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Duke Energy Complaints 531

11:42 am EDT

Duke Energy Customer rates and contractor cost

I’m in the Garner NC area and while grabbing lunch I overhear a couple of Duke contractors talking. During the discussion they claim they commute 30 to 45 mins from their homes to work. They are receiving a per diem rate of $150. This is paid to each man on their job that was all said to live local. Oh man, just use someone’s address if they start to question you one said to the other. Duke Energy is constantly pushing the burden of rate hikes and “fees” off on its customers. It was hard for me to hold in the words that came to mind while overhearing this. Is this really what we are paying for? Local employees that drive company vehicles receiving a tax free compensation to commute to work daily all paid for by consumers?

Desired outcome: I would love for all consumers to be informed ofwhat we are paying for! This is absolutely absurd!

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12:17 pm EDT

Duke Energy High bill

Duke Energy gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2022 was $18.800B! Read that again. Every month I receive a disconnect notice, added to text messaging for the pending shut off date. I call this fear mongering, when in fact it seems to me that Duke Energy is gouging it's customers with double digit increases. When an energy bill doubles within a year, there is great cause for concern. Duke Energy has done a very good job for justifying the reasons why these increases that are passed on to the customer are needed. I call b.s., and a good job for snowing everyone through their pr campaign. Their website encourages customers to seek outside help through other agencies to help pay the bill - this in itself raises all kinds of red flags... While Dukes profits are in the billions. This business practice deserves a class action suit, this is a monopoly that needs government intervention at the very least.

Desired outcome: Adjust your outrageous rates and increases

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Raleigh, US
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Sep 23, 2022 11:32 am EDT

High bill? They pay their contractors $150/day in per diem. Add that up… 95% of them are local and use false addresses to receive this money. That is $750 per week that company pisses away. Cutting that out alone would lower the cost on Duke customers.

4:12 pm EDT
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Duke Energy Unsafe Fencing

Over the weekend, I noticed that someone had installed Concertina Razor Wire at ground level at the gate to the power lines on Bracken Rd. Piedmont, SC 29673. This poses a severe hazard to the abundant wildlife in the area as well as creates liability for Duke Energy. Would someone please remove this fencing and install a safer and heavy duty guard rail or post with crossbars type to keep 4 wheelers out. I am assuming that is the reason for the extended fencing beyond the gate. You can reach me at [protected] if you need more information.


Mike Watkins

Desired outcome: Please remove the razor wire and replace it with fencing suitable to keep out vehicles.

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3:53 pm EDT

Duke Energy Electric Service predatory fees

I received a notice in the mail from Duke Energy regarding my Florida home. It was a reminder that my Duke bill was past due to my surprise. You, see for years if you left Florida you flick the switch and leave, however, this year without our knowledge you slapped a predatory charge of $30 plus tax to not use your electricity. Now you my have slid a small notice in the bill that no one seen but I'm not sure.

We live in a gated community of 750 homes where half the people live permanently and the other half spend the summer up north. Speaking with other homeowners, they also did not know about the predatory charges.

I contacted customer service on 8/25/2022 and spoke with the customer service representative. She explained these greedy charges and that she could not remove them. I asked for her supervisory she again told me that I was wasting my time, but she sent me to her supervisor Crystal who again told me she would not remove the charges. I then asked for her supervisor and she sent me to Mecca. She told me there was nothing she could do and refused to remove these voracious charges. She also refused to send me to someone who has the ability to remove the charges.

Desired outcome: Please refund the $30 monthly charges for not using the electricity. And then we will shut it down when we leave Florida next spring.

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7:06 pm EDT
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Duke Energy Electricity

Horrible customer service representative s. Called for a power outage and street’s lights out and Michael from FL didn’t create the ticket for the street light and in regard the outage, the power came back up by itself and after I informed the representative, then created an outage ticket when I didn’t need it anymore. The next called again to report that I have power outage every day and the same lack of customer service skill from a supervisor that was more interested on justified Duke Energy from not doing the repairs necessary rather than give me a solution

Desired outcome: All problems reported get them fixed ASAP

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2:19 pm EDT

Duke Energy Minimum charge fees

We live at 7342 Grand Blvd in New Port Richey, Fl. Ou home is almost 100 years old. W built a garage and boat lift in 2013. The garage is detached and boat lift across a busy street on Pithlachascotee River in our front yard. We had to get a separate meter to have electric in our garage and to power our lift. As of 1/1/22 Duke energy is charging us 35.00+ for the garage and lift each month despite the fact we do not use the electric. Same address.

