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Wells Fargo review: loan modification 58

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5:55 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I am working on my second attempt at a loan modification thru Wells Fargo. This is a screwed up company who took 9 months of paperwork and phone calls only to deny me a modification in 2010/11.
This attempt started in November 2011 and is still going on. Even though I have complied with all requested paperwok, and they are in the process of "helping"us, they sent me an intent to forclose letter which my "home loan specialist" didn't even know about. They have NO interest in helping their customers, only in their own profit and stealing peoples homes while dragging their feet under the farce of helping!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Bob Howerton
Clovis, US
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Mar 15, 2011 4:56 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wells Fargo has no interest in modification when they can foreclose and make more money doing so. I have tried 3 different times. They originally set us up on a 3 month trial basis to make sure we could follow through. We did and even paid the trial amount an additional 2 or 3 months. They then sent us an agreement with the new payment about the same as our original payment amount. Nowhere near the trial amount we set up on and we were hoping for. We told them that the loan mod was because we lost income and could not continue to make the original payment. I believe at that time they had no interest in helping us but were stringing us along and to call back next week. The government Making Home Affordable program is a complete farce. The lenders are under no obligation to try top help and since they are in it to make money why not foreclose and make a bundle more.

Linthicum Heights, US
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Mar 15, 2011 7:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The local Wells Fargo Mortgage Loan representative promised I would save money by combining my 1st and 2nd mortgages together. Little did I know (until I received my first payment notice) that he had attached FHA loan insurance at my cost of $140 a month to my new mortgage. In hindsight I now realize it was so Wells Fargo would not have to negotiate with me to modify the loan when I went in default because of being over extended on the mortgage payments. They can sell my home in a foreclosure sale (which they are currently arranging) and submit any loss to the Feds for payment through the FHA insurance. LEAVING THEM NO REASON TO MODIFY OR NEGOTIATE A REDUCTION IN MY MORTGAGE AMOUNT OR PAYMENTS. LOST MY HOME AFTER 25 YEARS OF INTEREST PAYMENTS TO THE MONEY GRUBBING THUGS.

Nita Reed
Gaithersburg, US
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Apr 05, 2011 12:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have gone thru everything that everyone has gone thru. And as of April 7th 2011 it will have been 4 years since I first ask for help. Before the HAMP and many other programs were around. When I first started I was 2 payments behind 2400.00. And now I am 20, 000.00. behind. I cant sleep nor eat. And I am still waiting for an answer from Wells Fargo.
I am ready to take it to court.
Good luck to all and God Bless.

Pitstburgh, US
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May 27, 2011 5:47 am EDT

I am so with everyone- same story and they change representative like some people change their underwear. I have started following up with faxes confirming conversations because boy do they lie!

hate wf
Fort Worth, US
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Jul 13, 2011 12:29 am EDT

i want in as well for a lawsuit on wells fargo i have had too many problems with them and at the moment they owe me money for almost ayear now and have been lied to too much i can be reached at at any time i hope everyone gets what they are owed from them and the only way it will happen is with a lawsuit

hate wf
Fort Worth, US
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Jul 13, 2011 12:44 am EDT

look me and my husband live in texas and would love to get a lawsuit going on wells fargo they have screwed us too many times we too went through trouble in 2009 when my husband lost his job and had a charity that helped us out and sent a mortage payment to them only for them to show it posted and they took the money and then two months later get a letter in the mail saying we never paid our payment that month and when we called they said they wouldnt accept the money because of where it came from and that they sent the money back to them soon after people were driving by our house taking pictures of my husband in the front yard and we were getting letters threatening to foreclose on us. there is sooo much more from other times they have jipped us and i just know there is something that can be done if anyone can help or get a lawsuit together please help

Modesto, US
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Jan 07, 2012 6:09 pm EST

