I receive an sms from my cellphone on the 28february2013. "congratulations!Your mobile number has won 150, 000 in the nokia global promo, ref no 0114. For claims contact mrs. Sonia owen on tel: [protected]. I phoned the number the lady named sonia answered by saying nokia contact centre. I askee for landline number for the contact centre, she gave me this number:[protected]. When I phone the number, the guy answered saying "nokia head office, how may we direct your cal". I quiry about sms I received then he asked for ref no, then further say I must phone sonia owen as shes the one who will activate my winning voucher. Soni further said to me in order for my cheque to be paid into bank or be couried to my address I must buy mtn airtime for r180, then phone her again to activate my winning. By the look of things I am not the only victim because she keeps asking my name and end up saying am I veronica. I am worried that people are been frauded by this sms scam.
i have recived a sms from nokia says that i won 600.000 gpb in the nokia prmo is that true pls send me a message on endrit_2009@live.com
Hi my name is Qamil I i received an sms to my cell phone and it says that I have won 600.000 pounds and that I can claim that award in this e-mail : yrs40@hotmail.co.uk
If it is true please tell me in this e-mail q.murati@hotmail.com
Hello my name is Blerim Krasniqi I i received an sms to my cell phone and it says that I have won 600.000 pounds and that I can claim that award in this e-mail : yrs40@hotmail.co.uk
If it is true please tell me in this e-mail blerimi08@hotmail.com
My Phone number is +[protected] Thank You very much.
i had received the sms> nokia celebrates 40years.your number has won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia Awards.claimcode:...to claim your prize send email :n40yrs@hotmail.co.uk. so how can i claim my prize ?please can u confirm us its true or false? my e-mail: tomasevict@hotmail.com
i had received the sms> nokia celebrates 40years.your number has won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia Awards.claimcode:...to claim your prize send email :n40yrs@hotmail.co.uk. so how can i claim my prize ?please can u confirm us its true or false? my e-mail:gsandor@open.telekom.rs
i had received the same sms .Nokia celebrates 40years.your number has won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia Awards.claimcode:*****.to claim your prize send email to:yrs40@hotmail.co.uk.
how can i claim my prize ? thanks for answering at
mail : n7eb@hotmail.com
me also i recieved an sms 600.000 can your reply me my e mail wee_moony@hotmail.com
i have also recieved this message >? ive won 40, 000 pounds ?Is this ok?
I've got the same ### today morning. Can somebody from our authority track this down? Do you? If not then how many more victim required just for you to do some action plan? To locked these people up!
I've got the same ### today morning (11-Jan.-2011 / 03:00:31 AM) from this mobile# +[protected]. Can somebody from our authority track this down? Do you? If not then how many more victim required just for you to do some action plan? To locked these people up!
hello sir i am from bahrain the same message recieved plz confirm
i got same message
Nokia Celeberate 40yrs.Your Mobile Number has won 500, 000(GBP)in the Nokia Awards.claimcode:FMAJN.claim your prize send email;nokiaclaimsagent04@yahoo.com.hk
no is : +[protected]
well I've got the same message they would ask that you happened earlier this opportunity to tell me whether you respond to this e-mail or not ..please return the reply in my email bani_m14@hotmail.com
i recived the same message plz can anyone tell me if this is true or not o.O ?
contact at
Hello...what is this one sms in my telephone from nokia..?I have win something or no...plz tell me in my email...frosa_y@hotmail.com
same txt in New Zealand from +[protected]
Same text in Latvia from +[protected]!
reply need send to email nokia_40years2@live.com
Same ### in Latvia from +[protected]!
