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Mondelez Global

Mondelez Global review: Ginger snaps 62

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1:00 pm EDT
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I have been purchasing ginger snaps for many years, today(9/22/15) and the packaging had changed. I compared the new cookies to my older package which I still had a few left in the box. I color is very different about 3 shades lighter, and when I tasted the I could not even taste the ginger, the new ones are almost tasteless. I have a scan attached showing the new and old cookie together.

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Nov 24, 2015 9:15 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nabisco Ginger Snaps WAS my favorite cookie in the morning with my coffee. The new blonde version is tasteless. It's beyond me how a cookie can be changed so much keeping the same ingredients in the same order. I went to 9 stores and bought all the old style boxes, never to buy again until the cookie is changed back to original!

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Dec 01, 2015 12:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with you about Nabisco ginger snaps. These cookies where my all time favorite. I was so disappointed when I purchased a box today. I notice the differences right away, first the box is different and the cookie was so light and thin I had to look at the box to make sure I pick up the right product. Also the cookie was so hard, after eating two I had a tooth ache. This is so unfair when you are paying over $5 a box. I'm not buying any more until the cookie is changed back. Not recommending to anyone. Cookie has to be dipped in some type of liquid just to chew it.

Indianapolis, US
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Dec 15, 2020 9:16 pm EST
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Replying to comment of B.Moore

That’s a shame Bc here it is in 2020 and they still haven’t changed it back I was looking forward to an old Ginger snap cookie since I hadn’t had them in yrs Bc the price was too high! And now I would of been better off buying some at the dollar store! Shameful on whoever makes these disgusting cookies and still charge over $5 for them! Just trash!

Alafiya Trott
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Jan 06, 2016 9:11 am EST

I am 69 years young. Ginger snaps were always the cookies my mom gave us. After some time, I purchased the snaps last week. First I was confused about the color of the box because the competitor's box was near the same color. Well last night I opened the box and was SO DISAPPOINTED! Thin, no color and not the same taste. I used to put the old gingersnaps in my mouth, get them moist and enjoy the taste. This don't happen with these thin hard cookies. I want my old gingersnap back. Here is my message to Nabisco, if you want to cut cost, try giving Directors, Shareholders and Management a cut in your paycheck. You have lost a customer and probably many more will follow when I post my comments on FACEBOOK.

Michael Tennefoss
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Jan 24, 2016 9:33 pm EST

Unbelievable for a company as savvy as Nabisto/Mondelez to ouright ruin a time-proven product. You reformulated to remove lead and created dog biscuit in the process. Shame on you. You just lost a long time customer.

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Feb 07, 2016 9:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have always enjoyed Nabisco Ginger Snaps until our most recent purchase a few weeks ago. Wow they took a wonderful favorite and completely messed up the flavor, shape android texture. The curren cookie recipe took the ginger snap out of the cookie and replaced it with a bland cardboard creation. We are not buying this again.

Andrew M Merkel
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Feb 22, 2016 2:31 pm EST

I have been eating Ginger Snaps made by Nabisco since 1950. I have tried many alternative snaps but have never had any which compared to the Original Recipe of Ginger Snaps, which I consider to be the best cookie which Nabisco ever manufactured and delivered.

Much to my shock, dismay and lasting disappointment, the new ersatz version of the original Nabisco ginger snap is simply TERRIBLE.
Not only is the cookie NOT made by NABISCO, but it is made by a MEXICAN Company called MONDELEZ.
The recipe is totally different.
The texture used to be rough and chewy; now it is smooth and hard, not at all pleasant to chew.
The taste is not real ginger anymore.

In protest, I am BOYCOTTING ALL NABISCO PRODUCTS until I get my ORIGINAL NABISCO GINGER SNAPS back on the shelves of my local grocers

Karen Fluharty
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Apr 04, 2016 5:17 pm EDT

I just purchased a box of Nabisco ginger snaps, what happens? Used to be one of my favorite. Now they are hard, wafer thin and leave a bad taste. I tried dunking them in my cup of tea which just made them very hard and chewy. Won't buy any more .

