I have a concern about one of your commercials. The one where the man is running with scissors. My friends 4 year old daughter just saw it and goes on look mommy it is safe to run with scissors. Why I realize it's up to parents to monitor what their children. This was a commercial on during cartoons. I think that this comercial is sending the wrong message to children. If you insist on keeping this commercial on air could you please have it run after the 9pm time slot in all markets. I know you have the capability to do this. Thank you for reconsidering this commercial. Michelle Brady
It is a very dis tasteful commercial. (common trend so far in 2018) That was my first thought. Great message to kids.
Run with scissors, it's safe! Have some pizza AFTER you stab yourself
I won’t be ordering anything from Dominis until they pull their running with scissors commercial. This is so irresponsible. Not only is the man running with scissors but he’s JUMPING OVER PEOPLE with the scissors in hand! Fine message to be putting out to children...
I just want to say I absolutely love Dominos. But as a parent very disappointed on this commercial of a man running with Scissors. I know there's a lot of things in this world that are bad and I can't do anything about but this is one thing I can give my opinion about. Seriously common sense tell you not to run with sharp objects and I'm pretty sure y'all have employees that have children. So why would you make a commercial showing a man running with scissors, and not just a pair of scissors scissors are freaking huge! So please be mature and get rid of this commercial. Thank you.
I agree with all the comments about running with scissors, I taught my children and grandchildren that running with any sharp object (pencils, screwdriver, knives and especially scissors) is very dangerous. And then you show an adult running and jumping over people with a sharp pointed object. I'm sorry but, I know we won't be ordering from you until we no longer see this commercial.
What does scissors have to do with "hot spots" Get rid of this commercial of running with scissors and come up with a commercial which is better than something that would make children think its ok to run with sharp pointed objects when its not. I know that some of the commercial has been cut but the last part where the actor jumps over the legs is showing once again what parents have been telling their children and grandchildren for years not to run with scissors or other pointed items.
Why not ad an appropriate ending? The man covered in bandages and ordering a pizza from his hospital bed!
Why not add an appropriate ending? The man covered in bandages and ordering a pizza from his hospital bed!
Since the covid 19 dominos has been putting out commercials about touch less contact but yet i’ve viewed 3 commercials so far as the temperature being / saying that
(after your pizza is cooked at 500 degrees
The another saying (after cooking your pizza at 450 degrees and yet about her saying (after cooking your pizza at 400 degrees...
Hello which one is it..?
This is a complaint from 2018. The latest November 2021 commercial starts with a woman screaming into a bullhorn on the roof. Domino's, everyone instantly hits the mute button on your commercial. Who makes and approves of these things?
This complaint was written in 2018. The latest November 2021 commercial starts with a woman screaming into a bullhorn on the roof. Domino's, everyone instantly hits the mute button on your commercial. Who makes and approves of these things?
The commercial where "mom" gets "tipped" $3 for picking up the pizza instead of having it delivered, I find "dad's" disgusted look on his face during the whole thing disturbing. He looks disgusted in his wife, disgusted in the pizza, and looks at mom and the kids like there is something wrong with them. He acts like he is too good for your pizza. I don't like it and I'm not the only one. Click... next channel. Sorry.