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T-Mobile USA Complaints 705

12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

T-Mobile USA Hotspot scam!

Copy of Email to T-Mobile:

Dear T-Mobile,

I recently discovered that I am being charged $39.99/month for two T-mobile accounts, one that I use (username: mrzebhogan) and one that I have not used since Jan 2005 (username: zeb555). The "zeb555" was used for one month, from Dec 2004-Jan 2005.

The “zeb555” account was created at a time when month to month accounts with T-mobile were deactivated after one month of use unless the subscriber paid for another month). When T-mobile changed their policy and began charging subscribers for month to month plans, I signed up for a new account using the username "mrzebhogan", with the understanding that the "zeb555" was deactivated. However, "zeb555" was not deactivated and in fact T-mobile has been charging me $39.99 for that account for the past 19 months, though I have not logged on since Jan 2005 and I am an active user of another account in my name, using the same email address and credit card.

As a result, I have been charged over $700 over the past 2 years for an account that I did not know that I had and that I have not used. In addition, as a loyal T-mobile customer, I have paid T-mobile several hundred additional dollars for an account that I do use (and I do not dispute those charges).

I called T-mobile customer service and they told me that they cannot refund past 60 days. This is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE to me (since this would be a refund of $80, while I was charged over $700). As an excuse, T-mobile representative told me that it is my responsibility to monitor my bank account to make sure that I am not being overcharged.

I travel much of the year. While it is possible for me to monitor my bank accounts on occasion, I do not look at them regularly. Moreover, when I did happen to see the two T-mobile charges on my account, they usually came a day apart (on the 23rd and 24th of each month) so when I looked at my account I simply thought that I was being charged for one month on the 23rd and the second month of the 24th. It wasn’t until both charges came on the same day that I realized that something was amiss.

Your policy of blaming customers and systematic overcharging is very poor business practice. After all, I am and continue to be a loyal T-mobile subscriber! I’ve told all my friends about this and they can’t believe it! They’ve all urged me to close my account immediately and file a complaint. Still, simply closing my account is not a satisfactory resolution to this problem – I don’t want to close my account. I would like to remain with T-mobile and I would like a $700 refund.

Thank you,
Zeb Hogan

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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12:00 am EDT

T-Mobile USA Bad customer service and bad product!

Tuesday 7/11/06
Customer Relations
PO Box 37380
Albuquerque, NM [protected]

It’s rare that I encounter a customer service issue compelling enough to take the time to write a complaint letter, but I feel that last night’s phone contact with a T-Mobile technical service representative warrants it in this case. I purchased a new Motorola RAZR V3 phone and signed up for T-Mobile’s Get More 1500 Minute and 400 text message plan through 2/9/06 (order # *****). Prior to that I’ve been a T-Mobile subscriber on different lines since mid-2003.

In the past month my phone started to turn off randomly, usually while in a call. It would behave this way either with the phone flipped open or when closed and on a call on the handsfree earpieces. It exhibited this behavior while out of town in Florida and Texas.

I looked into the problem online and tried suggested fixes such as taking the battery out every once in a while and also, all along, I’ve followed the phone’s instruction manual which advises that owners completely drain the battery periodically before letting the phone completely recharge again. In my online searches I found articles (examples enclosed) about T-Mobile (and Cingular) temporarily pulling RAZR V3s from its stores due to a Motorola-acknowledged defect on some of the phones which caused exactly the problems I’m describing. Interestingly, my phone was purchased in February and the enclosed Computerworld article indicated

T-Mobile began pulling Razr V3 phones from retail outlets on Wednesday, said T-Mobile spokesman Peter Dobrow. "There was a defective component in a limited number of shipments to us from Motorola during the month of February," he said. "Since there's no way to tell at retail which units [were defective], for the best interests of our customers we pulled them from our shelves." (my emphasis).

On the night of Monday, July 10th I was at wit’s end after the phone repeatedly powered down and interrupted several phone calls. With the phone completely still and the earpieces attached I attempted to call T-Mobile at 611. It kept powering down and restarting. I have the internet telephony application Skype on my computer so I called T-Mobile customer care through it. The first representative was very helpful and noted my problem was a technical one and said he’d transfer me to a technical support rep for RAZR V3 phones. I was connected to a woman and our conversation lasted approximately 30 minutes.

While the technical support rep used professional language (such as addressing me as “sir”) and waited to hear what I had to say, her tone all along suggested frustration with me and her suggestions all placed blame not on the phone but on something such as a faulty cell tower in Chicago or even on my perceived care of the phone. The implication seemed to be that I may not have been properly caring for my phone.

