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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] Complaints 310

1:36 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] repairs: no light on my floor.

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am filing complaint to New York City Housing Authority, I live in 1710 Seward Avenue, Apt#5-G, Bronx, 10473, And i live in Sound-view Houses, 1720 Seward Avenue, Bronx, New York City 10473. The manager, Ms. Marte. I filed to repair the lightning 5th floor between my apartment and 5-F. I find the light was off this problem. Here is the ticket#[protected] this morning and Ticket#[protected] i file this afternoon. And, still no light. I am continue filing complaint of repair. I have to wait for Monday. To fix the light.

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1:42 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] on nycha waiting list since 11/23/2012 case never even reviewed

Hello my name is Thomas I am disabled on SSI and have been on the NYCHA waiting list since 11/23/2012 my case has never been reviewed. I live in sub-standard housing with no clean water, no hot water, leaks in bathroom sink pipes, problems with front door working and locking properly, scalding hot water coming from faucet, the building has been sited for numerous violations for conditions in my apartment. there is a consistent noise from neighbors on a daily and nightly basis which prevents me from getting sleep I have the 311 complaint numbers. I am asking that my case be reviewed, please.

Sincerely, Thomas

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10:18 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] neighbor, smoking

I live in van [censored] housing in brooklyn. 422 blake ave. I HAVE BEEN complaining constantly to my housing assistant about my neighbor above me. IF it's not the smoking cigarettes weed. Its the loud music . Each time I call she tells me call 311. I HAVE 5 month old grandson living with me, How fair is is that he has to contatly inhale smoke . Doesn't matter which room I walk into my 2 bedroom not to mention the hallway. When I file a complaint I'm told my a housing assistant I have to deal with it . Please help with this situation, 422 Blake ave apt 14D is my complaint

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12:13 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] nyc housing

My name is Deborah Edwards and I live in the NYCHA Lincoln Houses for 35 years
Attached you will find the mess that I and my family live in. I have put in tickets no one shows or they show say they will return and never do so. I have mice running through my house. Housing has told me they do not look for holes. I look myself. I close up all the holes so I thought and the mice return. There is a hole in my bathroom ceiling that continues to fall from a leak from upstairs that happened months ago. I told housing there was water in the ceiling they said no. a week later i woke up to water falling out of my ceiling and flooding my apartment. A week after that the ceiling started to fall and 3 weeks after that it fell again. They is black something in my bathroom I am not sure if it is mold or something else more dangerous. I spent money time and energy to fix this myself but isnt it the responsibilty of housing to do this. I called starting in June of 2018 and call again and again. I cant even get someone out to look at it. Maybe you can help me or tell me where to go. i am exhausted at this point. I am terrified of mice. I spent so much money on plaster and mouse traps and fixing holes and buying door stops . Oh yes there is a scaffel right under my window that I also think mice are coming through my window and the smell is so bad I can not open my windows for air. Please help me or tell me where to go for help, Housing is not going to do anything.

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10:17 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] domestic violence emergency transfer - never put in ontime - 2 months & still waiting!

I went to my Housing Managers Office (NYCHA - O'Dwyer Gardens in Coney Island) on July 9, 2018 regarding a current & ongoing Domestic Violence situation. I then went to HRA's DV Unit Downtown Brooklyn, to submit my Order of Protection, Advocacy Letter from Safe Horizon, & the Tenant Consent Form For Intimidated Victims-given to me by my Housing Manager. I was told I would have to wait 40 days for any notice and to call and check with NYCHA regarding my status. Sept. 13th, 2018, made 40 days. Having heard no response, the police couldn't find any record of the transfer, I had to start over, calling my Housing Manager. My housing managers office NEVER submitted the paperwork. It was finally done again today(9/24/18) & I was told to wait another 2 weeks. WHY? This case involves my life being threatened by Blood Gang members, I've received threats and harassment & am in imminent danger. What kind of service is this? MY LIFE IS IN DANGER & this is the type of service NYCHA provides? I should've been relocated months ago. NYCHA has assisted in keeping me in a dangerous situation. They have me waiting so long, in a dangerous and stressful situation. I should not have to wait another day.