I am in a similar situation withe Wells Fargo but I was on a repayment plan for theree monthes prior to discussing loan modification. On thee second payment of my repayment plan theere was a clerical error on theeir part causing my account to come back "invalid". When I noticed thee payment didn't go therough, I called to see what happened. Apparently thee employee transcribing thee information missed one double digit. It has been a monthe now in which I call every day to follow up on a work order theat has supposedly been put in on four occasions and every time I call I get a different story and notheing has been done! This was THEIR error! I was even told theat one person has thee autheority to override thee system and return me to thee payment plan so I spent over a week trying to track theat person down. When I finally got theat employee to call me back he tells me he is not only NOT a manager but theat he has only been withe Wells Fargo for four weeks! I have spoken to at least 35 different representatives in several different departments and nobody ever has any idea what I am talking about when I tell theem what happened during thee previous call on thee previous day! Meanwhile, I have received an "acceleration letter" and am headed toward foreclosure if I don't pay thee full balance by thee 15the of January. This run around is absolutely ludicrous and I can't believe theey can get away withe it! So frustrating!

Orange Park, US
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Jan 07, 2012 9:36 pm EST

My family and I are going through the exact same thing with Wells Fargo. My Home Preservation Spclst. wont even return my phone calls or emails.Now I am getting foreclosure notices. I am scared, confused and have no idea what direction to turn.

Nita Reed
Gaithersburg, US
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Jan 08, 2012 12:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am so sorry that you are going thru this. For 4 years Wells Fargo had put me thru the same thing. I had contacted a group called HOPE. It is nation wide. If you havent already please contact them ! I also contacted Gov. Martin OMalley`s office thru the internet. Not a letter ! Their office made a call to Wells Fargo and even though it took another year I have saved my home. My credit is ruined, I owe much more on my mortgage than I did when I started. They would keep me on the forebarence plan when that program is for those who may have money in an IRA, savings or looking to to come into money in the near future. So 3 yrs they had me paying a lower amount but the left over was adding up and the next thing I knew I owed 15, 000.00 that was added to my loan amount. In any case PLEASE contact the HOPE program and do not give up. Also try to either call or send a letter to the President`s Office of Wells Fargo. It is another department that took over my process of keeping my home. And know that you are NOT alone ! Your story is mine all over again. And many others! Please contact the HOPE program ! Great luck !

Linthicum Heights, US
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Jan 15, 2012 4:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Could you take a moment and put the addresses where you sent your complaints to so others can too. Evidently they the government is playing dumb to the reality of how the banks are screwing over people or they JUST DON'T CARE! I live in Maryland also, Wells Fargo worked me over so now I have lost my home of 25 years, my wife and son left and meanwhile Wells Fargo executives are rubbing their greedy little hands together and laughing when they receive their bonus checks. Yet the government is letting all the banks screw people over and over again.

Upper Marlboro, US
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Feb 12, 2012 4:38 am EST

I have been trying to make a payment since Thursday and the site has been down. I am not paying 15 dollars to pay by phone. They are nuts.

Bobby Muse
Nampa, US
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May 11, 2012 8:40 am EDT

Wells Fargo Are thiefs And the goverment doesn't care My wife and I tried to modify our home loan was told severall times they were working on it well that was a lie i called every week trying to find out what was happening was told they were working on it then after a time went by i still called to find out and was told i would have to talk to my loan specialist so was transfered to Christopher Davis well that was a joke his voice mail was full and i couldnt leave a message we must of called a hundred times i tried deveral times to talk to someone else was told i would have to speak to him but they would send him a email to get a hold of us well he never did then on april 11 2012 i called and demanded to know what was happening the man i talked to told me he could get in trouble for telling me but that they were auctioning the house on april 12 2012 he gave me Christopher Davis's supervisior and told me to call him so i did and quess what the same thing leave a message and he will get back to me well he didnt thanks you crooked thiefs

Bear, US
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May 31, 2012 5:23 pm EDT

I had exactly the same experience. Months of being asked for the same documents over and over again only to be denied because "they couldn't reach me." This when I was speaking to the same rep, Derek Pearson, every 2 weeks. I left repeated messages for him, including many saying I wanted to make payment but he never called me back. I finally spoke to someone else and she told me my modification was denied because the didn't have all of the documentation. This is a game they play to stall. They don't want to comply with the government programs designed to help homeowners. I called today to make a payment and bring my mortgage current (it's 90 days behind) and they refused to let me make a payment.

