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RFS - Real Flight Simulator
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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Reviews 19

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Improvements to RFS

I really do love the game but a few changes can still be made to improve the game.
Can you add more planes.
Some planes have their names written the wrong way on the Engines and Tail.
The engines for some airlines aren’t the way it is in real life.
Upon landing, the thrust reverser doesn’t lift up in the cockpit but I’ll give y’all credit the thrust reverser on the engines do work.
Can we have more working buttons and the ATC more realistic like for pushback and Taxi and mentioning airline names, can the ATC be closer to reality even more please.
Also can the view of the engine and the wing and the IFE screens be more realistic too.
And also can the passengers that board be more interactive with their surroundings and can the camera pan around inside the cabin and can the flight attendants also make their own announcements as the flight starts instead of switching.
Can the game just be made even more realistic.
Can you also make the plane land a little further down the runway instead of so close to the beginning and why do some airports not have gates like Lagos Nigeria and some other ones.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Update 1.2.6 and 1.2.7

Caro Rortos, questi ultimi 3 aggiornamenti hanno migliorato la mia esperienza di gioco e ogni mattina vado su YouTube e vedo se c'è un nuovo aggiornamento. A volte divento davvero impaziente quando si tratta di nuovi aggiornamenti, quando sarà il prossimo aggiornamento ?, puoi aggiungere la cabina di pilotaggio condivisa in modo che quando fai multiplayer, puoi giocare con due persone su un aereo, uno è il pilota e l'altro il copilota, aggiungi le linee di uscita dalla pista e i segnali delle vie di rullaggio, un altro aggiornamento grafico e rendi il cielo notturno nero come la pece, proprio come è nella vita reale e x l'aereo 11 perché penso che sia opaco quando è grigio. Puoi anche aggiungere un carrello per il catering, sterzo a ruota anteriore e persone reali nella cabina di pilotaggio. Voglio anche la possibilità di Roma in giro per la cabina mentre sei in vista del passeggero. Voglio anche maschere di ossigeno, puoi anche aggiungere un cockpit interattivo. Puoi migliorare la grafica perché tutto è noioso e semplice, non ci sono molti dettagli e penso che sia per questo che alcune persone ti danno recensioni negative. Per favore e grazie

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Not there yet

I figured I’ll just give RFS a try, so I flew a few flights out of LAX and SFO. I like the interface, not as fluid as I’d like it to be. I didn’t see the acceleration as I roll for takeoff, it wasn’t there it seems. Maybe a louder engine roar and faster visual would make a difference. The Flight Planner is wonderful, it shows a list of runways at an airport, however, I wasn’t able to zoom on an airport to pick an individual landing runway or see the layout of the airfield. On my flight to John Wayne from LAX, I felt like I wasn’t climbing fast enough. Upon arrival, there were no taxiways from the runway to the terminals. Flight from SFO to KOAK was even worse, I lineup on RWY12 and when I landed, portions of the runway were missing. I understand RFS recently rolled out and there are MANY improvements to be made, and will be made. One of those would be to build a virtual community where members can help patch up airports using google map or help with graphic on the aircrafts. Other than that, I see this SIM will improve over time since it has some of the missing features in IF (available longer) like the night landing lights, buildings, snow and some. Thumbs up for the team.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Worth the 99 cents

I love this game. It feels like Microsoft Flight Sim but in your pocket. The custom liveries are a welcomed addition as well. While I only have access to 3 planes, the one I use has a livery that is near and dear to my heart, and that’s the only one I use. For a flight sim, this is the most advanced that I’ve seen on mobile. Even the ability to go through checklists, have an in-depth autopilot that works with real flight plans, as well as micro options to dim cabin lights and cockpit lights, the HD airports are my favorite!

My only complaint is that we should be able to buy individual planes like we were able to in other Rortos Games. I’m a huge fan of Extreme Landings, and I have almost every jet liner in that game, and I still play it for a more casual flight sim experience. I don’t want to subscribe monthly because this is a game that I play passively on my spare time. I’d be wasting a lot of money paying either monthly or yearly. I don’t care too much for the online stuff either, I prefer it to be single player with an option for multiplayer separately.

But for what I have for 99 cents, I love it. I’d be willing to give the game more money if the planes were a separate transaction.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator #1 Flight Simulator For Mobile Hands Down

I’ve played a lot of flight simulators, and I mean a lot of them, and frankly nothing matches RFS. Infinite flight doesn’t do half of what RFS does, X-Plane Mobile the buttons are you can move around I give it that, but the graphics isn’t there and it’s easier to fly on RFS. Overall solid game, it has its quirks here and there but the team looks like they’re always releasing new updates.

