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Morrisons Complaints 590

6:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons why have you stopped selling pork chops.

Good afternoon i took a party of o.a.p. into the Penzance store today and they all wanted to buy pork chops but where told by your butcher you no longer sold this item
i find it very hard to understand in this day and age why a company should stop selling such a popular item your meat dept told us that they sell a lot of pork chops over a week and they do not understand why you should stop selling such a popular item
unless you restart selling this item myself and others will start buying our meat and other items at Lidal i look forward to your reply.
Eric Dudley.

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7:49 am EDT

Morrisons unable to contact morrisons on loyalty website

Loyalty Card No. [protected]

I activated a 4000 points extra for more that £40.00 spent from your email before 23rd April 2018.
On 23rd April 2018 I spent more than the £40.00 required to receive the extra points.
Even today when I went in your store I have still not received them. Could you please let me know why as I am very disappointed as when I've tried to contact your customer services via email I am not able to do so even by clicking on your site where it says email.

My email address is [protected]

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12:14 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Facebook. Learn more

Morrisons jealous black girl

I joined Morrisons High Wycombe since 2012. Today I was working h=
appily in Morrions 30/04/2018 I was seperating the put backs trollies in th=
e morning around 8pm suddenly this terrible black bangladeshi woman started=
shouting and fighting with me without no reason. She is one of the team ma=
nagers working at the checkouts department. This is not the first time she =
distracted my work. She has bullied me alot of times before at the put back=
s department on checkouts. Ever Since Aaron Personal Manager transferred me=
from the cafe to checkouts put backs deapartment Rokeya Ruby started being=
extremely jealous of me she has been very very rude to me. She keeps telli=
ng me off for no reason and distracting my work. I already work fast and sh=
e said to be few weeks ago Nina hurry up finish these trollies withinh 1 ho=
ur. That was about 10 trollies and she wouldn't let me work fast she kept p=
ulling horrible faces at me saying to me very rudely hurry up I cried to he=
r i told her i suffered from severe depression, asthma diabetes cholestrol =
level problem and she says oh i have the same sicknesses and i am working w=
ell. I am fed up of her jealous remarks all the time. When I complained to =
Kieran few weeks ago about Rokeya Ruby He said Nina carry on doing the put =
backs just try to work faster. Rokeya Ruby smiled to herself each time she =
made me work slower by distracting my work trying to fight all the time. Be=
fore Kieran I Complained to Aaron Personal Manager few months ago and he sa=
id he will speak to Rokeya and asked me to carry on doing the putbacks. he =
said try to work faster. No manager ever critises my work except this horri=
ble black woman Rokeya Ruby. Each time she bullies me and makes me cry she =
always smiles to herself. She copies hindi dramas and movies. Today She bul=
lied me again at work today on the 30th April 2018 she knows i take 3 sertr=
aline tablets 50mg a day in the morning. Sertraline are my depression table=
ts. I told Rokeya Ruby that has increased my depression and i was crying my=
head off she started smiling to herself again =C2=A0She was so happy smili=
ng to herself all the time when she abstracted all my work today and becaus=
e she has damaged my mind more today i couldn't work fast like before. I di=
d complain Nick store duty manager few weeks ago and he said Nina there is =
nothing I can do about it just continue doing the putbacks and speak to Kie=
ran(checkouts manager). Rokeya Ruby did not listen to Aaron, Nick and Kier=
an. She thinks she owes Morrisons Supermarket and she has made it her home.=
Today she started shouting at me this morning saying i have done no work a=
t all accusing me wrong. She fought with me jealous. I complained to the st=
ore manager David Waghorn and he said there is nothing he can do to resolve=
the issue and that i speak to kieran again about Rokeya Ruby. She will nev=
er listen to Kieran and she will always abstract my work everyday. Rokeya R=
uby has snatched all my happiness and i feel that she has kicked me badly i=
feel really hurt. Words can kick as well. She does not watch her mouth. Sh=
e keeps starring at me jealous. I am so fed up of this racist black banglad=
eshi woman. I will not talk or face her at work i will run to work in the c=
