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TD Bank review: rude customers 44

Author of the review
11:42 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Well lets start off by saying if you dont work for Td Bank you will not know the stress we undergo from rude customers.

First off Td Bank sent all there customers their policies of the new systems. If you got screwed with your accounts after the integration like around now its your fault. We understand our computers were messed up for about two weeks and if you got fees we certainly gave most of them back. If your still getting fees its cause your not consistent at watching your account. If you don't want fees well stop spending money you don't have. REMEMBER that your card does not decline when you don't have money. In order to get that removed you should go to your local Td Bank and get an opt out program.

Second, STOP YELLING AT YOUR TELLERS UNLESS YOU FEEL THEY HAVE DONE SOMETHING SO ###ED THAT THEY DESERVE IT. Most tellers do not deserve the grief you customers bring. If something was done incorrectly on your account don't yell at the teller go to a Customer Service Rep or the manager.

Third, If you see that the drive thru is busy don't sit there and waste your time. GO INSIDE! Their should be at least 3 tellers inside while the drive thru has only two and sometimes one. Stop being lazy and take a walk inside. It helps your cardio.

Last but not least Td Bank is still more convenient then most banks out there. We open sooner and close later. We make most of your deposits avalible next business day. If its 5:55 and you think it might get put into the next business day ask what day they are on. Does it really hurt you to ask?

This should help you to help us to be Courteous to you. Follow this and nothing should happen to you and you wont be yelling anytime soon.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Ardmore, US
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Oct 02, 2009 9:12 am EDT

The TD in TD Bank now stands for "Transactions Delayed"

Astoria, US
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Nov 04, 2009 3:33 pm EST


Middletown, US
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Nov 05, 2009 11:54 pm EST

It is actually YOUR FAULT as a teller for working at such a horrid bank. Your fees are not only unreasonable, but you have no right to call yourselves a "community bank" that is "convenient" when in actuality, you are a corporate chain of scam off banks, just as bad as Chase and Bank of America. I closed my accounts today because your bank was instated a new policy that requires the "custodian" of MY money to present identification whenever I want to take a lousy 20 bucks out of my account. Honestly, you work for a POS Canadian company that doesn't serve its customers from the corporate level, so stop ### about how much your job sucks. Suck it up, or get a job working at a real bank. I told off my teller who was no more than a year older than me. Do you really expect me to show respect to some kid who runs around the hallways with his ### hanging out just because he's taking my money? And do you really expect me to smile at the old ### who snaps at me for using a withdrawal that I picked up a week before and is now "out of date" because your bank decided to change the color scheme? If you really think your company truly shows respect to its customers, then you honestly deserve to get slapped each and every time somebody hands you their hard earned pay check to cash in.

Jackson, US
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Nov 06, 2009 11:48 am EST

First off, I NEVER received anything stating these new policies in the mail, online, or anywhere. I went to my local COMMERCE BANK one day and it was that horrible green TD sign in front. I have been hearing so many people saying how horrible the service has become, and I too myself have been experiencing it. It's gotten bad. When the bank was Commerce, people were extremely helpful and willing to go the extra mile to help out, and I remember quite a few times that I received calls back from the bank asking if everything worked out ok for me. It made me feel like a person. TD made me feel like a number, just another idiot off the street they could make money off of.

I was charged a $35 overdraft fee yesterday. I didn't work much the previous week, so my paycheck was for about $150. I went shopping at walmart and spent $90 on food and $40 on fuel. A few days later I check my account, and theres the fee. I never went under my balance. I called TD and spoke to a very rude woman who told me that they implemented a $100 clears immediately policy. I was never made aware of this. SHe said it was fairly new, and hesitantly refunded the fee. The worse part of it all is that my employer uses TD bank, so theoretically, the funds should be deposited as cash. Nope, it went in and had to wait to clear.

A coworker of mine went in, cashed her payroll check, then deposited CASH into her account. There was a glitch in our empoyers account, the check bounced, but instead of going after out employer who uses TD, they withdrew a CASH DEPOSIT from her account and slammed her with fees. How is that possible?

So basically, I can come in and cash a TD check and have it done immediately as a non-customer, but regular customers (I was with commerce bank for over 7 years) get penalized? It's just not fair. So now my checks clear immediately, and I take my hard earned money and deposit it into Wachovia bank, which from the second I walked in, treated me beter thank TD bank did all the time I was a customer with them.