The game I think would be 5.0 if:

- Updated ATC Commands
- Smart Computers for the Airplanes in Single Player (robots in the game get too close to your airplanes, they cut in front of you when it’s your turn to take off, they’ll all land at once without proper ATC clearance)

- Interactive buttons in the future if possible
- Live cockpit with everything functioning other than just the screens. Lights to should be able to shine in the cockpit without having to have cockpit lights on D2 to see in the dark, everything should light up the cockpit when it’s fully dark.
- Smart ATC controllers for Single-player (Atc just mindlessly gives you clearance to land when there’s three other airplanes about to land before you in short distance) not realistic.

Hopefully that could be implemented into the app one day, the game I promise would be guaranteed award winning for the best mobile flight simulator ever mark my words.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator RFS

I liked everything about this game! I like the graphics, all real plans, likes the weather/time change (wherever I want), like the autopilot so much! It’s always fun that’s what I am going to say! Last night I had the plane fly all night on autopilot and it didn’t crash at all! The things is that I don’t like the calculation it told me it takes two hours to get to this place and when I waited for two hours it saying it still has 2,000 miles/kilometers. Can you guys tell me how to calculate the speed in each of the plane. Will I mean can you guys put a speed what it supposed be for each plane so then I can leave the VS speed so I don’t hear anything, noises saying I’m going to fast! Also I searched up real flight simulator and I don’t see a simulator where you can touch the button inside the cockpit. Can you guys add people in the plane so it will take look realistic where people asking the flight attendant if they need things. You guys should add whenever I land and taxi to the gate they should give us automatically a new rout. Can you guys add the world too so it look like our country’s just like a big map of some kind. Also add a button where when I hit 10,000 feet I unlocked the seat belt so the passenger can ask if need to go use the restroom. Maybe our all the things I asked into the pro. Thanks

PJ Hoppes.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Its okay i guess, had lots of problems

I love RFS, pro costs WAY cheaper than IF pro. All the planes are nice, however I would like a 727 and a cargo variant of any Airbus plane. Autopilot in each plane is really good however, I just did a flight from Dubai to Los Angeles and when I started to descend, autopilot made me descend to 4,125 feet above mountains. I climbed to 10,000 feet and my wing almost struck a mountain. Then 2 or 3 waypoints later, when i was supposed to be at 4,125 feet, autopilot was supposed to climb to 10,000 feet. Please make autopilot so it descends at places where it’s safe to, and also so that it doesn't descend to an altitude lower than the altitude it will climb to. Graphics are great, better than Infinite Flight. The price is great for what you get. Even for pro, its a great price. Overall, I love it, thank you for making this game. I haven’t tested the new update but I will update this review when I test the update.
Update: A couple hours after updating to 1.2.3, works nicely, love the cockpit camera adjustments however this will make my 5 star go down to a 4 star. I cannot join expert server at all. My phone just crashes. Training works fine, regular flying without multiplayer works, every time i click “join pilot” it gives me a buffer, and then the app crashes.
Update2: Works fine now! No bugs, back to 5 stars
Update3: im markussj21 and i restarted my phone, now im markussj21_36378 and i hate it.
Update4: its back to markussj21.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator New systems

Уважаемые разработчики, эта игра просто супер, недавно я наконец приобрел платную подписку, и хотелось бы сообщить о нововведениях, которые хотелось бы видеть реализованными в игре. 1) Больше систем управления самолетом: Хотелось бы увидеть больше работающих датчиков, экранов, больше различных систем, таких как сброс топлива в полета, давление масла в двигателе, и много других систем, которые увеличили бы проработку игры.
2) ' игре есть такой замечательный самолет Concorde, но к сожалению игра к нему абсолютно не приспособлена, в данном самолете нужно огромное кол-во систем, таких как регулировка балансировки, перекачка топлива в расходные баки, показатели температуры самолета и многое другое, без этих всех систем самолет себя ведет просто как сумасшедший и не поддается адекватному управлению.
3) Заметил такой недостаток, что еда не тратится во время полета, даже когда пассажиров кормил 8 раз, хотелось бы исправлений.
4) Очень хотелось бы иметь возможность видеть салон (с пассажирами естественно, а так же иметь схему их посадки) самолета и даже перемещаться по нему.
5) ' таких играх очень большое внимание должно уделяться графике, и хочу сказать, что за 2 года игры графика заметно выросла, но все же хотелось бы видеть объемные города, деревья и прочие объекты, а так же точные копии сложных аэропортов, которые задают уникальные стили посадки воздушных средств.
6) Еще заметил, что когда делаешь запрос на взлет, то даже не смотря на то, что на полосе стоит самолет, диспетчер отвечает, что полоса свободна.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Good, but some things need improvement

