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CB Energy and Power Nicor Gas poor service, refusal of service
Nicor Gas

Nicor Gas review: poor service, refusal of service 21

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9:28 pm EDT
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The Nicor company KNOWS they are the ONLY or WERE the only company to provide natural gas service so they have opted to screw us ALL! I am disputing a bill now, after I was shut off (they refused me payment options) they requested 3000.00 for me to get service back on. We are approaching winter months and I have 6 kids in my home and I am expecting. My husband tried to get the service in HIS name and they REFUSED. He sent them EVERY document they requested and they still refuse us service! ComEd has never given us these problems. My husband recently came off a 5 month job lay off so we are behind on everything and now we have no gas service. We are on day 1 of this nightmare... I have an appt. with Liheap Energy Assistance but that is weeks away. I am looking towards Ambit now. I don't know what else to do and unfortunately I don't know the laws or who to contact. Does anyone know who I can contact and is it legal for Nicor to refuse my husband service under his name and social? They say he is responsible for my bill but his name isn't even on the account.

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Ingleside, US
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May 14, 2009 11:47 pm EDT

I am having the same exact problem I got a shut off notice and was told i could make no arrangements. I then went on line and made a succesful payment arrangement and paid 500 dollars that to as a show of good faith. They even sent me a deposit billing arrangement, (like im having trouble paying my regular bill and they seem to think I have an additional 350. dollars laying around, punish me because i got laid off?) So 10 days after i paid the 500 dollars they came and shut me off- no notice no nothing. Unfortunately in our world gas is a necessity, and they just milk milk milk. On top of a huge bill, and ridiculous "deposits" and late fees, people like me who have always been a good customer are now nickel and dimed to deathand tossed to the side. I just got laid off, husband has been collecting unemployment and liheap says his unemployment payments are to big for us to get assistance. My back is against the wall. In a very hard time they have made it harder, no showers, cooking, laundry, etc. How can they in good conscience be so cold and greedy?

Skokie, US
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Jun 15, 2009 4:52 pm EDT

My gas was turned off on Thursday June 4th 2009. I made a $500.00 payment after 5PM on Friday June 5th. I was told that they (Nicor) could not schedule my gas to be restored until Monday June 8th.
On June 8th I was told I had to wait until the following Monday June 15th for my gas to be restored.

My daughter stayed home from work from for the entire afternoon waiting by the front window watching with the back door open. My front doorbell doesn’t work and due to a miss-communication between my daughter and me we didn't have a note stating that the doorbell was broken. The worker from Nicor thought no one was home. He called my phone but I was in a meeting at work and missed his call by 10 minutes.

I called Nicor, who told me at first that the apt was not cancelled. I called back 30 minutes later and was told Nicor can not call or contact their people in the filed and that I no one answered when he rang the bell.
What is that about? They can't talk to they guys in the field...really with cell phones and Nextel...? I mean really?
To make things worse I was told the next appt is Monday (yes you got it another week with out the ability to cook or take a hot shower or wash closes) Monday June 22nd.

I mean really I am a single mom with kids at home. Isn't there anyone who will take this company on? This is completely unacceptable.

phoenix, US
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Jun 19, 2009 3:57 pm EDT

I am having the exact same problem my mom moved into a house on the 1st of June her paperwork was send to Nicor on the 9th and here it is the 19th and she has no service and is staying with me (I don't mind) because she can't bath, cook, or do laundry no hot gas for dryer. This is ridiculous, I call daily and email and they tell me they don't know when they will be cutting it on because Nicor goes in order they receive these requests. How long does it take to come out and turn on gas I am sure it only took them a minute to turn it off from the other renters. Who can I report them to.

big pete
Chicago, US
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Jun 19, 2009 6:56 pm EDT

This will be 2 years in a row that they are pulling this bull of not estimating correctly. They state that they come out and read the meter every other month. Then they tell you that the reading seemed a little high, so then they estimate the bill. Come summer time, when people are not using much gas, they decide to tell you that their estimate was too low and now they must bill for it all at once. It is a scam. If I installed windows in your home, and you paid the bill when I was done, you most definitely are not going to pay me an additional 500.00 dollars six months later because I estimated the original bill too low. If there is anyone who knows of any action be held against Nicor please let me know. bigpetej