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9:27 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] plaster and paint

Filed a ticket for plastering and paint this was done June 2018 for a Sept 2018 appointment and they never showed up. My apartment smells like mold or asbestos which is unsafe or unsanitary for me and my child. I called the management office and all they can say is there is new staff and are handling as best possible. This is ridiculous to go on so long.

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1:23 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] garbage and rats

I reside in Glenmore Houses in Brownsville, Brooklyn. I'm complaining about the garbage which is piled up at least two stories high because sanitation only pick up this garbage once a week if then. I walked the neighborhood and I notice that other developments have outside compactors which is something that would solve this problem we have in this development. This problem has been going on for years and management doesn't seem to have a clue. Is management mismanaging the funds. Why do we have to go to the Mayor or other officials? What is management for? The Rats and Gulls have taken over and the stench is out of this world. Please someone look into this problem. A rent paying tenant on time and expect important problems to be handle in a reasonable time.

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5:56 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] rats

For months I have been putting in tickets for an exterminator for the rats on the grounds that are coming from the basement at 1761 third ave . It's not safe to walk in or out of the building when it's Dark outside. It's Dozens of them out there. This is my 3rd time putting in a complaint. I got a email back stating they are waiting for a vendor. That was over a month ago. This is an emergency and needs to be addressed ASAP. I pay rent and I should be comfortable leaving and coming home whenever. Some days if I get off work late I don't come home, if I have to start work very early I stay at someone else's home because to leave this building anytime before 7am you will have to walk through Rats. Huge ones at that. Please can you guys help us out . I have videos and pics also.

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8:13 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] repairs

September 11, 2018
To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to express my concerns and frustration after several attempts on calling the NYCHA Customer Contact Center regarding a maintenance complaint and to follow up on the work order. I understand that everything is a process but when a situation calls for an emergency, pressing issues should be evaluated within 24 hours as this also can get worse and affect other residents that live in the building.
The situations are as follow:
-The bottom kitchen cabinets are falling apart. There is a hug hole on the wall located behind the kitchen sink pipes.
-The tiles in the kitchen, the tiles in the hallway, and the tiles in the bedroom are starting to loosen up since water is seeping through the floors nonstop which by the way is definitely a breeding ground for mole if there aren't some already.
-The apt is starting the smell, roaches are coming in (never had an issue before, the apt is always clean and organized) the paint and plaster on the hallway walls are crumbling down due to the water damage.
-About two weeks ago someone from maintenance passed by to look at wall in the bedroom since there are water bubbles forming in different sizes, they made two big holes in which the holes exposed dirty metals and maybe a pipe I believe. Later on the holes was covered with a black plastic bag and taped "securely". It has been said by one of the maintenance personnel that a pipe broke, a big concerning issue I think. The water bubbles across the bedroom wall are currently getting larger and are erupting and leaking water or some type of liquid.
-We have been following protocols as responsible tenants…my mom who is handicapped went with the assistance of her home attendant to the management office of the Fredrick Douglas Housing development a few times to notify/remind them of the ongoing problem. My mom has also called the NYCHA Customer Contact Center multiple times to submit a ticket and follow up on the work orders and all she is being told is that they will be sending someone within 24 hours and no one ever comes, and it's been now almost 2 weeks. I inclusively called the number provided on the NYCHA website for Services for people with Disabilities Hotline and left messages with my contact information. Furthermore, contacted 311 and they provided me with the Manhattan Borough Management Office at [protected], spoke to someone briefly who was very unprofessional and was told hold on but it seems as though someone was one the phone and didn't want to talk.
-Failure to comply and perform repairs that need attention in resident's homes exemplifies the violation of basic federal health and safety regulations to provide a safe and sanitary housing for families. This is also a reflection of management dysfunction on organizational failures of NYHCA. I am requesting that you please look into this urgent matter; my mother's living condition is getting worse as days past and I am afraid that she or my mom's aid might physically get hurt or even be exposed to something contaminated. If this happens, this can unfortunately turn into a legal matter. I am so disturbed by the poor health infrastructure of the NYCHA community.
- As I wrote before above my mom lives in the Fredrick Douglas Housing Development building 140 If there is anything that we can do on our end to help facilitate and expedite these repairs and upkeep where my mom resides we can gladly assist as well in any way we can that's within our means. My mom is a good civil person and have not been late with rent payments. If there is someone that can direct us to get assistance through a different channel please provide information and I will follow up to get the right support my mom's needs. We don't want to be a hindrance but would like to resolve pressing and distressing issues that need immediate attention due to health concerns and because not only this affects my mom but maybe even all the residences that also live on the B line, not sure to what the extent of the damages are but where my mom lives it's pretty bad and ugly. Please help.