I really want to love this simulator but I can't in its current form. Where do I start? It does some things well, like HD airports and simulating weather and failures. It has a lot of good features. But I have some issues:
1- the flight dynamics seem off to me. When the gear is down and flaps are extended, the aircraft don't slow down like they should. It should take about 50% power in a typical plane to maintain approach speed on glide path in the landing configuration. In this sim, it only takes about 0- 10% in most planes. The engines are too powerful.
2- the autopilot is a mess. I would prefer to have a separate LNAV mode and climb /descent /altitude hold mode. I really don't like the current format where NAV controls everything.
3- the satellite imagery in the pro version sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Sometimes there are large swaths of the generic scenery in place of satellite imagery. Sometimes the scenery is very blurry. And sometimes it looks amazing.
4- the runway lighting needs attention. In the sim, the touchdown zone lighting on either side of the centerline extends about 500 ft down the runway. In reality on a long runway that lighting is 3000 ft long. This means the sim runways just look weird.
5- Also, some of the visual models need improvement. For example, the Airbus aircraft in the sim don't look accurate in the nose section. The A320 doesn't really look like an A320. The worst offender by far is the A330. It looks nothing like it's real world counterpart. This is a problem with many of the aircraft.

But overall it's a good sim with a promising start. I hope the developers continue to improve it, unlike some of their other products (blue angels, frecce tricolori).

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Things to Fix/Add/Improve

Please!... kindly add these features.

Avionics Style Map display. With airspace indicators and a VFR/IFR map view. The map is just too plain and doesn’t scroll far enough in flight. Sometimes I wanna change the preset flight plan to coordinate my landing but the map isn’t friendly enough for that.

Flight flexibility. The options to fly connect flights, Refuel, Plan layovers, etc should be added.

Also, the option to start taxi from gate and receive progressive taxi instructions from ground before and after takeoff should be added. It’s boring having to start every flight straight from the runway.

If possible, please add a human Marshaller to the ramps to make the game more interactive.

Also add options for voice communications amongst pilots playing multiplayer. It’s not practical to fly and type at the same time. Especially when not using Autopilot...Even though it’s a game.

You could also add ATC special roles. Where players only have to deal with ATC operations for other players at whichever airport(s) they select. Could be paired with voice communications to make it more interactive.

PAPI and VASI lights. Please.

The graphics could also use a little mod. More attention to details with the clouds. The interior controls also need a little more feedback when making maneuvers or activating/deactivating something.

There is also a bug with the lights. They go off whenever I’m resuming a flight..hence, I always have to remind myself to turn the lights on.

Other than these things I just mentioned. Everything else is Outstanding. I love the game. I’m sure Lots of other people also do and will love it even more if you could add these things. RFS will be TOP of its tier.

By then, people won’t mind paying whatever amount it is monthly just to play this game.

That’s all FOR NOW.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Great sim that would be better with TINY tweaks

I REALLY like this sim.

Since I don’t have a gaming PC, this is one of the best I’ve found.

The good:

GREAT plane detail.
GREAT airport detail in the limited number of highly detailed airports.
Good physics

The meh:
I’d like a more advanced flight planning mode. The flight planning for multiplayer is great. Flight planning dor sólo is awful. Really? You’re going to set my flight computer for level 60 for an ocean crossing when I want to pick my own route? You’re really going to keep me at level 35 for 30 minutes of a KIAD->KJFK flight? Oh and level 60 in mountainous regions of the Middle East and Latin America? I’ve killed multiple plane loads of people by crashing into mountains that were not in the route.

The bad:
Trying to switch up a route from what the computer wants can and does occasionally clear your entire flight plan. Recently I was doing a simulation of the airlift out of Kabul, from Kabul to Doha. I had manually set my plan to avoid conflict airspace, because for geopolitical reasons you do not want to fly a US aircraft over Iran, or Afghanistan at this time, which means a path through Pakistan out to the Arabian Sea. When I finally got in the moving map to where I could see my approach path, I could see it was running in the opposite direction of current air traffic, so I re-set it. When i did it cleared all of my waypoints.

The moving map waits too long to reset, so when your waypoints are on the edge of the map, rather than loading the next cells over it waits until you are just about to fly off the map. An example from my Kabul-Doha runs, the map showed me places as far away as New Delhi…which is completely in the opposite direction of Doha. Because you have to select your waypoints from the map, sometimes you have a wrong flight plan for an unnervingly long time. Also see above, avoiding problem airspace.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Lack Of Free Planes (and more)