I live in Australia & received an sms @ 5.00pm on 20th January 2011 advising me that I have won 900, 000 pounds in the Nokia Awards due to celebrating 40 years. Claimcode: EMAJN. To claim the prize email to nokia.premium@hotmail.com. The sms came from phone number: +[protected]. I presume that this must be a hoax as I can see many people have put in a complaint about it. I did notice that the email address has changed. Please advise of the situation. kazza1640@hotmail.com
hi, i have received same message "Nokia celebrate 40yrs. Your Mobile Number has won 600, 000 pounds in the Nokia Awards. claimcode:EMAJN. To claim youe prize send email to nokia_40years2@live.com"
FROM +353 [protected] 20.01.11 5:27
hi i also recieved a message from nokia celebrate 40years that i have won 600, 00 pounds in the nokia Awards.to claim my prize i have to send email to this web nokia_40years2@live.com so if its real please send to me on my email weloveutaqla@yahoo.com i wish that it is real and it is not a joke and if it is real & ill win this prize! ill belive that iam very lucky...i hope that is real&true thanks for sending for me NOORA
i have recieved sms from nokia that my mobile number has won 600.000 pounds . can you explain it? delger.altantsetseg@yahoo.com
hi i have recieved the sms that my mobile number has wom 600.000 pounds. can you explain it? delger.altantsetseg@yahoo.com
the same ### here in Syria, I've received sms today, I think it is just a virus because the email is @live.com and not @nokia.com
I've deleted the sms xD
I'm Mongolian. i received sms. 2010/01/22- that says: "nokia celebrates 40years.your number has won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia Awards.claimcode:?.to claim your prize send email to:nokia40yrs@live.com.
THEY EVEN SENT ME A MEMORANDUM. can you please confirm?
i receved the same msm blz contact me at me e-mail
I'm from Romania and I received the same sms: Nokia celebrate 40years. Your mobile number won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia awards. Claimcode bla bla bla ...
I think this is a scam.
Hello! I live in Romania, and I also got a sms like your's, last night. It's for sure another scam of someone trying to steal monay by all means posible. So, beware! It's cristal clear that nokia will never pay that many winners at once (which company can afford and want to spend so much monay on big prizez just to advertise? ) And besides, you win- nokia calls you, to congratulate and tell you the details...why such a huge company would send an sms?...it's just not a corect and elegant corporate policy! They would establish a direct contact with the costumer...not send a brief sms in the middle of the night! I'm just curiouse if all the persons that received this sms own an nokia mobile, or a different type. Thake care, don't fall for this tricky thieves!
hi i received the same sms that my mobile number has won 415, 000.00 pounds.can you please confirm? is it true?my email add. Crazy_ruby30@yahoo.com
hi...I'm from Romania, and last night around 3 in the morning I've received the same message. I won 600, 000 pouns, claimcode, and an email address to claim my prize. Is something true? please answer to me too, at alexa_14_88@yahoo.com! I'm looking forward from hearing from you!
hello...I'm from Albania and last night I've received the same message. I won 600, 000 GBP, claimcode, and an email address to claim my prize. Should I take this message into consideration? Thnx
25.01.11 Have received the same message today but with 900, 000 pounds as the amount. The number used was +[protected] and the email address to contact is nokiac90@gmail.com.
I hope Nokia is going to publicly announce if this is a scam or not! And if it is I hope that the ppl behind it are brought to justice.
Hi i got a txt today saying "NOKIA Celbrates 40yrs! YourMobile phone number has won 600, 000 Pounds in the NOKIA AWARD. To redeem your award Send NK885G to Email: Nkia40years@gmail.com" I think this is a scam! and I dont know why NOKIA would use G-Mail as their contact point. and the amount of money is in pounds not dollars. I am in australia not the UK. this is FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE. Do not Reply to any of these SMS's or you will regret it.
I receive an sms that i won the prize in nokia 40 year celebration. I live in Srilanka. My phone number - [protected]. what should i do.? please mail me. My mail ID- nerupan123@yahoo.com
I receive an sms that i won the prize in nokia 40 year celebration. I live in Srilanka. My phone number - [protected]. what should i do.? please mail me. My mail ID - nerupan123@yahoo.com
Hi, I am from Poland and also received such sms (3 times )this night, however after reading all those messages I am deleting it right now and advise everyone to do the same. By the way has anyone already informed Nokia about that case?
I received an sms that says: "nokia celebrates 40years.your number has won 600, 000 pounds in the nokia Awards. to claim your prize send claim code email to:nokia40yrs@hawamail.com.
Can you please confirm this massage ?
My email Address is kmchithran@yahoo.com
I also have received such sms from one Finish mobile number giving me 600, 000 Pnds stg. I am sure all these are done by crazy boys making fun worldwide.
hi look i also recieved the same text message stated that i had won 600, oo0 pounds for the nokia celebrates its 40th birthday these people need to stop they are giving nokia a bad name aswell as giving some people high hopes and then it is only to be broken .