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Florida Department of Revenue

Florida Department of Revenue review: child support 26

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8:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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My complaint is with the state of Fl. I moved back to Fl in 2004, I gave them all my papers from CO regarding my divorce, child support and orders for payment. I gave them EVERYTHING. I checked the status of my case constantly for about a year to two and I got nothing from them. I gave them his current address and numbers and they still could not locate him. I just don't get it. I them seeked the assistance with another agency, I had to pay for their services and it worked for a few months and then nothing. I then went back to the state of Fl for assistance and the process that they have is so tedious. I gave them all the paperwork again and I am still waiting. I check on the status constantly, locally and I'll call Tallahassee for an update and Tallahassee will inform me to call the local office due to my case can not be found. This has been going on for over a year. This summer my Ex had the children, he applied for foodstamps and received them with about a week. How is it that a DEADBEAT DAD can get assistance so easily and fast and the costodial parent can not? What do I have to do to get the state to help me to get the DEADBEAT DAD to pay up? I applied for foodstamps and was told that I made too much for assistance.
I heard of other cases and two of them the Mothers are paying support and the state state is all over them. Why can't the state be all over my Ex?


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Tampa, US
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Sep 06, 2009 10:38 am EDT

I have had my problems with Florida DOR also. I recently got some action from them after writing the governor.

Brad Mars
Valrico, US
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Jun 07, 2010 7:32 pm EDT

I pay CS, lost my job for a approx 2 months and instead of getting a hand out i got more the Fl. Dep. of Rev and CSE are going to take my license even though i pay about getting the fathers that don't pay and stop taking my license like the hearing officer told the Department of Revenue to do...they have attempted to take my license at least a dozen times...because i pay? Or because the custodial parent is vindictive and have the support of the state on their side while i have no-one? Granted at times i may fall behind but that is due to the economy and attempting to support myself and paying almost $1, 0oo a month. I don"t hide and i don't avoid paying...i just continuously get harassed by the state. So i pay CS and get harassed and if i don't pay i get harassed...any lawyers out there who would like to help me file a lawsuit against the state..and the custodial parent...i wonder if it's because I am Jewish...

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Dec 13, 2010 12:15 am EST

I completely agree. I am a non-custodial parent who was the custodial parent until 2 years ago and upon a mutual agreement between me and my son's father because of behavior issues, we agreed for my son to go live with his father, so we had it changed through the courts that I would begin paying child support to the father. For 2 years, I always made my payments on time and never missed a payment until I lost my job. I sent 2 letters and a request for an order review informing the DOR I lost my job with no response. I fell behind about 2 payments, but then got caught up with the help from family. Then I recieve a letter in the mail that by a certain date, the DOR is going to suspend my license if I don't pay a certain amount by a certain date. Mind you I am diligently looking for a job and have only been unemployed for a few months. So I go visit my local DOR/CSE office and wait and hour and half to see a worker who tells me, they will not work with any parent who is unemployed, they don't care, either pay up or they will suspend your driver's license. The DOR/CSE WILL NOT WORK WITH NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS GOING THROUGH HARD TIMES AT ALL. HOW IS IT HELPING ME OR MY CHILD, IF MY DRIVER'S LICENSE IS SUSPENDED AND I HAVE NO WAY TO GET TO WORK AND THEN MY CHILD WILL NOT GET ANY MONEY AT ALL! ! ALSO, AS FAR AS RIDING THE BUS, I PROBABLY LIVE IN ONE OF THE ONLY COUNTIES IN FL THAT HAS NO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION! THE FLORIDA DOR/CSE NEEDS TO GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER AND WORK WITH PEOPLE, THEY ARE THE WORST FLORIDA GOVERNEMENT AGENCY EVER!

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Jan 18, 2011 1:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with you. I live out of state and have beed paying Child support to Florida for over 10 years. I never really had a issue because they Garnished my wages. Sort of out of site out of mind. Last year I lost my job and had to make partial payments, more than half, but partial. I then started receving the "letters"...very threating and demorilizing. All calls are monitored and recorded so I always watch what I say. I was requested to file a petition to modify my support. The apps were on line so I did. I received my date and had to request a telephonic hearing, out of state and unemployed..helped to have it granted. It was granted and my amount was reduced. At that juncture Unemployment extensions ran out and I went almost 10 weeks with out and financial help.