May TD die a horrible painful corporate death.

Toms River, US
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Nov 07, 2009 10:00 am EST

Perhaps a better education would have paid off for you instead of working at a bank that takes advantage of customers. I suggest an English class where reading, grammar and spelling are a priority. Obviously you didn't see the message above about checking spelling before submitting a comment. Not that it would help with your attitude any but you may have received a little sympathy.

It's a shame Canadian taxpayers got stuck paying your salary with that country's bank bailout.

Wallingford, US
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Nov 13, 2009 8:22 am EST

"If you don't want fees well stop spending money you don't have."

You charge fees even for people who do not overdraft. $15 fee for having under $100 in your checking account sound familiar? That is outrageous and unnecessary. In fact, I'd like you to explain and justify this. Though I would never complain about it to a teller! I've been extremely sympathetic to the tellers at all of my local branches because most of them have been there for years and it certainly isn't their fault - they need their jobs.

Now that I see what you tellers thonk about your customers though, maybe I should change that idea. I already pulled my $$ out without a single word to ANY TD bank employee.

Annoyed in NJ
Wenonah, US
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Nov 30, 2009 2:05 pm EST

I understand that it's not the teller's fault for the changes made since TD Bank merged with Commerce. In the same respect, tellers at TD Bank expect their customers to be mind readers and just inherently "know" about changes in services and fees that they have not been ADEQUATELY made aware of! For example, if I ask my teller if the money is immediately available and she says "YES" how am I supposed to know that means only $100 is available and if I use that money I will be charged yet another unnecessary fee? You claim that all the information was sent out, and it was, but the changes that impact customers the most were hidden in the fine print. And let's be honest - do you actually think that TD Bank thought that people would spend the time reading a big book about changes in their accounts? TD Bank executives took advantage of the fact that American's get a TON of junk mail that we don't read and then they combined it with a flood of Regis and Kelly commercials and billboards promising us that nothing has changed about the bank but the name...and you have the nerve to whine to the customers (THAT PAY YOUR SALARY) that it's our fault?! False advertising and misrepresentation by huge corporations make people angry - step away from your teller station and turn on the news - we're in the midst of a HUGE recession, brought on LARGELY by bank misbehavior, and you're questioning people getting upset about fees they were not ADEQUATELY informed about! I'm sorry that you work for a massive, greedy corporation but please don't take it out on us - we have a right to speak up against banks taking our with it or quit! Your attitude is a big part of why people are frustrated with TD Bank...not only are we robbed by fees, we have to deal with unpleasant, cranky tellers and customer service reps! And seriously, if it was all the big, bad customers fault please tell me why Congress is working on passing the FAIR Act to prevent people from being screwed out of money by greedy banks. Hhhmmm - they must be trying to pass this bill for a reason, don't you think!?!?

ania tully
Cos Cob, US
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Dec 06, 2009 5:53 pm EST

I was charge $455 in the overderaw fees in one week

Coatesville, US
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Dec 08, 2009 1:43 pm EST

TD Bank applies withdrawals to your account by dollar value..NOT chronologically. (Assume the following all happens on the same day) have 100 bucks in your account and take out 25, then 25...then 40. You have 10 left. find yourself in a spot and need 100 dollars. say to yourself...I'll withdraw the 100, overdraft by 90 and take the 35 dollar hit. WRONG..the 100 would be debited FIRST. Leaving the 25, 25 and 40 to hit it last and you'll be hit for 3 OD fees...105 bucks.

Send a message
Dec 17, 2009 9:51 am EST




blah, US
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Dec 22, 2009 6:36 pm EST

The kicker is, as it was explained to me on the phone earlier lets say I go NSF on 2 charges, i am charged $35.00 per NSF charge each day until money is deposited to cover the nsf and keep my balance over $100.00. I called and went back and forth about how ridiculous this is, I am fine with paying for the 2x I went NSF but NOT for paying $35 (2) everyday, especially since at the moment I am unemployed. TD almost took my entire unemployment check in NSF fees :(

Joe Hi
704 Saville Ave, US
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Dec 23, 2009 6:52 pm EST

You must be the owner of TD Bank, because you sound like the head IDIOT. . . Anyone that is a member of TD bank is a complete fool. Get out while you can...

