size clamps, forget it. Its bad enough that they have only 3 cash open when there are 50 people waiting in line to pay. I guess YARDWORKS and CANADIAN TIRE are one of the same. So, thats it, zero tolerence for stupidity. Hello RENO-DEPOT.

Joe Wilson
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Jun 17, 2008 3:52 pm EDT

Could some one post the number for yard works, can find my manual and either my battery is dead or my charger will not work. I found it odd that i could not find a website for yard works either.

Al Kuntze
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Jun 18, 2008 5:00 am EDT

I have a Yard Works weed trimmer I bought in Aug of 2003. Besides it being the worst trimmer to load new line into, the entire spool came flying off when I was using it last week! I am not impressed. The serial number is [protected], with a line diameter of .065". If you own this machine please wear long heavy pants (like jeans) when using it in case your spool comes flying off. Don't use it with others anywhere around it. My spool flew off about 2 meters out. I will be reporting this safety defect to Canadian Tire. Like Joe Wilson, I could not find a website. I checked my manual and there was no phone number or web site in it. Joe, I'd suggest you go to the Canadian Tire you purchased your product from, since this Yard Works company seems to like being invisible. Mr. Kyle, your language and attitude towards Ross Wakefield is very out of line! I for one, do not appreciate someone else being treated that way, especially on a public website. Everyone makes mistakes and when you make a similar one (and you will), I hope someone else does NOT treat you in the same way. Something to learn here maybe?

Tim Arnold
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Jul 03, 2008 8:40 am EDT

I bought a Yardworks cordless battery operated mower [protected] in May of 2007. It worked great for me in year 1. I went to charge it this spring only to realize the charger did not work. I phoned the help line and they told me one would be delivered to me in 3-5 business days. After 4 follow up phone calls I finally received the part I needed 5 weeks later. Plugged the new working charger in only to find out the battery is now dead. Am currently 2 follow up phone calls and 2 weeks waiting for a new battery which is currently available to the above complaints. I have been told 3 times that these parts are on back order. I GUESS THIS MEANS THAT THEY CAN'T EVEN KEEP UP WITH THE AMOUNT OF COMPLAINTS AND FAULTY COMPONENTS THAT COME WITH THIS PRODUCT. I haven't been able to cut my grass this year due to the ineptness of this company. Luckily my neighbour has a Black & Decker cordless that he has never had a problem with. I will never deal or purchase a product from this company again.

Yardworks also makes products for Home Depot, Rona... so if you are buying from another store make sure you find out if Yardworks makes it or not.

YARDWORKS = bad products and bad customer service

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Jul 08, 2008 7:04 am EDT

JUNK JUNK JUNK... thats what my cordless 24 volt lawnmower by YARDWORKS is all about! It worked great the first few times I used it. Then when I recharged it, it just will not hold the charge. What used to take 20 minutes to mow now takes close to an hour as you have to keep going over and over the same area to get the grass cut and even then its not cutting the grass more like ripping the grass.

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Jul 09, 2008 9:00 am EDT

Tim, I was in the same boat as you. I purchased a Yardworks cordless battery mower, [protected], in May 2007. It worked great all last summer (not that I had to mow much thanks to the never-ending heatwave). I charged it every two weeks during the winter, in my basement. When it was plugged in, it always said it was charged. I tried to use it the first time in May of this year, and it was completely dead. I bought a new battery from Canadian Tire, only to find out my charger didn't work. Returned the battery, called Yardworks and received a new charger. My old battery still didn't charge. I called Yardworks again, just got the new battery on Monday, charged it up, it seemed to hold the charge, tried to put it in my mower last night... Nothing. It still didn't work.

In the trouble shooting section of the manual, if the mower doesn't start, it says "Reset the circuit breaker following the instructions in the Making Adjustments section". Guess what, there is no Making Adjustments section in my manual. I took apart my mower last night and couldn't find anything that looked like a circuit breaker.

I'm about to call them again and am mentally preparing to be on hold for 25 mins. If anyone needs their number it's - [protected].

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Jul 10, 2008 11:40 am EDT

We bought the Yardworks cordless model [protected] in September of 2006. I loved it the first year, but when I used it this year, the battery wouldn't hold a charge. The last time I mowed, it would only do 2 strips on the lawn. I called the 1-877 number, and they are sending me a new battery with no quibbling. In the meantime, I've bought an electric mower. I might try to talk to the Canadian Tire Manager about getting a refund, having seen all the problems with them.

