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Universal Vacation Club International / UVC International

Universal Vacation Club International / UVC International review: Buyer beware of the villa group - uvc 108

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9:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

We need to get the word out before more innocent people get scammed. The Villa Group and UVC are in the process of building 2 new resorts and you know what that means, they need more timeshare owners. If only they honored what they sell... that's all anyone wants, no more, no less.

The Villa Group or UVC does not seem to care about their existing customers and they do not tell the truth in their sales presentations. We have tried to fix our issues with just about everyone with the Villa Group and UVC and they have done absolutely nothing. Below is our original complaint sent to UVC and the Villa Group. Since complaining, all 3 of our referrals that are joining us next week at the property were called within the last day and informed that they are "ineligible for the referral program because they are traveling with us" - so they are no longer being offered the round-trip transportation to/from the airport/resort or the $300.00 in resort credit - retailiation? Who are these people? Should we be afraid when we arrive on Sunday? Stay tuned!

To make matters worse, today I get my UVC newsletter in the mail where they are promoting their "referral program" and claim that referrals can stay for $25.00 per night. So why was I charged $987.00 to upgrade my unit to accomidate our "referrals" that are joining us and why did we have go through a travel agent to book an additional night at the resort when our flight was cancelled and we were booked on a flight a day later? (UVC said they were sold out and couldn't help. So what exactly are we getting for the $17K we've spent plus yearly maintence?


On August 4, 2006 while we were in Cabo San Lucas, we were approached by a Villa Group Senior Sales Representative, Linda Salisbury, about an exciting opportunity to purchase a timeshare at a soon to be developed premier resort called Villa Del Arco. She invited us to tour the property and hear about the exciting pre-development discount pricing being offered by the Villa Group/ResortCom International. Ms. Salisbury then drove us to the property where we were shown the future layout of the resort (still under construction) and an already built and furnished 1-bedroom unit. Liking what we saw, we then sat down with Ms. Salisbury to discuss the details of purchasing a 1-bedroom unit at Villa Del Arco. Following are the contract terms we were promised if we purchased and became owners of a 1-bedroom unit during the summer season (weeks 18 - 43) for the purchase price of $16, 995.00:

1. Two 1-bedroom ocean view/pool view units for the price of one unit - second unit was called a "Gold Week"

2. Guaranteed use of 1 1-bedroom unit for two weeks each year or 2 1-bedroom units for 1 week each year.

3. As a "Gold Member/Property Owner" we would have the right to use our "Gold Week" anytime during our summer season.

4. Guaranteed stay at Villa Del Arco during our time slot or the option to use Interval International to travel elsewhere.

5. Guaranteed owner priority reservations.

6. Guaranteed owner priority upgrades to larger units if available at no additional cost.

7. Guaranteed extended stay at maintenance fee rates.

6. UVC and Interval International membership.

7. Maintenance fees not to exceed $602.00 per unit per year.

8. Complimentary resort shuttle service to and from the airport to the resort.

9. Resort use is exclusive to timeshare owners and will not be available to the open market. This was explained to ensure member use, unlike other timeshares.

All sounded wonderful to us and we entered into a contract and became timeshare owners, paying for our purchase in full.

Issues from the beginning:

Our problems began with our first attempt to stay at the property:

We wanted to use 2 units for 1 week in June 2007 and were told that because of the high demand from owners, the Villa group could not honor the 2nd unit. After a lot of complaining and run around, we were finally granted the use of the second unit. We were also informed that the complimentary shuttle service was not yet being honored and we had to rent a car for the week at a cost of $875.00 Upon arrival at the property we were put in units that faced the swamp next door (no ocean/pool view) and in the middle of very noisy construction. We complained to member services and they informed us that there was nothing they could do - the resort was sold out.

After being at the resort for 2 days and constantly going to the front desk to see about being moved, we learned from the hotel manager that the resort was not sold out and in fact units with views were available but not for "timeshare owners" - the Villa group only owned 35% of the resort and those were sold out. If we wanted to purchase units with better views we could directly from the hotel at a cost of $425.00 per night. This was clearly not acceptable and we immediately went to the member services desk where we literally made a scene. We were quickly moved into the type of units we purchased.

2008 reservation issues:

We elected to not vacation at the resort in 2008 when we were told there was no availability for 2 units - clearly a breach of contract.

2009 reservation issues:

Over a year ago we booked 2 1-bedroom units for the week of 7/12 - 7/19, 2009 - we originally wanted to vacation in June (not July) but even booking a year in advance we were told it wasn't available - so we adjusted our plans and made a reservation in July.

