Transaction Date: 05-26-2023.
Return Attempt Date: 05-29-2023.
Amount Paid to Business: $108.24
Location: Love's Store #298, Encinal, Texas 78019 Phone: 956/948-7044
Item: Garmin 52 automobile GPS $149.99 on sale for $99.99.
Before Purchase: Clerk(s) when questioned purported this GPS unit included traffic function and WiFi capability.
At Purchase: I was never told when purchasing this GPS that electronics were non-refundable. There were no obvious display signs to this effect. This disclaimer was printed in small print on the receipt AFTER I made the purchase & was not brought to my attention when the receipt was handed to me. Same receipt includes a signature block alleging that I understood this No-Refund policy, but again, I was never asked to read nor sign it - it was just quietly placed in the bag with the GPS then handed to me.
Attempt to Resolve: Merely 3 days later after discovering unit did not have Wifi and did not come with a Traffic-Info antenna cable, I repackaged it with all labels, accessories & literature with receipt, then returned it to same Love's establishment. The manager on duty pointed out the 'No-Refund' disclaimer on the receipt saying my only option was to take a similar amount in merchandise but it had to be all at the same time because they could not give me a store-credit card. Also that I could purchase a more expensive GPS & pay the difference. (Bait & Switch) However, their next highest available GPSes were $299.99 and higher!
Summary: This was deception & entrapment, followed by a bait-&-switch attempt. If I had been given any inkling whatsoever of the no-refund policy, I would not have fallen for this discounted GPS unit in the first place. I am stationed at Eagle Pass Texas Border Patrol. My home is Corpus Christi Texas. I drive long distances frequently, both intrastate & interstate, so need a reliable, versatile, long lasting GPS. Thank you.
Desired outcome: Full Refund of $108.24, plus review of store's zero efforts to educate electronics buyers of 'No-Refund' policy BEFORE purchases are made. Retrain store clerks.