In September 2023 I suffered a fall outside the Haverfordwest Tesco Store. A bollard had been knocked over previously by a taxi driver according to the service desk and I fell where the hole was left and there was no cone or warning that it was there. I reported this the the On duty manager. He came outside with me and took photos of the hole and asked a work colleague to make sure that a warning sign was put up. I then got put in touch with a person the phone who deals with injuries and he asked me to make a statement. On the following day I had to Go to A&E in Withybush General Hospital and was found to have a fractured scafoid and major bruising. I explained this to the on call duty officer on my next visit to Tesco. I am complaining as not once has any one checked to see if I am recovered or offered any compensation the injuries or upset that this accident has caused. I have now come to the conclusion that Tesco don't really care and am going to to be putting in a claim for this accident. all photos were taken by the duty manager.