Shortly after two different couples we know were interested in vacationing with us and to possibly buy into the resort. We contacted member services to see about upgrading one of our units to a 2-bedroom so that we could all fit. We were told that the resort was sold out and there was nothing member services could do about an upgrade. We then called the hotel and learned that was not true and 2-bedroom units were available (again through purchase direct from the hotel) we also checked Expedia and Travelocity and sure enough there is availability. We contacted UVC and were told those units were not available to us - the Villa Group only owns 35% of the property. We then called the on-site Villa Group reservation manager, Blanca Montes, who confirmed the same. After many phone calls and threats, we were able to upgrade 1 of our units to a 2-bedroom at an additional cost of $987.00. So much for your referral program. 2 days later we saw on your Villa Group website that we could of and should of been able to upgrade that unit for only $25.00.

Then in early June we we received a call from Alaska Airlines informing us that our return flight on 7/19 was canceled and we were moved to a flight on 7/20. We immediately contacted UVC about adding an additional night for each unit and were told that we could not - the resort is sold out. Knowing this was not true (we called the hotel and looked on-line) we began making phone calls everywhere. To this day this additional night has not been resolved and we have no idea where we are staying the night of 7/19.

Class-Action Law Suit

Clearly we are not alone in being misrepresented by your company/company representatives. We were contacted recently by an attorney representing 48 other Villa Group/Villa Del Arco property owners about a class-action breach of contract law suit that will seek full purchase price refunds. We have our own file documenting everything as well as the video tape from the sales presentation.

This has become the biggest nightmare and possibly the biggest investment mistake we have ever made. We have spent numerous hours trying to work with your company and have no choice but to keep our reservation this year, but still need an additional night. We also do not feel we should have had to pay the additional $987.00 for the upgraded unit since we are bringing people who are set up to hear your sales presentation. We also do not yet know how we are getting to/from the airport to the resort - apparently your shuttle service is "still not available." (current status: we booked on own final night through a travel agent - UVC still couldn't help us)

We look forward to hearing what your/your company plans to do to rectify this situation and ask that we receive an email back within 24 hours. We would also like to inform you that our family attorney will also be in Cabo San Lucas the same week we are there to do his own investigation on our behalf. We refuse to be taken advantage of and also feel an obligation to ensure this never happens to anyone else.


Ernest and Terri Silva
Member #: 16-25063

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Villa Group Resorts
Villa Group Resorts
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Jul 17, 2009 8:04 pm EDT

Dear Mrs. Silva,

Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention and we apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced recently. We are very committed to the quality and excellence of our timeshare program and take it very seriously when a member expresses concerns such as you have done. It seems one of the key issues you have raised is concerning what you understood your membership would entitle to you in terms of accommodations. In this regard, it appears there have been some misunderstandings about the specifics of your agreement. It is extremely important to note that the terms and conditions of your membership contract specifically state that room availability at a specific resort or upgrades to an existing reservation are subject to availability. When the requested resort property or dates are not available, we make every effort to offer other suitable options to accommodate the member. In your case, we offered other resort properties that did have availability as well as other accommodations at the specific resort you requested. The rules that govern timeshare ownership have to be very specific for the program to work for all entities. We understand that can be frustrating at times, thus it is our policy to always provide options to try and accommodate our guests when this situation arises and enable both parties to arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome. We realize that you recently spoke with the President of the Club to resolve your complaint and you were able to reach a mutual understanding. The Villa Group and Universal Vacation Club values all of its guests and members. We look forward to providing you with excellent service in your upcoming trip and thank you again for reaching out to us.

Universal Vacation Club Management

Norridge, US
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Sep 24, 2009 12:17 pm EDT

Dear Ernest and Terri,
Thank you so much for posting your whole story. I purchased a time share in April 2009 and have the same issues. Are you thinking of getting an attorney and trying to cancel? Can you please refer me to the attorney filing the class action suit? I am tired of waiting for calls to be answered and will not battle with the Villa group for a year. I would like to join. Your information would be greatly appreciated.


unhappy in BC
Surrey, CA
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Jan 07, 2010 3:39 pm EST

We bought our timeshare in July 2009 and I am having the same issues. If you are planning a class action suit, I would like to join.
Unhappy in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Donna Futia
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Nov 06, 2019 4:50 pm EST

Has there been a class action suit? I am interested.
Donna Futia

The Silva's
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Jan 10, 2010 1:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear all, So sorry for the delay in response to my original complaint. We did vacation at the property this summer and we did meet with the President, Club Director, and Hotel Manager where we came to a mutual resolution. To be honest, we are not going to know if they will honor their commitments until we make our next reservation, and quite frankly this past vacation with them was so exhausting that we banked our week for this year.

