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Nicor Gas

Nicor Gas review: gas bill/shut off 20

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10:19 am EDT
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Around the end of july, i had filed a complaint with BBB about nicor gas because I paid a huge gas bill last get our gas back on.Hoping to get back on track with our bills, nicor had never sent us a gas bill after we paid in full. We had called numerous times wanting to know where our bills are because we didnt want want to get behind again.We finally get one in April . Here we are back with another high bill.Finally after turning them into the BBB, we get a payment plan. They said dend $200.76 and pay $150.57 plus current bill and I agreed to that. I told them i needed a couple of weeks to get the amount to send to them.All was agreed.So I send them 2 money orders at once, 2 wks later. Now they're saying they shut our gas off because I was late with the $200.76. they said the date due was Aug. 8th, when it should have been the 14th and of course they dont have any record of that, but that was made at the time we were dealing with the BBB, gas company and my self. Now they want $465.68 to get this gas turned back on.I dont have that kind of money laying around, so i'm asking to get this gas turned on immediately and get back on our payment arrangement that we agreed to.I'm doing my part they didnt do theirs.Nicor is the only people we have problems with. thank you for any help you can give us... Respectfully, Susan Stichter

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Manuel Leon
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Aug 28, 2008 7:07 am EDT

For resolution on Nicor issues you must seek new carriers. I also had many problems with Nicor. I was reffered to a website that offers gas services to only Nicor uses. Obviously customers who have been taken advantage of and have experienced poor service. This company will guarantee you savings. I have saved some, not much but doesnt matter if they can guarantee savings, every little bit adds up. visit the website and see for yourself.

Christy P.
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Aug 29, 2008 10:07 pm EDT

Thank you for the information.

a fool
Hickory Hills, US
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Sep 09, 2008 12:56 pm EDT

i too was took advantage, from thiese people, they are some cold hearted people, and i dont see how they can sleep at night how they are people off ripping people off, i am so grateful to you all for that link i just sigh up thank you and my family thanks you . god bless

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Sep 30, 2008 9:24 pm EDT

The Nicor company KNOWS they are the ONLY or WERE the only company to provide natural gas service so they have opted to screw us ALL! I am disputing a bill now, after I was shut off (they refused me payment options) they requested 3000.00 for me to get service back on. We are approaching winter months and I have 6 kids in my home and I am expecting. My husband tried to get the service in HIS name and they REFUSED. Now we have no gas service. We are on day 1 of this nightmare... I have an appt. with Liheap Energy Assistance but that is weeks away. I am looking towards Ambit now. I don't know what else to do and unfortunately I don't know the laws or who to contact.

Owen Egizio
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Nov 15, 2008 3:06 pm EST

Last night at 2am I discovered that my gas had been turned off some where around quiting time Fri evening. I went outside when my heat and water wouldn't light and discovered they had turned off and locked my meter. Not to mention I was cold, I have an Exotic bird friend that lives with me. So I called nicor after retreiving my lastest bill and asked why my gas had been turned off. Amber told me it had nothing to do with my bill being paid, the person who took over my service asked for it to be turned off. I informed her I was the only one (single) in charge of my gas and I had lived there for years and had no plan on moving then reminded her my bill was paid and she reminded me that it had nothing to do with my payments and said who requested it off was confidential and told me to call back Monday, then hung up on me.
I spend about $5000.00 a MONTH with nicor heating three businesses and my home, and that's the service I get. Nice to have a monopoly and treat your costomers like dirt.
Try to beat that.

Doris Chambers
Joliet, US
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Apr 23, 2009 10:57 am EDT

Nicor Gas Company has received payments in the amount of 1, 075. On the day of the payments, Nicor gas company cut off the utility anyway. Can anything be done about this type of action? If so, please reply to website: Both parties in the household are disabled.

melroe, US
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May 29, 2009 6:46 pm EDT

Nobody is going to do anything against nicor they doing a bunch of crucked s... thi is one of the companys who are stillinog at naked eye and nobady is doing damesh.!