Desired outcome: Charge us for what we use only at garage and lift since it is a private residence same address

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8:39 am EDT
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Duke Energy tree trimming

Duke came out to trim trees around power lines. They butchered trees in my front yard leaving them unsafe because of the lopsided pruning. They trampled my landscaping and left debris everywhere. Worse they left large sections of tree limbs, that are far too heavy for me to remove even though the removed all the other limbs. NOW i have to pay to have this cleaned up!

Desired outcome: get out here and fix the trees, prune them correctly so they are not prone to falling down because they are so lopsided and clean up ALL the debris from YOUR activities.

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10:35 am EDT
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Duke Energy Power line repair trucks caused property damage

We are Mike and Susan Davis at 186 Fairhaven Rd. Three repair trucks were sent to repair lines downed due to a fallen tree on our road Friday August 5 When they were leaving, one of the trucks tried backing into our driveway to turn around instead of going further down the road to an open area with space enough to turn around. My husband saw them backing in and out that night, and the next morning our neighbor called and informed us of the damage to our driveway

Let me first say, we saw the difficulties your crew faced working in the dark and in such severe weather conditions, and very much appreciated their efforts.

But we still have significant damage to our property, and would appreciate having you address this issue promptly. I have enclosed pictures

Thank you

Susan Davis

Desired outcome: We need repair of stone wall/ landscaping and driveway

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12:20 pm EDT

Duke Energy Tree cutting

I recently had a neighbors tree fall on an electrical wire. You all probably sent out A person to cut it down. He left all the debris all over new sod. He said someone would come pick it up in the next 3 to 5 days. When I asked him if he could help me move it two feet over, so it did not kill the grass. He said, “you can move it wherever you want”. I think that in this instance my agreement to share in preventing damage caused by the use of your easement, was more than fair. I would expect more customer service out of your employees. It is a good thing I was home sick, so that I could move it myself.

Desired outcome: Have the “clean up crew get it today”

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7:56 am EDT

Duke Energy Will not correct bill and will not install new meter

They say we are looking into it. They never show up, over charged me $1400 on billing, it was just add into my bill . Highest bill last year power shutting off and coming back on no show been complaining to them since March billing. I called say they will fix the problem. No shows, no call back Just that we are going to disconnect you. Indiana has no backbone. State of Indiana needs to audit them. I am calling news company if I don't get some real action. I am Electrical contractor this is a commercial service. I know what's going on. Scamming the Indiana consumers. Indiana not doing their job protecting consumers from Rip off company. Duke Energy! # Account number [protected] Feb 18 bill $374.89 Next bill was $2984.32 due March 11 they added on $1509 as piror month charges. I have complained since March and called in spoke with 4 different people who all agreed I had been overcharged. Still no fix. Threat of disconnect if I didn't agree to payment plan to pay all of the bill. Joke.

Desired outcome: fix the problems want new meter and analog meter op out of Digal meter. Drop in new line for service drop. Wiring problem.

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Update by Mike shelton Davis
Jul 28, 2022 8:03 am EDT

Duke Energy no call backs called in March, April, May, June, July on over charge no shows no call backs. Great service Lol. Time for Indiana Government to look into Duke Energy billing practice.

Update by Mike shelton Davis
Jul 28, 2022 7:58 am EDT

Indiana giving Duke Energy free ride scam consumers.

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1:43 pm EDT

Duke Energy Billing

My name is Dale Digiosio,I live at 320 garland st deltona Florida 32725, and I am the owner, my wife and I have lived here for approximately 7 years, we are the only ones who live here, in the past and currently, the house is 1300 sq. Feet , it has only one 3 ton air conditioning unit , it’s well insulated has only 2 windows in the front facing south, both standard size, one being small ,it’s energy efficient, block construction, our power bill, since we have been here has always been between 130 dollars and 175 dollars ,it’s always paid in full, it rarely goes over 200 dollars, approximately 5 to 6 weeks ago we received our normal power bill for 134 dollars which we paid in full , however we received another bill for $ 1001.12 , so I called Duke energy and tried to explain to them there was a mistake with there billing, I spoke with a supervisor about the issue and he explained to me that he could not make sense of it and it looked like Duke was billing me for services that I have already paid for,he said he would get to the bottom of it and that was that ,since then we’ve been getting our normal bill,for the each month, between 130 - 170 dollars, which has been paid in full, however we are still being billed for this $ 1001.12 mystery bill that Duke cannot explain, or make sense of ,as they have said, again this is a 1300 sq. Ft house with one air conditioner, and only 2 people living in it , we are gone most of the day working, about a 10 days ago we received a power shut off notice from Duke ,I called Duke again spoke to a supervisor, she explained to me not to worry, they won’t shut the power off, and they were working on it , a couple of days ago, we received our bill from Duke energy for services from June 3 to July 5 2022 for $ 154.56 which is normal and consistent with the past 7 years, however the $1001 .12 unexplained ,mystery bill from Duke is still attached to it, so I will say there has never been an unpaid balance with Duke energy and our service here at 320 garland st , deltona fl , additionally , I have all of the statements from Duke energy for the last 18 months, none of them are over $ 200 except maybe 1 or 2 , all have been paid , I have check numbers and amounts for each bill sent from Duke, as well as showing payment received on the bill, I don’t know what else I can do, I have proof that I was billed twice once on may 5, 2022 for $ 131.42 our normal amount , and again on June 8, 2022 for $1001.12 ? both are for services from April 5 to may 3 , 2022. , i am prepared to go to small claims court to resolve this,if necessary , I may even call channel 9 news with Todd ulreck customer complaint dept , I would like to point out one more thing, they were working on the power pole about a half a block from our house about a week or so befor we got the unexplained bill for $ 1001. , thanks Dale

