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CB Car Dealers Carcraft Have been messed and told lies!

Carcraft review: Have been messed and told lies! 17

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My complaint is that I chose a car which I decided to purchase, but after having been messed about by Carcraft (WEDNESBURY, WEST MIDLANDS) staff from 2:30 pm until 9 pm and told lies I decided that enough was enough. I then demanded my money be refunded. I had used my Capital One card & my debit card. I went straight over to the office area where I thought my cards had been refunded in full, because I was with my 11 year old son and his friend also 11 years I was at fault not to check my refunds. Also I am an Insullin Dependant so was extremely hungry.

Anyway to cut a long story short I was conned out of £49.50. I hadn,t realised until I received my statement from Capital One. When I phoned Carcraft they said that I had been charged by my credit card company, so I phoned Capital One and they stated emphatically that they did not make this
charge and to get back in touch with Carcraft.

I then phoned Carcraft for a 3rd time and was lied to again, they said Capital One had made the charge. I got confirmation from Capital One that they definitely hadn't charged me for this transaction. I phoned Carcraft again and asked to speak to a manager, they said that there wasn't one there but I could speak to a supervisor. They eventually put me through to an Alan O'Hara who said that he would look into it. I was really angry and said to him, 'When do you think that will be, Today, Tomorrow, Next Week, WHEN?'. Mr O'Hara said it would be that evening. (When I got home from work the statement was through my letterbox, so I phoned them from 7pm). Of course I never got a call.

I have written to Carcraft Head Office at Rochdale but haven't received a response from them that was June 5th, 2006.Capital One sent me out Fraud Squad forms to complete which I did and returned 9 faxed pages. They then wrote to me saying basically that they couldn't go further as Carcraft had rightly charged me for a credit card transaction!

I have cut up my Capital One card and sent it back to them. They obviously have some sort of financial dealings with Carcraft so would not take them to task. I have attached copies of the letters which I sent to Carcraft and also Capital One.

I am now resending the letter to Carcraft Head Office with another letter including the words, 'Time is of essence'.

Advise smb!

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Pauline Higgins
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Nov 13, 2006 7:14 pm EST

carcraft switch car owned by carcraft in Merseyside just as bad as any other around the UK every body no matter what your finacial circumstances are you will be better off than if you go to car craft the worst deal ever and false warranties that never pay out no matter what is wrong its all down to wear and tear dont forget no matter what is wrong they will not pay up please dont go givee your buisness to some body who you have done your research on its your money we are talking about and your car that you might be depentant on to go to work to pay foe that car dont go there you will be conned.

eon man
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Sep 05, 2007 12:02 pm EDT

Hi, i have just left Carcraft north East after working there as a "salesman" for 1yr and EVERYTHING negative you hear about them is TRUE! While working for them i just could not understand how they got away with charging £3000 more than the car was worth, charging over 30%+ for finance, selling imports that are worth £2500 less than a uk car & then charging £3000 over the top for it & not even telling the customer it was a import, The list goes on and on and on and on! The worst case i saw was a customer that found out the car she bought had been involved in a very bad crash, came back and swapped the car for a different 1, then carcraft SOLD the returned car to someone else 2 days later! Everybody who works there even the managers want to rip you off. They just don't care, the guarantee they sell must be the biggest rip off on the planet. The company who supply the guarantee NAC (national auto care, or as it was known by the staff Nothing at all covered) are owned buy Carcraft & do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE NOT to pay out on claims! I could say its a good place to use just to see what kind of car u fancy, then go some were else BUT if i was you just don't even visit the place as its so hard to get out. We used to get a blocking if we didn't get the customers car keys and hide them!

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Oct 01, 2007 8:32 am EDT

I bought a car from them, in june 07 had loads a problems with it so they said you can have a re-deal, i swapped my car and and when i got it home it was leaking oil all over the place, what a joke, fighting them for a complete cancellation as we speak will keep you updated!