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Jul 16, 2008 11:37 am EDT

Just to update, Yardworks sent me a new starter for the lawn mower. It finally works, good as new. Until next season.

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Jul 24, 2008 8:48 am EDT

Bought the 24v 20" 3in1 1 week ago, Charged it overnight and cut the grass worked great, Tried to cut grass this week and it died in 5 mins (had been on the charger since last week) Though I must not have had the charger plugged in all the way.

Tried to charge it again (24 hrs), red light on charger never went to green, mower got hot when I took it off charge gauge still said dead.

Returned this POS, noticed that the space on the shelf said the mower had been recalled. I think I will stick with corded and go back to Black & Decker

Adrian Berry
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Jul 27, 2008 12:32 pm EDT

I bought the same 20" mower [protected]) on July 19th (one week ago), one day after the sale ended so I paid full price for it. Worked OK on Monday evening. Started to use it today, took my hands of the switch (which supposedly kills it) AND IT KEPT GOING. The only way to stop it was to pull the battery. Now I find out from Jeff that it has been recalled. It's going back this week. Meanwhile I have filed a complaint with CSA, although if it has already been recalled my complaint is basically pointless.

Adrian Berry
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Jul 27, 2008 2:00 pm EDT

RE: THE INVISIBLE COMPANY: Mr. Kuntze made the statement that "the Yardworks company seems to like being invisible". If you do a little digging you will discover that in the Trade Marks Journal of the Government of Canada, volume 47, number 2401 dated November 1st, 2000, the trade-mark "Yardworks Canada" was registered (registration number 873, 954) to the Canadian Tire Corporation Limited, 2180 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2V8. Interestingly enough, the trademark application was made on April 1, 1998. April Fool's, anyone?

Juan Carlos Herrera
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Aug 10, 2008 7:16 am EDT

I also bought a $300 dollars Yardworks lawnmower at canadian tire and the experience the same problem with the battery. Does not hold the charge and I only use it once. Because I move to a new house I didn't use it until the the following year to find out that there is something wrong with the battery. The manufacturer gives you two years warranty but because I cannot find my bill they cannot do anything about it. This is what canadian tire told me. Very disappointing. If anyone have any ideas what to do please let me know.

Ryan Guthrie
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Sep 03, 2008 10:17 am EDT

It took a few days to get this lawnmower fully charged. The first cut went well, I cut both my front and back yard. Then I could not get the battery to charge at all, and it turned red hot, the only way we could pick it up was with oven mitts. So its been sent to the repair shop, when I'm sure all I need is a new battery. After reading other peoples review, I'm sure once I get it back I will be going through the same problems. I wish I hadn't bought this and I wish I had waited a few more years untill all the bugs are worked out of these cordless lawn mowers. I feel like I flushed $300 down the toilet I've phoned Canadian Tire three times trying to get an update on the 'repair', told we would get a return phone call, but still haven't been phoned back. I am getting angry.

Christine Buckman
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Sep 06, 2008 1:20 pm EDT

I have a Yardworks [protected] rechargeable lawnmower.I bought it in spring of 2007.It worked fine for about 3 months, then started to lose its charge partway through cutting the front yard, round about end of August.It never again seemed to hold a full charge long enough to cut the front and back yards in one go.The front yard is about 130 sq.yards, or a cutting time of about 20 minutes, and the back about 500 sq.yards, or a cutting time of about 40 minutes.I ended up having to recharge halfway through the cutting, and even then, sometimes it would start to die towards the end of about 20 minutes useage.
Unfortunately I cannot find the receipt, but managed to exchange the battery pack this summer, at Canadian Tire.
However, it is not any better, and actually seems worse than the original one.I can now, barely get half of the front yard cut before it dies - as is the case right now, a Saturday.I am fed up with this mower.I called the Yardworks' customer service call center, only to be informed via a recorded message, that the call center is CLOSED on weekends - now that's really good customer isn't it? The call center number in the manual is [protected].It's a call center for Canadian Tire, Rona and other retail stores.But be advised, they are NOT open for business on the weekends.You must call Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.
This machine is warranted for 2 years, but I do not hold out any hope of getting a battery that will actually work and hold its charge, nor do I see a refund in the future.
I, too, will now have to shell out another 300 bucks to buy a gas mower, one that actually cuts the lawn.You can bet it won't be a Yardworks mower - now or in the future.I will never buy another Yardworks product, nor will I recommend that brand.Two chances is one too many in my books.