Desired outcome: Please resolve this, thanks again

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2:54 pm EDT

Duke Energy Changing name on account

My information for my business was created on 11.20.1999. I was told just this week (6.28.22) from about five of customer service that I requested to change name on my account from personal to business. This is very, very disingenuous. I pulled my statements from 2004 at that time it was Progress Energy. My account number was [protected] it was address as my business and now it's in my name (personal) and was changed back to the business name on 6.8.2022 per my request. A deposit is needed as well. Why would I change name on the account and then have to pay another deposit? Preposterous! I need someone to explain to me what happen on my accounts and why was my name change on it. Business account..[protected] has my personal name on it and not the business name. My personal account number: [protected]. Waiting for someone to help me in this matter. Waiting for reply.


Brenda A.

Desired outcome: To change my business name back as it was without charging me another deposit fee.

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2:07 pm EDT

Duke Energy No electric for three days

My dad and mom haven’t had electric in three days and still don’t! My dad is 58 years old. It’s 95 degrees out! Address for them is 3347 US route 52 higginsport Ohio! The tree is even down on a main and no one has come! They can’t get down their driveway and this should be considered a ln emergency due to the heat and that it’s Been three days! If they have a heat stroke, this will be dukes fault! There are no back up generators or anything!

Desired outcome: Send someone out to Get their electric back on so they don’t end up in the hospital from no AC or electric.

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9:42 am EDT
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Duke Energy power service

duke lied to me causing a serious medical condition for me, and my wife, we are disabled and can not deal with the lies

Desired outcome: do what was promised

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10:25 am EDT

Duke Energy Water and sewer line protection plan scam

I have raw sewage in my bathtubs x 3, all my sinks, and thanks to the pool house plumbing, it has even run into my car garage. I contacted Duke Energy, which put me in touch with UPA. Hours had gone by and no one even bothered to make a phone call to the plumbers. I called the plumbing outfit they said they would be getting in touch and they haven't heard a word. They also informed me that unless I have a cleanout pipe that my protection plan will not cover the repair.

Desired outcome: I want my sewer pipe problem resolved or give my money back that I have paid into this scam. Channel nine news will be getting a copy of all this

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6:01 pm EDT
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Duke Energy Outgage 6/9/2022 10:04 am

I was home working today at Jenny Drive Lk Wales 33898, and power went out and I was in middle of submitting legal documents and the internet service ceased. . Crew (Jim Bennett) stated customers received door or mail notification on 6/7/2022, and that was not the case. I was not able to prepare to relocate my duties bs there was no notification. I received conflicting information by crew and Duke customer service staff. The outage was an scheduled project to replace a pole and cables per crew staff, not for fuse replacement as customer service state. As a result of this event, I incurred traveling expenses to another location to continue my duties, lost time for 2.5 hours, to include 2 phone calls to Duke customer service- this equates to money I requested compensation. I spoke with escalation supervisor (Sara) and she did not remedy.

I need management response on this matter.


Desired outcome: Compensation and review of accurate information shared with customers.

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Update by Edda Hopkins
Jun 09, 2022 6:02 pm EDT

I need ability to print this complaint

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9:42 am EDT

Duke Energy Power surges and power blios

I have contacted Duke Energy quite a few times over the last 15 years to complain about power surges and flickering lights with no decisive resolution! The technicians sent out over the years have either admitted to occasional power blips because of reconditioning of lines or tried to state its our house fuse box. A paid, licensed electrician confirmed that not only is our decades old fuse box up-to-date but its comparable to modern use! I an sick of replacing bulbs, paying hundreds of dollars on air conditioning circuit boards and resetting all my electronics every time there is a blip, surge or brown out! The organization knows the issue is down the street at a hub and after significant rain the hub shorts out!