As for the class action law suit - apparently this is now an Attorney General office investigation as we received a letter asking for details and copies of our contract, sales presentation video tape, etc. in September 2009- which of course we provided - I'm not going to say "no" to our government.

For us, all we ever wanted and continue to want is what we believed we paid for and until we see how our next and future reservations go, we do not plan any legal action.

We wish you all the best and Happy New Year.

Donna Futia
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Nov 06, 2019 4:40 pm EST

I would ABSOLUTELY join the class action suit! Please keep me in the loop.
Donna Futia

denise bleichman
Northbrook, US
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Mar 23, 2010 9:10 pm EDT

I am interested in filing a class action suit against the Villa group. We also felt we were taken advantage of and now we have a credit card debit of $7, 500. We were given false information and feel we enough documentation to make a claim

M Rowe
San Diego, US
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Apr 28, 2010 7:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am definitely interested in a lawsuit against the Villa Group - I was totally taken advantage of and a former sales person has confirmed that I was! Do you have any information on how I can be part of this class action suit or other recourse?


Bremerton, US
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May 18, 2010 6:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We also just spent only three days at the Villa de Palmar in Puerto Vallarta and were forced into attending a timeshare at the Villa de Flamingoes. After 5 hours of brutal pressure, we were conned into purchasing a timeshare. However, we were told one thing and then our salesperson gave us an every other year option instead and failed to mention that all those lovely other perks didn't come with the every other year contract. We were also told that since we were in Mexico there was no law regarding a 48 hour cancellation option. Now we find out that we had five days to cancel it. We want in on any class-action lawsuit! Please send me more information!

Glenn & Elissa Torgeson
Parents of three teens who need to go to college

Developers Representative
San Diego, US
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Jun 09, 2010 2:51 pm EDT

Dear Members and interested parties, please be aware the number for the Developer Representative in Puerto Vallarta has changed. If you need to contact the Developer's Representative for any issues related to the Villa Group, you may now contact [protected] or [protected] (US Lines). We look forward to hearing from you.

Developer Representative
Puerto Vallarta Area

Jamila W.
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Jun 23, 2010 5:39 pm EDT

I just spoke the Developer Representative above and he was extremely helpful in developing a resolution that we could both live with. I highly recommend those that have complaints against the Villa Group, or its selling practices to give them a call at the number above. The gentlemen I spoke with was reasonable, helping me out of the nightmare experience I had with the Villa Del Palmar sales team.

Developers Representative
San Diego, US
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Jul 23, 2010 9:47 am EDT

Dear Members, as you can see, the Villa Group will respond to 95% of the issues that are brought to our attention. Please note that we have been in the process of changing providers for our US line during the past few weeks, however, the Developer Rep's office is always reachable through the International line [protected] or by email at

Best Reagrds,

Developer Representative
Villa Group

John Stavich
Thousand Palms, US
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Oct 30, 2010 8:23 pm EDT

I'm extremely upset at myself for being dupped into purchasing a timeshare at the Villa del Arco. I will join in any sort of Class Action Lawsuit, just provide the attorney's contact info.
John Stavich/Sophia Comins

Diane DeFeo
Palmyra, US
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Mar 04, 2011 7:59 pm EST

What amazes me is that so many of us smart and sensible people can be dupped into buying these time shares. I thought I was smart enough that I would never let that happen to me and here I am compaining about being lied to regarding a time share I just bought at Vill Del Palmar, Flamingo, Puerto Vallarta. My sales person promised and guaranteed me that he would sell my old time share to buy this new one. But when I called the company to find out what was involved to do this I was told there was a $785 fee and no guarantees! I'm retired and on a fixed income and this could really break the bank. I don't know where to turn or who to contact.

Diane DeFeo

M Rowe
San Diego, US
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Mar 04, 2011 10:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I totally agree! I had the EXACT same experience with them. I told them SEVERAL times during the sales transaction that I could not afford this unless my old time share was sold. They assured me it would be within 30 -60 days. I was DUMB and paid the money to them and it has now been 15 months - not sold yet! After it not selling for 4 months I stopped paying for the new timeshare and I haven't heard from them since. I'm out my deposit, the $ I paid to list my old timeshare and the 4 months I paid toward the new one. I tell everyone I possibly can to avoid Villa del Palmar (all sites) completely!