Honestly, this game is great. The only problem I have with it is that I always have to use the same planes over and over and over again. My favorite plane is the triple 7 but I don’t have access because I need premium. I can’t afford it because I’m saving money for college and planes are one of my favorite obsessions. I will never quit your game at all its so good, but if there is anything that would force me to, it’s the lack of free planes. If there were more free planes, I would play this game more than it watch YouTube. This is the only thing holding me back from giving you 5 stars. Also, maybe add some snow on the ground for more of a realistic game, and don’t make overcast illuminate the area with darkness, add a little more light and diversify the way you make your clouds. And may you also add a stick-shaker effect and fix how the game stalls the planes. If i overspeed, and turn the plane too deep of a bank or just too high of a climb, the plane stalls way out of control. I can’t even recover because if I do, the plane goes back into a stall forcing me to crash. And if you can, please make our gear last longer on unpaved surfaces like grass. Another thing which would make me love this game more, please make the plane last longer during an engine explosion. I really want the fire to get bigger and engulf the wing, then crash the plane. Or you can just make the plane last longer during a fire. And please let the plane during a hard landing, instead of just crashing ending the session, maybe let the gears crash and break skidding you across the runway. And please make the shaking during a hard landing more realistic like lots of shaking during a very rough landing.

If you were to add these suggestions, I would never stop playing this game. So i please ask you to read this and make a change to improve. Thanks so much for a great game either way!

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Really Enjoyable Game but


I really enjoy playing this game and I even left infinite flight for this. I love how the map is not limiting and you can travel wherever you want. There are some things that bother me a little though.

1. Unlike other flight sims like Xplane on pc, in rfs you cannot speed up the simulation. So if I wanted to go across the ocean in this game, I would have to sit and watch the boring screen for hours. (I know I can skip to another checkpoint but that’s not as fun)

2. In rfs I haven’t found a way to set a new location into the airplanes nav computer that isn’t a location visible in the near area on the map. For example if I was taking off at LAX and JFK wasn’t already in the computer, it is not possible to fly there. You should make it possible to type in the letters of the airport like KORD.

3. Make more ambient noises on the plane to make it sound realistic. That would really improve he experience.

4. Make all airports available to people who spent money to even get this game. I want to fly from ORD to MDW but that is not possible because MDW doesn’t fully exist with runways and only shows as a dot on the map that says “MDW.” I feel like if someone pays any amount of money for this game they deserve to get all airports. They don’t need to be beautiful but they should all have runways. (Infinite Flight has that)

5. Please make an in app system for designing liveries. It is so difficult having to use a pc for it. Add options like for primary and secondary colors to choose from. Maybe even put a box where people can paste the link to an image so they can put it on the side of their aircraft.

6. Please allow the option of tangible buttons in the cockpit of the aircraft for a more surreal experience such as a switch for landing gear or a knob for flaps.

Other than these things your game is great. Keep it up! I hope I can see some of these things implemented into your game in the future :).

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator The BEST Aviation Game!

By far the best airline game out there and it CONTINUOUSLY keeps getting better! Extraordinary update with 2.0! The attention to detail on the upgrade airports is just WOW! Would’ve like to have seen the addition of other major airports like Anchorage, Hawaii, Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Detroit, Miami, Shannon, Dublin, Lisbon, Munich, Innsbruck, Geneva, Zurich, Athens, Milan, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Doha.

Some bugs to fix such as the engine exhaust is no longer visible. Some gates not assigned or working when parking. Liveries are blurry. When watching replays, it shows the plane landing on the grass and not the runway. Additionally, the taxi lights are not on during replay mode. Double air bridges are not always offered for A380 or 747s, and when offered at the gate assignment, you’re only allowed to use one bridge. Parking markers on the ground identifying the different type of aircraft do not exist as shown on the leaks. Please include following aircraft additions: L10-11 Tristar, A330-900NEO, Boeing 727, Boeing 767 with winglets, Boeing 787-1000 and Embraer 195. Rework A340-200. Add scanner light on the front sides of the plane which enables pilots to see the engines and wings at night or in bad weather. Make sound effects more realistic and specific to each type of aircraft such as engines when taxing, taking off and landing. Rework flaps and landing gear sounds as well. For ramp parking, add two stair trucks for passengers to board and disembark from the front and rear of the plane. Make it to where you can request one at a time or both at the same time. Make it to where the 747F cargo planes can also have the option to open their rear side cargo doors and not just the nose for loading. Add two catering trucks, one for the front door and one for the rear door. Add more ground support amenities such as follow me cards, marshalers, cleaning crew truck, water truck, lavatory truck and having multiple cargo doors open during servicing. All airlines offered in the game should have an HD airport.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Really fun!