Brooklyn, US
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Jan 13, 2010 1:00 am EST

I agree with TDEmployee. They have a point, we should treat each other like human beings. Tellers are doing their job.

Although I don't agree that charges are all the customers fault, to think that and be employed there is redic! banks are crazy... what I've experienced with TD (not Commerce) is that when your account is that you should NEVER NEVER use your DEBIT as a Credit card. Use your credit card as a credit card!

Banks want you to use your Credit Card as a Debit because it takes a little longer for the money to come out, and if you're like me and aren't oldschool with your books... you check your acct. online, you're not going to see the $$ taken out of your account till 3-4 business days later (forget about it if it's a weekend purchase)

Be careful with how you spend with a debit... it's the biggest way to go -.00 on your account!

Tellers should give that tidbit to the customers, I know you guys are on our side.

Brooklyn, US
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Jan 13, 2010 1:02 am EST

Joe Hi, yeah I left. I advise folks who are unhappy with ANY company, to just leave.
Boycotting is a powerful thing even if you aren't intending.

Frederick, US
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Jan 20, 2010 5:20 pm EST

I understand that its very difficult to be in customer service, as I've worked in that position for 13years and there's only so much you can do as an individual limited by your job authority and most likely read off of a script. However, I'm calling to speak with TD BANK and if you don't agree with the banks faulty ways, I suggest you listen to the customer's complaints and give them your sympathy and extent of your ability in your position.. don't lie and say stupid things to people assuming that nobody besides the bank is keeping track of receipts, and balances! I watch my money OLD SCHOOL i use a pen and paper! then I look at the account and it has screwed me numerous times and I've only had the stupid ### account for 3 months! I've physically gotten sick over this! I'm a mother of 4 children and I don't have patience for anyone robbing me of my hard earned income! I don't work to pay a bank!

Frederick, US
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Jan 20, 2010 5:22 pm EST

By the way.. anybody interested in a class law suit?

bank suck
Send a message
Jan 25, 2010 11:35 am EST

I wish I would have received a notice I would have closed that account a long time ago.
Yes Im interested in a class law suit mamasara give me the info

Blackwood, US
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Feb 16, 2010 5:03 pm EST

I would be very interested in a class action lawsuit and could supply an additional 10 people who I know personally who have experienced the same garbage from TD bank. Please contact me if you have any info.

n/a, US
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Mar 05, 2010 10:32 am EST

HAHAHAAH you are going to sue TD bank for what negligence!? Books were mailed to all your addresses with all the information for the changes of your account. If you don't believe me then go ask one of your branches, they can print up the book for you. Also TD bank sent out pamphlets for all the changes, there were signs advertising the changes! Many people just threw them away, just like throwing away the bank statements. If you manage your money by waiting for your debit card then your are DUMB! If you don't have a check register or can't balance your statement then you are DUMB! Don't use money that you don't have! I've taken law courses and there is nothing you can sue TD bank for, believe me the Big-Wigs have well covered their assets.

As far as a solution its very simple. Go to your local branch and opt out. Keep in mind if you do an wires, ACH (Automated Clearing House), or Debits processed through the visa network, there will be a hold for those funds on your account. For instance you have a balance of $100. If you buy gas for $40, there will be a forty dollar hold on your account til the MERCHANT processes it (not the banks fault). So if you have a check come through for $70 you will get a fee. simple math people [protected]=$-10. Which being nice we won't bounce your check (unless you opt out) but you will get a fee.

Send a message
Mar 08, 2010 12:13 pm EST


Laconia, US
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Mar 14, 2010 5:54 pm EDT

TD Bank Employees & friends of TD Bank,

TD Bank sent busy Americans (during a recession) a letter about a $100 increase to our minimum balance requirement, so that makes it our fault for the fees that we received? I was working full time and attending college classes. Do you think I should have to read every word of the letter that you sent & take time off from work & school to change my account? Was that convenient to me? The minimum balance change info. was on page 6. I'd rather be able to trust a bank not to overcharge me. TD Bank gave me more in charges then I have ever experienced from a bank (I am a middle aged man that is in the middle income range) I paid $15 for having one day with less than $100 in my account. I switched to another bank & I now have a Free Interest Bearing Checking Account, with no minimum balance requirement, that has Overdraft protection. Rather than a $35 per transaction charge as TD Bank charges customers. I could not in good conscience work at a place that takes advantage of people as TD Bank does. Banking should be about saving not spending. It has never felt so freeing to close a bank account before. Bottom line: you offer expensive & inferior products & services compared to other banks & credit unions.