Wendy M
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Jun 27, 2009 4:12 am EDT

Isn't it better to get some cash then nothing? This is one of the coldest, greedy companies I have ever dealt with. In such hard times, truly a depression we are in, you would think they would make an appropriate effect to keep people connected with service . No, all these no fair market monster companies demand all or nothing. I have tried to get a payment arrangement and was told I cannot have one until winter . I pay them at the expense of medical care and my health to get the damn bill down. And still I have the feared disconnect looming as the no help reps tell me hurry up, we can shut you off anytime. I cannot believe my bill was as high as it was to begin with . Between Nicor and Com Ed {what I pay them a month } I could make a payment on a brand new Jaguar . If you are making a serious effort to pay them, I feel they should not be able to shut you off !

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Jul 12, 2009 1:41 am EDT

First off your gas service dosnt get shut off over night people! It gets shut after being late paying your bill in full over a peroid of 4 months (or longer, usually much much longer, which is VERY reasonable). Nicor turning it back on within 1-5 days is actually very reasonable.. You cant go to a gas station and pump gas into your car and drive off can you? So how do you expect to use cooking gas, heat, water heater, laundry services with out paying for it? Thats why folks get shut off. Further more, dont call in complaining that you cant pay your bill becuase of the economy or someone in the house lost a job WHEN you are calling from your CAR, on a CELL PHONE or watching CABLE TV in the backround or calling from the HAIR SALON! Helllerrr- learn to choose the needs in life before the wants in life. It is not Nicor's fault if you cant manage your finances... Sorry to be so straight forward, but if you cant pay your gas bill or your rent or whatever UTILITIES you need to survive try to find a part time job like the rest of us, swallow our pride and go back to the basics... FYI, Nicor Gas is a regulated company... Translation, they cant scam you (as long as you know how to read a bill)

Wendy M
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Jul 31, 2009 6:30 pm EDT

Translation : Before you speak, Pray for the knowledge and empathy to know others . I pay over 150.00 a month on my bill and have . I live in a very old poorly insulated 2 bedroom apartment with my Daughter . I am sick and fighting is all I care to say on that . I live on a fixed income, do not own a cell phone, but have a land line for 911 . I haven't had cable in years, and go to a sweet girl every three months at a discount to have my hair cut . I budget that if I can afford it .If not I won't go . So, all us out there trying to grow our own food and have been for years before the economy was a mess, and that cut back only to have the things we NEED rise out of control of what we bring in income wise, well, stay with me here and read on :

Article: Nicor customers ready to fight surprise bills

I can find a few more for you too on rate hikes !

A consumer watchdog group has received nearly 500 complaints about Nicor Gas bills this summer, and it's likely more are on the way.

According to Citizens Utility Board's Executive Director David Kolata, some customers are getting billed inaccurately because Nicor is not reading meters every two months as required by state law.

When meters are estimated instead of read, customers can up paying less than what they're consuming, Kolata said. Problems arise when the meters are read after months of being estimated. CUB claims that when the meter is finally read, customers get hit with extremely high bills because of the accumulation, and because Nicor charges all unpaid bills at the last ...

Terre Haute, US
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Aug 30, 2009 2:42 pm EDT

This is directed to Wendy M... First of all some people that have cell phone have them because that's their ONLY means of Communication ? Many of them have pre-pay and they have to watch their minutes usage, and use them primarily for emergencies. Many people are no longer using land lines ? If they have cable it may be very basic ? For all you know smart-### that may be getting ready to get turned off too ? Many people are STILL making payments and getting turned OFF while they are taking care of payment arrangements ? Think before you POST. Also, have some empathy for others, not everyone struggling is struggling because of mismanaged funds. Furthermore, some people who were good clients at the salon BEFORE they were laid off are trusted & appreciated by their Stylist who will still do their hair for free... OR let them pay when or whatever they can while continually seeking employment. I know because I've been there. So, talk what you KNOW and not what you think. Who made you the damned "reasons for cut off utilities specialist? " To all that are struggling and dealing with unfair treatment from Nicor or any Monopoly. I pray that things get better for you...