Desired outcome: Fix hub and quit allowing surges and blips to impact the same residence because you are a power management organization so manage the power!

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5:46 pm EDT
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Duke Energy Electric Bill

Still havent even heard anything from 2 months ago complaint about biggest power bill in 5 yrs and this most recent bill the day they charged me for 441 on 20th of April was actually 290 because I have been writing it down daily for 2 months now its a scam is what it is they think they can do anything to anybody and get away with it!

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Larry grandistaff
Attica, US
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Dec 14, 2022 7:37 pm EST

Lets go state by state and burn down their substations

3:11 pm EDT

Duke Energy Name change on account discrepancies

Account number [protected] @ 1265 Apley Cir until 108 Apopka Fl 32703. Account should be under Hilda Lebron and was never closed. There was another name put on account mistakenly. As per the Wellington apartment management office, a new tenant’s name was put on my mother’s account but not on their apartment leaving management to pay the bill on that other unit and my mother to pay a bill that doesn’t have her name on it. When I called office to rectify the problem, my mother Hilda Lebron was in the hospital and gave me authority to contact you verbally on phone for assistance but the staff including the supervisors would not work to solve the problem. They wanted to talk to my mother no matter the authorization but was barely able to talk because she is on IV and oxygen. There was no sympathy for her condition. I explained everything to them but still got no where. Towards the end, the last supervisor just hung up on me. I want an investigation and reprimands. My contact is Othoniel Lebron [protected]

Desired outcome: Problem to be rectified and Investigation/reprimand

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Ross Poling
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Jun 07, 2022 2:59 pm EDT

I have watched my daily usage since they made it to see online (over 2 years ago) before this new computer system! Most of the time I received or was able to go online to see usage and adjust my usage. Prior to the new system, it took less than 12 hours. Duke made a big deal over THE NEW COMPUTER SYSTEM which missed the boat when it came to switching over. Now 2 to 3 months past they can not use and blame the new computer so can they blame? I email the problem every time they took more than 15 hours, one must have made it because the IT dept called and was the biggest [censored] questing me and blaming it on the good fairy tooth fairy. The service I see is all they are to do and for me to contact the Publix Uty Commission the trouble is we do not have such a dept when it is appointed by the Governor and not by the people. I wish I had the ATT plan because I would make sure I have the reach out plan and made some changes> Duke Energy sucks and does not pay there rebates and keeps cutting the rebate plans year by year when you may have to pay them

11:12 am EDT
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Duke Energy Utility poles lighting

I have 3 lights and I have been being billed for 5 lights and all at different amounts. I called in for clarity why am I paying different amounts and to no avail a week later the issues is still not resolved. You only get 2 chances to exhaust the opportunity to continue on budget billing and I have exhausted 1 time already. Now my bill is due by May 09,2022 and the issues has not yet been resolved and I am told to pay an incorrect bill that I have been paying already for at least 2 months. I am now being told the case # I initially was given has been incorrect and now my case has to start all over again and that it will be escalated. I again have to wait another 7-10 days to get this issue resolved. Meanwhile I am being screwed around because now I am paying an overpriced billed while being on the budget billing that is erroneous all I get is being sent around from person to person on the phone and placed on hold and told to speak with management I need to leave my name and number.

PLEASE can someone from a higher-level call me and resolve this over extended bill and credit me back the difference so I can really be on the budget billing that I signed up for.


Desired outcome: A call from management, credit and a corrected bill to pay before the due date May 09,2022

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About Duke Energy

Screenshot Duke Energy
Duke Energy is a utility company providing electricity and gas services to customers in multiple U.S. states. They offer energy generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as energy management and efficiency solutions. The company also invests in renewable energy and infrastructure upgrades to maintain service and meet regulatory standards.
How to file a complaint about Duke Energy?

### How to File a Complaint with Duke Energy on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one to proceed.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with Duke Energy in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Duke Energy. Include key areas of concern, any transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Ensure your complaint is clear, accurate, and complete before submission.

8. Submission Process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Remember to follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint about Duke Energy on

Overview of Duke Energy complaint handling

Duke Energy reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 10, 2009. The latest review Contract workers was posted on Sep 29, 2024. The latest complaint brandon rushing was resolved on Oct 31, 2017. Duke Energy has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 534 reviews. Duke Energy has resolved 33 complaints.
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    Oct 02, 2024
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Most discussed Duke Energy complaints

Constant bill to high
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