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Sep 11, 2008 9:39 am EDT

This morning my 12 year old son tried to return a battery bracket he bought for his go cart.

the bracket was unopened, not used in any way he has a reciept and the bag it came in.

He waited in line at the returns counter, he finally got to the front of the line.

He was asked for picture ID, he is 12 and only has a library card. They would not return the item without picture ID. He came home upset, and rightfully so.

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Sep 13, 2008 10:18 am EDT

Boy, the first season I bought and used this mower I thought it was a dream...I could start it with my pinky finger and it was so quiet and easy to push that I could nurse my newborn in one arm while I mowed with the other (this is the 3-in-one [protected], bought in 2006). We mulched our autumn leaf-fall instead of bagging and hauling. But ours is the will-hold-no-charge story as well. I mean, not enough to cut a 6-foot square. I just got on the internet to look up a manual, and found this site (no manual yet)! Our in-town grass has been long all summer . This may be completely whacked, but has anyone tried using the mower with the charger plugged in? I'm getting desperate enough to try it soon.

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Sep 30, 2008 2:01 pm EDT

I am experiencing the same charging problem with my [protected] model. Bought it in July/07 and never noticed the battery only has a 1 year warranty. Has anyone heard that some of the manuals indicated a two year warranty? The company that does the service work made a statement that there was a misprint in some manuals. If you have one of these please post it to the web and give us a link as I would love to get a new battery under warranty. My fault though for not taking it in earlier this year.

Yves Poissant
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Oct 16, 2008 8:00 pm EDT

Just received a Yardworks wireless lawnmower, the [protected] model. Unfortunately, there was no user guide with it. Has anyone know where I could get an electronic copy of that guide?

It would be much apreciated to have a diagram to show step by step the storage procedure and also the one concerning the charging process of the batery.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Oct 23, 2008 11:26 am EDT

The policy is that you DONT need id IFyou have all of that.
I worked there for years, whoever said he did is some dumb [I cannot control my vocabulary]

The more I read these forums the more that I hate this place more and more and more and more...

Thornhill, CA
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Jan 24, 2009 11:48 am EST

We purchased Snow Thrower in Canadian Tire at Yonge and Steeles. After 2 days we decided to return this product, because our friends have same machine and it works very bad . We never opened that box. But in the store they told us, that this machine have been used, and refused to accept return of this merchandise, wich is strictly against their policy .This is a shame for a company of this caliber to have such bad business practice. My family decide from now on never ever to purchase anything from Canadian Tire again.

Byron Russell
Aurora, CA
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Jun 12, 2009 11:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I own a cordless YardWorks Mower and had it for one year. I stored it for the winter with the battery charged fully.
The following summer the battery wouldn't charge what if anything can be done.
I won the lawn mower at the Bank so where do I get help to have it repaired?

Pierre Vaillancourt
Montréal, CA
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Jun 20, 2009 1:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Reading all this made me realize I'm not alone. Left alone by Sunrise who imports this lawnmower for Yardworks and Canadian Tire, but happy to realize that I have done what was necessary without the results promised by the company. So much for the environment. I guess I will return to my old handy Gardena motorless landmower. I too spent around 250$ two years and a half ago. I feel like being robbed by people who know they sell a product that will not last more than one year. I agree the first year was great, I was very satisfied with my choice then I had to open the casing to check the wiring, I thought the problem was the charging unit, they sent me a new one, I also mowed the rear rubber flap, they send me a new one. Then this problem with holding the charge and intermittent charging. I was more in contact with them those last two years then I have been with my old beloved father. It is definitely bad designed. I feel like I'm losing more than 250$, I loosing confidence, hope in a better world, cleaner, efficient, reliable. I will keep my distance from them in the future.

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Jun 23, 2009 4:30 pm EDT

Disgusting. I have the same problem with the battery not holding the charge. I called again and again and finally was told that -- even throughout the winter! -- one must charge the battery... otherwise, it will die. So, I ended up having to buy a new battery for $132 and dumping the "old" one. So much for saving the environment! I will never, ever buy Lawnworks again.

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    PO Box 2000, Station Main, Welland, Newfoundland and Labrador, L3B5S3, Canada
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    Mar 08, 2025
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