Terre Haute, US
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Aug 30, 2009 2:47 pm EDT

Correction this was directed to Janice1111... Sorry WendyM you are very intelligent, compassionate, and on point ! My post wasn't directed towards you at all... I was SO heated as I read Janice1111's post I didn't realize that the names of the poster were above and NOT beneath.

Wendy M
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Aug 31, 2009 5:09 pm EDT

Dear Mellon, You are forgiven . It is a passionate quest to do all we can to keep up in today's world when needs are simply out of grasp and wants are not even an issue anymore . I paid my balance off today, a hefty sum . Good news ? I worry about the fact that I paid the estimated amount and how out of control my bill became and how close I was to disconnect, two days away . And what I cannot pay because of this . However, I will pay more than they budget me for . This seems to be the only way to avoid this from happening again . I worry for all of us as we struggle to pay for medical, prescription costs and food that has risen out of control . I think of the people with small children and the elderly, and how they are seeing their employment benefits dissipate and what can I do even in my meager state to help as a person of a community that cares . I know that I can give a small amount now and then and check that box along with my payment . That is about the only thing I can think of . I hope that things get better, and we all think of what we can do even the smallest gesture to reach out, because that could be us, me, in 6 months . Wendy M ~

Elgin, US
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Sep 18, 2009 12:42 pm EDT

I am so disgusted with NICOR, I am a woman who works 2 jobs to compensate and my gas was turned off in April. I have tried everything in my power to get back on but to no avail. I have kids and IT'S BECAUSE OF THE ECONOMY a lot of people are in this situation. I got a bill during the winter for $546.00-just to heat my home? I am very cautious of this so my heat was ALWAYS set at 69 or 70 as my philosphy is if your cold put more clothes on and even went to get a lock put on my heat control so I KNOW IT WAS ALWAYS set at those temps. When the bill came I had paid them some but being that money is tight I didn't pay it all, but I was FAITHFULLY sending payments in between $50.00-$100.00 every two weeks and bam one day come home no heat, no gas, no hot with me even trying to pay them they still turn it off and now want me to still pay-does that make sense-here I am trying to pay you something in good faith and than you turn mine off and want me to still pay? They are making in IMPOSSIBLE for anyone in my home to put the gas in there name...they want lease agreements, they want so much and still the answer is NO! I don't care if they are regulated or not, the point is they are a rip off because seriously how do you get a $600.00 for one month for heating a home-who has that type of money just laying around and able to pay full amount-RIDICULOUS

Wendy M
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Sep 18, 2009 4:25 pm EDT

Janaye, I have some information for you that may help. First Prairie State Legal Services, in Illinois #[protected] . They take calls between 9:05 -11:45 and !:05 and 4:05 Monday Through Friday . Wait for the Prompt for Services Disconnected, and it's a waiting game I am afraid . But they can help you . We do need someone looking into this . North Shore gas just released help to the counties over . What's wrong with Nicor ? I agree, something is really wrong, Wendy . Read on, how many of us income qualify? You bet alot ! For Release: 09/03/2009
Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas Launch Campaign to Prepare Customers for Upcoming Winter; Urge Customers to Apply for LIHEAP Grants;
Program Opens in Chicago on Sept. 1 for Seniors, Those With Disabilities and Disconnected Households With Children Under Five

Chicago, IL – Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, the two utility companies serving approximately one million customers in the City of Chicago and 54 communities on the North Shore, announced today that they are launching their campaign to help customers prepare for the upcoming heating season. The campaign will include phone calls, post cards, letters, heating fairs, community outreach and partnerships, and the company’s annual award winning Team HEAT initiative to weatherize homes of low-income customers.

The two utilities have already begun notifying eligible customers about the early application period for LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) which opens on September 1. The program provides grants to help low income customers pay their energy bills. It is administered in Cook County by the Community and Economic Development Association (CEDA), and in Lake County by the Community Action Partnership of Lake County.

