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CB Apartments Rentals Morgan Properties in pa landlord can attach wages!
Morgan Properties

Morgan Properties review: in pa landlord can attach wages! 14

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3:49 pm EDT
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I was conned into giving Brookmont apartment $3500 to stop a court action of eviction! The manager stated that the amount would be enough to stop the stead their lawyer went to court and we were evicted by a armed private officer. We lost the total deposit for made up damages.. really Brookmont never repaired or maintained the complexes and they are in violations of city building codes! We were billed for three months that we didnt even live in the apartment! Plus utilities that were never used! I want to WARN anyone living in PA Morgan-Properties that they can attach you wages for past rent with a judgment! This is a stupid PA law! Oh the owener Michelle Morgan is a lawyer and is suing AIG. Senator Specter is helping his friend get a Federal Bailout. Please lets get a class action suit of all of Morgan-Properties victims! My husband lost his job over the illegal eviction! The collections call my elderly Mother's house every day.. for a total due of over $5500. And both Morgan and the collections will not supply proof that we owe the money! That is because it is FRAUD! Contact the Pa Atty General Office and file a complaint! We had bate and switch after give hundreds to Brookmont for a apartment, the price when up $100 per month after we gave the money! And there is a $70 utility charge of water and trash and no meter.. and this is NOT in THE LEASE! The model looks NOTHING like the apartment you will live in! There is NO WALLPAPER or Colored Painted Walls! The rugs are old but you will have to pay to replace them at $450+ when you move! There are birds in the walls, bugs and mice! There is mold, rust and dust in the apartment. The dust caused my computer to catch fire! It was so thick inside after only 3 months! The faulty wires caused two of my strip outlets to smoke and short out! CO leaking from the Faulty Heater! And a faulty AC that didnt cool past 84 and cost over $200 a month in electric! The roof leaked and never was repaired and there was daylight coming their the roof above the apartment. And the outside lights are wired into the apartments! Someone please turn this letter over to a lawyer! Enough with Morgan-Properties rent increase of $120 per month or 14%. Enough with the poor people lining the pockets of the rich! If you are not poor now you will be hurting after you live there a couple of months. You will need atleast $1300-$1400 to cover rent and utilites! Not much left for other bills and food is there?

Update by TakenOver
Jan 14, 2010 11:15 pm EST

Since you know so much about Morgan properties and are from Maryland..maybe it was your complex that was sued and LOST! That is public knowledge..I stand with many victims of Morgan Properties..they are NOTHING but a bunch of crooks and Liars! Pictures speak volumes! They have a revolving door to the court house..dont you think that the Judges can see what is going on? Bet on a media outlet investigating this matter!

as far as you Mica you posted these two complaints?
Bearded Clams in USA - Bearded Clams - Stinky service
You must be 12 years old!

Update by TakenOver
Jan 14, 2010 11:27 pm EST

30 day satisfaction guarantee? LOL that didnt apply to my complex and still DOES NOT! Look it up! No I was NOT allowed to see the apartment before the signing and if I didnt sign I would have lost my deposit and credit check and background check! I am not worried about finding a place to live I have one! Oh Mold is serious concern? Then why didnt Morgan Properties remove the cheap walls in the bathroom and remove the mold! They knew it was growing there, you could see it from inside the wall..and CO is a much greater concern..but No One from K of P cared to address that issue! Even the USPS knows something is wrong there with the very high turn over! Only a matter of time before the faulity wires short out or the CO leaking heater blows up! ..and Thank God I'm out of there! You wont get a dime out of me! Just like Morgan isnt getting a dime from AIG or any Federal Bailout of tax money!