afe please let me work there i want the cafe staff to save me from Rokeya. =
Please Please I have sent a message to my Healthy Minds Supporter Siobhan a=
bout Rokeya Ruby. I feel alot of discomfort and unhappiness and my depressi=
ons tablets Sertraline 50mg 3 =C2=A0a day in the morning have stopped worki=
ng on me all because of Rokeya. She keeps saying to me that she is sick as =
well. How dare she try to compete with me. She doesn't have any depression =
at all. She is picking on me everyday and smiling to herself all the time. =
Please sort this selfish black woman out she is being very cruel to me i am=
not an animal please save me from her.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dear Sir=
My name is Nin=
a Ijaz I work in Morrisons Supermarket High Wycombe at the town centre. My =
employee number is [protected] and my date of birth is 17/06/1978 I joined Mor=
risons High Wycombe since 2012. Today I was working happily in Morrions 30/=
04/2018 I was seperating the put backs trollies in the morning around 8pm s=
uddenly this terrible black bangladeshi woman started shouting and fighting=
with me without no reason. She is one of the team managers working at the =
checkouts department. This is not the first time she distracted my work. Sh=
e has bullied me alot of times before at the put backs department on checko=
uts. Ever Since Aaron Personal Manager transferred me from the cafe to chec=
kouts put backs deapartment Rokeya Ruby started being extremely jealous of =
me she has been very very rude to me. She keeps telling me off for no reaso=
n and distracting my work. I already work fast and she said to be few weeks=
ago Nina hurry up finish these trollies withinh 1 hour. That was about 10 =
trollies and she wouldn't let me work fast she kept pulling horrible faces =
at me saying to me very rudely hurry up I cried to her i told her i suffere=
d from severe depression, asthma diabetes cholestrol level problem and she =
says oh i have the same sicknesses and i am working well. I am fed up of he=
r jealous remarks all the time. When I complained to Kieran few weeks ago a=
bout Rokeya Ruby He said Nina carry on doing the put backs just try to work=
faster. Rokeya Ruby smiled to herself each time she made me work slower by=
distracting my work trying to fight all the time. Before Kieran I Complain=
ed to Aaron Personal Manager few months ago and he said he will speak to Ro=
keya and asked me to carry on doing the putbacks. he said try to work faste=
r. No manager ever critises my work except this horrible black woman Rokeya=
Ruby. Each time she bullies me and makes me cry she always smiles to herse=
lf. She copies hindi dramas and movies. Today She bullied me again at work =
today on the 30th April 2018 she knows i take 3 sertraline tablets 50mg a d=
ay in the morning. Sertraline are my depression tablets. I told Rokeya Ruby=
that has increased my depression and i was crying my head off she started =
smiling to herself again  She was so happy smiling to herself all the =
time when she abstracted all my work today and because she has damaged my m=
ind more today i couldn't work fast like before. I did complain Nick store =
duty manager few weeks ago and he said Nina there is nothing I can do about=
it just continue doing the putbacks and speak to Kieran(checkouts manager)=
.. Rokeya Ruby did not listen to Aaron, Nick and Kieran. She thinks she owe=
s Morrisons Supermarket and she has made it her home. Today she started sho=
uting at me this morning saying i have done no work at all accusing me wron=
g. She fought with me jealous. I complained to the store manager David Wagh=
orn and he said there is nothing he can do to resolve the issue and that i =
speak to kieran again about Rokeya Ruby. She will never listen to Kieran an=
d she will always abstract my work everyday. Rokeya Ruby has snatched all m=
y happiness and i feel that she has kicked me badly i feel really hurt. Wor=
ds can kick as well. She does not watch her mouth. She keeps starring at me=
jealous. I am so fed up of this racist black bangladeshi woman. I will not=
talk or face her at work i will run to work in the cafe please let me work=
there i want the cafe staff to save me from Rokeya. Please Please I have s=
ent a message to my Healthy Minds Supporter about Rokeya Ruby. I fe=
el alot of discomfort and unhappiness and my depressions tablets Sertraline=
50mg 3  a day in the morning have stopped working on me all because o=
f Rokeya. She keeps saying to me that she is sick as well. How dare she try=
to compete with me. She doesn't have any depression at all. She is picking=
on me everyday and smiling to herself all the time. Please sort this selfi=
sh black woman out she is being very cruel to me i am not an animal please =
save me from her.