Sharonda Thompson
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Apr 18, 2016 6:56 pm EDT

I'm in my 40s and I grew up eating Nabisco Ginger Snap cookies and I bought a box a few months ago that were awful. I thought maybe it was the store I purchased them from so I bought a box Saturday April 16th and these were even worse tasting. The cookies are thin, hard, and almost inedible. They're way to hard and I'm afraid I'll break my tooth on one. There's no molasses or ginger taste to them. What happened? Why did Nabisco change the recipe? Please don't fix something that wasn't broken! I will not buy another box until there back to the old school cookie they use to be!

gsh alabama
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Apr 19, 2016 11:33 pm EDT

My mouth waters at the thought of your Ginger Snaps, no wait I just had six and was Greatly Unsatisfied, Disappointed, just plain Let Down. Why in the world would you change your cookie into this extra thin and tasteless object. For as long as I can remember someone in my family buy your Ginger Snaps as a surprise treat but this time the surprise was no treat. Do you remember when New Coke came out, I do and I believe it failed. Nabisco's "New" Ginger Snaps recipe ranks right up there with the New Coke recipe. Nabisco Ginger Snaps are more like Fiasco Ginger Snaps.

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Apr 22, 2016 7:58 am EDT

April 2016
OMG what have these cookies become. I remember my Mom would make homemade ice cream sandwiches with ginger snaps. I picked up a box since I was feeling homesick. Where is the molasses? Where is the ginger? The box isn't even the same. What have we done to deserve this unwanted change?

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Apr 23, 2016 1:41 am EDT

I agree with the others. I have been eating Nabisco Ginger Snaps since I was a kid (a very long time). I got a new box yesterday and the new version is TERRIBLE - there is no color, no taste and they are very thin. I always ate your ginger snaps for the sharp spicy taste. You have ruined them!

Brian Cummings
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Jun 02, 2016 9:05 pm EDT

Your ginger snaps used to be delicious. Full of great ginger flavor. They are absolutely awful now. Flavorless, flat discs.
You took a great product and made it tasteless . You have lost a devoted customer.

Iowa customer
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Jun 03, 2016 11:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with the other criticisms listed here. I was a long time fan of your Ginger Snaps and used to love them for their crisp full flavor when eaten dry, and especially wonderful dipped in milk or hot tea. They were costly, but were gourmet. Now, they are pale, thin, compressed and tough now, almost impossible to comfortably eat when dry, and even when dipped in hot tea they remain chewy and tough before eventually turning into mush. They used to be such a treat! The flavor is different now also, spicy in a way but not the same full deep flavor that the darker color cookie used to have with rich molasses and ginger flavor. Please bring back the original recipe! They are not worth $5 a box, I will not buy them again!

Cindy Santelli
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Jun 14, 2016 12:42 pm EDT

This was from snackworks... today 6/14/2016

The formulation of GINGER SNAPS Old Fashioned has indeed changed and I'm sorry you were disappointed with your most recent purchase. We have changed the manufacturing plant where these cookies are made and have also changed the molasses in the cookie. The changes you might note are color, stack height, and ginger taste. This is driven primarily by the molasses change from Black Strap Molasses to Fancy Molasses.

Marco Dickson
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Jun 21, 2016 1:32 am EDT

There are some things in this world I had grown to depend on at a very young 52 and 11 months I finally sneaked in a box of my all time favorite cookie., ...I open the box I take a deep nasal draw...something is wrong...that smell...where is it? what the heck did you do to my cookie? is this some kind of joke? what on gods green earth were you thinking? never mind you weren't thinking...return this cookie to its original state and all will be forgiven and forgotten...leave it the way it is and it shall grow stale in stores everywhere...

Maureen Howard
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Jun 22, 2016 7:53 am EDT

I will probably not be buying any more Snaps as I agree with all the above criticisms. Paying $5.29 for a box of my all-time favorite cookies will not be happening again until Nabisco (or whatever corporate ### own it) changes back to the original flavors, textures, sizes. I just returned from Italy where there biscotti"s are plentiful, flavorful and very inexpensive. We here in the USA have been totally sold out, not only with cookies but almost everything we buy: Deceit in packaging, much less in quantities and pricing through the roof. Time for pocketbook revolts?

