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Newsmax TV Reviews 21

12:59 pm EDT
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Newsmax TV - IPO Advertisements

I am a dedicated NEWSMAX viewer, however the constant barrage of IPO sales pitches is too much. I left Fox News when they let Tucket go for something new. I love Carl Higby, Rob Schmidt and Chris Salsado but am totally sick of the hard sell for IPO every 30 minutes. First it was Newsmax Plus which was lacking content compared to Fox Nation. Now constant...

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Newsmax TV Great Primetime Hosts

Rob Schmitt at 7pm, Greg Kelly at 9 and even Chris Plante st 10 are all terrific. Chris Salcedo and Carl Higby at 4 and 5 are enjoyable. The commercials are too frequent and obnoxious, but the content far surpasses that on Fox. Schmitt and Kelly have some real kahunas and are unafraid to speak their minds. I still miss Tucker, but have found a show at 7pm that is nearly as good as TCT was. Thank heaven for Newsmax. Fox has become intolerable.

Recommendation: Try it out at 7 or 9pm. You will be pleasantly surprised.

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Newsmax TV Real News

I like the fact that Newsmax gives real facts and information. Many of the personalities on Newsmax speak from a conservative point of view. That makes it not balanced news, but since I’m a conservative, I don’t mind at all because they’re preaching to the choir anyway, where I’m involved. Only, if an outsider, like someone who listens to CNN, or one of the other fake news media outlets, they’ll be able to say, “ Hey, Newsmax is not pure news.”
I know Newsmax is not pure news, and that there is commentary by most of the hosts, but those on the other side are evil and corrupt, and we’re right because most of us believe in, and worship God, we believe in hard work (real hard work) as the right way to get ahead and become sel-reliant, we’re freedom loving people and willing to avoid short cuts as not to fall into the trap of leftists promises, and handouts. We can see the affects of their lies and twisted commentary.

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Well said. Yes it is conservative, but they do support their commentary with unedited footage. About 5% of the spin is a bit of a stretch, but liberals have become so radical that there is plenty of fodder for the nightly hosts to use in supporting their commentary.

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Newsmax TV Newsmax is great

I used to watch Fox News and I’d have Newsmax on and glance at it now and then. I still have Fox News on one PC and Newsmax on the other two, but I would say that I watch Newsmax 90% of the time. I’ll glance at FoxNews and I will watch for a bit if they have something that looks interesting. One thing I can’t stand about Fox News is how they tell me how to barbecue squirrel or something stupid like that. Their morning show is silly. That’s about the best I can say about it. Newsmax rarely has anything that even remotely approaches that sort of silliness. My only complaint is that Grant Stinchfield has disappeared. The entire morning crew is really good and in the afternoons I really like Jenn Pellegrino, Lindsay Keith, and especially Rob Schmitt. One last thing I want to say: I want Grant Stinchfield back. Pronto! Also, can you please give John Tabaco some speech lessons. I come from Brooklyn and I never spoke like that.

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Newsmax TV Fairer elections with less cheating

Love Newsmax , especially since there’s no charge for real unbiased news for a young 80 yr. Conservative patriot, on a fixed income, who loves freedom of speech, Religion, & every other freedom we enjoy in our beloved Republc, & loves our flag which salutes all our warriors who gave all & the ones who live on with broken bodies so that we can enjoy our freedoms(so far) which are quietly being attacked by the radical left everyday. I read our newpaper everyday, & watch Newsmax & Fox on my phone but not the FNN (Fake News(opinions)Networks. If we’d had true news reporting & not constant cover-ups of Hunter Biden’s dealings, the outcome of the 2000 election would have been far different. Of course $400,000,000 Zuckerbucks in the right pockets had a lot to do with the outcome. Judicial Watch works tirelessly to try & assure fairer elections by legally demanding a complete elimination of outdated voter roles in 278 counties across the USA.