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Update by TakenOver
Jan 20, 2010 7:48 am EST

Your the idiot! You just released Morgan Properties policies! Only ones that know the policies are the employees! I would have lost hundreds of $$$$ if I didnt take the dump! I was NOT showned the apartment! I was shown a model and it looks NOTHING like the dump I was in! Building code violations, unsafe living conditions, mold, bugs, mice CO leaking faulity wires! L&I should be checking this place out! Over charging for water without a meter! Outside lights wired to apartment? Faulity wiring and faulity AC and Heaters? ALL VIOLATIONS! And there is the FRAUD..that the Atty General agreed! Make My Day Morgan..Lets Go to Court! Bring It On or drop the entire case!

Update by TakenOver
Jan 23, 2010 8:59 pm EST

Here is the proof of the dangerous conditions at Brookmont! Faulty heater and wiring. The black soot mark on the outside brick is Carbon as in CO leaking from the gas heater! The flue is made of paper and we wrapped it in duct tape! I have reported this to the City of Phila, L&I and Sheriff dept and was advised to sue! Either Morgand refunds my money or I will sue above and beyond! Is this apartment worth over $1000 a month plus anothere $450 in utilities? NO!

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Covington, US
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Sep 29, 2009 1:25 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

After reading your complaint, did you or did you not inspect your apartment with the landlord before you moved in? Did you bother to check with the BBB regarding this complex before moving into the establishment? I am not condoning the practices of bad landlords here, but if this complex took you to court for an eviction due to non payment and then filed a claim against you for the funds owed them, then yes they can garnish your wages? I'm sure that you received a summons to appear in court. If you did not receive a summons to appear in court, I suggest that you speak with an attorney, if you can not afford an attorney go to legal aid. You signed a legal binding contract, if you were evicted due to non payment and that lease was for a year, then yes they can sue for the rest of the contract. It's a lot like having a car...just because it was involved in an accident and is in the body shop being repaired, you still have to make the payments. I would suggest that the next time that you rent, that you read the agreement, if you have any questions regarding the fine print then ask. Take videos of the unit before moving in. If you have been sent to collections, because of a judgement it will appear on your credit report. The court house should have a record on file regarding a court case against you. Also when a judgement is won, there is interest attached to the judgement, so I would not waste any time in doing some of the foot work on your own. How did your husband lose his job over this illgeal eviction? If it was for a garnishment, sorry but an employer can not fire you for this. If things were so bad as you stated in your complaint, why didn't you take the necessary steps and call the health department, and the code enforcement office regarding your issues? Being a past landlord, I have only had to physically remove one tenant, although I have had to evict others. Yes I do go to small claims court and yes I have not lost a case yet. I tell my prospective tenants that the unit was video taped before you moved in and will be done so when you leave. Judgements here in KY are good for 15 years at 12% interest. The banks can't give me that type of return. Yes I find out where my tenants have moved to and yes I have been known to do a little dumpster diving to find out about bank accounts etc. I have also gone back into to court to do what is called a Motion of Discovery to collect on claims. If you want to sue this business, then take some responsibility and file the suit yourself. Sometimes you have to do what's in your best interest. Yes, I did see your photos I would suggest that you take these to code enforcement and to the health department should you continue to proceed with this. Document! Document and more Document.

Norristown, US
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Nov 07, 2009 9:33 am EST

How can anyone blame the Landlord for their irresponsibility of not paying their rent and very poor housekeeping. When you move into an apartment you are asked to sign a Mold Addendum that reads you have inspected for mold at time of move in. If mold exists then you don't move in! However if you do move-in and you do NOT clean your apartment home mold will appear slowly. You cannot blame the landlord because you don't feel like cleaning and you certainly shouldn't hold your landlord responsible for cleaning your unit when your too lazy to do it yourself.

Anyone that rents an apartment, home, trailer or a carboard box should treat it as their own and keep it clean and pay the rent.

If you fall on hard times then you MUST communicate with the landlord or their representative... in these cases ignorance is not bliss. You will be required to PAY!