Jesus Belzunce on

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akhri cheekh
London, GB
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Jan 12, 2024 1:54 pm EST

Akhri Cheekh

5:22 pm EDT

Morrisons sandwich

Recently purchased a Egg & Cress Sandwich from Morrisons Blackburn store. Before purchase i was assured all products made in store were made seperatly and no cross contamination is between the veggie items and meat. After eating the first slice i found a piece if ham on the 2nd sandwich. I have all the pictures as proof and find it utterly disguting that this day and age this has happened. Shame on Morrison's for allowing this to happen. I am a muslim who does not eat pork and when into this store with good faith that they do take utmost care when making food. But however this is not the case and do not care about is being used or where its being made. I will be taking this complaint further and make sure morrisons won't allow this to happen again. As a valued customer i will not be shopping there again.

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Apr 20, 2018 11:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I found plastic body inside the English cake

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2:11 pm EDT
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Morrisons staff

I would like to make a complaint about staff at the Barnard Castle store. There are certain members of the management staff that are being disrespectful and unpleasant to customer. They are not talking to customers in the manner they should and are snatching items of them that are being handed to them. It is getting more unpleasant shopping there and if management staff isn't sorted out I will be using the store less and less.

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Update by Louise 12
Apr 12, 2018 2:32 pm EDT

The way staff get treated in the Barnard castle store is disgusting at times. They don't get regular hours, don't get their contracted hours, shifts aren't worked around family and staff aren't getting to see their young children, shifts aren't given until the day before instead of in advance, breaks aren't allocated properly or aren't given when they should be. Management staff make it really hard for other members of staff to work due to the break situations mainly and being impolite to them at every chance they get. When staff are signed off on the sick the store ring them up and say if they don't go back to work early they are going to get sacked. This is because the store is short staffed but won't hire anyone else and when they do the new members of staff leave within 6months because of the way they get treated. That store needs sorting out before everyone stops using it.

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1:44 pm EDT

Morrisons car wash in leominster

Today I used my local Morrison's car wash for the first time and I will NOT be using it again! I have a dark blue VW Amarok which wasn't actually that dirty when I enter the car wash, only to come out the other end and it be pretty much in the same state it went in like!
Absolutely shocking considering I paid £6.99 for the gold package! The wash didn't even touch my wheels so there for are still covered in mud, really not acceptable.
The one and only time I will be using your car wash, please see photos attached at how "clean" my truck is!
Will not recommend to anyone else to use and will be sure to tell people how awful the service is.

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2:22 pm EDT

Morrisons lack of cctv in morrisons yeovil car park

Today, my pride and joy car was "Intentionally" vandalised in full day light whilst parked within the car park and just 50 yards from the entrance to the Yeovil Morrisons Supermarket. I saw the people who did it and could identify them from a video. However unfortunately I did not manage to get their car registration number. And so the Police were unable to assist as a result of this.

If Morrisons had added a half dozen camera's to the car park it would not only have provided critical information to the Police for incidents such as that which happened to me. Or worse in the case of people who have been assaulted by other members of the Public. But it would also increase the number of customers using the store as a result. Paying for the cost of the installation and boosting company profits. Because people would know that their cars are safe whilst parked there. I for one, would choose to switch my regular shopping from Tesco to Morrisons as a direct result of knowing this protection was there for me.

I am asking Morrisons to please seriously consider this low cost addition to customer security whilst at the store !.

Yours Sincerely
Rob Gale

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4:58 am EDT

Morrisons vacuum packed roasting joint

Hi i purchased one of your a British Beef Roasting Joints at a cost of £9.14 from knottingley.
I was looking forward to cooking this for my family of 8 who were coming for Easter Sunday lunch.
I cooked this as per instructions However, when trying to calve it was tough and mostly fat and crossly. Even with my sharpest meat knife and trying to pull it apart with my hands the meat was inedible.
When the meat cooled down I noticed the joint looked like it was made up and put together from 3 different joints when meant there were 3 lots of fat/skin going in different direction.
We had to have a meat free dinner which left me angry, disappointed and embarrassed .
I have never purchased your vacuum packed joint before and will never again. I have been cooking for over 45 years and never come across anything so horrid or ever had a problem cooking a beef joint. I am a regular loyal shopper and usually purchase topside beef from your butcher which is not vacuum packed, which I will stick to in future.