This is a really fun game and I want to say I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves airplanes but want a game that does not cost a lot of money but there are a couple things that would make this game a better.( 1)Cabin view This would be a very cool feature and is not beneficial but would just make the game a lot cooler and interesting (2 )
ground vehicles One thing that bugs me about how real the game is, although it is already very real but there would be ground vehicles sit there and that run around not just when you call them in. It would make the game much more real ( 3) higher graphics at some airports At some airports there is some ok graphics. The big airports graphics are great. ( besides the ground vehicles) but I was surprised that Washington Dulles had not good graphics that’s a big airport. Also and Frankfurt there are no planes when you are not in multiplayer (4 )add more planes at some airports Like I said above Frankfurt has like no planes. So dose hethrow. (5) random planes(this was not in multiplayer I don’t play multiplayer that much) I saw at Beijing a southwest plane, a American Airlines express plane and a delta a320. That is really bugging me. (6) new views It would be very cool if there could be a view from inside the terminal when you are at the gate. This all is asking a lot but a passenger view when you are walking in the moving hallway thing. You could move your passenger to get to there seat. That is a lot but I think that would be very cool (7)ambulance When you crash the ambulance just sits there. You show be able to do something with it.(8) when I land at O’Hare at runway 10C a random plane is just sitting on the runway in replay this is kinda bugging me.(9) when I am at cruising altitude the ground grading are… well kinda bad can you fix this I know that This is a lot of stuff but I want to say i can understand if you don’t get to all of it and I really like this game .(10) more planes would be nice like a 737 700 or a newer 767 the one with winglets. These are just things that would make the game better it is a very fun game! ( I really think these are all things that the game does not need but 10 9 and all of the above)

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Sim use to be pretty good

This sim is pretty good they realese updates every week there are lots of planes and airports and its even good for content creators like myself the reason I gave 3 stars is because the crash animations they use to br actual animations now you just hit the ground too hard and it makes a noise and then it goes straight to the replay and the other thing the updates they realese are more focused on features then the actual point of the game flight simulation updates come out that are uncesary for flight simulation and just what the kids who play the game ask for there are many things I have been asking for one fixing features that are already in the game and one last thing they treat people who don’t want to spend money like crap most updates they realese don’t have any features for people without the pro version plus if someone asks for more planes on there discord server they will just put the idea down because they want to make money and get people to buy pro overall a good game but im not to big a fan of the developer but to there defense this is one if there first games that wasnt labled with the most advanced flight simulator ever created this game really is the most advanced for mobile but I think the developers need to focus more on game mechanics graphics physics and not add useless features to the game that add no real purpose would also like to add that they take community suggestions by voting for features and planes but most of the time they don’t add the plane with the highest votes they add what they want and they won’t add fighter jets even though the community wants them why they have a ton of other games with fighter jets and want you to buy them sadly most of those games are very under developed and are labeled as the most advanced flight simulator ever created and usually aren’t that good this is a great game that has great potential but after the game got successfull the developers turned into EA only caring about money sad but I still like the game but if they want to catch up to IF they got to start caring about the player base and not just the money if IF wasnt so expensive I might have bought that instead my opinion might change if they start doing these things

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Review/suggestions & bugs

I’ve been playing this game on and off for about a year or two now and I have to say this game has developed into something amazing over the course of these past few years. But in my opinion there’s some things that need to be changed or fixed, #1 I noticed that some of the runways are kind of choppy and there’s missing parts to them, and some of the lines just don’t make sense. #2 maybe adding an interactive interior would be awesome to make the flight reality more awesome. #3 I notice when planes are landing in multiplayer it looks like the plane is going through the ground, It could be my internet or something but I don’t know. #4 The windows on a passenger plane looks a bit unrealistic, maybe making the windows so you can see passengers, also adding ambience lighting would be nice. #5 when I was landing I used the navigation system in the plane and when I was about to land the plane wasn’t lined up correctly with the runway but on the navigation system it read I was on the correct path for the runway if that makes sense. #6 Adding more detail to the airports, for example I notice that the airports glass windows look a bit plasticky making them more clear would just add more realism. Also maybe adding a view where you can see passenger boarding the plane from the terminal. #7 I’m not sure if there’s any right now, but adding spinning radar’s to the game would also be very nice. #8 I noticed when flying up high (around 36,000) feet the clouds became super unrealistic like it didn’t even look real, again could just be me but I don’t know. #9 again I don’t know if it’s me but I noticed when looking at other peoples plane their movements (turning) etc looks unusual like it looks like they took a full 90 degree turn in a second if that make sense. Also the lighting I can see they have lights on, but I don’t know if that’s their landing lights or what, seeing other players lights illuminating the ground would be nice I like little attention to details. #10 when flying I notice the ground kind of just looks flat from a view maybe it’s me, again but instead of seeing a flat ground maybe you could add small buildings that make sense.

Otherwise from all this the game is already amazing, but these small attention to details (In my opinion) would make the game even better.

Thank you.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Amazing!

Wow! You really worked hard on this simulator. Very proud to see this be together, especially now that it is on v0.8.5 (the time i wrote this). I do have suggestions though.