My family was utlizing the local Food pantry and church groups and my landlord was helping as well...But the "letters" from Florida did not stop. When Congress passed the new extenxion and I received back funds I had to pay over #2800 to Florida to keep my DL in tact. After that Clerk of Courts and Florida Dept. of Revenue have 2 seperate arreares amounts...

One tells me I am good the other sends letters with Bogus amounts of Interest. Last week I was told that when I pay my monthly support amounts, the part that is applied to my arreares goes to the monthly, which explains WHY I owe another $1000 after paying the past due amounts. Complicated? not really...Clerk of Courts tell me they never have the same amount, CSE tells me they only answer questions. And Florida DOR never returns my calls...Thank God I do not live there anymore! This will never end, and they will never work together...I am on the other hand am stuck. I recently sold everything I own, giant yard sale, we moved in with my family and have been paying additional money to Florida DOR for the past 6 months. I will never get out of thier system...If and when I finally get a job, they will garnish my wages again, charge me Interest, and we will all be happy. Also they like to return my checks for no reason so i can be charged more late fees...They can have the state ans all their issues...

Valrico, US
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May 13, 2011 5:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with every non-custodial parent out there that lives in this poor governed state. I was working up until the end of 2009. I was was paying close to $1, 500 per month on a $60, 000 per yr salary. When I lost my job due to the economy, I called FLSDU and DOR seeking for asst. and to see what I could or needed to do at the time.
They have nothing to say or advice other than keep paying and keep it current. I also told them that I will be filing for unemployment and that my amount would $550 biwkly. They said that there's nothing that they could do for me other than keep paying! I lost my apt, car and my unemployment ran out with no interviews in sight after 100's of jop apps and 100's of resumes being sent. offcourse after not being able to pay, they took my license and were very rude and heartless over the phone. Even the lady that is the supervisor at the local location on MLK near I4 in Tampa, FL were RUDE and HEARTLESS. I thought I was buying a car when we're talking in her office. The price keeps going up and down and I felt like I'm at her mercy and can't do anything about it. I've never felt so ashaimed in my life. Someone with in our GOV. should do something about these employees that are having power trips. Now, I'm blessed with finding a new job after 19+ months without having anything and will also be paying double for FLSDU in about $1831.00 per month for two kids on a salary alot less than what I was making. *&^%$#$%^&*(

Doc Raider
Key West, US
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Jun 28, 2011 2:14 am EDT

Really? I am shocked -- seems the Florida DOR is horrible no matter if you are the custodial or noncustodial parent! My ex is $40, 000 in arrears -- and sorry all you noncustodial parents out there, but that is simply ridiculous I don't care what the circumstances are! He stood in front of a judge (yes, for the third time) and told the court that he recently sold his business and made a profit of $35, 000. The judge ordered he pay $8, 000 in 24 hours (don't ask me how he came up with 8K when he owes over 40, but whatever). So... here we are 6 weeks later and guess what? No payment (and surprise no monthly payments either) and no arrest warrant! I stopped blaming the ex ages ago... the DOR is a worthless, shameful bunch of paper pushers. It's time a class action lawsuit is filed on behalf of all the kids out there... and I'm ticked enough to start it! Who wants to join me?

Tampa, US
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Oct 12, 2011 4:10 am EDT

You don't have to deal with DOR/CSE at all. Just file a Supplemental Petition to Modify Child Support with your Family Court Judge using the case number on your Divorce Decree. Hearing Officers are only there to convenience the State. It in no way removes your right to have your argument heard by a Circuit Court Judge. I went around the Department of Revenue and set my own hearing with the Family Court Judge. I submitted my Financial Affidavit served my Ex-Spouse and explained things to the Judge. He modified my support based on my Unemployment Check temporarily until I found work. He also added $10.00 per month towards the arrears. For me, it was doable. You have to get before a Judge. Hearing Officers are a joke. They are there to serve the DOR and everything they do is reviewed by a Circuit Court Judge anyway. It's just less expensive and faster for the State if you allow them to coerce you into allowing the Hearing Office to hear the case. You have to be proactive. Don't wait. File that Modification right away and get it into Family Court.