For Peoples Gas customers, the Sept. 1 opening applies to seniors, people with disabilities and customers with children under five years of age whose service is currently disconnected.

For North Shore Gas (NSG) customers, the Sept. 1 opening applies to seniors and people with disabilities. NSG households with disconnected gas service may apply for LIHEAP, beginning October 1. To inform customers, Peoples and North Shore have begun placing recorded phone calls to those experiencing challenges paying their energy bills. The 2 phone calls urge customers to contact CEDA or the Community Action Partnership of Lake County to determine if they are eligible for the LIHEAP funding and learn how to apply for the help. Grants are available to help customers pay outstanding bills, reconnect service, and maintain their home’s natural gas service. While gas prices have come down in recent months and it is anticipated that the average residential customer will pay approximately five hundred dollars less this year than last year to heat their homes, the utilities are still encouraging customers to sign up for the Budget Payment Plan to help manage heating bills year-round. The program spreads annual payments more evenly over the year to help customers budget for their utility payments. In addition, the company urges all customers to consider ways to reduce energy usage which will, in turn, help manage heating costs.

"Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas are committed to delivering safety, warmth and reliability to our customers year-round, " said Rodrigo A. Sierra, vice president of Public Affairs. "To help fulfill that mission, we are working with community groups, area churches and elected officials to provide customers with information on how to use energy more efficiently, budget payment programs to help stabilize bills, and grants for those who need assistance."

Early this fall, the company will conduct its annual Gas Price Seminar for local elected officials and community groups to help them inform and serve their constituents and clients about managing winter heating costs. In addition, Peoples and North Shore Gas will hold several heating fairs in partnership with CEDA and other community groups to work face-to-face with customers experiencing challenges with heating bills. Peoples and North Shore will also conduct their 6th annual Team HEAT (Home Energy Assistance Together) program. Since 2004, company volunteers have weatherized the homes of more than 500 low-income customers through the award winning Team HEAT initiative. To apply and find the location of the closest LIHEAP application site, Peoples Gas customers can call CEDA’s hotline at: [protected]-CEDA (2332) or visit North Shore Gas customers can call the Community Action Partnership of Lake County at [protected]. Customers can also visit or 3 LIHEAP opens to all other eligible customers of both Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas on Nov. 1.

To apply for a LIHEAP grant, customers must have proof of income, a copy of their utility bill and social security numbers for everyone in the household. Customers may be eligible for a grant if their income is 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines according to the following chart:

Family Income Guidelines

Size of Family 30 Days Income
1 $1, 300
2 $1, 750
3 $2, 200
4 $2, 650
5 $3, 100
6 $3, 550
7 $4, 000
8 $4, 450
9 $4, 900
10 $5, 350

About Peoples Gas

Peoples Gas is a regulated natural gas delivery company that serves 840, 000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the City of Chicago. The company is a subsidiary of Integrys Energy Group, Inc. (NYSE: TEG). For more information on Peoples Gas, visit the company's web site:

About North Shore Gas

Plainfield, US
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Oct 29, 2010 10:15 pm EDT