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Newsmax TV Wake up

Upon losing Newsmax from Directv I feel like slowly but surely it won’t be long before all our freedoms are taken away. Why do a few have so much power over many and we’re paying them too. This wasn’t what we signed up for. Being an American meant we were free, blessed, we had strength, pride, courage to make our voices and choices known and our flag represented all that and more. When did we stop paying attention to the idiots now coming up with laws that are a noose around our neck and duck tape on our mouths? Rush Limbaugh once said the “dumbing of America” was taking place and I think we’ve arrived. We lost our pride and love of country and traded it in for “entitlements “ and that was the selling of our souls. We still have time but we need to not be lazy, open our eyes, stand up and show Washington “We the people “ are still in control! God Bless America! Let’s get our spine back and send these socialists and their Godless lives home!

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Newsmax TV Favorite

I watch from 6:30am till rob schmit at 10 we’ll things are a bit rearranged (and preferred set up prior to Greta) she doesn’t smile laugh same tone in her voice doesn’t show happiness sadness even anger, but still leave on! Husband gets mad “how do you watch the news all day” well with the clowns running the circus ya never know! And news Maxx gives it like it is, if they need to do corrections they do it 1st thing always try to get both side when the democrats have the nerve to come on (John bauchman why oh why do you bring the lurch looking democrat he is just not a nice person) I could go on and on with positive reviews honestly nothing negative GREAT JOB THE WHOLE CREW! I honestly can say never watched cnn or any of the other creeps fox ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE but it has always been newsmax and OAN When newsmax didn’t have an app and had to watch through roku and they didn’t give commercials just the most obnoxious music thank god for the app!

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Newsmax TV New watcher

As much as I hate to admit it. I have just recently heard of NewsMax.
I’ve never really watched the main stream news. Can’t stand it. I stopped watching a long time ago when my dad retired from the military. Growing up with the AFN (Armed Forces Network) for news while we were over seas and then coming back to the states and hearing the “news” and how much they don’t talk about or cover up or keep facts from the people... it blew my mind and was extremely concerning and disappointing.

But now that I have found NewsMax I can’t get enough of it. I watch / listen all the time. Thank you all at NewsMax for stepping up and giving us actual news.

One small request... can you make the app have the ability to still operate with sound only while the phone is closed? I have to work hands free a lot and love to listen while I work but want the ability to be able to turn the Home Screen off so I don’t have to have the screen on just to listen.

Keep up the good work!

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Newsmax TV so sad

it is so sad to see many news stations and influential people spread lies to make money. ITS ALL A SCAM. THEY ARE TARGETING THE UNEDUCATED POPULATION. 56 percent of the us can’t read past a 6th grade level that’s sad and most of y’all are voters you need to truly educate yourself through university it’s really sad. i used to be like them since 2015 but once covid and i started getting university education it opened my eyes and both of these parties need to be scrapped and we need to fix the republic with a multiparty system that give people representation and the congress people reflect the population they serve. the senate needs to be power checked. they have been lying in our education system and we need to invest in that we need to end the public healthcare system for business in america and save it for small businesses we need to conserve americas values and stances cause they way we are headed with how they voting pop votes we down a dangerous path GET EDUCATED PEOPLE

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Thank you for sharing the perspective of the university-educated.

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Newsmax TV More fake news

While it’s better than alternatives it’s falling pray to the traps of liars. Here is an example:
Republicans “have said,” voter ID laws are needed to build public confidence in elections and to prevent voter fraud, which remains rare nationwide. Many Democrats “see” the mandates as attempts at voter suppression.
Why not say republicans SEE voter id laws as needed , instead of they “SAY THEY SEE” are you saying that they are lying? That’s opinion then. Otherwise why not say democrats “SAY” they see the mandates as instead of democrats SEE. I actually think they are just saying that they don’t really see it that way. Also, why the urge to add “which remain rare nationwide” into the article. What are your sources of it been rare? and what difference does it make that it is rare? if the elections are decided by a few swing votes. Putting that in there is proposuful and aims to say which side is wrong. So, I give them 8 Pinocchios and I declare it Russian desinftomation because I dislike it