Winter Haven, US
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Jan 12, 2012 11:43 am EST

I agree with everyone that said the are the worst. I am a custodial parent but my husband was paying support weekly with no problems. Because we are getting divorced they insisted on getting involved. I have delt with them before on my husbands behalf for support for a child in WI. I knew how bad they are and did not want them involved but had no choice. They started garnishing his wages in Dec of course. I have 3 kids and had it not been for the help of a good friend, would have had no Christmas. He is paid weekly and for the entire month of Dec they sent me one weeks support. I received that 2 days before Christmas. Had it not been for friends my kids and I would have lost power, water etc. As of right now they have taken 7 weeks of support and sent me 3. I tried to speed up the process by setting up auto deposits into my account but my first check they rejetced so I sent another one. They received it but when I ask when it will start they just repeat over and over that they have 14 days. They all have horrible attitudes and act like you are ###. I asked for a supervisor and was told none were available and they would call within 48 hours, no one called. I plan on complaining just trying to find out to who. They don't give a bleep about kids, its obvious and with so many people looking for jobs right now, they need to clean out the rude power tripping trash and find Decent people to answer there phones and deal with people

Calvin Jay
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Feb 15, 2012 11:40 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Here's one for you. I went through divorce in October 2011. Through mediation, was ordered to pay 1300.00 a month for 2 children. This rant isn't about the amount, although we all know it does not cost that much a month to raise 2 children. The DOR was involved so they sent out an income deduction order which was to take effect on November 1st and i was ordered by the court (in the mediation and divorce papers) to pay the ex directly until the income deduction order became effective. it wasn't sent to my company until November 18th, so, based on the court order, i paid her directly by check (have the cancelled checks) on November 1st, and December 1st. (which is when the first income deduction took place.) Now they say i am 2600.00 behind because they show no record of the 2 checks i gave her (that the court ordered me to pay her directly) and they are going to garnish a larger amount from my check to make up the shortage. I have both my lawyer and her lawyer working on this issue, but it is quite a shame that a noncustodial parent that is doing what is ordered of him or her, has to jump through hoops in florida to prove that they are doing what was ordered. I believe that anytime that there is an income deduction order issued, there should not be any support having to be paid until that deduction starts taking place, since the DOR can't seem to get their crap together. I should not have to get my lawyer involved to prove that i paid here when i have the cancelled checks and sent them to both the DOR and the clerk of the court locally. What's a person to do?

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Feb 27, 2012 6:24 pm EST

Can someone tell me what I can do about my case? Here's the scenario. I filed a petition back in December of 2005. I am the custodial parent. For the past SIX years... we've been to court and the case keeps getting dismissed without prejudice because of an error in the statute cited by the DOR. Each time, in court and through other pleadings, the court instructed the DOR to correct the error and refile. It's been over SIX years...and they STILL cannot correct this. How do I address this? I will also add that I am out of state and DOR refused to cooperate with my local agency.

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Mar 13, 2012 3:14 pm EDT

At CalvinJay.

If the mother is working with you, she should be able to go to the local Child Support Enforcement office and file a contributions affidavit for the amount you gave her. She needs to pick up the form from them, then have it notarized elsewhere, and then bring it back. I was in a similar situation and after a long time we were able to fix it that way.

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Jun 28, 2012 8:21 pm EDT


Ocoee, US
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Jul 18, 2012 5:24 am EDT

I agree with all of the complaints! I went through them for my case and closed the case with them within a year. Parents DO NOT have to go through DOR to receive / pay child support. What you have to do is get an audit of your child support (should be able to fax a request to your county Clerk of Court and say "I would like to request an audit of my child support case number xx-xxxxx. After the results are in from the audit (a couple weeks) then get that certified - go to the DOR/CSE office and give that to them, along with a copy of your IDO or any other agreements you have with the other parent. (Sometimes if the "custodial" [that term was deleted from the court vocab as of 1/1/2010] is the one that opened the case with DOR/CSE they could 'forget' to give all the papers. Get anything and everything notarized and fax it to every available fax number (Google [protected] and directories show up for all the county's fax numbers) send a copy through mail and show up in person. They are a pain in the a**, and nothing will change because they are protected by the state. Good Luck to all of you and to my husband that have to deal with Ex's through DOR. Which I want to reiterate ... you DO NOT have to use DOR. The 'custodial' parent can close the case and you can go through only the clerk of courts and they are 100x more helpful.