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9:56 am EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] noisey/nasty neighbour

I reside at 2065 Dean Street Brooklyn, NY 11233 and I will like to bring an ungoing problem to your attention, as of recently the new neighbour that moved in across the hall from me in apartment 3B have been the most obnoxious, inconsiderate, vail human beings I have ever encountered in my whole 31 years of living.They think this is their private home and have no consideration for myself and other neighbours.I am unclear as to exactly how many people live in this apartment as I have seen many different people in and out, I have also witness about 10 kids at a time playing in the hallway that looked to be all under the age of 10.The kids themselves have no behaviour they are quite rowdy and seem to have no decorum.While they play in the hallway they can be heard from inside my apartment, they bang on my door with their balls, hand etc and when I brought this to the attention of their parents nothing was done.Why should of have to put up with such a disturbance in what is suppose to be the comfort of my own apartment.They play loud music at all hours whenever they feel, they are always in the hallway hanging out and when they are finish smoking, drinking and eating their garbage is being felt in the hallway.They have been a major contribution to the disgusting state the hallway on the 3rd floor.They are clearly in breach of many of NYCHA's rules and regulations eg.1.Conduct or behaviour that presents a danager to the health and safety of neighbours 2.Poor housing keeping 3.Behaviour that is considered to endanger the peaceful occupation of other residents and 4.Smoking. I have also witness the police warning them about this behaviour.I do feel very much unsafe living next to neigbours like this as they have so many people coming and going and the constant strange charactors hanging out in the hallway.This is not the type of enviroment I find adequate or becoming for me to be raising my 11 years old son in.

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10:10 am EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] maintenance/ housing case workers

Hello my name is Deja Lebron and I live in ingersol houses, I will like to make a complaint, I lived here for four years and the maintenance workers are never available to do the work that is needed in my home I have paint chipping off my walls everywhere and some of my lights don't work unless I plug something into the outlet . I have a child in the home as well don't want him to get sick, also there is never a housing manger available for me to speak to or see, they are never in the office and the receptionist claims they will be in later on in the day This is the third time this has happened and I can't get the necessary documents I need .

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10:23 am EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] transfer

To New York City Housing Authority:

I Artis Santiago am writing this letter as a complaint in regards of the transfer that had been bestowed upon me as a down side from a three bedroom to a two bedroom apartment, I chose the wise towers development on 91st in Manhattan, I waited eight long years for this transfer to come through, I had been placing phone calls to find out where and when would I be called for an interview, the day finally came on August the 2, 2018; I got an opportunity to look at an apartment I had to step over, and on thrash on the floor, the oven was dismantle, the apartment suffered water and mole damages, warped floors, broken tiles inside the building, the apartment itself smelled of an old basement. There was nothing done in preparation of this apartment to make an impression, I believe it was a deliverance act to discourage me from accepting the apartment after waiting eight long years.