Nicor BITES! I feel really bad for all of you who are dealing with issues pertaining to past due bills as a result of mass layoffs and the economy. I worked for the same company for 13.5 years and was replaced last August with 8 people in India. That's right, it took 8 of them to be able to do my job and from what I hear from the few people still workng there, they don't do it well.
On point, I got divorced in 06 and started dating my current boyfriend in 07. About 3 days into our relationship, I pretty much moved in with my new man. (Hey, when your my age, you don't have to play the demure game amymore.) I still owned the house my husband and I had bought together since I bought his share off him, and now it was sitting empty for over a year. Why not rent it, I thought. Help pay the mortgage. So in 2008, I got some tenants. Everything was fine. They lived there for almost 2 years before I was laid off. Without my income, unless I could double their rent, I wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage, so I applied for the remodification program. The bank said I needed to be living in the house. Needless to say, I told my tenants I would not be renewing their lease. I should let you know, they weren't the best of tenants;, but they didn't vandalize the home, so...
In August 2010, I called Nicor to have the gas switched over to my own name. Mind you, I've been a Nicor customer for over 20 years from apartments, to rental homes to my very own home. I had cancelled my account in 2008 (In 2009, they actually sent me a 300$ refund for an operpayment, go figure--it only took them a year).
So the lady at nicor tells me the gas was shut off in april. News to me, I had been taking hot showers and cooking. So it turns out Nicor had put a lock on the meter and the tenants had taken it off and were stealing gas. What did that mean for me? No problem. I'll get your account set up but I need you to send me a copy of their lease as proof that they were renting it. Fine. I don't know why this was the proof they needed, I mean, they'd had an account in their name and their social for 2 years. My account had been paid on time for 20 and had been cancelled. But fine. I sent it. Now it's the end of October and I still dont' have a bill, but I don't think anything of it, I just got my first electric bill too, so I'll get it soon. No, Instead, I get a guy coming over and putting a lock on my meter. They claim they never got the fax and now they decide that the lease may not really prove anything at all and they think I was living there and they want over 600$ from me. I don't think so.
So I resent the fax, but in the meantime, i've had no gas for 3 days. One of my roommates, (my brother and his friend moved in since their landlord is selling the house they were living in and I needed help with the mortgage) is 67 years old. He's living on social security and medicare. He had surgery yesterday. I called Nicor and asked how we can expedite the process and they said this constitutes a medical situation. Have the doctor fax in this certificate and the gas will be turned back on.
The doctor faxed it in last night. Nicor called today and said because the gas was turned off back in April, the medical situation doesn't impact their decision and they won't be turning the gas on until the money gets paid. And what about the sick guy? You should move him to another location, they said. I'll get right on that. I have my private jet picking him up as I type to move him to my winter home in the Caribean...

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Jul 01, 2011 4:32 pm EDT

I too am disgruntled with Nicor. I fell behind, nobody's fault, just a bunch of unexpected expenses I couldn't budget for... and I got disconnected. Although I was making regular partial payments. But whatever. I had a very difficult time getting a live person on the phone. When I did, they demanded over $500 up front. No terms, no payment plans. All up front. I explained I have a disabled daughter and we need to do laundry, cook and bathe. They wanted a doctor's note. I explained our doctor typically charges $300/visit. Even for such a note!

A few days without gas goes by, and I obtain a payday loan to get my bill paid. So I call and make the payment. Set an appointment for reconnection and they never came as promised. So I removed the pin and turned the valve back on. Hell with them, I thought... I paid the balance! But get this, they never reactivated the account. I came current, and they didn't reactivate me! This month I went online to pay my bill to discover I was still "inactive!" I called to have it rectified. I was still up to date, but never reactivated. Operator told me that they'll send someone out to reconnect the service. I told them I already did that. Then she gave me GRIEF for tampering with Nicor property, etc. and I never got an apology for their mistake in keeping my account inactive. I hate Nicor. I hate Nicor, I hate Nicor. All my other utilities, including ComEd, are much nicer and easier to deal with. I wish I could get rid of Nicor and just get myself a propane tank!

Michael D Plunkett
sycamore, US
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May 01, 2012 3:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

paid security deposit and NICOR the a$$holes cannot find it should loose business license!

Matteson, US
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Oct 19, 2012 8:19 am EDT

Yes I have Nicor Gas my bill was at a high balance when they transferred our balance into someone else's name. I called about the issue and they said someone started new service at our address. I asked how could they do that if they are not us? So then I asked them to put it back and she said I'm sorry I can't do that ? So I did not pay. When the balance got up to the shut off balance it again switched to another name. I called again still nothing so with the economy I did not pay. We did not have the money. So now they turned us off and I called to start new service in our names and they said no. I faxed all required documents and they still said no. Me or my husband do not have a negative balance with Nicor so I don't know how this is even possible. I am looking for other ways around this. It may cost some money but I don't want to give them a dime ever again. So options are a wood burning stove the cheapest I have seen is only $230. and more for the chimney piping. Then there is electric hot water heaters, on demand hot water heaters, and electric stoves. The water heaters need a 240 volt connection in your fuse box. So I know things are tight we are in foreclosure as well but screw NICOR back and update to these things.