Valparaiso, US
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Nov 19, 2013 11:23 am EST

My ex wife and I have agreed that paying through the State of Florida is a waste! She requested in June 2013 the case be dropped, it was July before they actually mailed a letter to her explaining the process. The DOR sent me a letter in late June saying my license was to be suspended in July if payment wasn't made, I was laid off in June at which time the DOR had notified my employer to doc my paycheck which then would make the suspension ineligible according to the local DOR office. Instead of the DOR following through and notifying the DMV NOT to suspend they let the matter fall through the cracks and it was suspended July 15th. I was pulled over in August and received a ticket for driving while license is suspended. I have been offered a great job but was denied because of the points that were added to my driving record. When i called the DOR (after sitting on hold for 45 min) i was told that it was done in error by two different people and that they would send a task down to the local office to provide me with a piece of paper showing the error so i could get it reversed. On two different occasions driving to the office i was told by the case workers and the supervisors that they could NOT provided me with the documents needed, so i called the Tallahassee office back and was again told the same thing, it was in error and that i must return to the local office to get the required docs. After driving the 40 minute drive one way for the second time that day i was told this time that they have no idea what the call center was speaking about and that i should seek legal representation. I have been to the court house to request a chance to see the judge to explain the situation in hopes that the court will see that the State suspended my license in error and allow the points to be lifted so i can work. The frustration level is beyond maxed! The DOR has admitted the error but will do nothing to fix it... If anyone has suggestions I am more than happy to listen.

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Sep 10, 2018 5:33 am EDT
Replying to comment of Ckwall

Class action law suit.

Brandon, US
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Mar 02, 2014 2:06 pm EST

These comments are sad, sad indeed. But I think everything boils down to these basic facts:
1. Child support does not get involved unless you either invite them in or unless you are receiving food stamps or cash assistance.
2. Cash assistance MUST be paid back by somebody. The state will use Child Support Enforcement to pursue the non-custodial parent first; but if the non-custodial is dead or in prison long term, the state will go after the custodial parent.
3. Non-cash assistance balances can be forgiven, but the custodial parent must file with the court AND with child support to clear the balance.
4. Never rely upon one method of communication. Mail AND fax AND visit an office.
5. Never assume that government agencies communicate with each other, whether they be Federal, State or other state agencies. Always be prepared to submit multiple copies of the same documents to multiple agencies.
5. Make sure that you get the certified payment history from the court of origin and submit that to the local child support office.
6. Custodial parents need to face the facts: Are you working? Have you changed your spending habits? Are you budgeting? Do you know how to handle your finances? Are you keeping an up to date address with the court and child support office? Are you communicating when letters are sent? Are you having more children carelessly? (Once is an accident, multiple times are by choice!)
7. The same applies to the noncustodials: Are you working? Are you keeping an up to date address with the court and child support office? Are you communicating when letters are sent? Are you moonlighting? Are you having more children carelessly? (Once is an accident, multiple times are by choice!)

As far as Florida goes: It's still a frontier state. People come here to hide. Part of it is the low-level of social service funding that occurs there, the result of low wages and low taxes, along with laws that protect debtors and rich retirees and celebrities. So keep that in mind before you move there. If you want snow plows and social services, go North; if you want Sunshine and fresher food, go South.

Sorry if this does not satisfy anyone. Sometimes we make our own situations worse by having children too soon, getting into debt, not getting married, not taking the time to learn and handle our own personal business. But it is also clear that the BEST way to avoid problems with a system is to STAY OUT OF the system. This includes Social Services, Welfare, Child Support, Juvenile and Criminal Justice, the IRS, etc. Me? I'm guilty of all of these. I've had run ins with the law and with the IRS. I'm still in debt and have even been on the streets multiple times with no roof over my head.

But take it from me: Don't give up! Work above the table, under the table and if there is no table, then make one. Read FINANCIAL PEACE by Dave Ramsey. Read TEN STUPID THINGS MEN (or WOMEN) DO TO MESS UP THEIR LIVES by Laura Schleisinger.. Read SEE YOU AT THE TOP by the late, great Zig Ziglar.. You don't have to buy these; in fact, you can also get these from the library or even download these from sharing sites for free (no, I am not advocating piracy; but I know that most motivational speakers don't mind this, if it helps someone to change their lives).

Life is hard. But it gets easier when you're hard on yourself and when you don't look to the government or other people to solve all your problems (and by the way, I am NOT a conservative or a Republican!).

God bless America! And may God bless you!