I have been a resident of the Pomonok housing development for at least 21 years. When I first came to look at this apartment it was freshly painted and cleaned by the New York Housing Authority, enough for me to admire the beauty of the apartment and add my cleaning touches, and when I leave this apartment it requires minimum work that has to be done and that is primarily the paint job.

It was unjust and totally unfair for me to have been shown an apartment in that condition, it was meant to discourage me from considering this apartment as a place to live, I am heartbroken, depressed, devastated, and highly upset, and this is a discriminatory act against me. This is an amazing area why was I shown an apartment in such grave condition, and then forced to make a decision right then and there. I am truly disappointed I did not know management would be allowed to show an apartment in that condition, after waiting eight long years on a waiting list.

I would like to know what can be done at this time to rectify this situation and to prevent it from happening to myself or anyone again.

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4:28 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] tenant with a vicious dog

I'm a tenant at the Jacobs Riis housing and there is a tenant with two German Shepherds (one is nice and the other starts growling at people) this tenant states the animal will not hurt anyone but if you move she will attack quoting the tenant. I'm concerned for my safety and the safety of my animals. Please have someone look into this matter as soon as possible. I appreciate all your assistance in this matter.

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9:55 am EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] landlord registration on file

We have emergency transfer priority case, intimidated witness. Our package is filled out one obstacle is the new landlord use to rent out to section 8 tenants over 20 years ago. He is registered with nycha database. He no longer has documentations, section has information in their system. They refuse to do the work to find his information. Back and forth with section 8. They have his paperwork on file, section 8 is giving out more obstacles for paperwork that landlord no longer has.

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9:03 am EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] kitchen sink overflows daily causing flooding

I have made repeated complaints about my kitchen sink over flowing . When I am not at home I come home and my kitchen sink has over flowed with water causing flooding on the kitchen floor and running into the bedroom. I have put in several repair orders only to be told that the problem is coming from the pipes within the building and nothing gets repaired. I have a young child in my home and this causes a issue to the point where clothes are getting damaged and she is in harms way of falling and hurting herself from the water, along with myself . The flooding has been going on since I have been in the apartment which has been over 4 years now. No one is doing anything about the issue of the pipes flooding my apartment because it is the main pipes in the building. I pay my rent on time monthly only to not have my repairs fixed in a timely matter. I ask you is 4 years long enough to have pipes leaking into your home ? I need to know how I can get this matter resolved so my pipes can be fixed . The walls in my bedroom and kitchen walls have water damaged because no repairs have been done in 4 years. I have gave the repair department enough time to make the repairs and they have not. Again please let me know how I can get this fixed.

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12:52 pm EDT
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NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] ignored repairs

My bathroom ceiling fell into my bathtub on 5/15/2018. I have had the leak in my bathroom ceiling since november 2017. The maintenance just looked at it and said a plumber was needed. I kept putting in tickets and they kept coming until they got tired of me. They cut a hole in the ceiling and covered it with electrical tape. Since november '17. Finally fell in a few days ago. Maintenance came and took the ceiling pieces out of the tub. I think they fixed the leak through the apartment upstairs. Never told me. Still have a hole in my ceiling. Daughter and I cant shower or bathe.

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2:54 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] management office

I have been trying to talk to my housing assist 3times this week, First off, the receptionist does not answer the phone until I call back 2or 3 times, 2nd, she either says he is in court or he does not take calls after 12 !Dont they work until 4? This is so frustrating, especially when it is a matter of extreme importance, as it is !Why does the management office treat tenants so unfairly? The reception desk acts like they pay my rent!

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Sep 05, 2020 9:35 am EDT
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I have a complaint about a neighbor. At Marlboro Houses in Brooklyn. At building 2. My neighbor in apartment 10b has been smoking pot everyday at all different times of the day and has most importantly a motorcycle outside close to my door on the terrace locked on to the gate . He brings the the motorcycle at night so house rep don't see him bring it to the building. The problem is my brother is in a wheelchair & has a heart condition and breathing problem so that smoke comes in the house. Also in case of an emergency or a doctors appointment he will not be able to pass the motorcycle on his wheelchair their is not enough room. This is a young person who does not listen to anybody we have complained to him. I have try contacting management but they don't answer the phone or are too busy.