I followed her technical advice in taking out and replacing the battery, power cycling the phone, etc. She asked where I was and I said “the Chicago area,” to which she replied that “that’s probably it�we have a cell phone tower in Chicago that’s been down since June 26th and it’s an ongoing issue.” I told her that while it’s understandable a faulty tower may cause dropped calls, how exactly could it cause my phone to power off? I added that I don’t live in Chicago proper, that Chicago’s a big place with many cell phone towers, and that the same problem happened to me while recently out of town in Florida and Texas. I also mentioned the recent T-Mobile/Cingular shelve-pulling recall of RAZR V3s and that the problem that prompted it sounded exactly like my problem. She did not admit any knowledge of a T-Mobile recall or sales halting of RAZRs, which I find hard to believe.

In any case, instead of attempting to fix my problem, her goals seemed to be:

1.) to place blame on external factors (a cell tower, my possible mishandling of the phone, etc.) 2.) to not offer a replacement or concrete help and 3.) to get me off the phone. She even made an outlandish suggestion that I turn off the phone periodically throughout the day. I don’t have a home phone, this is what I use to communicate, and no other phone I’ve owned required that it be turned off a few times a day!

After sparring about the phone problem (her: it’s something else, me: it’s a publicized and acknowledged phone defect) with her for a while she begrudgingly offered me a replacement since, after all, my phone is under warranty. Wow, go figure! I pay $250+ for a phone and less than a year later it’s not functioning as a phone. Of course I want some sort of recourse! In the “replacement phone” script that followed, disclaiming all manner of future events, I found then that I’d have to pay $9.95 for UPS shipping of my new unit. I ship with UPS all the time and, while I understand T-Mobile is attempting to contain its costs, this is definitely exorbitant for shipping of an item that weighs at most two pounds. That and I’ll probably have to pay my own shipping for the unit I’m returning to T-Mobile. I asked her to waive the fee but she didn’t so I reluctantly agreed to all the (confusing and long-winded) terms in her script.

All this was frustrating enough but the worst was yet to come. After everything was done I thanked her and she said a scripted “thank you for choosing T-Mobile” goodbye, but after she thought I was off the line I heard her say in a very rude tone, as if to her nearby coworkers, “oh�.my�.GOD.” I understand the call may have been work for her. But it was work for me. I’m the one trying to fix a broken phone. I’m the one who is expressing to T-Mobile customer care that there’s a problem with my phone only to be replied to with nonsense. I’m the one trying to seek resolution only to be thwarted at every turn.

There are web posts galore that say this or that cell phone company is terrible or has bad customer service. Someone’s got a story about every company. But if you need a cell phone, you have to choose one of the companies. Sadly, after this incident, I’m highly unlikely to choose T-Mobile again after my current contract ends.

DJ Phil.

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Nov 15, 2008 9:24 am EST


IMEI : [protected]

LOST DATE : 15-NOV-2008

i lost my mobile while i was driving the vehicle and coming back from office to home and i could
recognize my mobile was lost by approximately at 7:30 pm.

Raghavendra Daipullai

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Nov 15, 2008 9:10 am EST


IMEI : [protected]

LOST DATE : 15-NOV-2008

I lost my mobile while riding a vehcile with the black p0uch.
Kindly take this has serious complaint and kindly see that my mobile will reach me.


Yashwant S Chandraghatgi
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Nov 16, 2007 12:54 am EST

I had lost my Motorola Rockr E6 model IMEI no. [protected] purchased on 21-07-07 from Mamta Telecom, No.48, S.N.Bazaar, 3rd Main road,Gandhinagar,Bangalore-560009,
TEL-080-[protected] and I was not able to trace that particular handset.I had contacted the Motorola Customer care for the support but they told that there is no such feature that they could trace the handset. The only suggestion from me to Motorola is that implement the tracking of the Handset.Also there lot of cases of the Handset being stolen, if Motorola could create a separate team in at lease making an attempt to stop or minimize the crime it would make a huge difference in the Sales of the Motorola and a contribution towards society as Police is not entertaining this kind of complaint.