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Jun 02, 2008 1:15 pm EDT

carcraft are rubbish
first they signed me up to the wrong car and they lied to me telling me i needed two loans for the car because the first finance company would only lend me so much for the car so they had to get another company for the rest of the purchace price! CANT BELIEVE I FELL FOR IT. THE OTHER LOAN WAS FOR THEIR OWN INSURANCE.I ONL, Y FOUND OUT WHEN I DECIDED TO PAY OFF THE LOANS A FEW WEEKS LATER.I KNEW I HAD NAC BUT I WAS TOLD THAT THIS CAME FREE WITH MY SECOND LOAN.

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Aug 07, 2008 9:47 am EDT

Hi there, Please see for more information and to unite in helping other victims of their fraudulent, cruel and criminal behavior.

Andrew Laird
London, GB
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Sep 02, 2009 10:48 am EDT

I am writing to complain about the misleading and dishonest practices employed by Carcraft staff, and the flagrant disregard for dealing in a fair manner with unsuspecting customers.
I originally purchased my Land Rover Freelander vehicle in mid August 2009 from Carcraft Enfield, and was offered a part exchange deal on my old 51 registration Volkswagen Golf. The sales executive that I dealt with was David Crop. I had originally asked for £3, 000 for my old Golf, but my old Golf had suffered crash damage to the passenger side bumper, and all I was going to be offered for the car was £900. I expressed to David that as I had only come in to Carcraft to browse and did not feel obliged to buy anything on that day, that I was not prepared to accept that amount of money for my car, and was about to leave the showroom. However, after David verbally offered £1, 250 for my VW Golf, a lower monthly payment plan, and a low interest rate, I agreed to settle for this deal and proceeded to enter into a finance agreement with Carcraft for what I assumed was a part exchange deal of £1, 250. After awaiting the credit decision for over half an hour in the finance department, I was presented with a mass of paperwork to sign, and trusting that I would get £1, 250 for my old car, I signed without reading over the paperwork in detail one final time. This was a huge mistake on my part, admittedly. However, once you make an agreement for one price, you're really not expecting the paperwork to read an entirely different figure.
Two weeks later, I read over the paperwork in fine detail, and discovered that I had in fact only been given £800 as part exchange for my old VW Golf. I returned to Carcraft on 1 September 2009 to repair my Freelander after the discovery of faulty electronics in the vehicle. During this visit to Carcraft I brought the discrepancy in part exchange amounts to the attention of both Lindsay, the finance representative who I signed the paperwork with, and Musthaque Ahmed, A.K.A. “Bobby”, the sales manager, and I called over David Crop, the sales representative who had sold the car to me, and in the presence of Musthaque, David verbally verified that I was in fact verbally offered £1, 250 for my old VW Golf by David himself. Musthaque then informed me that he would have to seek advice before reaching a decision on what would be done next, and that Musthaque would contact me either later that evening or the next day.
The next morning, 2 September 2009, Musthaque phoned me and informed me that as far as he was concerned, the paperwork stated that the part exchange agreement was for £800, and that in no way was Musthaque prepared to acknowledge that the sum of £1, 250 was agreed by David Crop for the part exchange value of the VW Golf. Furthermore, Musthaque, A.K.A. “Bobby” stated that David did not agree to the part exchange amount of £1, 250 for the VW Golf, despite the fact that only 24 hours earlier, David admitted that he had offered £1, 250 for the VW Golf as part of the part exchange deal.
I immediately informed Trading Standards about this outrageous experience, and unfair manner in which Carcraft had dealt with me as a consumer, and Trading Standards informed me that Carcraft had in fact committed an offence, when Carcraft misled me into a contract.
I then visited the Enfield branch of Carcraft on the same day to address my concerns with Musthaque, and I asked that David should be present also. Musthaque flatly refused at first, stating that Musthaque had instructed David not to be present when I arrived. I then insisted that David should be present, as David had brokered the deal, and originally agreed to the sum of £1, 250 as the part exchange value. I continually addressed David about the fact that he had offered the £1, 250, and that it was this figure upon which the purchase should have been made, but all David attempted to use as a diversionary tactic was the fact that we had agreed to a deal with lower monthly payments. I repeatedly pointed out that the only reason that I had agreed to relinquish my VW Golf was on the premise of gaining £1, 250 off the price of the Freelander. In the interim, Musthaque persistently maintained and made it clear that as I had already signed the paperwork, I was bound by the agreed part exchange figure on paper. Musthaque and David even had the audacity to flatly deny that David had even agreed that Carcraft would give £1, 250 part exchange value for my old VW Golf.
In light of the unscrupulous business practices employed by Carcraft, and the dishonest nature in which this contract was entered into on the part of Carcraft, I informed Carcraft that I am not prepared to continue with my finance agreement with Carcraft until one of the following is agreed to:
1. The originally agreed amount of £1, 250 for the part exchange value for my old VW Golf is implemented into the finance agreement between myself and Carcraft
2. My old VW Golf, and all payments that I have made so far are returned to me in full, in exchange for the Freelander
To this end, I am cancelling the direct debit until this matter is resolved. I have also sent copies of this letter to the finance companies involved, and to my own bank.
Do not trust Carcraft; they are dishonest con-artists and have no scruples whatsoever. They should be renamed "Car-Crafty"...