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Tim hopson
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Apr 08, 2018 1:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We just had the same, bought a beef roasting joint about £8, it was disgusting, almost inedible. Why can't they say which part of the animal it is ? We were big fans of morrisons meat, not any more

12:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons morrison's petrol miles voucher's

I was left disappointed today whilst doing my weekly shop at your Newcastle-under-Lyme branch. This was due to learning that the thirty pounds worth of Morrison's Petrol Miles Voucher's, were no longer valid and the store refused to honour them. As there is no indication of an expiry date on the vouchers, i feel that i have been misled as to their true value to my self as a consumer. Consequently, i respectfully request that my voucher's be replaced with valid Miles Vouchers, in order that i may continue to enjoy shopping at Morrison's stores in future.

Kind Regards

Mr. Gareth M Handley

Contact Details:

Email: [protected]

Tel: [protected]

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Update by Mr. handley
Mar 26, 2018 12:38 pm EDT

I was left disappointed today whilst doing my weekly shop at your Newcastle-under-Lyme branch. This was due to learning that the thirty pounds worth of Morrison's Petrol Miles Voucher's, were no longer valid and the store refused to honour them. As there is no indication of an expiry date on the vouchers, i feel that i have been misled as to their true value to my self as a consumer. Consequently, i respectfully request that my voucher's be replaced with valid Miles Vouchers, in order that i may continue to enjoy shopping at Morrison's stores in future.

Kind Regards

Mr. Gareth M Handley

Contact Details:


Tel: [protected]

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2:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons I am complaining about stock on shelves

I am so annoyed I have emailed about 6 times u have not been able to get my soya butter since Christmas I get so fed up chasing this and having to look elsewhere I was told the manager said plenty in stock will make sure it's on shelf but nothing even after 3 wks the manager at Bridgwater are a laugh, now no goods on shelves like cakes or butters or biscuits this store in Bridgwater is becoming a joke a great warehouse up the road yet can't get stock. I will be shopping else where from now on MORRISON'S your a joke hope you close down.

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Georgina crouch
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Mar 25, 2018 5:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

After seeing the advertisement for vodka for £15 litre in my newspaper I made a special trip back to my Morrisons at Haydenwick Swindon to find none on the shelves I spoke to a gentleman who I believe to be the manager to be told they were out of stock and they were having a problem getting the Vodka at that price should Morrisons be advertising offer they can't seem to be able to supply

2:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons grapefruit

I usually buy my kids grapfruit from Tesco but as i was in Morrisons today and see they were cheaper i thought i would grab some, little did i know they were riddled with worms/slugs. My child had eaten half at this point, and when she realised this she was sick and has been sick 3 times now. I am not happy about this 1 bit as i do allot shopping for meat and fish in Morrison's. Hope no one else has the same problem
Thanks faye

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6:18 am EST
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Morrisons loughborough branch

I would like to complain about yoir loughborough branch for the last few weeks now it has just been getting worse on a friday evening.

We shop on a weekly basis and prefer morrisons to any other store but now we have been discussing going back to Asda as it was the atraw tonight we were in store at 19:30 and all the meat counter was closed and covered up along with the fish counter also there were hardly any pizzas and bread now your store isnt due to close until 22:00 yet there was minimal staff and only one checkout open, what kind of service is that.

We love Morrisons and hope that we will get a reply to this if we don't it will be time to go else where which will be disappointing.

I have emailed the given address several times but it just comes back mailer demon.

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12:24 pm EST

Morrisons pure soya spread

I have complained to you 3 times but nothing ever gets done, since Christmas it has disappeared off the shelves, also the shelves are always half empty with trollies and bread trays everywhere.
I have spoken with the dairy supervisor but still nothing I have got so frustrated with the Bridgwater branch that I have decided to look else where for my groceries after 8years
You don't care anymore about customers .

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12:14 pm EST
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Morrisons cafe

We come avilable week at around 5.30 on a thursday and every week i order salmon and every week i get told no salmon or this week told these no aspargus and a say this happen every week told because its nearlly closing so we have turn off the steamer etc when we do get meal chips over cooked egg hard and not nice and peas cold member of agruded with us about both meals coming togethabo i felt like i would get my head bitten off if i complanted

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3:12 pm EST

Morrisons delivery van

I am complaint about how your delivery van drivers park their vehicle when they making delivery in Walthamstow village. They have no consideration for other road users . They block the road by parking any how. Especially on the 01 February 2018 at 18.45 pm it was a struggle to drive in Walthamstow village because of your drivers bad parking. Please be aware the Walthamstow village is also a bus route.