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Newsmax TV Programs

Very disappointed with the decision to cut ties with Grant Stinchfield, not a fan of Greta and will not watch her.
You could’ve moved people around and added Greta if it was necessary plus kept Grant
I like most of the evening program and only watch on my phone as I drive truck
You can’t beat Fox but I hope you will
Your morning show is ridiculous it reminds me of morning on Fox only the gentleman you have is a [censored] in my opinion
You seriously need to ramp up your weekend shows but please don’t copy Fox
I hope that you’re election coverage is professional as I enjoyed your 2020 coverage
Stop telling me that you beat Fox during the rally you’re the only network that covers it
Fox has been bringing in too many left wing loons and is really why I left so I’m hoping you put only conservative people on only
Fox had been on a long time and you need to chip away steady
I’m not sold yet on the new evening schedule yet but I watch when I can as often as possible and would really like to see you on satellite radio
Thanks for your time

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Newsmax TV Bob sellars

I am a new fan of newsmax so far so good. There are two commentators that I’m not sure of
1) bob sellars ,why does he have to sound like he is mad at the
World? He appears to me to be annoyed ,and in kind I find
him to be exstreamly so. I am in New York and I am familiar
with this him .Please tell him to lighten up, the news is bad enough
he kind of makes it worse
2) halperin with his survey group.He strikes me to be a
supporter of the Democrats. Maybe I’m getting old but these
two really get me mad .
Greg Kelly is one that I was happy to see on his show. A straightforward person and always was when he was on channel 5 with Rosanna Scotto.Maybe you should consider hiring her !
I enjoy grant stenchfield , cris sacedo, and others. I have been a long time viewer of Fox and still watch tucker , hannity ,Jesse ,Janine,Greg . But they lost me when they tried to be-little President Trump. That’s it for now just get those two to lighten up. Thank you for your shows and don’t go down the rabbit hole like Fox did.

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Newsmax TV Now app is working again!

Hooray! I’m getting content again. Makes me wonder who sabotaged the app. No it doesn’t. I’m sure the forces supporting and filling-out-ballots en mass for Creepy Joe HATE THIS APP AND ITS CONTENT. The Socialists (Democratic Potty, for you CNN Useful Idiots) have brought in carloads of harvested ballots filled out for Comrade Biden to polling places in the early morning hours after Election Day to falsify the election numbers, after Trump wouldn’t find Mail-in Voting to be their prime method of cheating, so where there’s a Commie, there’s a way. But, like Biden has REPEATEDLY FOUND OUT throughout his ”lackluster-lotsa bluster” career, someone’s always going to catch him, and the Alternative News services are how America is being TRULY INFORMED nowadays. More than ever, Newsmax and others, NOW CORRECTLY referred to as America’s Real News services, are needed to give Americans REAL, non-propaganda-serving/ EDUCATING NEWS, who were never in league with the Chinese National News or the Mao-Stalin-Nazi-Broadcasting-Cooperative (or NYeT or Wipingdown Poop for that matter, either).

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Newsmax TV Poor support for Apple TV app

I have been requesting Newsmax to update their app for Apple TV and Firestick but they seem to not care. I have even sent them requests directly.

While trying to view previously recorded program:

1: on fast forward 2x you still hear voices
2: you have to get the controls to display before you can pause/start
3: once you get to half way through a show you can’t fast forward anything faster than 2x or the the app will freeze up and you have no further control.
4: fast forward above 2x becomes choppy jumping back and forth.
5: fast forward on Firestick is horrible as you have no idea where to stop because you don’t see any movement on the video actually moving forward.
6: when using the remote for AppleTV you have to push a button one to bring up the controls on the display before you can actually have any controls work. Who designed this? There is no other app on AppleTV that functions this way. I should be able to press pause and the program pauses, but no I have to press pause for the controls to be displayed before I can press pause again to actually get the program to pause. This is the same for any remote control function while using the AppleTV app.