steve webster
Wakefield, GB
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Oct 14, 2009 1:24 pm EDT

i did the same too with the finance, we were told that the total payment to pay back was about £9500 & we had been there ages & just wanted to get the car home so trusting as we are we signed & left to find we owed £17500 with all the interest & NAC cover (which is total crap), our payment on the finance paper is £292.00 per month but on the copy mr Musthaque Ahmed, A.K.A. “Bobby” had showed us says £192.00 per month which is a mistake from him, i have the paper work with mr Musthaque Ahmed signature on saying this so surely its a glitch in the finance agreement ?.

caerphilly, GB
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Apr 26, 2010 11:55 am EDT

Does anyone know if there is anyone who regulates Carcraft? If a complaint is not dealt with properly by Carcraft, is there anyone else we can turn to?

sue r
london, GB
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Aug 02, 2010 6:33 pm EDT

i just brought a car from carcraft enfield. at first i decided i could not afford the price they wanted to sell me the car for so walked out of the showroom only to be chased by a different salesman who then offered me a better deal on the car if i took out finance with them. After sitting down discussing the best terms i could get i agreed a loan at 10% i ask them 3 times if there was any extra charges and was clearly told no. On returning the next day to finalise the agreement i was reading the loan agreement and noticed there was a £200 add min charge and the intrest rate was 12%. I queried this and was told that the rate was a mistake but the add min charge was correct. I explained that i had been told that there was no more extra charges the day before but was basicly told tough that if i did not want it i would loose my £250 depoist i had paid . After about another hour it was decided that they would pay half but that still left me spending £100 more when i had asked on numorus occasions if there was any more charges. And then to top it all after everything was sorted out they made us wait 45 mins to get the car. Buying this car from them took over 8 hours and 1 massive headache. It was such a bad experience i will never go back to them again and would never recommend them.

wakefield, GB
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Aug 28, 2010 4:52 am EDT

i work there and its a total joke, they are con artists, with no business sense. The directors are worse still. Something seriously needs to be done and get them A either trading fairly or B closed down all together

Addlestone, GB
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Feb 20, 2011 11:32 pm EST