Tammy Poteet
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Nov 06, 2007 3:46 pm EST

I've been a customer of T-Mobile for years (too many to even remember) Until recently i thought they were a decent company. It started in February when my Fiance got one of these infamous Razr phones. Within 3 months he was having the same issue as everyone else. Powering down and all. My Razor never powered down. And the texting was fine (provided I didn't have to type any Ts that is.) And it only failed to ring occasionally… but very randomly. I can have my phone sitting in the exact same place and sometimes it will ring. Sometimes it wont. But that's not even the reason I'm writing this. Even after all that, I was still somewhat happy with T-Mobile. Motorola was another issue. I was so happy with my service in fact, that in March I got an additional phone off my account for my elderly grandparents. Hey, at 85, you never know when you'll need to make that emergency 911 call. They live in a small rural town in Texas. Now, I'm not an idiot. I checked the T-Mobile website for coverage before I ordered and it said there was a good signal; so I went ahead and ordered it. My grandparents were so happy when they got the phone. When they would drive into town, it was very useful. But they soon realized that it just didn't work when they were at home. Didn’t work in the house. Didn't work outside in the yard. (Scratch that, it did work if they went out and stood by the road. Now I don't know about you, but I don't want my 75 yr old grandmother or my 85 yr old grandfather having to stand out next to a HIGHWAY just to make a phone call.) At this point I still wasn't upset with T-Mobile. It is a rural area and sometimes it just doesn't make financial sense for a company to spend thousands of dollars putting up a cell tower in a Podunk country area where there are few residents around. So, their website says they get a strong signal in that area and it fact they didn't, um ok can you say "false advertising?" Ok calm down. Maybe they're working on it. Maybe it's coming soon. Irregardless, the phone useless now. So I called T-Mobile to cancel the phone. I was shocked that the first rep I spoke to suggested that I find someone else in the area to give the phone to. Um, excuse me? What company tells people to give their product to someone else? That’s not even good business sense. How do you know that person will even pay their bill? Good grief.

So I called back again to get someone else. I basically told them "look I've been a loyal customer here for years. I got this phone in good faith. It doesn't work where I need it to. I want to cancel that one phone. I'm keeping my phone, but i want to cancel this one." Their response, (in short) "sure no problem but you have to pay the $200 cancellation fee. "But, the service never worked?" "Doesn't matter. The phone is based on your address not at your grandparents (translate that to mean "not where it was being used.") You can imagine the look of confusion on my face at this point. “Ok, lets just pause here for a moment. So take my phone that I have with me here now... you're telling me that you are not responsible if my phone doesn't work at my office or any other place where I use it often? That you're only responsible for the coverage at my home?! That's it?” At this point I'm thinking "Am I crazy or is the whole point of a mobile phone is that you can be MOBILE!" maybe they should change their name from T-Mobile to NOT-Mobile. Ok I'm completely floored by this point, I can’t even argue with that rationale. I mean how do you argue with an idiot? So I said “OK fine, but you know and I know you can make an exception to this cancellation fee if you wanted to. I’m a loyal customer. The signal doesn’t work where your website says it should... blah blah blah.” (Now, one would think that they would want to waive this fee if only to keep a loyal customer. After all this one phone was only bringing in $9/mo for them. And it was a cheap phone at that. It's not like they're out some outrageously expensive paper weight (as most of their Motorola phones are). My phone alone is $90/mo. and my finance was paying almost $70/mo. But still, they wouldn't budge. Some customer service.

So what did I do? I went to that company with the big V :). I'll be paying the same price for 3 phones that I was paying for 2 with TMobile. I have unlimited texting and calls to more people. I get a great signal EVERYWHERE I need it. And more importantly so do my grandparents out in Podunk Texas. AND (talk about great customer service) the sales guy not only took an extra $100 off my phones on top of the regular mail-in rebates he also threw in some phone accessories for our phones (mine, my grandparents and my finance- who just canceled his TMobile service too) all that just to make up for the cancellation fees that T-Mobile is charging us.

Consider me a loyal VERIZON customer now.

Tiffany Scavello
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Oct 08, 2007 4:22 am EDT

I have been a customer of T-mobile since Dec '06. I currently have 3 lines on my account, and we all have Razr phones. In less than a year, between the 3 of us, we have had 7 razr phones. Everytime we get a new one, it does the same exact thing...powers down, the screen goes blank at random times, and even has gotten to the point where the person you are speaking to can not hear you. I am absolutely fed up with the customer service that T-mobile offers. I have finally complained enough that my fiance was given a different phone, free of charge. However, my sister's phone continues to do the same thing, and T-mobile says they can't do anything but exchange it for a new razr, and charge me shipping and handling on top of that. For them to tell me that they have no other phone in stock to offer me, is a load of poop.