It would be nice to see as many updates for AppleTV and Firestick as for the iPhone. Great programs but the software developers seem to be lacking on urgency of keeping the apps working.

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Newsmax TV Finally A News Media That Speaks The Truth

Thank you Newsmax for not throwing the American people under the bus during the election like FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, BBC America, PBS, CNN, Big tech Companies AND THE NEWSPAPERS. He won this election and I hope Newsmax continues to expose what’s really going on in our country. These people have persecuted our President Donald Trump for four years. They have not given him any credit for the good things he has done for our beautiful country. They have a bias agenda against republicans and what we stand for and it’s so obvious. They don’t want the american people to be free. Well I have a news flash for them: if Biden and Harris take over with there radical left wing supporters the whole country will suffer including the bias Media. There hatred has blinded them to the point that they will give up everthing our country stands for just to get President Trump out of office. It’s pretty obvious that the left is trying real hard to steal this election. Again thank you Newsmax for keeping it honest. I am only watching your news from now on. Those other media outlets make me sick with there lies and the way they bully our side in interviews. There is a old saying: If there lips are moving they are lying. I just wish our people had more back bone and call them out on the lies and put them in there place when they’re having these interviews on the Liberal Media Shows. I will continue to watch Newsmax as long as they continue to be honest with the reporting. Thank you

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Newsmax TV Wake up everyone!

Just a competitor of Fox’s. Another right wing outlet. Wake up! The narratives on the right and left are controlled by news organizations like this. Controlled by social media’s AI algorithms that funnel content, usually false, related to your clicks etc. (watch the documentary ’Social Dilemma’). Turn off tv, read unbiased journalism like AP. I am truly scared of what is and believe will become of us. We are heading for authoritarian rule or worse. I am a Vietnam era vet. I served my country not for a flag. Every country has a flag. I served for what I believed were the values this country stood for, our freedoms. Right to protest, free speech, freedom of the press etc. one of those freedoms was what Colin Kapernick started. Which was falsely (for political reasons) turned into an un-American act and somehow made it against the military. A disgusting show by the government. Regardless, this election was not about democrat or republicans, liberal or conservative, right or left wing it was about democracy. This app and many others along with social media falsely brainwash people where they only see and believe an extreme. Turn off the news on tv, don’t use social media, read news from unbiased sources like AP and talk kindly to people of other views and be willing to find the TRUTH. We have been turned against each other. There are good people on both sides but each has been made to look evil, none of it serves us, it’s all about power. Without knowing and accepting truth our democracy is doomed.

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Newsmax TV Newsmax

This is the News property of Christopher Ruddy, who appears to be attempting to undermine Robert Mueller as special counsel for the Russia investigation. Ruddy appears to me to have some kind of association with the dark money Koch Scaife group of billionaires who appear to me to have dedicated themselves to the purchase of the Republican Party. I intend to remove this application from my phone, because I consider its owner to be potentially corrupt. My review of this site is a negative one because the owner of the site does not appear to me to be a man who has the interests of the American people at heart. This is my personal opinion based on my political and ethical beliefs. Included below is a summary from Wikipedia sited to clarify my comments a little:

"Addressing the occurrence of noted tweets from President Trump on Friday night and Saturday in Politico, Ruddy said, “He understands the news cycle. ... It’s an opportunity to get out news on a Saturday, when other news organizations aren’t pushing too much new. He realizes that Saturday is a free media day for him.” The story described Ruddy as a Mar-a-Lago member and longtime friend of Trump’s.[46]
On June 12, Ruddy claimed that Trump met with Robert Mueller to offer him the job of FBI Director just days before it was announced that he would be appointed special counsel for the Russian investigation. Ruddy did not provide any proof of this. He also claimed in the same interview that Trump is considering terminating Mueller's position as special prosecutor. However, it was not clear if this was based on Trump's comments or the comments of his lawyer made during the previous week.[47]"


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Newsmax TV Newsmax news station