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Jun 24, 2016 3:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The new Ginger Snap is awful. Very tasteless!I grew up with those cookies and it reminded me of my grandma's house. I will never buy another box again, and I'm glad my Grandma's not here to taste them either. Why would you change that Nabisco? Big mistake!

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Jul 12, 2016 6:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The old gingersnaps tastes so much better. "if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it!" They are expensive, but were worth it! I don't think I will buy them again.

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Sep 09, 2016 7:50 am EDT

Product is so bad... will never buy again.. You wrecked them...

Dora Peterson
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Sep 16, 2016 9:58 am EDT

I've been eating Nabisco ginger snaps for 30 plus years. The new recipe is bland and tastes like all the other cookies on the shelf. If you are going to change the recipe at least publicize the old recipe so we can make our own. No one who's tasted the original will ever eat your new product. I'm taking mine back to the store to get my money back.

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Sep 22, 2016 4:17 pm EDT

I just opened after not purchasing them for awhile. They got so expensive but I treated myself. I noticed changes right away. They are thinner and that on top. They also dud not have the crispness I like. So sad that this favorite traditional cookie has lost the quality fir cheaper molasses and manufacturing. I won't buy them Agsin.

Holley Thomas-Brown
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Sep 03, 2017 3:21 pm EDT

I purchased a box of Nabisco Ginger Snaps I grew up on these I have loved them since my earliest childhood and I'm 63 now I purchase a box today got home to find out that they have changed the recipe they've changed the color the texture isn't the same The Taste is awful I will never buy another box of these cookies that's sad because four years back I have begin to share my love of these cookies with my grandchildren and I cannot give them this nasty mess that I bought today.
Nabisco your product is awful this product is just completely not acceptable.

Fre Ma
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Dec 05, 2017 12:13 pm EST

good gravy! wth? i agree with all of this, although a bit late. should have read the old thread before purchase! at first, i thought i was mistaken about the size, color and has been years since i purchased theae and thought i had just forgotten. i agree it has ruined my morning tea...and the roof of my mouth aches something aweful. yuck.

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Apr 08, 2018 10:54 am EDT

I agree with the negative comments. Like so many others, I've enjoyed Ginger Snaps for decades. Until today, when I opened a new box. I can only describe them as greasy and flavorless, thinner and way too brittle, even though I realize they are meant to be a hard cookie.
It makes me angry. I will be switching to Keebler today when I buy groceries.
Meanwhile, I hope the squirrels in my yard won't reject these horrible cookies, either. I thought I could always trust Nabisco. Now I'm a skeptic.

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Apr 13, 2018 11:34 pm EDT

So sad to bite into my favorite boxed cookie -- and have it be so textureless and different. Even the aesthetics (the little, wormy pressed lines in the top, the faint caramel color, the thinness) disappoint.

What happened, Nabisco? Why the big change to such a previously perfect product?

Chef Chris
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Jun 21, 2018 3:54 pm EDT
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At the risk of repeating, my wife and I have enjoyed your Ginger Snaps for well over 40 was her favorite cookie. Recently, the texture flavor and color changed. Not enough leavening in the dough making it flat and hard, not crispy. The distinctive taste of molasses and ginger diluted leaving cookie with little of the original taste. As a career Chef, I don't understand the reason to change a product to something worse. At first I thought there might be a quality control problem, but then discovered that I must have been getting some of the ending inventory of the previous recipe. Sadly...I just don't get it and will look for another Ginger Snap cookie.

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Jan 06, 2019 2:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am very disappointed in these new ginger snaps. They are a shadowy substitute for what once was the greatest cookie on earth. Whatever executive approved this should be forced! Where is the ginger? Where is the yummy molasses? The shape has changed, too. I liked the recipe you had before. I won’t be buying Nabisco Ginger Snaps again unless I hear that someone with common sense has stepped up, grown a pair, and fixed this mess!

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Jan 06, 2019 2:10 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Plus, there is no way for me to edit my comment once it has been posted. Very low tech!