Laney Godfrey
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Sep 06, 2007 12:45 pm EDT

I have had the exact same issues with the Motorola and T-Mobile. I had to call yesterday (9/5/07) to get another replacement. I purchased the phone in Nov 06. I have already did a handset exchange on 1/07 and 6/07. When I receive this phone I will have had 4 Motorola RAZR V3 in 9 months and besides the cost of the phone I have paid $40 in shipping costs. I asked for a better solution to no avail. I do not want more than I am owed, I even agreed to pay the difference for a different phone and the only way they would do anything with a different phone was to charge me and extend my contract.

Larry Baker
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Jun 29, 2007 8:33 am EDT

I have had similar experience with my Motorola C290 phone. I had problems since I purchased it a year ago with people telling me they tried to call and couldn't get through and the battery going from fully charged to no charge without use. I finally figured out the phone was turning itself off and on. I sent it to Motorola for warranty service and they received it on May 10th. Since then I have contacted them by phone and email numerous times and been told several times the issue was escalated and I would receive a response in 24 hours. The response so far has been a message that they are working on it. I just tried to call the number they left in the messages and was immediately put to a recorder that told me the message storage was full so I couldn't leave a message. I have been without the phone for two months so I had to purchase another phone. Hours wasted on the phone for nothing. Please don't make the same mistake I did and buy a Motorola product.

Anita from England
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Mar 01, 2007 2:28 am EST

Oh my god the same thing exactly has happened to me and 5 other people who i know. But T Mobile and Motorola wont do anything.

12:00 am EDT

T-Mobile USA Unfair charges

I'm a single mother of two teenage daughters who works very hard for my money-70-80 a week to be exact! I have a family plan with t-mobile and I spend 120.00-160.00 a month on mine and my oldest daughter's phones. In late winter of this year we decided that we wanted to "upgrade" to better phones, so we went in to the t-mobile store and picked out two Samsung t-309 phones...then came my own little armpit of H_LL! My phone was really jacked up. It got NO reception ANYWHERE, the alarms would go off at completely wrong times, it would light up and blink on and off ALL the time...I mean JUST JACKED UP! So I called t-mobile and they sent out another one-cool. I got that one and set it all up and went to charge it on the second night and it would not charge. Luckily I hadn't sent back the first one yet,so I called them again and they sent out another one to replace BOTH of the others. I got the THIRD phone and sent back the second one, since the first one was bad but could at least be used, and that's what they told me to do. When I got the third phone I sent back the first and went on. Well, that phone was even WORSE than the other two, so I found myself on the phone with t-mobile AGAIN, but this time it was worse. By that time, my daughter was having alot more problems with her phone-she very reluctantly admitted that she also needed a new one(you know16 year olds-they'd rather DIE than give up their phone). Only this time when I got t-mobile on the phone, they said that they were having so many of these problems with these Samsung t-309 phones, that they were now replacing all of them with MOTOROLA V-360s-a completely different brand! Now that must be bad that they aren't replacing them with other Samsungs! So I had them sent out-just to keep you up to speed, these are phones number FOUR and FIVE! We got our brand new Motorolas in a few days and began to set up MORE new phones(youknow it gets REALLY old doing this time and again). Well, that was last month and everything has been okay.

This is where the story gets REALLY BAD! On my bill this month (four months after all of this started with the terrible Samsungs) I had a "restocking charge" for 156.91! I called them on September 28th to have this taken off. The girl, Theresa, said that she showed that all of the handsets had been returned and said that she took the charge off. The next day was the day to pay my bill and I did that at 4 in the afternoon. They shut off my service because of this charge! So I called them back and they said that the charge couldn't be taken off because THE VERY FIRST HANDSET WAS MISSING! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If the FIRST one was still not accounted for, why did they send out FIVE more and then charge me for it FOUR months later. I sent them ALL back, and they still won't turn my service back on. When I call, they don't help me even though I've always paid my bill and they HANG UP ON ME! I only have the cellphones because I can't afford alot. I just want someone to help me. Trust me, nobody else would want to be treated like this and I have NOBODY TO HELP ME! Toni Taylor, St. Joseph, Missouri 64507-I would give you my phone number, but you couldn't call it anyway.

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Mar 01, 2025 11:06 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I want the T-Mobile USA to confirm to me if the phone is locked by them .

Phone name- IPHONE XS MAX
Serial no - F2LXF50YKPHF
Model no- MT5C2LL/A
IME1- [protected]

Frances E. Jackson Carrasquillo
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Dec 01, 2024 5:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i cancelled to T-Mobile services since november/23 and SquareTrade continued debit to my account . Stop to debit to my account!

Etowah, Tennessee, US
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May 18, 2024 4:16 am EDT

We have no internet! No dns again. The throttle is stuck in reverse. We are now providing you with internet at $50 per month.