Disappointed in Newsmax last few days watching and the TV freezes so cannot get the station to move forward specially at important moments try to shut it off and start again and the same thing very frustrating.Also I would like to complain on some of your employees they are Sellers and Rob Schmidt. their broadcast tend to be veryOpinionated and start a narrative that is not true. There is nothing wrong with having a strong opinion but when you twist what actually is happening or hype something that is said or done in a way that starts A whole different way of thought or thread and accuses people of something that is not what they feelOr the real reason behind why they are doing what they’re doing.If they are going to do that they need to talk to the people personally to hear it from their side of view and get the truth . Not pump things upAnd cause a narrative that just helps the media run with something that has nothing to do with anything. I am totally disappointed in them and especially with the coverage of the vote for the house speaker. That’s democracy that’s what we need not just go along with somebody because we think they deserve something or that’s just the only thing that they can see. They need to find out the reasons why ,not speculate and condemn. They aren’t in the room they have no idea ,they are only reporting not the judges of the whole democracy system! This really turns me off and this isn’t the first time it would be great if you would talk to your employees. They make watching very distasteful. As you have grown as a Network.It seems some of your employees have gotten a little cocky and overconfident.Very sad to see.Humble pie would be great!

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Newsmax TV Fear versus Faith

Our Country is in horrible condition. Two very profound statements come to my mind when I think of what has happened to our Country and how evil has become acceptable in our government, workplaces, churches, schools, internet, and into our homes and our most precious children. The American family, as we know it, is being destroyed. The first statement that I’d like to share with you was spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ. It reads in the Bible as follows:
2nd. Chronicles 7:14.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
The second statement has been falsely attributed to Edmund Burke, according to the Reuters Fact Check Team. The real person that said it has yet to be agreed upon.
“Evil prevails because good men do nothing.”
And that is what brings me to NEWSMAX. When I watch the program I admire the way the news is presented. They tell the absolute truth. They don’t spin it so the viewers are confused and possibly wondering what really happened or wondering if they’ve been told the story exactly as it happened. Some people don’t care about the truth and would rather put their own spin on things when they’re talking to their friends. Why are so many of us so quick to believe what they really wish was going on and not the honest truth? It may take decades for the whole truth to be understood and revealed to the public so why not get the honest truth from NEWSMAX to begin with, that way when all of the evidence is discovered, down the road, you’ll have a good foundation to finish the puzzle. The station has integrity. The anchors don’t swear or use profanity when they’re delivering the news, to amuse some people. NEWSMAX is a channel you can watch without any worries if your children or grandchildren are in the room. I am very happy with NEWSMAX and I hope it stays the same way. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the truth.

Sallie Giocondo

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Newsmax TV Appalled

I started watching Newsmax back in 2020 just after he election. Stopped watching Fox News when they called my home state Arizona to Biden, early. That did it for me. I saw corruption and the steal that night with the switching of votes from Trump to Biden in real time. They think we’re stupid lol.

Anyways, I found your News channel and was excited. I then referred thousands of people to your channel, because many of us conservatives that watched Fox was disappointed and hurt what they did. As time went on I grew more and more upset with your reporting, especially when Dominion threatened to sue you for 1.6 billion dollars and of course you coward down. Especially, when theres proof it was stolen. Not counting on the actual showing of the flipping of votes on main stream media all for us to witness.

Mike Lindell along with others had the proof it was stolen amd would of supplied it for your News Network. And then you stopped mentioning the fraud of 2020. You all just went silent and especially the last time you had on Mike Lindell with My Pillow. But what completely turned me off is how you treated Mike Lindell. He’s a true hero. This man has spent his own money in the millions trying to fix the 2020 elections. When your anchor (forget his name and glad to do so) got up and walked off the set throwing his microphone set, that turned me off. How unprofessional. It was absolutely disrespectful. You can agree to disagree, but with respect, dignity and character. All of which this anchor did not nor has not have. To me it showed cowardliness on the anchors part. I pray he was fired. I do not and will not watch your Network any longer and it’s sad, because we do like some of your anchors, especially Greg Kelly. I’ll continue to pray that changes happens, like mentioned that the 2020 was stolen in a quo fashion amd there is proof. As time goes by, more and more states are proving there was mass fraud. Til you acknowledge this, you lost a customer and believe me I’ve also let the other thousands know too stop watching your channel and app.