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4:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons chocolate raisins

I submitted a complaint regarding Morrisons Chocolate raisins and a sharp object that was contained within one. This item could have caused serious damage to my mouth and worse had I swallowed it.
The bag of raisins was purchased about 2 weeks ago now, but I also submitted a complaint to this board about 9 days ago, without reply.
I have photos of the item and the bag.

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9:40 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons milk chocolate raisins

I bought some of Morrisons own brand chocolate raisins from the Morrisons store on Holderness Road in Hull last week.
I was eating some on Friday evening (5th Jan), when something sharp and hard felt like it had cut the inside of my mouth. I pulled this out and have attached some photos of the piece. It is perhaps a centimetre long and can fit inside one of the chocolate raisins. It is unclear if it is a piece of metal or wood, but I feel that this is a serious matter given the damage that could have been caused to my mouth, or even worse if I had swallowed it.
I have retained the piece along with the rest of the bag. Please advice on what I should do next.
I await your response.

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10:52 am EST

Morrisons food to order - unacceptable service

I am writing to complain about my very unpleasant experience in your store this Dec when collecting my food to order. My order number was CO-355377 and I was due collect it on Sunday 24th Dec and my collection slot was 12:30 1pm.

I arrived in store at 12:15 and joined the queue, as I approached the front of the queue at approx. 1:40pm a member of staff took my name to process my order.
By 2pm I was at the front of the queue at the customer service desk and was still waiting. I noticed that customers behind me were being given their orders and I was still waiting. I pointed out to a member of your staff that I was still waiting and people behind me were getting served before me. She apologized and said she would follow it up. She returned to say the warehouse staff were still printing off my order and then it would be processed and brought to me. This was at approx. 2:15pm and at this point I had been waiting for 2 hours. Then a member of staff noticed I was still waiting at the front of the queue and she also said she would follow-up my order. She returned to say it was being processed, and still I waited and I had counted that 15 people behind me had been served before me. I then spoke to the store manager and explained my situation, I told him this was totally unacceptable and his system for dealing with Food to Order was clearly not working, the customers were waiting and unacceptable time and the poor staff were run ragged and where under a lot of pressure. I told the manager I would be putting in a formal compliant and I was advised it would be best to write to head office hence this Letter. I finally received my order at 2:30pm, but to my dismay an item I'd ordered was not available so a substitute was given to me free of charge.

I should explain that the reason I decided to use your Food to Order service was to make things easy for me as I am disabled with a serious heart and lung condition, and as result of the experience in your store and the amount of standing I had to do along with the cold I endured while at the front of the queue as it was at the front door of the shop, resulted in me feeling very unwell and to be quite frank it spoiled my Christmas. I therefore request to be compensated in some manner for the horrible trauma and subsequent ill health caused by this awful experience.

Paula Jo Burns

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7:05 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Morrisons accident in store

My wife and I are regular/weekly shoppers at Morrison's store in Selby and have been for a lot of years. We went into the store on 22/12/17, it was very busy so things were a bit chaotic. My wife was in the fresh veg area and the basket of carrots at the front was empty so she put her hand on the empty basket to support her self to reach the carrots in the rear basket in doing so the empty basket was forced forward and hit my wife really hard on the bridge of her nose, within seconds her nose was very swollen. I informed the member of staff who was near by who went to get the first aider who came quite quickly had a look at my wife's injury then went to get an ice pack. Another member of staff came with a clipboard to take my wife's details and that was it. We carried on with our shopping with my wife holding the ice pack against her nose. By the time we got home my wife was suffering with a bad headache, concerned about my wife I called the store to speak to the manager who told me to bring my wife into the store so he could have a chat so we went in to see him on 24/12/17. He explained that the store was busy on that day we were there and was sorry my wife had been injured he also apologised that my wife would have 2 black eyes over the holiday period. In the end he offered her a bottle of champagne which my wife refused as she doesn't drink he then offered her to pick a bunch of flowers and I had to inform the checkout staff that they were complimentary. Also whilst talking to Josh the manager he told me that he didn't even know about my wife's injury until I rang him. If I was the manager of a large supermarket chain and a customer had an accident in my store no matter how serious I would definitely want to be informed straight away. I feel as a customer the concern for my wife's wellbeing after her accident was very poor and hope that this complaint will allow Morrison's to look at their accident procedures and maybe compensate her with more than a £10 bunch of flowers.
My other concern is that the first aider actually offered my wife some pain killers, I have been told by professional people that under on circumstances should first aiders be allowed to give any form of medication. I also informed the manager of my concern. I hope to hear from you in the very near future regarding my complaint.