Mr. Cor
Elgin, US
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Jun 03, 2009 10:18 am EDT

Nicor is a total mess. They treat their customers like garbage and have no respect for any of them. They know that they are pretty much the only gas company out there and they use that to their advantage 100%. I am a customer and they recently shut off my Gas without notice. I was placed on a payment plan due to them not getting my payments on time since I did it through my bank. My bank said that the payments were delivered but Nicor always claimed they didn't until a few days later. So I stoped doing it electronically and sent in the payment via mail. A couple weeks later I noticed a shut off notice from Nicor stating that I had to pay the full 700.00 within the next couple days or the service would be shut off. I called and spoke to John. I told him I submitted a payment a few weeks back that cleared from my bank but you guys claimed to not got it. He was so rude and told me that I didn't submit a payment because it wasn't on record and that I was lying to extend my due date! I couldn't believe how rude he was. I told him to let me speak to the manager and he said they were there and hung the phone up on me! I called back several times before I finally reached a nice lady. I told her the situation and she was very understanding. I told her I know I had until the end of day to pay the bill but I wanted to talk to my bank 1st to see what happened. She said she would put a note on the account for a day and to postpone any shut off or payment deferrment arrangements. The next day I called and they said that I was taken off the payment plan because I was a day late and that I now had to pay the 1250.00 in full or my service would be shut off. I was sooooooooooooooooo mad, because I had just got the 700.00 to pay after long hours of trying to trace the check and how that would take a week and how I needed the 700.00 by the next day. I finally got the 700.00 and they are telling me i am a day late! After there was suppose to be a day extention on the account...? I didn't and still dont get it? How can a company be so rude and get away with it? Why hasn't any action been done to this company? During this poor economical time you would think everyone would try to come together and build as one but Nicor is ABSOLUTELLY HEARTLESS toward the customer!

Well I am in the 3rd day with no heat or hot water and have a 9 month old baby and a wife that's expecting. Thanks Nicor you guys are great! I hope you guys read this and see how immoral you guys' are and that this isn't the way to treat customers! I have never experience anything like this in my life now I am force to come up with 1250.00 while sitting in the cold taking cold showers and no dryer. Freakin incredible and no one can do anything about it. Is this apart of living the American Dream...? I am ranting on and on just because I don't know what to do and I just can't believe how they could get away with this. If anyone else out there who has been through this or could express what they did in a similar situation please post.


nicor are crucks
Fairbury, US
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Jun 25, 2009 6:09 pm EDT

we were also on a payment agreement with Nicor gas we experienced high bills threw out the winter and had a gas leak on our meter the guy who came out to fix it said its on there line so they would take off some money on our bill. Well the next month came along and of course no bill so we called them and they said they could not do anything about it and since we were 1 day late on our payment agreement that it was terminated. So not even 4 days later they said it would be shut off and so I got a doctors note from my sons doctor because he needs gas they denied the note saying its not good enough and they dont have to accept notes from doctors. So they turned my gas off and wont do a payment agreement cause they only do 1 a year. wich i have never heard that till the First time I had talked to them. And I think its totally bogus here we pay high gas prices and they can only do 1 payment agreement a year talk about crucks! So yeah our gas is shut off and no one has money to help out till this fall as far as LHeap or the Salvation army or any orginizations. And they want 1200.00 dollars now or no gas. THIS SHOULD TOTALY BE ILLEGAL! CANT THE GOVERNMENT STEP IN AND PUT A STOP TO THIS?

Rockford, US
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Jun 26, 2009 8:25 am EDT

call the icc instead they will get nicor gas moving. where i was living thr furnaces was not any good have to be replaced, the city of rockford came out condemed the building for being unsafe this happened im may 2009.I HAD TO MOVE I PUT IN A REQUEST FOR MY SERVICE TO BE TRANSFERED NOTHING AND ASKED FOR SOMEONE TO COME OUT AND CHECK THE FURNACES . I KNOW IN SOMEWAY I WAS PAYING GAS FOF EVERYONE IN THIS BUILDING.

Rockford, US
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Jun 26, 2009 8:28 am EDT

call the icc if enough people call nicor will have to change thier pratice and work with the customers, WE NEED TO SEEK A NOTHER ENERGY COMPANY TO COME IN THIS AREA.TTHAT WILL BE FAIR WITH THE CUSTOMERS.PEOPLE GAS IS NOT THIS HIGH.

Steger, US
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Nov 07, 2009 4:18 pm EST

If you have problems with Nicor at all, find anyone and everyone on the executive list that you can at and email them with your issue. Google "Nicor president" or "executives" and it will lead you where you need to go. Nicor kept telling me they would be turning my service back on every day for about 3 months and no one ever showed. Then they said I still owed money somehow. I emailed everyone I could find and one day later I got a phone call from an exec who apologized for the confusion and had my service restored the following day. It was the best decision I made considering customer service at that place is a joke.