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Newsmax TV Complaints 22

5:57 pm EST
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"An American Moment" has started to be shown on Newsmax every day continuousely. It comprises old news reels, about Kennedy, MLK, the space program from the 70s and other old news reels. These are repeatedly shown as many as 10 times each hour, all day long every day and night. I am a subscriber of Newsmax 2 since it first began and I have to constantly...

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3:50 pm EDT
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Newsmax TV Newsmax Plud

To whom it may concern:

I signed up for NewasMax Plus on my cell phone, then down loaded on my HD TV. I login using my cell phone login & password (Long password) watched several programs for a hour. Then had a hard time switching back to Apple TV.

Had to power off, then restart my apple TV, Then went back to Newsmax plus, But had to completely
Re-logon with email & password. I don’t use a simple password, so it takes a long time to select the letters (upper & Lower case), numbers, key board Symbols providing you don’t make a key stroke mistake.

You might want to, check Apple TV compatibly. Guess I can change my password to a simple word, but that does not help you if someone get my Email login and use voice commands to sound out the words
Then they could pirate your program. Fixit or I will cancel my subscription.

Claimed loss: Non use on my TV

Desired outcome: Please respond

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3:59 pm EDT
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Newsmax TV Service denied

I tried to access newsmax thru Roku. I have been watching newsmax for a long time. One day I was denied thru some error. I could not re-establish my account. I was informed there was no account under my name ([protected] Kept going in circles so i gave up. Then I decided to complain. I really enjoy newsmax. Can you help me? Thanks - Jerre Harbison, email above...

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11:19 am EST
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Newsmax TV Subscription service

I have a subscription to Newsmax. The problem is I have to sign into my account everyday. It seems my login gets erased every day. Even after I sign in and try to watch Newsmax, I will get a buffering logo on the screen after it freezes. I usually have to back out of NEwsmax to get it to re-stream. This is very aggravating when I am trying to listen to a story they are transmitting. They do answer my complaints, but it is always "they are working on it." After all this time, they still can't fix it. I have a 1gig Internet connection and have no problems with any other streaming service, just Newsmax. I don't want to quit or want a refund, I just want my service to work.

Thank you,


Claimed loss: No loss

Desired outcome: Fix my streaming service so that I can watch Newsmax.

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7:31 am EDT
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Newsmax TV commercials

why in the hell do we have to put up with Mexican commercials on English speaking networks? If they don't understand English then why would they be watching a English speaking channel? you can bet there's no English Speaking commercials on Mexican's a slap in the face to U.S ENGLISH speaking citizens to have this crap forced on us...bad enough ouf country is kissing [censored] yo ileagles pushing Americans to the back of the line...I'm not going to continue to watch newsmax if they don't drop the damn Mexican speaking commercials...we're getting fed up putting up with the preferential treatment the Mexicans's insulting

Desired outcome: pull the Mexican commercials

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9:59 am EDT
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Newsmax TV My Pillow commercials

Stop the madness! The My Pillow annoying, mind-numbing commercials almost every single commercial break are enough to stop watching NewsMax! I don't go anywhere without my remote so I can mute them, but it's ridiculous. They, like Fox, have sold their souls to Mike Lindell and however many millions of dollars he's paying them. Be creative and find some other advertisers!

You're no better than Fox in the extremely annoying category.

Desired outcome: Just find some other advertisers and be creative! You will lose your new Fox converts if you keep running the same awful commercials.