Chuck Leavitt
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May 20, 2011 9:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Count me in for the class action lawsuit. Please contact me with any and all info.

Seattle, US
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Jun 03, 2011 1:40 am EDT

Just got back from Cancun area, and we too were persuaded into a presentation -"90 minutes". We left our hotel at 730 am, and were finally released from bondage at 2 pm. After continually saying we couldn't afford it and didn't like the location, they cornered us with the fourth salesperson. He stared me down and I felt intimidated. We consented to a "Trial Membership".

We were made to sign forms that allowed them to hassle us about payment, and waive the right to renegotiate in 5 days. And the "promise" of tickets to Isla Mujeres were rendered almost useless, as we only had 1.5 hours on the island before we had to return to be transported back.

On paper what we signed seems like a good deal, but I am disinclined to ever return because of the tactics they used.


Ruidoso, US
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Jun 04, 2011 7:11 am EDT

My husband and I purchased a studio time share in Nuevo Vallarta this afternoon. As with the rest of you, we were wooed by a very persuasive airport employee apon arrival to PV. We spend 5 hours at the Palmar Flamingos resort and finally were so worn down we purchased the base studio-Gold membership. We were told the membership was in foreclosure so it could be offered to us at a price of about 9 thousand us dollars. We paid roughly 2500 down. My husband and I normally make very sound business decesions, and this was very out of character for us. We have been experiencing such buyers remorse. At this point, we would like to try and get out of the contract. I read in a previous post, that you have 5 days. Is this true? If so, who do I contact to void the contracts? Has anyone had any experience booking hotels in the US? Just wondering if there are also reservation issues there...Any advice/help would be so valued.

San Francisco, US
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Jun 10, 2011 7:57 pm EDT

Hi, I we were ripped off by the Villa Group in Cabo San Lucas and would love to join a class action law suit against the company for false information, lies and unethical tactics of persuasion. Please contact us at

Seattle, US
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Jul 03, 2011 7:44 pm EDT

We were swarmed by the timeshare agents at the Cabo San Lucas airport a few years ago. With the lure of the freebies they were offering to attend their timeshare presentation, we agreed to see it. While I had my doubts, my wife and son were gung-ho for it. My mistake. Once signed for a 2BR summer season, I had my doubts about the program the more I got my questions asked (which happened after my return to the U.S.). I suggested to the sales rep that we would agree to a 1BR winter season instead, as my son was nearly an adult and probably wouldn't vacation with us after that. The rep wouldn't even address that request. Feeling stuck with a lemon, we've made lemonade. We've exchanged the primary week at least 3 times: Lake Tahoe was a reasonable exchange, Gatlinburg was sub-par, Kelowna was good. One time, we exchanged to a 1BR winter in Puerto Vallarta, which was fine (more docile than Cabo, which fits us fine) other than their airport shuttle being a rip-off price-wise (you can go on your own for 1/2 of what they charge), and a visit to Nuevo Vallarta for a sales pitch where the rep insisted that I give the waiter the tip (vs. him)! I went to the pitch to see the resort and to unload on their sales practices, leaving their staff stunned that they didn't get to ring the bell (which indicates a successful sale). The rest of the time we've put it into the rental program, none of the times anywhere close to the 1.5x the sales rep told us we could get, the first time perhaps 2/3 of the maintenance fee, the other time close to break-even. I'd be happy to not have to have the maintenance fees for this timeshare hanging over my head for 25+ years and wish the developer was open to terminating our membership at no cost and no financial benefit to us. I'm not holding my breath, though, as we've experienced their lack of response when we tried to get a more-suitable program than what we got stuck with.

G Bowman
Champaign, US
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Sep 15, 2011 5:56 pm EDT

We upgraded at a "members update" in Oct 2010. When we received our contract it was not the contract we had agreed too. In fact the contract contradicts itself in several places. That alone should make it invalid. I have tried to email member services, the developer, and anyone else I could find an email address for. I have called several different numbers and mailed letters. I have had no response from anyone. So much for caring about the members and trying to "make things right". I always thought Villa group was above these tactics--I recommend no one go to a sales representation or members update without their attorney.

KellieK in Florida
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Sep 29, 2011 7:09 pm EDT

I found this website after receiving a call from the Villa Group claiming I had asked for information on one of their villas in Mexico back in January when I was staying with a friend who owned a timeshare in Vegas. I told the gentleman on the phone that I did not ask for any such type of information (I didn't) and I'm assuming they have to make up some sort of story in order to get around the do not call list which we are on.