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 17, 2009 4:31 pm EST

Fist of all..I am a neat person..and I cleaned the halls, steps and laundry room and outside by picking up the trash and butts that slobs left behind! No one should have to put up with the smell of dog dirt coming from the apartment below! And their wash had dog dirt on it and they put it in anyway! As for signing the lease..I was told one price till the day of signing. It went up $100 and if I backed out I would lose hundreds! I was told I had a bottom floor apartment, I was NOT shown the apartment! It was on the top floor! I have a spine injury! It cost $25 more in rent for the top floor! The electric bill (I was told by PECO) was to be $ was over $300 a month! The gas was over $150 a month! As for the mold it was growing betweeen the cheap bathroom am I to clean it? And the dust in the vents were 4 inches thick..I was told to get up there with a vacuum cleaner and clean it myself! I had outlets spark and light dim! And the attic had daylight showing and birds were getting into the met his death in my apartment for the holes that management didnt repair! My cat killed him! So why dont you talk to someone that lives there or better yet you move there and live like that! A murder inside on of the building door way! This speaks volume! As for CO leaking from faulity heaters..just take a look at the outside bricks..the soot marks on most apartments show the conditions of the heater! I welcome a lawsuit with Brookmont apt!

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 17, 2009 4:46 pm EST

YES i can prove my husband LOST his job over this apartment! He had to move the stuff out on the same date he was fired! And this is PA you can be fired for any reason and you will NOT get Unemployment! Court I was told the $3500 was ENOUGH to STOP the CASE! My neighbor was evicted when she was in the hospital with a stroke! Not many can afford the high rent of over a thousand! So most dont make it there a year! This is Philadelphia one of the highest cost of living cities of the country! I contacted the gas co and they could care less about CO leaking. The electric co could care less about sparking outlets! And bill 3 X the useage of a home! It is all about that M Morgan wants from AIG and Spector is trying to bailout his friend with Federal money! The model looks NOTHING like the apartment I rented..bat and switch! Bring on the lawsuit! I will get every past neighbor to join me..In fact Maryland sued and won in their lawsuit against Morgan Properties!

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 17, 2009 7:34 pm EST

I should include with my posting that I am missing items of value after the lock out! Some one stole my coin collection, and jewelry boxes..I had my storage bin opened by workers at Brookmont and left open for others to steal items! When I lived there my tools were stolen and other neighbors had money stolen. I will take this back to court! There is thousands of $$$ of unexplained charges due..and any collection agency that has to harass a 90 year old woman is way out of line! I never was sent proof of the charges from the collection agency or Brookmont! When I disputed charges with Morgan Properties in writing and sent along photos as the few above..the account was turned over to collection the same day it was received! Morgan made his money at ripping off people from his complexes! So he tries to collect from homeless, jobless and disabled people! Seach AIG, Morgan and Spector! Enough is Enough time to go before the Judge! I want him/her to see the charges of a left behind crystal glass on a high shelve that I was charge $25 to remove! The entire thousand deposit was taken over LIES!

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 17, 2009 8:10 pm EST

To Are People For Real? I'm sure if you lived at Morgan Properties for 20 sure if they have been around for that long! Your rent would have increased at a yearly rate of 14% or $120.00 a moth! For 20 yrs that would be a extra $28, 800! This is the rent increase to date! Now you would know that there is a water/trash charge that is NOT in the lease and Not told to you at the signing of $70 a month or $840 a year! Oh your apartment doesn have a washer or water meter to explain the high charges! This is paid to Morgan Properties NOT the water co! If you lived in my old apartment you would have paid a total of $11, 040 a year of a old rusted out apartment with mice, bugs, mold, dust and birds! You electric bill will be $2370 a year! And your gas bill will be $1, 170 a year! You grand total for one year at my old apartment would have been $15, 420.00
Now Brookmont states in their package that you should be able to afford this 2 bedroom apt at a gross income of $28, 000. Guess you wont have the money for food, auto or even a TV connection! Forget about a computer internet service! Oh do you have to pay for a doctor hospital medication? Forget can afford it! Do the math! 75% of the tenants moved after the first year! The 25% of chosen ones paid only $20 a month in rent increase! I was not on that list! Anyone who looks at the photo's can see that there were NO repairs in that apartment since it was built 35 + years ago! I can prove with medical record for my family that the CO made us sick! When I moved in I cried at the conditions of that apartment..I found drug bags in the drains and pot roaches under the it was NOT NEW! And yes I complained and I had to clean up for lack of repair/ service! I repaired the wall in the image above..this is where the birds were coming out of the wall from..mice too. The bug is one of many the entire time I lived there! I was the only one that cleaned the washers, steps and halls from the trash that people dropped! The management wouldnt clean the front door after someone vomited on it. I did it! So with the loss of computer and poswer strips that burned up, along with my repairs. That includes changing the filter ever 3-4 weeks at $850 a filter. Morgan Propeties OWES me MONEY! Thousands! See them in court..and I will not stand alone..I will find my old neighbors!