Theresa Bell
May 20, 2018 5:13 pm EDT

The whole NYCHA organization is a joke and slumlords I have been living here since 1970 and this is the
worse I have seen Lafayette Gardens My mailbox has been broke over a week so I had to spend additional
money to get a P.O. Box why you have to be a member to get special privileges to get repairs the rent is paid
every month. Rats all over the development is filthy I come home from work piss in both elevators which
rarely work I have been waiting for a paint job for my living room over a year and requested to be down
sized but yet my old homeless neighbor burns up her apt and get to stay in a nice hotel and get a new apt
and here I am a city worker who does not kill rob or commit crimes to th people here in Lafayette Gardens
no decent parks and benches for kids to play in. I pray to god I get out of here before I am a senior its
disgusting and its sad no one cares.

12:10 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] building maintenance and steam leak in basement

The building has not been cleaned going on a month. There are dead waterbugs on almost every floor especially on the first floor in which I have been told and seen for myself it's not one or two but plenty. They cleaned the front of the building on Wednesday the 18th but that's it. Last Friday one of the tenants called the fire department because his bedroom floor very hot. According to the tenant he said that had they not gotten here when they did the building would of blew up I don't because how true that is because his English is not good and don't know if understood what the fireman told him. According to four maintenance that workers which came to my apartment due to the hot water in my apartment being extremely hot I asked them about the incident in the basement and they explained to me that it is a steam leak and according to them the contractors were working on it which to me I believe they were lying. I had my daughter called the assistant manager at the development I live at and as she left her number as as of yet nothing. I have been in this development since 1966 and in this building since 1980 and never seen it this filthy like if we were pigs living a pig sty. It is unsanitary and as far as the leak it's a concern for myself and the rest of the tenants and their families.

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4:02 pm EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] I have been on the waiting list since 2011 for 72 columbia street

I have been on the waiting list, for a transfer since 2011, to the Senior building at 72 Columbia St. part of Baruch Housing, still waiting. I got a letter in the mail from New York City Housing Authority, concerning violence against women act. My name is Elsie Rollin, have been living at 525 FDR Dr. apt 5D for 50 years, I am now 68 years old going on to 69, I have had my front door to my apartment burnt, what saved my life was that I had a rubber stopper at the bottom of my door, because people were smoking in my stairwell and the breeze was going under my door, making my apartment smell like a cigarettes. But thanks for the stopper, the smoke from the fire on my door knocker, did not bring any smoke into my apartment, which was considered Arson by the Fire Department, I could have died in my sleep, I have a heart condition. My apartment was vandalized twice, someone used a crowbar, trying to get into my apartment. I am so scared, please convince my Head Manager to move to 72 Columbia St. Sending pictures. I have to change my last name, because the computer did not except my last name.
Thank you,
Elsie Rollin

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10:17 am EDT

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] steam leak

There is a steam leak in front of my building at 29 W. 138th Street, New York, NY 10037 (between 5th and Lenox Avenues). This is the first time I see steam vapor coming out of the asphalt pavement since Monday April 2nd and today, I noticed a 2" hole through the asphalt pavement that wasn't there on Monday and you can clearly see steam vapor dissipating through it. Con Edison doesn't provide steam beyond 96th Street and I believe the steam line(s) may be related to the NYCHA-owned buildings (Riverbend and Riverton) on 5th Avenue between 139th and 135th Streets. Please check. My super called 311 and they referred him to 911.

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Overview of NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] complaint handling

NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 4, 2006. The latest review NYCHA worker was posted on Sep 1, 2024. The latest complaint repairs / electrical work was resolved on Nov 05, 2017. NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 311 reviews. NYC Housing Authority [NYCHA] has resolved 45 complaints.
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    Sep 03, 2024

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