T Koenke Diaz
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Jan 28, 2019 4:38 pm EST

I just googled "are nabisco ginger snaps thinner?" and found this complaint board right away. OMIGOSH, it's not just my imagination or menopausal fog brain, they really are thinner! I've enjoyed Nabisco Ginger Snaps above all others, mostly in the winter with a gingery cup of chai. I tried another brand a year or so back, and they just didn't compare, so today I purchased Nabisco's ginger snaps again. While they still have a nice gingery taste, they are wafer thin and nothing like the ginger snap I remember. For the price, which was double that of the other options on the shelves, they're just not worth it, were a huge disappointment, and I won't be buying them again. So sad :(

Cameron Cammie G Adams
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Feb 20, 2019 2:47 pm EST

I was very disappointed in the taste, color, texture of the cookies I have loved and eaten all of my life. Why do companies have to change a good thing? I want be buying any more! 02/20/2019

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Mar 12, 2019 4:43 pm EDT

what have you done to my gingersnaps. when I try to bite into one, it bites back. They're thin, hard with less flavor. Definitely not like the old gingersnaps at all. Why alter an american treasure?!

Yhtorod yam Nameloc
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Apr 10, 2019 8:04 am EDT

What is the hard part in the cookie. Put a hole in my tooth. And the last of it doesn’t dissolve. Who do you contact?

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Jun 18, 2019 8:57 am EDT

I was addicted to nabisco ginger snaps, so much so that I had to wean myself off them for a while, they were so so good I just couldn’t help myself, so after I stopped for a few years I forgot all about although them catching my eye in the grocery store every now and then, so today for some reason my husband came home with a box and I decided to eat a few, looking for that same wonderful taste of ginger and molasses with the spicy taste, I was shocked with disgusting taste of something that taste like a dollar store ginger snap, it was disgusting. well I don’t have to worry about getting hooked again, because I will never eat another nabisco ginger snap again. SO SAD😥

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Oct 17, 2019 11:06 am EDT

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Apr 20, 2020 6:06 pm EDT

R.I.P. Nabisco Ginger Snaps. I don’t know what they are putting in the box now. They should change the name to “New And Improved” just like Coke did. Hmmmmm how did that work out?

Eileen Wilhelm Seils
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Dec 26, 2020 1:26 pm EST

My mom used to buy these for me when I was little and I’d dip them in milk. I bought a box to make a ginger snap crust for a cheesecake and I couldn’t believe how hard they were! I almost broke a tooth biting into it! They’re like concrete! If this is what you call a cookie you’re in the wrong business!

Kingsville Texas, US
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Jan 03, 2021 9:26 pm EST
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Hi I have been a purchaser of ginger snaps for many years had a moment of digression and returned only to find an absolutely disgusting products they were hard totally awful and was nowhere near to that which I've experienced so very disappointed please let me know what I need to do to get the problem corrected before someone loses teeth!

Richie the C
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Apr 17, 2021 4:54 am EDT
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As someone who grew up last century and know these cookies, I can safely tell you that some money grubbing representative of this company has changed the recipe. There is far less molasses and ginger, and somehow they have managed to make this biscuit into a cross between terracotta tile and a Milk Bone dog biscuit. Even the box misrepresents this incredibly hard and tasteless cookie.

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Gulfport, Mississippi, US
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Dec 04, 2021 3:19 pm EST


Magoo 5
New York, New York, US
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Jun 14, 2021 10:29 pm EDT

I am livid! Just went out and bought a big box as I had a hankering for them tonight.
Opened up a sleeve, couldn't wait to pop one in my mouth. Right of the bat, I can't even pull a single cracker out because they're all broken! They're all crumbling. And they seem thin to me.
So I pull out a whole other sleeve and open that. I immediately notice they're thin. TOO thin. Abnormally thin. It's not my imagination. No WONDER they're broken, Theyre too thin and they don't hold up!
They're not the characteristic plump and rich golden color. They don't even look like Ritz Crackers.
And they don't taste like them either.

I am very VERY UPSET (!) and plan to write a STRONG letter to Nabisco.


Anybody else notice this?

Magoo 5
New York, New York, US
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Jun 14, 2021 10:33 pm EDT


Ritz crackers are an american classic.
How dare you change them?!?! how dare you?

Restore the original recipe.

You do not mess with a classic.

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