Cape Coral, US
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Mar 21, 2014 1:38 pm EDT

My son's father owes me over $33, 000 in back child support. He moved to GA, the NC, then back GA. Well, they finally found him, got a good address and everything and when they got him into court, they didn't raise his back child support at ALL! He is to only pay $65/week plus ONLY $13/week towards back child support...i'll be dead before i ever get even close to being paid off. Per our divorce, he is also supposed to pay for insurance which he doesn't. with this new Obama stuff, im gonna get fined because HE doesn't have the insurance like he is supposed to. NOT FAIR! I requested for them to make him carry the insurance back in Sept. NOTHING! Apparently GA DOR didn't respond so they sent another request in Jan and STILL nothing...i don't know what to do but for like 7 years DOR did absolutely nothing towards getting me child support! What are they ever for? They are worthless! I want to take DOR to court for the $33, 000 and then let THEM try to get THEIR money out of him...then maybe they would understand my frustrations!

Casey Anthony lives based on FL Law
Jacksonville Beach, US
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Jun 13, 2014 5:19 pm EDT

It's not that the DORCSE group is incompetent, it's that they are government. If we the people want change, we should encourage everyone we know to vote every single circuit court Judge out of office after 1 term. In the last 20 years, roughly 65% vote to re-elect and 35% vote to get rid of them. This in large part is due to the fact that they always run solo, with no competition. So the easy answer is to keep them. Spread the word, network, that if we eliminate Judges after one term, the ones that run will base the legal decisions on the law, not the personal opinions they harbor. Please recognize that only the weak of the weak want to be a circuit court Judge making a fraction of what an AVERAGE practicing lawyer makes.

Casey Anthony lives based on FL Law
Jacksonville Beach, US
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Jun 13, 2014 5:53 pm EDT

For those questioning the name. It represents that in Florida Casey Anthony can kill her child and get away with it, but a NCP has to deal with a system that kills children in a different way - and they too, the judicial system gets away with it.

Casey Anthony lives based on FL Law
Jacksonville Beach, US
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Jun 13, 2014 6:00 pm EDT

For those complaining about the DOR CSE, they are an organization that has access to state provided lawyers. As with all lawyers, if you file not one, but numerous Florida Bar complaints about the tactics and abuse of these lawyers, they, the lawyers MUST respond to the Florida Bar. It will be extremely time consuming and a major disruption for them which limits substantially the abuse they can continue to enforce in front of the hearing officers. It also damages the reputations of these lawyers and makes it difficult for them to continue to make a living. Be honest, but be fearless.

Panama City, US
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Aug 28, 2014 12:53 pm EDT

I am a NCP and I filled my tax return in Feb. 2014 I was $4000.00 behind. The DOR kept it which is fine. However here it is 8/28/14 and they are still holding the money. I took them all the requested paperwork, I., e tax return, W-2's when did they become tax auditors? Why are they still holding my money? I am now less than $3500 behind because extra money comes from my check to go towards arrears. The money they have is an incorrect amount at this point. I talked to them and they said the paper work still has not been processed. It's been since April when I turned in the copy of my tax return and w-2. They said they could hold my next years tax return as well. Does any one have a number to a supervisor?

Pineville, US
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Jan 26, 2015 8:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Unfortunately these comments are true-I know because I'm a NCP who have dealt with DOR/CSE. I'd recommend getting records of what is claimed as owed. It is absolutely true that the clerk of courts & DOR/CSE don't communicate with each other. I had to prove to one agency that I had a DOR CSE case. My confusion is that there was 2 case with 2 different fathers who worked together to take my children from me. I paid off one father more than $12, 000 to get DOR CSE out of my life.

Know that Intercepted tax returns are held for 6 months before the CP gets it. I actually went to FL DOR CSE to bring in my W2 and my tax return as proof so they would release the money sooner than 6 months and I was told that it would still take total 3 months to release the money. How can this benefit the children who need the money all while you are portrayed as a deadbeat?

I have had my FL RN license suspended without any notice to afford me the opportunity to respond or cure in clear violation of due process rights. I have found that filing complaints to the Attorney General's Office about DOR/CSE helped me to get my FL RN license back-without any hearing. Not all DOR CSE office report to the Attorney General's Office but lucky for me my complaint was passed on the Tallahassee DOR CSE. In the case of the second father my payments to DOR CSE as court ordered has never been credited for 5 years. Now there is an audit to locate more than $9, 000.00 paid. I do find that I'd rather communicate with DOR CSE via their chat. This provides to me proof of what was discussed and no twisting of my words. I did ask for the contact # for the Attorney General's Office while on the chat line but it was not provided-Surprise!