Pissed off too
Oxford, US
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Mar 15, 2010 1:42 pm EDT

I did receive the green book. It was basically "...bla bla bla we are adding new fees including maintenance fees bla bla bla..." Because of that, I went to the Newark, DE branch on Jan 29 and closed all three of my business accounts which all had zero balance. Comes Feb, 1st. All three account got charge the $25.00 maintenance fees taking the balances to -$25.00. I have been demanding since then that the accounts be closed to no avail, maintenance AND overdraft fees keep coming. I have filed complains with the BBB, FTC and Delaware Bank commission and am waiting to see how it goes. Yes I would love to be part of a class action lawsuit and put that bank out of business but unfortunately, the chances of that happening are slim.

Philadelphia, US
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Mar 17, 2010 10:47 pm EDT

I totally agree. TD Bank SUCKS! The call center is filled with a bunch of high school drop outs. Seriously how can you charge me a $35 fee on a transaction when the only reason it occured is because TD decided to take out their $15 fee for not having the min $100. I was slammed with $175 in overdraft fees on Wednesday and then another $140 on Thursday. when I called, the rep stated the $140 was charged because and I quote "well sir technically you did not have the funds in your account when the transactions occured". I continued to tell her that I printed out my online statement showing there were funds in the account at the time I made the debit purchases. The rep started reading back my purchases, checks etc from her computer and they never once matched what was showing on my online statements. I got no where with these people. I truely believe this bank takes advantage of its customers and tries to get every penny it can from us. I have called several times and had the overdraft fees returned the same day. When I got paid again and disagreed with the fees, they stated that they already returned fees to my account earlier in the month and could not do it again. I NEVER had this problem when it was Commerce. My dumb fault for staying with these a$$ clowns. I moved to MY local Beneficial Bank and have not had a problem since. Nothing good comes from Canada except for hockey.

livingston, US
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Apr 27, 2010 4:05 pm EDT

Please bank teller get a real job for a real company... And your whole talk about "opt out" thats bs cause i just got 15 overdraft charges... oh wait i opted out... oh wait i never went into the negative... oh wait my account even after 15 overdraft charges is still positive... explain that...oh wait you cant your a bank teller...

livingston, US
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Apr 27, 2010 4:10 pm EDT


Dover, US
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Apr 28, 2010 1:19 pm EDT

You need to shut d heck up. You mad cause customers are coming in pissed off cause TD done screwed dem outta there money. You would be too. Lets see how calm you would be if someone took the hard earned money from your account and give you a [censored] reason's why they did it. I use to love commerce now I'm fleeing from a sinking ship.

If you can't deal with disgruntle customers than you don't need to work at TD because I'm quit sure there's more to come...


Send a message
May 11, 2010 6:43 pm EDT

You are a [censored].I spoke with a TD employee today who almost lost his job DEFENDING a customer. The fees are ludicrus and so are you. Step outside the box please.

Henry Kulesza
arnold, US
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Jun 09, 2010 2:53 pm EDT

whatever cry baby your bank nearly cost me my home and my relationship. I have waited months for transfer of money to a simple checking account...can you say TD WEALTH!