Anaheim, US
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Jun 02, 2012 1:45 pm EDT

I was foreclosed on 4 months ago and am still in my home. If you are in foreclosure you can visit or you can call them at [protected]

Brooklyn, US
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Jan 07, 2014 9:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi, just like to place a complaint as well, it being 3 years of wells fargo is really ennoying . Its abused for a customers who were with fargo for long time, . No help from wells [censored]o, what is the use to call in and ask for "hardship" my husband sufer a stroke, this is a big "hardship", I tried to modiy my house in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Every year i was dragged for a year, all papers at my end was supplied to the bank for a modiciation. Noone never got back to me, when i was calling to the bank ask for a signed person, i come to know from other representaing not longer with the bank. What king of trick is that. Instead of help people with "hardship" Wells Fargo Bank puts you in more trouble. After which owners ends up in forclose status.
2013 i stard again wiht modiciation on the house thats what i was told. After fax all my document to the wells fargo, after was asign with some one by the name Marine Villarieal who was gathered all my info from me, stated it last 010314 friday everything is fine, all papers in, will be forwarded to underwriter, suddenly on monday 010514, called back to me by questioning me regarding my documents again, which was collecting document two month priour before forwarded them to underwriter, also had no manners to talk with the client. . I think its a big abuse towards people who alrealdy suffering "hardship" someone really needs to look in that matter. Irina Glelizer

Des Moines, US
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Jan 12, 2014 11:23 am EST

Yes, go to icansuemylender or whatever site you want and throw your money away … or send it to me and I'll put it in my fireplace to start a fire….same result either way….

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May 12, 2017 9:09 am EDT

In 2015 Wells Fargo began to implement a new procedure that will require home owners to go through the Re-entry department if previously been considered for a Modification. The re-entry department will analyze your hardship and financial situation in order to determine if your account is eligible to be re considered for a Wells Fargo Modification.
With the huge volume of accounts Wells Fargo receives from the Re-entry department that have been deemed eligible for reconsideration its very common for it to take up to 2 to 3 weeks just for the Relationship manager to get the file and review it for completion.
In our case not matter have many times we have submitted the complete requested documents package to the Re- Entry, we are being denied, by Wells Fargo Mortgage claiming due to the property negative Net Present Value (NPV) evaluation and that we did not provide all the required documents.. When we request a full appraisal and which documents are missing in writing, we are being told by Wells Fargo Mortgage employees, “We are not in Loan Modification Review therefore we don’t qualify for an appraisal to determine the correct NPV. It should be noted, numerous request for Wells [censored]ro Mortgage to provided us with how their arrived at the NPV have been ignored.This is a process the bank has implemented to make sure they can navigate around Dual Tracking Laws to deny a home owner from ever being consider for a Loan Modification and to unlawfully foreclose on home owners.It is therefore our contention as Home Owners Wells Fargo Mortgage is operating in bad faith to continue to lead us and other venerable home owners down the path of losing our homes, no matter how much we try to do the right thing by honestly working to save our homes from foreclosure by a Bank with a document history of out-right fraud and deception to its customers.

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Nov 30, 2017 11:41 am EST

I agree wells fargo is not out to help there customers only to disgrace them, make them feel ashamed of needing help and make you well aware of it. I aslo applied for a load modification and was denied several times stating my wife can afford it on her own, we are months behind and just wanted to get back on track with modification not asking for them to give me my house for the bubble just allow us the mod so we can pay our mortgage again, add the penalties and fees dont care just want to be back on track and not in a state of depression anymore. shame on you wells fargo, what did you do with the money the government gave you to help people like us out.

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  4. Wells Fargo address
    420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, North Carolina, 94104, United States
  5. Wells Fargo social media
  6. Michael
    Checked and verified by Michael This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 13, 2025
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Wells Fargo Category
Wells Fargo is ranked 3 among 414 companies in the Banks category