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Newsmax TV Fake conservative news voice

I refuse to be censored any longer (unless this review is denied, of course). I do not use profanity and I only speak my opinion. However, this news outlet has refused to let me speak my conservative opinion. I am tired of the PC culture denying my voice, while I read very offensive comments by liberal posters. Bot a fair playing field. This "network" brags about taking over FoxNews since the election, but they are hypocrites and I believe they are trying to cash in on the outcome. I am getting my news from the Daily Wire and The Blaze... I
need this faux news site

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Newsmax TV Fire Bob Sellers

The rude and obnoxious way he treated Mike Lindell & then walked off the set is not a good representation of NewsMax! Bob would be a better fit at CNN or else where. Bob owes Mike and the viewers a BIG apology. Give Greg Kelly his airtime. Greg is a great representation of Newsmax and the viewers. If it wasn’t for Greg, we would be leaving newsmax. I’ve seen on telegram and twitter many have deleted the news max app and done with newsmax which is sad. Newsmax had such a great thing going. Bob Sellers has single handledly lost a whole lot of news max viewers. Very sad!

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Newsmax TV Dislike app

Watching Newsmax on the app is annoying. I inevitably get frustrated within the first few minutes and remember why I deleted the app in the past. I never write reviews, but it has happened too many times not to, as now it is clear it’s a pattern. The app freezes and has the pause button right in the middle of the show the entire time. If you get a text or call, it freezes again. Exiting out of the app and starting over doesn’t help at all. Honestly, I don’t know what I think about Newsmax as a channel because I get the majority of my news on my phone and the app is too awful to use.

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Newsmax TV Goodbye!

I thought I had found a news stream the was bipartisan but boy was I wrong. As I tuned in to see what Mike Lindell had to say. That was a crock, as your reporter was so rude and outrageously talked over Mike and wouldn’t even let talk. I don’t know what this dudes name was but he turned me off to your station. His excuse: the court decided there was not alit of voter fraud, has he heard that the Supreme Court hasn’t even seen the evidence of the fraud yet. Again, I am so discussed with this type of reporting and I will be going to OAN network and will be sharing this with my friends.

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Newsmax TV Finally had enough

Newsmax is more about the money than the truth. They are falling fast and hard. The news industry is supposed to protect the public by separating propaganda from reality. Newsmax is allowing propaganda driven stories to flourish. Today there were multiple Jill Biden stories concerning here devotion and love for the American public by expressing kindness and understanding with one another and belief in the lord above which contradicts her and her husbands hypocritical actions as they demonize anyone who disagrees. I finally deleted newsmax in favor of another obviously more truthful app.

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Newsmax TV No Closed-Captioning on all videos

Nearly 50 million American citizens are deaf or hard or hearing and hearing losses, and you do not have closed captioning on your videos, that’s huge audience you won’t reach. No matter what your content is, you don’t want to exclude millions of people from watching it. Your target market INCLUDES people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and not closed-captioning your videos EXCLUDE them. That’s just business. Think inclusively and add closed captioning to your videos. This is why I give a one star. 91% videos with closed captionings are watched. You have nothing to lose. It’s time to start captioning!

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Newsmax TV NewsMax Hypocrites! Boycott NewsMax!

NewsMax’s censors on this app (through the use of “Insticator”) are out of control and NewsMax is NO BETTER than Twitter or CNN. The censoring is despicable and NewsMax’s refusal to fix it is equally reprehensible. The censoring makes NewsMax worse the Fox News and they’ve now joined the ranks of CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the fake news media. Until NewsMax decides stop feigning horror at the censorship by the fake news media, big tech, Twitter, etc. and STOPS DOING THE EXACT SAME THING, I’m done with these hypocrites. I’ve just deleted their app.

BTW, I’ve been BANNED by NewsMax on Parler. HYPOCRITES!

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Newsmax TV The bottom line

Newsmax has been OK. But I’ve noticed a thing or two items in their reporting that seem to be in flux. I recently read an article, calling out Jim Jordan. Listen Jim Jordan’s been more consistent than newsmax. But they didn’t take him at his word, because of short sightedness on the side of the reporting. Which goes back to “in flux” as I’ve said. So I’ve deleted them. There too lukewarm. Neither hot nor cold so, I’m looking for patriotic news. It’s time to rank and file behind true patriots. They can’t seem to stay put. Let’s face it, not everyone is strong enough when facing opposition. That’s my take.