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Dec 30, 2017 10:33 am EST

Her nose looks fine. I can't believe you expect additional compensation beyond the flowers. For what? What did Morrisons do wrong? Your wife tried to balance herself with an empty basket, the mishap was her fault.

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Jan 05, 2018 6:35 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Sulphur7

That’s your opinion about how my wife’s nose looks but at least she’s not sticking it in any body else’s business like you are, so do me a favour ... I think you know what’s coming next. ...
@#%& €#&

Author of the review
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Jan 05, 2018 3:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of

OMG another do gooder. What the hell are you going on about “you have no control over anyone here” who do you think YOU are ? Ok my fault I didn’t realise it was open to public viewing but I know now so if you’ve nothing else better to do I suggest you get a life.

7:32 am EST

Morrisons petrol station

When filling up my car today, when it got to 15.99 it jumped to 16.01. OK one time it's me but it happened 4 time's. When I went into pay I mentioned it to the lady & the man about it, and asked them if they could report it?. I did not expect to be laughed at. IS THIS HOW YOU TRAIN YOUR STAFF?. Can someone from morrisons please tell me if this got reported.

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Jim Morrison 52
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Jan 19, 2018 2:13 pm EST


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About Morrisons

Screenshot Morrisons
Morrisons is a UK-based supermarket chain offering a wide range of groceries and household items. They provide fresh produce, meat, pantry essentials, and baked goods. Services include online shopping with home delivery and a click-and-collect option. They also feature an in-store bakery and butcher.
How to file a complaint about Morrisons?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one by providing the necessary details and verifying your email address.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Morrisons. Make it specific and clear, such as "Overcharged for groceries at Morrisons" or "Poor customer service at Morrisons bakery."

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience. Include key areas such as:

  • The specific location or branch of Morrisons involved.
  • The date and time of the incident or issue.
  • A clear description of what happened, focusing on the nature of the issue.
  • Any interactions you had with Morrisons employees, including names or descriptions if possible.
  • Details of any transactions, including receipts, product names, and prices.
  • Steps you have taken to resolve the issue with Morrisons, including any communication with their customer service.
  • The company's response or lack thereof.
  • The personal impact of the issue, such as inconvenience, financial loss, or distress.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents, such as receipts, photos, or email correspondence, to support your complaint. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the issue with Morrisons. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, an apology, or any other form of redress.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint to ensure it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure all the details are correct and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint against Morrisons on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your complaint for any responses or updates. Regularly check your email and account for notifications related to your complaint or review.

Overview of Morrisons complaint handling

Morrisons reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 21, 2009. The latest review Worst staff goes to Denton, Manchester was posted on Feb 17, 2025. The latest complaint Promotional Offer was resolved on Mar 06, 2023. Morrisons has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 595 reviews. Morrisons has resolved 14 complaints.
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16973 reviews
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  1. Morrisons Contacts

  2. Morrisons phone numbers
    +44 345 611 6111
    +44 345 611 6111
    Click up if you have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 611 6111 phone number 79 79 users reported that they have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 611 6111 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 611 6111 phone number 107 107 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 611 6111 phone number
    Customer Service
    +44 345 322 0000
    +44 345 322 0000
    Click up if you have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 322 0000 phone number 40 40 users reported that they have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 322 0000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 322 0000 phone number 72 72 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 345 322 0000 phone number
    Online Shopping Enquiries
    +44 845 611 5000
    +44 845 611 5000
    Click up if you have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5000 phone number 6 6 users reported that they have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5000 phone number 16 16 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5000 phone number
    General Or Corporate Enquiries
    +44 845 611 5710
    +44 845 611 5710
    Click up if you have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5710 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5710 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5710 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Morrisons by calling +44 845 611 5710 phone number
    Investor Enquiries
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  3. Morrisons emails
  4. Morrisons address
    WM Morrison, Hilmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, BD37DL, United Kingdom
  5. Morrisons social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 17, 2025
  7. View all Morrisons contacts

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