Sterling, US
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Nov 29, 2009 6:50 pm EST

Nicor has always, for us, been a problem. They are THE ONLY company you can get gas from in our area and THEY KNOW IT.. other than having to redo everything in our house basically to electric, we are stuck. We, too, have had HIDEOUSLY high bills and our house is less than 1000 sq. feet. They turned us off because of an $800 plus gas bill (monthly costs for us are anywhere from $150-200 during the winter months). About a month ago, I called to see if we could make some arrangements to pay the bill we have so we could get connected before now arrived, they said 'a month or so ' after our disconnection, we could have made an arrangement, but not now.. Lovely. So, we are trying desperately to get money to pay the bill in full, which is the only way they will turn us back on.. The bill is $1077. My husband has been on workman's comp and I got cut hours at work. We have two children at home, ages 17 & 11 not to mention, a dog & 3 cats. I had to break down and buy a electric stove heater - supposed to warm a room - for $75. I also have a space heater in my bedroom that I only run when I work on the computer. At night, we all just bundle up in bed. Now that December is upon us and colder temperatures, snow, etc. will be here shortly, it's a time game - wondering how fast we can get the cash to pay the entire bill off so they will turn our heat back on.. (we also have gas water heater, stove & dryer besides heat). It's insane that they can't be somewhat compassionate - they are a monopoly for sure and it's 'their way' or the highway. They don't care if you sit & freeze to death .. as long as they get all their cash now before they turn the gas back on for you. It's disgusting. This is not our only clash with NICOR - we seem to have this problem w/ them almost every season.. they just don't care. If we had money for it, we'd look to solar or ? to heat instead but even with those, you need so much money to install them and then get a rebate afterwards. What is this world coming to when people in this country are living on the street, going hungry or not having heat in their homes? NICOR - you are a devil!

Wendy M
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Nov 30, 2009 1:37 pm EST

Dlbaaa, I hear you, and want to try to direct you to some help . First, Li heap . Go to your local office{If you have a major life altering event, such as hubby's being unemployed they can help on a one time basis }, call first and see if they have any regular funds left . If you are unsuccessful there, try your local township office . They have emergency funds for families such as yours, in Need : }When you get help, and I think you will, Nicor cannot charge you a deposit I am told . Just what you owe .I will pray for the help to reach all those in need . Wendy .

Sterling, US
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Dec 15, 2009 7:31 pm EST

Just a suggestion that helped us - don't ever rely on a company to send you paper statements. Most have an online site where you can view your statement at any time and make your payments there as well. (If they don't have this option, set up online bill pay through your bank website). If you elect to go "paperless", the company is required to send you a monthly email letting you know your new statement and balance are available on their site. The nice thing about paying them online or your bank is that I have a printable time and dated copy for my records of when I made my payment and for how much - and most importantly, a confirmation number showing the payment was processed and accepted. They can't dispute hard proof.

biggest D
Joliet, US
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Aug 03, 2010 7:24 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

you can go to your county's health department for help, here in will county they will pay your gas bill for you if you cannot once a year. If your having problems getting NiCor to come out and reconnect your service, do what I did, get a cordless drill and drill out the lock, pop the spring out, tap it on the back and it will release, you may have to hold the lock from spinning with a vise grip or a channel lock, turn the valve back on slowly and relight your pilot lights. what they gonna do? charge ya for the lock?

Steve 47
Rockford, US
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Jun 21, 2012 4:40 pm EDT

I just got mine shut off without notice, called them and told them when I got the bill I paid it. I only got two bills this year...When I first moved into my apartment I didn't get a gas bill for 3 years, when I found out that I had a large outstanding bill, I paid it that instant. They had the wrong address the whole time...I made sure they had the correct address this time and get bills hit and miss, so they shut me off without any notice this time, called them and they said I didn't pay my bill, I gave them the conformation number that had been paid, they said it had not posted to my account yet, and I said "well it was taken out of my bank account"...damn crappy company and I want to get revenge, but know that would do no good and get me into trouble, but if I ran my business this way, I don't think I would have one any longer! But since they have a corner on the market you really have zero recourse...

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Nov 11, 2019 8:26 am EST

My $ 200, 000 house has the gas cut off for a measly 87.00 exposing it to freezing conditions along with the occupants. $ 87.00 dollars only which in turn may cause $20, 000.00 in when the pipes freeze. This is unacceptable.

Melinda Maul
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Nov 23, 2022 11:49 am EST

I am a loyal customer that has never made late payments. My rate tripled in one month. I received my bill due this month with this rate increase. This is unacceptable and unaffordable.

Val zazzetti
Joliet, US
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May 21, 2023 4:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

this bill of60.96 was paid on mar18 2023 , sent nicor in Carol Stream copys of paid bill was using intrenet to pay was on the phone for over an hour please resolve his problem valzazzetti aooount ending 120000 please send me a bill, not using internet pay anymore

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