Baltimore, US
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Dec 15, 2009 11:19 pm EST

Wow... you're a real idiot... This speaks volumes to your claim of everything that you have mentioned in previous posts. Regardless of medical issues, you have to pay your rent. It's your responsibility and no one else. I have been in property management for years and have extensive knowledge of Morgan Properties. I can tell you that if you noticed mold, it's something that the company takes very seriously. If you reported it and it wasn't taken care of, you should have notified the corporate office of your issues in King of Prussia. Court proceedings are done with the same filing dates and procedures of any other company that does property management. Concerning the move in, you don't sign a contract until you see the apartment. If they push you to sign a lease before, have them make a tentative agreement that it's contingent upon you viewing the apartment. Also, Morgan Properties has a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If, at any time during those 30 days, you aren't satisfied, you can change apartments or even cancel your lease at no charge. Sounds like you just went along with everything until it was too late without doing any research or leg work... your fault. If the apartment you were getting wasn't available, you wouldn't have lost anything. The holding fee is only $100 and nothing else is paid until you move in. You might have lost the $100 if they have other apartments available that you refused to take. In that case, you could have transferred to another community. So much of what you say about them makes absolutely no sense at all. A lawyer would laugh at the claims you're making because it sounds like you don't have your facts (or policies) straight. Now that you've been evicted and owe them money, good luck getting approved for an apartment anywhere in any state... And concerning the thousands you owe, I'm guessing you owe 3 months rent. Since you didn't complete the lease agreement, you were charged an additional 2 month termination fee... totaling 5 months rent. You owe the money so just pay it...

Philadelphia, US
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Oct 13, 2010 12:32 am EDT

I was living in Morgan Properties in Red Lion Road they are very rude persons they did not give me the rest of my money and my security deposit i called them many times, the housekeeper was replying the phone and she was really rude and i am struggling to get my money back, please advice what should i do now it is almost 2 months and every time they return part of my money

Flanders, US
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Dec 31, 2010 1:45 am EST

I'm a former employee and after being forced to leave due to a hostile work environment they denied my unemployment right before the holidays! Who does this?! A co-worker, who harrassed me regularly told me that she didn't like Latino's (I'm part PR) and continued to harass me after she was written up for. I was verbally attacked and 1, 100.00 of my money was lost! This is not only a bad company all together but be very cautious if you are an employee!

Bear, US
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Jan 07, 2011 12:12 am EST

I live in one of the apartments owned by Morgan Properties and let me just say I WISH I could find a class action lawsuit. I have been waiting 6 months for windows, yes I said windows. The windows are just set into the wall, not attached to ANYTHING or insulated whatsoever. I have had them fall on me when the wind blows really hard. I bought the plastic you get from Home Depot and had to duck tape it to the walls. It is January in the North East and about 25 degrees outside. I have a home video I took of the wind blowing the plastic; it looks like its breathing. Did I mention I pay almost $1200 per month rent and am not behind at all?

