I came into the store around 6, as I have for the past year, and brought my service. he is a small dog, and he always sits in the buggy next to me, the reason he sits up close to me is because. I'm a diabetic, I have seizures, severe panic service, heart problems, he has been trained to stay up close to me, he has never. had been on a leash, that's how he was trained, and he has saved me more, times than I can count., he always has on his vest and medical tags on at all times. on his medical tag has a bar code you can scan, with a phone and it tell all about him. And mine,, He also has a tag that says You can't always see the disabilities. So this lady wearing a white shirt, was walking around the store greeting people. very nice, Then she gets to me and says he has to be in the floor on a leash, never talked to me and ask is there a reason why he is riding in the buggy . People were staring. and several said she should not have talked to you that way. She done a very important thing not to do DO NOT SEPARATE DOG FROM HANDLER, If she would have talked to me about it, I would have ask , can i finish shopping. Then ii want bring him back , So she told me it was policy, I wanted to know if that is policy or she was mistaken, putting him in the floor he gets distracted,, The only stayed to buy my groceries case it was for my Mama, I want be coming in that store, She could have cause a big proplem by upseting him and me
Desired outcome: is it true about their policy, No apology, just compassion, a service dog. and a person, be kind to them, you might not see their disability you never no what they are going thru.