my peugeot 207 was cominmg to the end of its 3 year pcp deal and i was looking for a new car to replace it as allthough i loved the car i wanted something a little larger. I went to Carcraft in Chertsey 2 months before my pcp deal was due to finish.#
to cut this story short i ended up spending over 6 hours in the showroom was enticed to drive a honda civic (which i knew i loved as driven one at an actual Honda delaership) anyway i was talked in to putting a deposit down whilst they tried to get me through the finance. I told them that £300 a month was max i could pay and i also asked them on 3 seperate occasions to confirm that they would pay the the full settlement figure to peugeot and the final 2 months payments as the deal still had 2 months left to run. I obviously did not want to be in a situation where i was paying two monthly payments when i only actually had 1 of the vehicles and was worried about this as i did actually know something of Carcrafts reputation for being sharks. anyway things went from bad to worse as my mother in law passed away next day and still got pressure calls from Carcraft sales people to come and complete paperwork. Went in night before funeral and still spent another couple of hours finishing off paperwork and again asked how they took care of the settlement with Peugeot and got a load of mumbo jumbo which basically came down to the fact that i could collect the car the next day but had to bring the settlement letter in for them so that they could take my car and make the necessary arrangements. I noticed that evening looking at the car again that the tax was expired and mde a fuss about it and was told that they would tax it in the morning when i came to collect the car. I was handed the the documents that related to the car and i noticed in the servicing pages that it was overdue its 12000 mile service. I kicked off about it and to their credit they agreed to service it right in the mpornimng before i collected it.
So next day (day of funeral) i arrive i give them copy of settlement letter and again say that i want assurances that they will contact them and that i wont be left paying anything once i leave with the new car. I was again told it would all be taken care of. I asked about the car tax and was being fobed off and i was getting stressed as i knew my wife was upset i was doing this on the morning of her mothers funeral. Eeventually someone departed to staines to get the tax.
The car is on the ramp and is being serviced (alledgedly)
paperwork is all signed and no surprise to ypou all no i did not pay £300 a month its actually £363.00 but at this ;point i just wanted it over and done with. I drove away and went to the funeral made it with 30 mins to spare to say i was unpopular would be an understatement.
ok here it is. 2 weeks later received a call and a letter from Peugeaot saying i had failed to pay my last intalment to them. i explained that i no longer owned the car and said that if they checked their computer they would see carcraft had paid the settlement figure and the contract was finished.
Oh to my horror they had not even been contacted by carcraft. I called them got angry and they said that they would call them immediately. no that's right they didn't and more calls later they eventually did. I received confirmation from Peaugeot that the settlement figure had been paid.
I thought this was the end of it until i received a letter from Peaugoet 6 to 7 weeks later saying i owed them 2 months instalments for my old 207. I called them i argued with them and the outcome was that the the settlement figure is worked out with peugeot assuming all 36 months payments have been received. carcraft knew i needed everything paying including the 2 months instalments and they did nothing and i got no where with them. i had to in the end make an agreement with Peugeot to pay them in small amounts over 6 months to clear the debt.
S0 realise a week after took the car that they had not supplied a spare wheel. they got me one . then i had a pincture and could not change the tyre as they had not left me a locking wheel nut set. They ordered one.
The car 5 months later has possible wheel bearing gone and now the water pump for window washer has packed up and i am about nto call them to see if the 48 month fantactic all singing NAC cover with sort these 2 problems out. wish me luck but then i think i already know where this is going to end up and thats another garage doing the work at my expense.
frustrated of chertsey

wyn lewis
Llandudno, GB
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Mar 14, 2011 9:23 pm EDT

car engine developed a serious fault and they wont fix it under warranty.

ian middleton
sheffield, GB
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Apr 16, 2011 12:55 pm EDT

i 'bought' a car from carcraft on a multi year deal... i was told i could pay £99 a month for 1st 12 months..then etiher come and change the car for another and start a new £99 month deal...or carry on with the finance...or renegotiate the finance...i took the car in for its 6 month service and while i waited i was looking at another car for 'the next 12 months' when i asked the salesman if i could have that car on the £99 deal next year he told me the finance company had pulled the plug on the deal! i came back the following tuesday to be told "dont worry we will offer you a similar deal when the time comes"...this time is not even up yet ( i write this on 16/4/11) and they say there is nothing they can do...i have had to clear the finance at a considerable amount more ...£10'800 for an £8000 cash price car 8 months later and now they tell me my car is only worth £2, 550! please do not even drive into their car park...they are crooks and there should be something done about them. my advice is to contact the financial ombudsman...which i have done...will let you know how i get on...not holding my breath though!