#1 - PHYSICS !
I really like how the physics are more “realistic” than the other sims like Airline Commander. I appreciate you overhauling the physics before you released it for iOS, but the problem is that whenever the plane descends (almost any - say a B737), the plane just rapidly gains speed with idle thrust, no spoilers, at a -1200 to -2000 ft/m rate. Even during the landing. Gear is down, flaps are set to its position, but I have to fly the approach, on glidepath, with little to no thrust, barely losing speed. The spoilers have a huge affect on speed. Like, going -1200 with idle thrust with no spoilers gains my speed, but with spoilers setting 1, the speed bleeds off super super quickly. Other than that, physics are a lot better, but can be even more better.

#2 - Aircraft Models
In my opinion, I think that the aircraft models are not that realistic (apart from the Concorde) to the real aircraft. Say the Airbus Family aircraft. The flaps do not look like the ones in real life. Say the Airbus A340. I remember for the Airbus A340 on Extreme Landings, it’s aircraft model was EXTREMELY accurate. Try shifting the A340 from Extreme Landings, and apply that exterior model in RFS. Same for the other airbus families.

#3 - Camera Views (cockpit)
For most of the aircraft in this sim, the cockpit camera view are not centered, making it hard for you to see the runway visually. Say the B737. If you’re on glidepath on a good v/s to maintain the glideslope, it is hard to see the runway because of the glareshield blocking your view, and during the flare. Center the camera views, like the cockpit cameras on Extreme Landings. It can encourage more users in that sim to land in the cockpit.

#4 - Flight Controls
This has to do with the accelerometer. So when I put an input, the control surfaces (ailerons, elevators, rudders) are slower than normal. So maybe have a look at how quick the inputs are on Infinite Flight, then try to apply so that the control surfaces are more stable. This may need to change how the physics work.

This is all I have again. Thank you for this simulator. Keep your business going.

All the best,

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator General issues (Please fix the autopilot!)

The simulator from a holistic standpoint is really great and shows a lot of potential, however there’s a few issues that are really hindering it from being the best. I hope you guys consider these suggestions:

1. The ability to select V/S and Speed once NAV is selected so that realistic configurations can be set (the autopilot has aircraft climb and descend very steeply and also inaccurately levels off during ascent and descent when NAV is selected). All I really would want is to be able to set the altitude I want and speed while the autopilot maintains the heading, since with the autopilot maintaining everything it detracts from how realistic the sim is and that’s how autopilot would be set up in most real life cockpits.

2. Being able to type in waypoints while creating a FPL would greatly improve our ability to create more realistic flights. Also, it would be great if we could have the option to make our own flight plan in multiplayer. Customizable flight plans are very important to me for trying to simulate real world aviation. I’m aware you can select local waypoints but you wouldn’t be able to create a complete FPL if you’re doing a long haul flight for example.

3. Better interface with the SID selections would be greatly appreciated since it’s a bit tiresome to restart a FPL when you select a SID that isn’t the departure route you wanted. It would also be great if we would be able to view the entire map while flying so that there could be a visual element as to how far you have to go.

4. The maps on this game are a bit annoying since city names are often in wrong places and it doesn’t visually represent the area.

Quality of Scenery
5. The HD scenery is quite amazing, however, it seems to go come and go regardless of altitude and internet connection. At one moment the scenery below looks great, but a second later it becomes unrecognizable and sometimes doesn’t restore back to HD. I’m sure this is something that isn’t a easy fix but it would be a game changer if it wasn’t an issue.

Aircraft and VC
6. The aircraft and virtual cockpits are decent and could definitely use some little tweaking to make it almost perfect. The aircraft designs are quite good, but when looking specifically at the Cessna 172 and some of the airbus models, they aren’t as precise as most of the Boeing aircraft are.
7. I like the variety of alarms in the cockpit, but I really, really dislike the general alarm that goes off for every fault that happens. If there’s the option to turn that off that would be a life saver. I’m not too sure why there’s an inconsistency of voices with the GPWS- I think specifically at the 1500ft mark during descent the voice all of a sudden changes. Not too sure why that is.

Gate Selection/Taxi route selection
8. As a person who likes to recreate flights I’ve been on and stuff, it’d be really cool for me to spawn a plane at a gate that the flight I’m flying actually departed from. Automatically assigning gates just annoys me a bit because when I’m spawning at the JetBlue terminal at JFK while flying a KLM 747, it’s just not as fun.
I don’t really like how the taxiways are automatically assigned to you since I’m very familiar with the taxiways certain planes would use and it just doesn’t match up. I enjoy doing things as realistic as possible but that’s just a little thing that irks me a bit.

Hopefully you guys see this and are able to implement some of my suggestions!

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Complaints 19

11:43 am EDT
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RFS - Real Flight Simulator RFS that is crashing mid game

Real Flight Simulator is an amazing simulator which I really enjoy playing. However I am facing issues regarding RFS . The game keeps on crashing mid game when I fly in the multiplayer mode or when I approach my desired destination. At first it was surprising but as it happened over and over again I started to get frustrated about it. I do not know what to do about the situation as it keeps on repeating itself.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator ADD A TUTORIAL!