Etowah, Tennessee, US
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Apr 14, 2024 7:46 am EDT

Slow internet, have to reboot box multiple times a day. Freezes up and drops the signal. not consistent.

Cheri Green
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Mar 05, 2024 12:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Order number


Order date

January 17, 2024

Order total


Payment Summary


I have returned the phone. I don't want to get the discount in 13 dollar a month increments. When I pay the phone 549.00 remaining balance there is 146.74 due me in discount. please help me.

I have been a customer over 10 yrs.

Bonita Ashley
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Feb 12, 2024 1:28 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As an tmobile customer, I had a payment arrangement. However I had emergency eye surgery and was unable to make my payment. I called tmobile and spoke with a representative who stated he would call me back. He called me on Feb 3rd, and informed me I can pay the full amount on February 15th and my services would not be Interrupted. phones are off.

Etowah, Tennessee, US
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Jan 01, 2024 3:08 am EST

Constantly having to turn off the power button and completely remove the power from the internet box and wait a bit, then plug in the power and turn it back on just to reactivate a slow connection. I'm going through this process multiple times every day.

Alan Myers
Inkster, US
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Dec 03, 2023 5:17 pm EST

The internet when away from homes Xfinity account is slow and often disconnects from apps. We have McAfee internet security and they told us that everything is okay on their end because the service at the house is fine and move and a reasonable pace. The problem was with our phone service account.

Etowah, Tennessee, US
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Nov 13, 2023 5:35 pm EST

Your DNS server Is not working for us. When are you going to fix this connection. I'm shopping for new service! We have been with you for 15 years and this is as good as you can do? You owe us probably a free year of good internet for all the years of bad service. Get you act together please!

Etowah, Tennessee, US
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Nov 05, 2023 12:43 am EDT

Please speed up our internet. We are approaching dialup status.

I'm not sure the internet speed test will register anything.

12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

T-Mobile USA T-mobile lies and cannot be trusted!

I am deeply disappointed in T-Mobile’s Customer Service. I have called several times to find that my account was not properly noted. I discovered this when I called to speak with one of your account representatives about my daughters cell phone. I am going to forward you a letter we have sent to Fox 4 problem solvers (a local news station) and also to our attorney for counsel. Before you read the letter I need you to understand that I was a Loyal customer for many years. Your customer service department needs serious improvement. Proper documentation is crucial not to mention the common courtesy and respect. In short my daughter purchased a Sidekick 3 from you used it for a week and called to see how to send it back so that she could get the MDA instead. The address we mailed the phone back to and that she confirmed with your customer service representative turns out to be invalid and now you are expecting us to pay for the phone. I am deeply distraught over this whole situation. To think that a huge company like yours doesn’t offer the least amount of flexibility when it comes to customer service is an outrage! We are talking about $300.00 here; that’s chump change to you but 2-weeks salary for my 19-year old daughter. I’m asking you to please review the notes that still exist for cell number xx and xx At one point in time I was PROMISED that once I receive my statement showing the charges for this Sidekick3 that I could call in and receive a credit on my bill. When I received my bill I called in as I was instructed so that my bill would be credited only to find out that you’ve reneged on your word. What kind of customer service is that I ask you? How can you tell me one thing and do another?

In addition I would like to also file a formal complaint against Matt. Matt was the supervisor that was extremely rude and unprofessional to me when I called in on 09-25-2006. Matt did not handle this situation very well. I was calm cool and collected when I called until Matt began to continually talked over me, rarely letting me speak without his interruptions. This constant interruption got to me to the point of overwhelming frustration which caused me to yell just so he would stop talking and let me speak. I had to say Matt, can I speak. He said yes, I asked can I speak a full sentence without you interruption me. He finally said yes. To which I asked the question, Matt will you look into my notes and find the part where it shows that I called in and a SUPERVISOR PROMISED to credit my account. He said no, he also said that he would not read the notes to me and he would not credit my account. I asked Matt to note my account that I am officially closing my account. As of 10-20-2006 I no longer choose T-Mobile as my carrier for reasons of Poor, Poor Customer Service. I have spent at least 4 hours of my valuable time and effort in trying to get this issue resolved. I do not appreciate being called a liar or a theft. We mailed the phone back to you with the label that was provided; we called and received verification for said address.