Lumby, CA
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Jun 09, 2010 4:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh WOW - that was priceless and perfect - a PERFECT example of the customer service from a TD Bank employee - it's the customer's fault never theirs! I had been with TD bank for over 12 years and they screwed me over royally over a cheque that I deposited in the Green Machine. They held the cheque, this was policy but since I had never deposited a cheque that large before I didn't realize they were going to hold it. So I went in the next morning and was told that all I had to do was bring in the cheque stub and they would take the hold off. I confirmed that it could be done during the "later" business hours (they were open till 7pm but I'm always leary that maybe they can't do everything past "normal" banking hours). After work that day (430pm) I took my place in line and waited... and waited... and waited... and waited... an hour and a half later (I [censor] you not) it was finally my turn. I calmly explained to the teller the situation and she said "I can't help you with that you'll have to speak to a manager" so I said cool - get me the manager. So she goes and 15 mins later comes back with a manager. I explain the situation AGAIN show her the cheque stubb - oh I should interject and let you know that it was a check from an insurance company - ICBC so had I simply gone into the bank and deposited the cheque with a teller there wouldnt have been a hold placed on it at all, so anyways, I tell the manager the situation, show her the official cheque stubb and she tells me that she can't help me and that I have to come back during REGULAR banking hours... needless to say I'm quite miffed now, think I may have said some unkind words and stormed out of there. The next day I'm waiting when they open - during REGULAR banking hrs, and even though I'm one of the first 5 people in the door I still wait a half hour. Now I'm late for work, and I'm more then a little irritated, I go to the teller, tell her that I'm gonna try and not take my frustration out on her (I litterally said that :)) and explain the situation, she said she can't help and I need a manager. I tell her to get one, 5 mins this time and the [censor]iest person on the face of this earth walks towards my till (or whatever you call it) and starts snapping at me (before she even gets over to me so NO privacy whatsoever) and snaps "I'm not taking the hold off your account"... I loose it, practically yell "why the hell not" (not one of my finer moments :)) and the whole bank stares at us ahhahahahahahaha I won't tell you the details of our "conversation" but I spent about 20 mins back and forth with this hag and finally had my money released. Drove to work late, spent the morning checking out other banks, afterwork went straight to TD and closed all my accounts. The only thing TD is good for is getting loans, mortgages, LOCs, they usually have great interest rates. But their service still blows and I will NEVER bank there again!

Henry Kulesza
arnold, US
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Jun 09, 2010 6:05 pm EDT

I was happy about the hours, open on Sundays TD pledge.Then the problems began. I tried to open a few different accounts with 70, 000.The first problem was the accounts were set up wrong, landing 50, 000 in a checking account.Then we tried to get the accounts straight. Within the two week period the financial advisor had quit. There were no records except my own.Working with the new guy the monies were still incorrect, and we had been charged fees for the mistakes.Then my husband went to withdraw 4000.00 for a surprise gift. The teller called me and told me about the transaction .Ruining the surprise and upsetting both of us.Even though he had been there many times they hassled him every time he went in. He's a big guy with long hair and tattoos. Discrimination, I say yes. They never called him about my transactions.The end was when we opted out of the TDAmeritrade and requested return of our funds. I did this inside the bank. I was told the check would come within 5 days.NO check 10 days, nor 15 days. Then I was told the transaction never took place. I tracked down National Financial and got my money overnight for 10.00 dollars. Meanwhile they still charged me fees.That was my final straw, we are looking for a new bank asap. What a shame we all had to learn the hard way.TAKE YOUR MONEY NOW BEFORE THEY GO UNDER>>>

Hopatcong, US
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Jul 23, 2010 12:27 pm EDT

If you cannot handle being yelled at by customers that are not satisfied then you are in the wrong career. It is hard to work in customer service. Anywhere, not just in a crappy bank like TD. You personally have not done anything to upset them but you represents a company that does. Get a new job if you don't like it.

Abington, US
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Aug 06, 2010 1:48 pm EDT

For the majority of customers they only become rude because the TD employees no longer have any customer service skills and they bring this on themselves (and most times they deserve it) as they no longer want satisfied customers, they are only worried with making a few dollars. When it was Commerce Bank the Customer Service was OUTSTANDING - now that it is TD Bank the customer service went right into the toilet. I have been with this bank for over 20 years and up to the time when TD took over never had a problem – NOW all I have is problems and get no relief from their customer service and when you ask to speak to a supervisor, one is never available or refuses to get on the phone. I am now in the process of changing all my accounts to a Small Neighborhood Bank – A Customer Orientated Bank – A Friendly Bank. Commerce built their bank one customer at a time an TD Bank is now driving away these loyal customers.