This game needs a tutorial so bad! I can’t even get all the way in the air without it saying stuff. I I’m going to pay money for this game, I need to know how to play. Plus you can only have 3 planes without buying anything, even though you have to pay to even get the game. This game needs to do better.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator No

I don’t like it you deleted the passenger boarding bridge the graphics are terrible when you start you dint even set a failure and your fuel is at 5.0 I hate it I’m 2 % to deleteting it and not downloading it again so NO I am not liking you lucky for you I’m still playing I’m rating a two star lottery 2 stars

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Cant Transfer Pro to new iPad

I traded my iPad - it’s gone so now when i try use on my new one it says i have to link it through Facebook from the old device. I don’t the old device and there no f‘n way to get support if not logged in. I be got 6 months left on subscription. Will dispute through Apple I guess. Why so f!n hard? People lose or change devices

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Constantly Crashing

I like this game a lot but... it’s constantly crashing I can’t play for 5 minutes without crashing. It’s very irritating when you’re about to land and then your phone or whatever electronic you’re playing this on freezes for the next 3 minutes, so you can’t just do something else, then crashes and you have to start all over again!

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Horrible

This game is horrible I got their subscription and then a couple weeks later I got a new phone and traded it in and then I tried logging back in to my subscription and it’s telling me I have to go get my phone back and link it to Facebook but I can’t because I traded it in so this game is pretty much taking my money if RORTOS is seeing this please contact me

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Can’t use pro on my new device

Game is overall awesome but when I traded in my old phone to Verizon, performed a factory reset and transferred everything over to my new phone the app is now saying that I must link my previous device to a google or Facebook account? Well that device is gone and now I’m $4 short maybe more and didn’t even get anything out of it. This needs to be an easier fix.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Refund please

I can’t figure out how to gain altitude on take off, the tutorial is useless for controls, and even watching videos doesn’t explain it. It looks like you’re supposed to be able to set the controls and go, but my plane never gains any altitude so I always crash at the end of the runway. I’ve even tried asking in the chat, and no one can tell me. I want my money back.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Do not download game! Super bad game!

After days of searching for a mobile aircraft game that is model I found this one! but than when you choose ur airplane you wanna fly you have to purchase 120 Dollars! I was shocked! So do not download this stupid game! It is not worth the download! And rate this game 0 Stars!Thank you! The graphics in the video may seems nice BUT IT IS NOT WORTH IT!THANK YOU!stay safe

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Aug 20, 2023 2:22 am EDT
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It's not 120$ wtf it's 24.99 per year wtrfff

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Subscription

I bought the subscription on my old iPad but soon after it broke and I got a new one and with my new iPad I redeemed the subscription with the same account but then there was an error and it basically said I need my old iPad to go onto Facebook or google to share the subscription AND I DONT HAVE MY OLD IPAD! I think this is where you need an update RFS I’m going to switch to infinite flight screw RFS

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Cannot use pro subscription

I previously had RFS pro subscription on the iPhone. When I wanted to use it on the iPad it told me my subscription was active on another device. After linking to both google and Facebook like it requested I do to be able to share my subscription to another device which makes no sense in the first place, it still would not work on the iPad. I’ve deleted the app and data from both devices, reinstalled and tried subscribing on the iPad and it still will not work.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Bad App. Chinese app

I wish there was 1/2 star. Horrible app keeps crashing… the app has no support team. They reply with lots of misspelled words. Error messages say: your subscription is on another iPhone which we returned to apple, now can’t use the app money is wasted on pro. How are you to sign in on phone you no longer have for a year. They have no clue you have issue like mine. We have called apple they have red-flagged the app and returned out money. Chinese brand I don’t trust with one cent.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Can’t access my game

So I payed not to long ago $5 for a month and I had a problem with my phone a couple hours ago and had to data reset everything it backed up with my old phone with the same iCloud and now it’s saying my subscription is liked to another device I already connected to google and Facebook and nothing and my time is running I still have about 3 weeks left of subscription so I need access to it back or my refund

I just checked and I barely bought it 3 days ago bruh and I haven’t even played it today so basically 2 days

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Constantly crashing

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game. It’s got good physics details and more! But, I cannot cruise for more then 1 minute before it crashes. On the ground I’m fine, takeoff I’m fine, landing I’m fine, cruising I crash soo many times. I takeoff, and I’m flying for 1 minute and I see my home screen. So I just go back on the app and continue from where I was, 10 seconds in I’m crashed again. I want to love this game, and I do, but I can’t because I’ve never played the game for more then 2 minutes straight! Please fix it!

