This morning before the restaurant opened I parked in their lot to eat so that I wouldn’t be driving and eating and a manager came outside and very rudely asked me what I was doing and I told him i’m just eating and then i’ll be on my way. He told me that makes no sense you need to move now. They weren’t even open so i’m not sure why it mattered and I would have moved before they opened I only needed 5 minutes. So, I pulled into the motel parking lot next door and he walked over there and started harrassing me again and I was not on their property! I told him i’m not on your property why are you harrassing me? And the. He stood there and stared at me until I left! I wanted to call the police. I probably should have. He had no right to tell me to move from the hotel!
Desired outcome: I would like someone to contact me
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