Oakville, CA
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Oct 08, 2010 9:11 am EDT

I am not a bank employee... but this is my take on some of the rudeness and bad behaviors of customers that I have come across at my local TD bank.
You have 500.00 in your account. You bring a check payable to you for 2000.00 and you wonder why the bank would not give you the 2000.00?
You are being asked for photo ID's. This is not that the banks do not have your records, it is to determine if you are who you say you are and protect your account if you are legit.
You bring your husband's or wife's credit cards to do transactions, and you wonder why the banks challenge that. You may have had a discussion with your spouse earlier in the morning about this. But do you think the banks would know that? And since you could bring your spouse's ID to the bank... how difficult is it for you to bring your own ID's?
If you are South Asian, why do you have ID's that all have slightly different spelling of your name except the name you used to open your account in the first place?
Your kid goes to the bank with your Credit Cards and withdraws money from your accounts. Do you think the banks will let this happen? If they did allow this... how easy is it for you to say your kid has no authorization and now the bank is responsible for money drawn from your account?
I have seen customers screaming/yelling/ banging on the teller counter/ stomping their feet/ throwing paperwork, money at the tellers/ foul language/ name calling... If this is anywhere but in Canada, the security would blow you a new one or you walk out with a taser up your [censor].
Most fellow customers I have seen are in fact nice/polite and educated people. Is the few pathetic ones that stand out and make everybody else's banking experience bad.
Finally, do not blame the banks for making money. Blame them only if you are a loser who likes to run a losing business.

Upset with Rude customers

Pembroke, US
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Nov 13, 2010 11:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

BS! TD Bank are scam artists and hold on to transactions and then dump them all in one day. Anyone who works for such a [censor] operation should be ashamed of themselves. PIG!

Bridgton, US
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Nov 19, 2010 9:28 pm EST

oh this is silly. I understand that no one deserves to be berated, but you work for a company that tries to steal money to make money. If you don't like how you're treated then you shouldn't have picked a job handling people's money, because people will murder for their money! And you're standing in between them. How about you go check out McDonalds where your business isn't to ruin people's lives.

Pembroke, US
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Nov 20, 2010 6:54 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

TD fixed it and zeroe'd out my account for me so I could close it and move on to a real bank.

Thanks TD for the lesson. I'll never go with a big bank again.

Pembroke, US
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Nov 20, 2010 7:09 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh and I had to threaten legal action to get it done by the way. I asked the VP that I talked to if she thought an impartial 3rd party would side with someone (me) on a fixed income or a big bank. Then I explained that I needn't hire any Lawyer and that I'm willing to take it as far as I can win or lose.

Needless to say she smartly opted to acquiesce to my demands realizing how much it would cost TD to hire Lawyers as opposed to refunding the money they scammed from me and zeroing out the account.

West Palm Beach, US
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Nov 22, 2010 8:45 pm EST


For those of you inquiring about a lawsuit and are interested in becoming a class member, there is a lawfirm working on putting a class action lawsuit together. The more complaints and proof the attorneys have, the better the chances are at winning a substantial amount. Substantial enough for TD Bank to improve their business practices. I just finished sending in my information to the Trief & Olk Law Firm.
There is also a website where the firm is retrieving complaints from Go to

Here is what you should do:

1. Keep all receipts for your debit card transactions to support your actual date and time of transaction.

2. Print the daily transactions reports off of the website DAILY, EVERY SINGLE DAY (This REALLY shows how they are re-ordering transactions, if you could see mine you would shake your head! BIG TIME... I got these thieves GOOD).

3. Print the pending transactions as well.
4. When complaining to TD Bank, rather than calling them - email them through the website for documentation and proof.

Hope this helps.

Marlton, US
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Feb 14, 2011 1:41 am EST

ok so i am a TD bank user. the check that i deposited never went through. that has happend maney times. also using my card is a gamble. it works somtimes at like gas stations. but about 90% of the time it does not work
i have never complained about a company before. but if im going to trust you with my money, you better take dam well care of it

Pembroke, US
Send a message
Feb 14, 2011 3:51 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


We know you are a TD cronie that profits from the misfortune of others. Why the hell do we have to use a check register when TD markets in their brochures and online that you don't need "that old check register" when you have TD Online. The simple FACT is that TD re-orders transactions to maximize PROFITS at the misfortune of others. The aim is to trigger as many overdraft fees as possible. If that's not unethical then I don't know what is.

We don't need TD or any bank. Look around for alternatives. I did and since I left TD Bank I am so much happier and have more money. I cannot wait until TD bank folds. It will happen and when it does I am going to raise a glass of champagne and toast the falling of an empire of [censor]!

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  4. TD Bank address
    10 Great Falls Plz, Auburn, Maine, 04210-5915, United States
  5. TD Bank social media
  6. Laura
    Checked and verified by Laura This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 02, 2025
  7. View all TD Bank contacts