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Help please

I purchased your 1 month pro subscription but it says that I have it on another device (my phone). I’m able to play on there but I would rather have it on my iPad. When I try to connect through my gmail account it says that I’m connected but my purchase isn’t going through. I tried canceling the subscription and getting it again. After it says it was successful, I have a message popping up saying that something was wrong verifying my purchase. I’ve tried so many things and I just want to have pro. Somebody please help me get it.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Crashes

Its crashing even much more worse with the latest update. I contacted support 3 times with no response. I have iPad Air 2 with iOS version 13.2.3 installed. You can’t even fly. Please fix this! I don’t know what else to do anymore. Obviously, you still can’t fix these problems. I’m very frustrated as I keep contacting support without fixing the problem. You can select a route but it loads maybe halfway and then the app completely crashes period. It’s not even playable in any way anymore. I don’t have this problem with any other apps I have except this one.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator So bad compared to IF

I got pretty upset at Infinite flight a couple weeks ago and thought I would look at other flight simulators. The first is x-plane but I can not get it on this device. Than it was real flight simulator so I thought I would give it a try. So I do a couple flights from lax to San Diego back and forth. So I thought it was a nice simulator so I got the subscription. Well it looks like to my view that the first flight was better then the $4 SUBSCRIPTION I PURCHASED! How because it keeps glitching every 10 seconds and logging me out. I can not believe that Infinite flight is better than the “most advanced flight simulator” now I’m flying Infinite flight again so I might be deleting this app because it is taking up a huge amount of storage for nothing! So disappointed with this app. Anyone who reads this app do not download this app it will take up your storage for nothing and is not worth one penny of the price.

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator Crashes

I’ve been playing this game for a while now. I even bought the subscription to get the Pro benefits and I loved it! Everything was great until the game started crashing a few weeks ago. It’s not my internet connection or my device, it’s the game. Whenever I play online (multiplayer), I usually choose long flights overnight (9-12 hrs), but lately every single one of them gets “disconnected from server” just when I’m about to land so imagine wasting all that time of having my iPad on, for nothing! I have tried uninstalling and then installing the game again, no success. Not to mention the many times I’ve restarted my iPad, with no success as well. And even tried resetting my Wifi settings on the iPad, with no success. So it’s definitely the game. Now I’ve cancelled my subscription and deleted the game until this bug can be resolved. I LOVE this game, but if they don’t put any effort into fixing this issue, then it’s not worth your time or money .

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RFS - Real Flight Simulator DO NOT BUY! Very disappointed! Absolutely Awful!

PLEASE READ ———>Before I say anything negative, I would like to say that I think that Rotos are great developers. And I have loved all of their games since I can remember that is why I am about to be so hard on them with this review.***

First of all, the graphics look like they came straight out of a Mario kart game from the early 2000’s. No wait, that’s a compliment. Seriously these are some of the worst graphics I have ever seen. I mean, come on, it’s 2021, can they seriously not do any better? The planes and add-ons are INCREDIBLY overpriced for what they are. The plane and building models are dreadful and so are the animations. The smoothness of the simulator is so bad it’s like an old movie from the 20’s. The planes handle and fly like buildings on wheels. And that is being nice about it. I constantly wait for updates hoping it will be better but it just never is. Seriously, DO NOT BUY! I hate to be so negative and so mean but, come on, it is truly awful. Just as bad, if not worse, than those cheap simulators you see on the App Store.

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Dec 25, 2023 10:11 pm EST
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Hello Rortos, I am an RFS fan, I come from Indonesia. I ask for accountability because every time in the middle of the trip/at the beginning of the trip (still at the initial airport) every time the application often crashes/exits... I just want accountability from Rortos. Hopefully answered!

Onyx White
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Sep 10, 2023 4:55 pm EDT
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I’ve enjoyed the game since day 1 but over all I wanna see some new planes added at some point like: gulfstream G700 , gulfstream G650 , gulfstream G650ER , gulfstream G400 , B-2 spirit and pretty new options

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Aug 26, 2023 11:17 am EDT
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On 25 July 2022 my 6 month pro expired then I purchased rfs pro 1 year and after 1 day I didn't get it so I decided to refund it and after I refund it next day I still have pro to this day. (i refunded because my little brother accidenatlly purchased it)

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Aug 20, 2023 2:31 am EDT
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Wait rortos this is a edited image my brother maked it i payed 23.99$ my brother always wants me to don't have something

Overview of RFS - Real Flight Simulator complaint handling

RFS - Real Flight Simulator reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2023. The latest review RFS that is crashing mid game was posted on Sep 29, 2023. The latest complaint ADD A TUTORIAL! was resolved on Jun 13, 2023. RFS - Real Flight Simulator has an average consumer rating of 5 stars from 38 reviews. RFS - Real Flight Simulator has resolved 18 complaints.
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