Manchester, GB
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Apr 25, 2011 10:58 pm EDT

ive had nothing but trouble ever since getting a car from carcraft and the worse thing is i cant even drive.
i had good credit before going in the shop because my boyfriend and i were just looking because it was a new shop that was near the trafford centre and we thought we would look in, was we to know what was gonna happen in a few hours later and £21.000 in debt.
The staff were so pushy, my boyfriend credit wasnt good and got declined so they thought why dont you put in my name which i wish i never did now because 6 months later i had lost my job and now my credit isnt the best anymore.
the worse thing was that carcraft never told us that the finance wasnt even on the car but on myself which i thought you couldnt do that without the person knowing, we only find out 6 months later by mistake by another car showroom.
so we had to sell the car because we couldnt afford it which we were paying £377.14 a month for 5 years which we just cant afford specaily as i am unemployed and have only one income coming in at the moment.
We had to go on a debt mangement company to sort this problem out and yet i was still getting phone calls on the company for 2 months until we manged to get it sorted.
i would NEVER use this company again, i dont know why they are aloud to sell cars by pushing people into buying cars they dont want becaue we only went in to look and came out with a car that we thought was good at the time but not now specaily when you walk in the door and they are waiting for the next sell because all they think about is selling cars and not letting you say no
please if you are thinking off going to carcarft please think about it and research them or best go to the car people

washington, GB
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Aug 15, 2011 11:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

we bought a car from carcraft in jan 2010 on the coldest day of the year where we were kept waiting for over 9 hours to cut a long story short we have had nothing but problems and the car has been back in thier garage 6 times in 3 months for the same problem which they keep blaming on different parts we have had to pay 130 for brakelight sensor switches and cranklight sensors as the car wouldnt start hmmmm the starter motor has been replaced through the nac guarantee and as im typing the car is currently in the garage to be looked at tommorow (went in friday) no courtesy cars available even though we are going away for a short break tommorow and we have had to borrow a car from family ive read some of your comments regarding cancelling your direct debits and was contemplating doing this if they ring us tommorow and say its not covered by the warranty and we have to pay do they take your car back or do u just have to sort it out with the finance company any answers greatly received thanks x

wembley, GB
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Aug 21, 2014 4:28 am EDT

never buy car from them

Rotherham, GB
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Oct 14, 2014 10:24 am EDT

we have just returned from Carcraft Sheffield having taken a Chevrolet Matiz for its last service under the "drive happy" warrenty. We were concerned on previous services that they did not seem to be doing much to the car for the £600 3yr warrenty, mot and service plan we had bought with the car. Today however things took a turn for the worst when they serviced our car for the last time and presented us with a piece of paper stating that the car needed £750 worth of work on brakes, exhaust and a new timing belt at 55000 miles! When i asked them what i'd paid the £600 plan for he just looked blank and said the service DOES include an oil change...I noticed then that on the form it also said SPARK PLUGS require changing! These. Returning home extremely unhappy with my DRIVE HAPPY experience, i trawled through a lot of very small print only to find that a service literally includes an inspection of parts but does not include anything physical other than an annual oil change. Price of oil at Wilko's is about £15 for a decent one, so where has my money gone. What have they done for us. Our brakes are currently at 2mm. Our timing belt is due soon at £300, Our exhaust centre piece is now corroded and needs replacing £80/£100...So all in all a really bad company with arrogant staff who will rob you of your hard earned cash as soon as look at you. Broken down over three years i make that around £200 per oil and filter change. The wait has always been longer than they tell you. They fit things around their convenience not yours and without a shadow of a doubt they are not trustworthy, , , in closing, and believe me i could go on, , , and on, , , and on, please be aware that the MOT's done by Carcraft never flagged up these problems, especially the brakes, until their "warranty/service plan ran out and it is now our responsibility to put everything right and at our cost. Sorry but i worked out that over our HP term, we will also have paid over £10000 for our Matiz. Chevrolet are selling them with the plastic still on brand new for £8000. ! BEWARE, BE VERY AWARE. If other methods of finance are open to you, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take them. Thanks and good luck.

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