At this point in time I have not paid the charges for the Sidekick 3; I will be waiting for your response.
This is the entire story:

My name is Crystal; I am a 19 year old resident of Independence. I am out of ideas for recovery of my money from T-Mobile, and am praying you can help. I have been a T-mobile customer for over 9 years, continually upgrading to keep the latest technology. At the end of May I bought a $400 MDA and a $119 Bluetooth earpiece, which I found to be the ideal equipment for me. This summer while I was in St. Louis, Missouri for my State Boards in Cosmetology, my phone was stolen on July 5th. At the scene of the theft, I saw four police cars, but the officers said I had to call the theft in or they could not help me recover my loss or even apprehend the thief. I called in the report to the police station, and was told to go to a certain gas station and wait for the officers, which a friend and I did. After waiting over an hour, I called again and explained that there were several police cars passing by, but none of them stopped to take my report. I told them I was really tired and asked if a policeman could come to the hotel lobby to take the report. They said this was not possible, and since I was exhausted, I returned to the hotel to sleep. The following morning, I had to return early to Independence, and the St. Louis police refused to allow me to file the report over the telephone. My parents said they believe I did everything properly and none of us can understand the reasoning of the police department. As a student, my part time job barely covers my expenses, so it was important to me to get justice, since the telephone is obviously not recoverable.
Back here in Independence, I went to the T-Mobile store and explained everything, asking what they could do. I learned then that I did not have insurance to cover the telephone like I had had on a previous telephone, a fact of which I was unaware. I told them I wished to terminate my plan immediately, so in order to keep my business, they offered me a good discount on a different telephone which I was unsure I would find adequate, but agreed to try. It was not what I needed so I decided to return it. However, when I looked in the box for the return label, the only one there was for recycling. I called the store to verify the address, read the address slowly to the representative, and was assured the address was the correct one for returns as well as for recycling. I then explained I wanted to order a different telephone in its place. The representative told me to get a tracking number when I returned the equipment, for follow up, if necessary. I did exactly what I was told to do, on July 13th, but when I called to order a replacement telephone on the 14th, and again a few days later, the representative said the telephone had not seen returned, at least to the correct place, and they would not credit me for the price toward a new one.

I was desperate by then, and turned to my mother for assistance. They told her to wait for a bill, and then to call them back, but when she did, they reneged on their word, saying there was no notation in their records that we had been offered this option. My mother and I have considered legal action, but we fear we would have to spend more money on a lawyer than we could hope to recover.

The tracking number they gave me when I returned the telephone to them is XX Further calls to T-Mobile have also produced no results. I had the package insured before I sent it to them, and the Post Office today (September 19th) told me that the package did indeed arrive, but that it arrived at the address on the label. The Post Office can locate it, but for some reason, T-Mobile says it cannot communicate with their own recycle center. I find this frustrating and confusing.

In the past, I know you have helped numerous others who have been unfairly treated, and I am hopeful you can offer more ideas to help me get this resolved. I realize that I am only 19 and am vulnerable to all sorts of dangers and scams, but I am honestly trying to learn from each experience, and become a responsible adult citizen, but being taken advantage of in two successive situations really hurts. If you cannot help, please, at the very least, make my experiences public to alert others not to rely on T-Mobile (and perhaps other companies) to honor their word as well as their failure to document customer service calls. I have learned from this that it is better to record telephone calls or at the very least, have another person on the line to confirm and document calls for customer service. Also, if you have any advice to offer as to how a teenager should have dealt with the St. Louis police situation, I would be grateful to hear it in case I encounter some similar situation in the future.
Thank you for whatever you can do.

Thanks very much for your support,
Susan Hake

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mark Tanner
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Sep 17, 2021 10:47 pm EDT

tmobile is a liar they will take your money and promise you good service im paying $115 for highspeed internet for 10 days i got good service back to slow downloading and movie buffering wont renew my service for the month of october i will find a better loyal provider that will keep there word.

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Oct 08, 2017 12:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Tmobile changes our bill every month without notice or fail. It's never the same amount, with ridiculously labelled charges added on. It is supposed to be fifty dollars a line per month, everything unlimited, period. That is the deal we signed up for years ago. But we have to argue with them at least once a month, sometimes more, like when they say we have used all of our unlimited data. We paid our bill once when on vacation in another state, and they said we had been overcharged by several hundred over the last year. Well duh, but arguing gets your line turned off and sent to collections. They reimbursed us, and our local places charged it right back. Seems like everyone does whatever they want and screw the poor sap stuck with them because believe it or not all the other places have been worse.

George Carlile
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May 02, 2016 10:27 am EDT

I switched from Verizon to T-MOBILE based on their promises to pay off my phones. I was unable to get cell service where I worked and after many complaints to the technical support department, I was forced to return to Verizon. T-Mobile refused to honor the agreement to pay off Verizon and now I am getting slammed with Bill collection calls and my credit has nose dived. T-Mobile Lied and is a Fraud.