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Nov 30, 2011 8:59 am EST

Morgan Properties is a bunch of crooks, and bay far the worst company I have EVER dealt with.

Here is what I just put on their Facebook:

As a former resident of one your properties in Baltimore, Maryland... I am still regretting ever living in a building owned by your company. Having moved out in May 2011, and clearing/closing our account with a $0 balance (actually, we were given a refund since we had extra money in our account)... we are now being harassed by your collection agency about a check that allegedly didn't get cashed in AUGUST 2010... over 1.5 years ago.

It amazes me that despite all of the other problems we've had with your agency (oh, if you search my name you will see many formal complaints in your system), we still can't get away from you FOLKS!

Tell me how an "audit" of our accounts showed up a check that YOUR ledgers show as cashed has suddenly gained NSF status? Tell me how such a large corporation could let a "mistake" (so you say) such as this go unnoticed for a year and a half... and then after we have moved out, closed accounts, in some cases moved out of the country... you send us a completely illegitimate letter about this "unpaid" balance?

Also, we should mention that all of the ledgers, bills, and account records show that this check was deposited and we did not owe you anything upon moving out... clearly you either are trying to scam us, or have really poor bookkeeping skills. Not to mention, your representative (E. Garner) said that YOUR OWN LEDGERS are not sufficient proof that this bill was paid? Saying that your own documentation isn't sufficient enough shows the lack of competence that just glows from your company representatives...

Or... even worse... let's talk about how this audit was allegedly completed on October 27, 2011. The letter we received was dated November 13, 2011 and demanded that we settle this debt within 10 days... hm, but wait... the LETTER WASN'T POSTMARKED UNTIL NOVEMBER 23! How absolutely absurd of you. Not to mention, this was the first letter received about this incident, however, E. Garner stated that your company has sent out 2 other letters prior to this? Really? Considering how long it took for your company to postmark this letter, I highly doubt you've sent others since this "issue" was found in October.

Your company is a fraud, and we have never been more miserable living in a place that Morgan Properties owns. I find it ridiculous that you state on this Facebook page that you are committed to excellence, when our experience has shown the complete opposite of this.

To anyone who is considering renting from a place owned by Morgan Properties, I highly encourage you to reconsider. We had problems with the apartment, and have, on several occasions, dealt with incompetent, rude, and downright disrespectful people from this company.

Or, if you do go through this company, save every single check, paper, form, and bill ever sent to you... they might harass you or try to get money out of you 10 years after you've moved out.


I hate this company with a passion, and can not believe I still have to deal with them!

Also, check out this complaint here:
Morgan Properties — scam artists

cm 200
Philadelphia, US
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Jun 17, 2016 5:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

When is a final billing not a final billing? When it's with Place One apartments In Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 another Morgan Property.

These guys must have a really messed up billing system. Over a month after I moved out they now tell me I owe them for electricity from 3 months ago! You read it right.

Every month like clockwork I've turned in my meter reading like a good little slave. Is it my fault they don't know how to keep their books in order? Guess so.

So now they're screwing with my security deposit.

IMO it's buyer beware at Place One Apartments in Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 a Morgan Property.

West Seneca, US
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Jun 17, 2016 5:03 am EDT

It is an 18+ year old car... The manufacturer has no idea what has happened as far as repairs or alterations to the car. For all they know, the car was in an accident 5 years ago and the repairs were not done correctly.
Even if the car was NEVER in any type of accident, who would they go after for this... It is not like a manufacturer could warranty an air bag for 18+ years.

sandra rice
Havre de Grace, US
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Jun 17, 2016 5:03 am EDT

I was driving down the interstate I-81 in Virginia when my airbag deployed for no known reason. I suffered a L1 compression fracture of my spine and extensive pain and suffering from this. Not to mention over $200, 000 in work loss and now have to live in pain the rest of my life. I was told by a few attorneys I could not do anything about this.

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