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Newsmax TV Amateur

I downloaded this app to read the news. It has been a disappointment and I’m surprised that it is not more professionally done. I have begun to wonder about the network itself as a result. Upon leaving any story you are returned to the top of the story list and are forced to scroll til you find where you left off. Every 10th story or so is actually an ad. Many stories will not load and when you go back out will return you to the load screen and force you to go back in. There is more advertising than news, annoying pop ups always there in addition to the fake stories. Easier to get the same stuff elsewhere.

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Newsmax TV Newsmax is Deleted and Fired - Caved to Dominion Left

Newsmax you foolish company, I would give you zero stars... You will find yourself on the wrong side of history by caving to Dominion on your lawsuit settlement and the radical left commie Dems. You are more fake news garbage like the MSM spitting out election lies and propaganda. Newmax made a deal with the devil and has evil vile $$ on its head by settling with Dominion. Move to CCP China who owns election cheating Dominion and you'll fit right in. I used to watch your app as an alternative to Fox News, but you made same mistakes as they did. Too bad... Patriots say you are fired and deleted! Byeeeee!

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Newsmax TV Goodbye- Poor Production and Anchors

What a waste of time; poor production and anchors. I’ve felt this way over the past few months, but thought, oh, they are suffering growing pains. Ha, how NOT the case.

I’m done with this knock of news network! After watching an anchor today bombard a guest with questions, talk over them, read some some bizarre pre-written disclaimer, and walk out on the interview, I’ll NEVER promote, download, or watch this cacophony of a channel again!

Real journalists ask pressing questions and professionally challenge guests while allowing for exchange of views. None of this happens with the so-called pundit “anchors” on this channel.

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Newsmax TV Still horrible

I was exited to see this app finally receiving an update. Navigation in the previous versions was horrible. Going back to the main newsfeed after reading a story would require you to begins scrolling from the top again. Very frustrating. Imagine my excitement when I saw UI update. The new version is actually worse than the old. Now it takes more navigation to get to the news AND when you’re done with a story you go back to the main page instead of the news feed which highlights all their shows not news.

I had stopped using this app and actually forgotten it was on my phone. I guess I will again and wait another year to see what the next one does. It’s a shame because I actually like there content.

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Newsmax TV They censor too ;(

I was so excited to find a news channel that seemed “ real “. Sadly, this channel is no different the the rest of the lame stream media . The “ My pillow “ guy, Mike was being interviewed for one of the segments and he tried to discuss the voter fraud , but as soon as he started to talk about it, the newscaster started to rudely talk very loudly right over him , telling him not to talk about it because the “election had been decided “. Mike tried to finish his sentence and that newscaster got louder and louder , and would not let Mike be heard, then shut him down completely !
I was shocked that this type of censorship is now taking place on a channel that was supposed to be “ different” ! I am finished 100% with News Max! Absolutely shameful how this poor man was treated !

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Newsmax TV Great content, hate the app

Navigation on this app is stupid dumb. IMO it makes the app unusable.

When the developers reverse the “back buttons” from the top left and bottom left I will give this app a better rating. Probably not 5 stars, but better. Another improvement would be reversing those functions and then making the bottom left one a home icon instead of a back icon.

It is so annoying when you’re in the section, finish reading an article and intuitively tap the upper left back button to navigate back to the list of articles on, but get taken back to the home page. These are reversed from every other app/browser in existence and it makes using the app too frustrating to bother.

A real shame since I like the content. Guess I will resort to Epoch Times until they get this app fixed.

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Overview of Newsmax TV complaint handling

Newsmax TV reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 10, 2023. The latest review Repeated "An American Moment" was posted on Jan 22, 2025. Newsmax TV has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 43 reviews. Newsmax TV has resolved 0 complaints.
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Newsmax TV is ranked 52 among 61 companies in the Satellite and Cable TV category

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