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Mar 30, 2016 5:05 pm EDT

Dear sir, I received a collection notice, reference [protected], agency account30941493.I was leaving USA and called T-Mobile, asked them to stop my service on October second, as I will be leaving to my country .They did not stop the service, and are asking me to pay for a service I never got, I threw the SIM card on October second.kindly try to solve that issue.My email is

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Mar 14, 2016 11:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

someone is using my account fraudulantly please stop payment!

Donna Mize Cundiff
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Jul 31, 2015 8:01 pm EDT

I did not notice until this month, but for months I have been charged $49 each month. I have no contract with such a company.

Tom Beagan
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Jan 14, 2008 12:00 am EST

Nokia 5300. Bought Aug 2007. Dec 2007 - screen has somehow broken from within. There are no visible cracks in the glass, however there is a sort of dark electronic EKG-like smearing against a white background, that is unchanged in shape and size. The display has the look of modern art. No icons or photos are visible which makes the whole thing pretty useless. Phone was in pocket; good one minute and not so fine the next. Of course, the phone has never been abused either.

San Diego, US
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Jan 11, 2010 3:18 pm EST

I continually receive wrong information and overall poor service from T-mobile

dumb people
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Apr 21, 2008 11:44 pm EDT

T-Mobile is the best wireless company in the United States and I wanted to let all of you know that.

Newark, US
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Apr 26, 2014 3:43 pm EDT

I have a story when you call to get a problem that should not be resolved they tell you you are HARASSING them and close your accouint. They are horrible

12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

T-Mobile USA Overcharging for text messages

If you have signed up for blackberry bundled data service, you may have also inadvertently allowed t-mobile to charge you for e-mail alerts in form of internal t-mobile text messages at.10c per alert.

Each time you would receive an e-mail, blackberry's in-box will show you that e-mail. Duplicating this process, t-mobile than send you an text message alerting you that your in-box has an e-mail and charge you. 10c for such duplicate e-mail. You probably don't need an alert in form a t-mobile text message at the tune of.10c/message when you can simply go to your blackberry message box and know instantly that you have an e-mail.

Now trying to get t-mobile to stop the text message alerts and get them to credit your account for the unwarranted alerts is near impossible. Both the customer service and technical support team will put you through a ringer before they can ultimately resolve your problems. The enhanced customer service team at the president's office will only deal with your complaints after the regular customer service team escalates your complaint. Good luck trying to get the regular customer team to escalate the matter to the higher ups.

Very frustrating and disappointing experience.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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wan er
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Nov 11, 2018 10:36 pm EST

$ 12 per month Insurance When the phone is broken, changed to me old phone And some of the features of the phone can not use I think they are cheating customers

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Nov 12, 2018 1:33 am EST

T-Mobile customer service is horrible they hang up in your face provide promises they don't fulfill they are disengaged and all around rude and mean

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Sep 05, 2018 11:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i started my new acount on 11/02/2017 the same week they cut my phone off but i have paid my money to start a new acount 6 days before so they need to cut my phone back on its not right for poeple to pay and start a new acount thn 6 days later thay turn off people cellphone

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Judith Rink
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Aug 19, 2018 8:53 am EDT

Please CANCEL my service with them. PLEASE

Muncie, US
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Apr 02, 2009 8:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree. I got a blackberry and added what I thought was the plan bundle for emails, texts, etc. When I got my bill it was over $200. I looked back and added the $19.99/mo. plan - I guess it is just for international. I changed it to the $24.99 plan. I wrote t-mobile and told them what is going on - and asked them to help me figure out what plan would be best and since this was my first time getting a blackberry package if they would waive the overage fees. They said they couldn't because it was mostly text messages. I don't understand that. That was my whole problem - I know it was texts, emails, etc. that is what I asked about. I just now wrote to the president's office. It probably won't do any good - but I don't know what else to do. A friend of mine got a new phone through A T & T wireless and they went over there minutes. They asked for help about getting a different plan and right away A T & T wrote them back told them what plan was best for them and wiped away all usage charges. After my 2year plan is over - I am going to go to A T & T. At least they are helpful. Tmobile don't help you at all. I can't afford this as my fiance had emergency open heart surgery. They cut my phone off because I haven't paid the bill - and I need the phone in case my fiance has medical problems. I had to wait for 5 days just to get that first answer. I am done with this company after my 2 year contract is up.