Do yourself a favor and set up a user profile on the eService of DOR CSE so you can monitor what is happening with your case. This is how I learned that my FL RN license was suspended. I use a PO Box for all mailings and I photo copy all payment stubs and the actual money order before mailing. I know this can be tedious but this has been my saving grace in dealing with this agency. Until the paid money is found, I still have enforcement actions but at least I have disclosure of the DOR CSE issues.

Midway, US
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Jun 04, 2015 7:55 am EDT

Jumping right in I was established for child support increase in November of last year the judge didn't sign the order until march of this year and someone within the Department of Revenue claim that they have sent the court order to my job on 05-13-2015; however, no one at my job has received this information. The problem is that the order was to start in February. Now as strange as it my seem the employees at the DOR office seems to enjoy dragging out this process for some reason I guess its to increase the arrears, it is impossible to contact the DOR because its all automated and there is no way for noncustodial parents to talk with anyone at the office. I have written the Governors office twice once someone from DOR called me just before quitting time and did not help I assume they get on the defensive when they talk with noncustodial parents because they have no answers. All I want is to have this money to start being taken from my check ASAP, the DOR acts as if they don't know how to start it and I'm at my wits end. PLEASE HELP ME! I need someone who can help me to call me and get this started and not point me to an automated system.
This was written to my local congressman and the governors office.

Tangela Singletary
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Aug 25, 2015 12:43 pm EDT

I attempted to go into a local office where I reside, knowing my case originates from another county. Upon arrival I asked the receptionist if I could be helped there and briefly described the reason for my visit including the fact that the case originates from another county. I was advised that I could be helped. Once called minutes later into a room a specialist of Asian/Korean/Philippian descent attempted to be argumentative with me and I have already recently been taken to court and the Judge denied the findings that were against me, so I immediately attempted to explain this. The specialist was not even trying to hear me out. I asked for a supervisor. The person who then met with me addressed herself as a DOR Attorney stated that they couldn't help me here because my case was from another county and because they don't have anything from court, she couldn't address my needs at this time; however proceeded to ask questions as if she were a debt collector, yet still not dealing with the reason she was called on. I advised her of the recent court hearing and the first thing she said to me was I should pay and I was looking for a Yes when sometimes the answer is No. I had to politely, yet firmly let this individual know that they shouldn't declare that any person that walks into a DOR/CSE office can be serviced no matter where their case is from.

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Nov 19, 2015 4:57 pm EST

I am a single mother and have requested a replacement EppiCard (the only way I can access my child support) in Florida. I have submitted the form and called multiple times. All I want is to access the money that I need to help feed and take care of my child.

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Mar 02, 2016 11:19 am EST

My complaint is with the child support of Orlando fl Iam traing to open a case here since 2013 I provide all the information that they requested is been 3year and they don't have the order from PR, when I call customer service they always asking for the same information that a already provied when I go to the office at Robinson st. they don't know nothing about the case they sad that they waiting for the order from PR ...Why so many years? and in the mean time I had to resolve by not receiving pay for the father is been a long time this is ridicules! what the case manager is doing t solve this problem ..Child support is not working in my case they are not doing nothing ..I need answers .

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    +1 (888) 617-8168
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    Florida New Hire Reporting Center
    +1 (850) 656-3343
    +1 (850) 656-3343
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    Florida New Hire Reporting Center
    +1 (800) 955-8771
    +1 (800) 955-8771
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    Florida Relay Service
    +1 (850) 617-8346
    +1 (850) 617-8346
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    Technical Assistance & Dispute Resolution
    +1 (850) 617-8600
    +1 (850) 617-8600
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    +1 (850) 488-6800
    +1 (850) 488-6800
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    Taxpayer Services Process
    +1 (850) 617-8989
    +1 (850) 617-8989
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    Child Support Employer Line
    +1 (888) 854-4791
    +1 (888) 854-4791
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  4. Florida Department of Revenue address
    5050 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399, United States
  5. Florida Department of Revenue social media
  6. Michael
    Checked and verified by Michael This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 26, 2025
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