Sadeatra Hollinquest
Calumet Park, US
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Jan 17, 2013 7:50 pm EST

who do I contact for problems with my nicor bill

Carbondale, US
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Feb 13, 2013 6:54 am EST

I dont understand how everyone can blame the ulilty companys. (YEs, I am sure mistakes happen) but in 99% of the time they are correct in shutting the gas off. They have bills to pay. They pay for the gas. They cant tell there supplier that they didnt get paid so Icant pay you. The gas company does not get to mark up the gas. They only make a money on suppling the gas. Everyone here is excepting them to let everyone go and not shut there gas off when you dont pay your bill. They need to pay for that gas even if you dont pay them. This is what is wrong with the US, Everyone thinks they are entitled to everything. Unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps amnd now everyone wants free ulilites. I understand that people have hard times, Ive been there myself. But you cant blame the gas company for shutting your gas off if you havent paid them. It is a business. They need you to pay them so they can pay all their bills. Do you complain if your prepaid cell phone get shut off when you dont pay the bill.

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Jun 06, 2015 1:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Erogan u are apparently a little sheltered or work for them most likey as well as maybe have missed the many important point including one VERY important one.. where people are still getting disconnected while on a payment plan and or making regular payments... and not finding out until after the fact that they owed more than they were paying and they got no call.. no notice... was never told that we weren't making enough and as far as our bill showed we only owed 170.00..then we found out after we called in that we are owing 700.00... and in our case... they actually scaled our six foot.. finished on both sides..locked wooden gates made the same way.. smooth dog eared planks...NOW!...if we had gotten that notice or a call.. we had the funds to pay that amount immediately...we tried.. they conveniently turned us off on Friday..(I guess to punish us?)...we cant get a call back in to order till this Monday... and then we have to wait...There are MANY ways their poor and hoodlumish action..and not short of criminal actions...could have gone gravely wrong.. not to mention the anguish and pain and suffering and severe inconvenience they are causing people...and us in a huge way. They must be held accountable and their punishment MUST be sever enough for them to think twice on their tactics. Scaling a private fence to get into the property with no call or notice?! So Janice 1111 and Erogan... please know that utility companies are NOT always right...And that all companies including insurance companies looses all respect and proper handling of their customer once they become law or a monopoly... they feel you...the client... are at their mercy.. that you need them and they don't need you...I cannot imagine it is legal in ANY of their policies to scale a fence that you cannot see whats on the other side especially?... so if there was glass along the back end of the planks...or a couple nice juicy pit bulls trained to be quiet in attack...who would be responsible...surely if the pit bulls would be on the other side of the property resting till the perpetrators...nicor in this case would be well in the yard.. illegally..I can imagine those puppies would have their day with mr nicor man...WHO would be responsible?!...Who would be responsible if the nicor man lost a finger or two from razor wires lining the top of the fence? So I cant imagine it is set in any utility company's policy to scale fences to get to a meter..les there is an emergency..WHICH THERE WASN'T... CHANCES ARE IF THEY SCALED OUR FENCE THIS MEANS THEY HAVE DONE IT MANY TIMES BEFORE...and have not been reprimanded are called on this...We had the money to clear this up immediately before it got to this...they were underhanded and very wrong. And I GUARANTEE they could not prove that they were in the right because they entered our property out of view of the cameras if they CLAIMED they came to the front door and left notice?...or even knocxked?! lol! review of the recordings NO SUCH THING!

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Sep 02, 2018 8:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There is bill in my spouse's name that I am being held responsible for that he accumulated before we were married . A timely response would be appreciated.

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Sep 05, 2018 3:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have an outstanding bill of 400.00 from 5 yrs ago.. They refuse to work with me to get it on in the house I am now living in.. It's in collections.. I can pay 200.00 down and add to monthly bill.. They won't budge. I have MS... It's sooooo hurts 😨

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