No thanks Fidelis
lansing, US
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Jun 16, 2008 9:37 pm EDT

T-Mobile does not charge for when they send you a text message. You probably went over on your own text messages or did more than you think you did so you need something to blame it on. Text messages from T-Mobile to your T-Mobile phone are free. It might show as a normal text, but they're free. You dunce.

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Mar 04, 2008 11:24 am EST

This is simply untrue. With the BlackBerry service, no alerts are used in the internal system to deliver e-mails, are you are not charged anything beyond the monthly price of the BlackBerry Add-On for receiving an unlimited number of e-mails.

It sounds like you had e-mail set up on a different device before switching to the BlackBerry, like a Windows Mobile handset or something similar. When you switch to the BlackBerry, the system messages that other types of phones use seamlessly to tell your phone you have e-mail are coming through visibly and you are being charged for receiving them as text messages.

You would not have been charged for the messages on a different phone because your phone interprets them properly, but your BlackBerry only sees them as text messages. This is where the charges come from, and they are entirely unnecessary.

A tech support representative can easily remove these alerts so they stop. If you've never set up e-mail on a different device, then it may take a little longer to resolve (since this rare issue would need to be forwarded to the Engineering team to resolve), but would still be resolved and the majority of the charges hopefully adjusted.

Sounds to me that the issue you've had is caused by a misunderstanding of the system, from both parties.

jon abdu
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Jun 24, 2007 2:19 pm EDT

Mobile solution is a bunch of f***ing flaming ### who have no time on their hands but to pound off to wireless service... what ###..

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About T-Mobile USA

Screenshot T-Mobile USA
T-Mobile is a leading wireless network provider in the United States, offering a wide range of mobile services to millions of customers across the country. The company was founded in 1994 and has since grown to become one of the most popular and reliable wireless carriers in the industry.

T-Mobile's network is built on advanced technology that provides fast and reliable connectivity to its customers. The company offers a variety of plans and services to meet the needs of different customers, including unlimited data plans, family plans, and prepaid plans. T-Mobile's network is also compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables.

In addition to its network services, T-Mobile also offers a range of other products and services, including mobile devices, accessories, and home internet services. The company's mobile devices include the latest smartphones from top manufacturers like Apple, Samsung, and LG. T-Mobile also offers a range of accessories, including cases, chargers, and headphones.

T-Mobile's home internet services provide fast and reliable internet connectivity to customers in select areas. The company's home internet plans offer unlimited data and no annual contracts, making them a popular choice for customers who want to stay connected at home.

Overall, T-Mobile is a trusted and reliable wireless carrier that offers a wide range of services and products to meet the needs of its customers. With its advanced network technology, extensive device compatibility, and commitment to customer satisfaction, T-Mobile is a top choice for anyone looking for a reliable wireless carrier.
How to file a complaint about T-Mobile USA?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account to proceed. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the required personal information and verifying your email address.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with T-Mobile USA. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Billing Charges by T-Mobile" or "Poor Customer Service at T-Mobile Store".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with T-Mobile USA. Include key areas such as:

  • Service Issues: Mention any problems with mobile service, such as poor signal, dropped calls, or data issues.
  • Billing Disputes: Describe any discrepancies in your bill or unauthorized charges.
  • Customer Service: Share your interactions with customer service representatives, including any unhelpful or rude behavior.
  • Product Concerns: Discuss any issues with devices or accessories purchased from T-Mobile.
  • Contract and Policy Disputes: Explain any disagreements over contract terms, cancellation fees, or policy misunderstandings.

Include relevant transaction information, the nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, and the company's response. Explain how the issue has personally affected you, such as financial loss or inconvenience.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as bills, correspondence, or screenshots. Do not include sensitive personal information like social security numbers or full credit card details.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to quantify any financial losses you have incurred. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, clearly state the resolution you are seeking from T-Mobile USA, whether it be a refund, exchange, or other specific action.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: Once you are satisfied with your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to send your complaint to for review and publication.

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint, regularly check your account on for any responses or updates. You may receive feedback from other users or potentially from T-Mobile USA representatives addressing your concerns.

Overview of T-Mobile USA complaint handling

T-Mobile USA reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 16, 2006. The latest review Give me my $21.29 back immediately. was posted on Mar 12, 2025. The latest complaint T Mobile on 18 South in East Brunswick employee and general lack of service. was resolved on Oct 25, 2022. T-Mobile USA has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 707 reviews. T-Mobile USA has resolved 179 complaints.
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    Mar 13, 2025
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T-Mobile USA Category
T-Mobile USA is ranked 6 among 346 companies in the Telecommunications category

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