Anyway, he tried to pitch me this great deal about only offering this 75% off special to VIP's on a limited basis, etc...I asked him point blank if it was to sell timeshares and at first he said that the way they get business is to invite only a select group of "VIP's" (That special word again, give me a break) each year and they get business from referrals. Then he added that they also sold timeshares. Really? What a surprise!

I explained to him that I was busy and asked for his contact information to call him back. Once off the phone I immediately did a Google search on the Villa Group, found their website and this one, of course. After reading the comments I felt very strongly that I needed to add my story to it because of this:

My husband and I attended a time share a couple of years ago in Vegas. My husband travels a lot for business and stays at a number of Hilton properties and we were sent a letter offering a free 2 night stay at their hotel. We understood we would have to attend a timeshare and at first my husband did not want to waste our time sitting through it as we had no plans of purchasing one but I persuaded him and he agreed. Before our stay we did more research on timeshares (although I did know a bit about how they worked as I am in the Real Estate industry) in order to have extra ammo, if you will, to object to any of the sales pitches presented to us. We knew what we were in for as we had spoken with friends that had purchased timeshares and had explained to us that the pitch was very convincing (Obviously, since they bought one!)

Indeed, it was-for me, anyway! As I'm sitting there listening to this woman I am picturing all of these great vacations at exotic locations and I'm actually thinking it may not be a bad idea! Then my common sense husband, who was way more prepared than I, began asking his questions on the finances such as the maintenance fees, etc. He asked the woman why would anyone spend more money to stay somewhere that they could stay at anytime they chose to and not be limited to a couple of weeks a year. And then pay all of these maintenance fees on top of that? He asked her how can you "own" something that you are so limited to and that gets re-sold over and over again throughout the year. Can you imagine how much money these companies rake in, not only for the regular hotel guests but the timeshare money as well?

The woman became extremely flustered and since she could not answer my husbands questions, actually left the room and apparently went to find someone else that could possibly sway us. A gentleman came in with her and was trying to offer us a temporary deal to which we declined and we were finally able to leave.

The main reason I wanted to comment is this: If you agree to attend a timeshare, don't think that you'll be able to "just say no" and get out without purchasing one. Do your research! Ask yourself "What specific benefits are there for me to buy a hotel room?" Your answer will more than likely be none. In the end, there are no benefits, unfortunately. You've spent a lot of your hard earned money --Say you spend $15, 000 on a timeshare with rack rates of $200 a night. How many times would you have to stay there in order to see that money back? The answer is that you will NEVER see your money back because of all of the extra fees you agreed to pay for each year!

I know these timeshares are extremely convincing, and as I said before, I have NEVER run into anyone who was happy they purchased one...unless they were kidding themselves and never did the math. If you feel that you must "own" something, buy a townhouse or condo where you have complete control over it and can rent it out etc. If you can't afford to do that, go ahead and attend a timeshare, be happy that you were able to stay someplace for cheap, or free, but had the common sense to "just say no" and walk away, with your money and your control still yours.

Seattle, US
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Nov 26, 2011 2:08 am EST

I agree with much of what is said here. We got stuck with the 2 BR summer timeshare a few years ago and got back to the U.S. regretting it due to the high price and high cost to use (maintenance fee, potential airfare, II membership) as well as the practicality of having a 2 BR. Not only did the newbie salesperson not listen to our needs too well, but when we tried to get out of it, it was as if she was checking with somebody else with more experience. When a refund request was ignored, I suggested changing to a 1BR option, as our son was so close to being on his own that it made no sense to have a 2 BR. It's not that I wanted this timeshare, just that a 1 BR may have been more usable. That request was also ignored. The saleperson's claims included that if we couldn't use the property that we could easily rent it; not so. We could use UVC's program (Suite Getaways) to make 1.5x our maintenance fee. To date, and it's been 5 years now, we've never come close to that, we haven't even broke even. We also were told how valuable the timeshare was, and to date I can't get an offer that gives it away for $500, which I'd be happy to do at this point just to get out from under it and not have to bother with signing up for the rental program by day certain each year, then waiting 15 months for the check. One would think that UVC would be happy to offer those of us who are unhappy something less than dollar-for-dollar, as then they could turn around and re-sell at the bloated price to someone else, even paying us our portion after that sale, but it's out of sight, out of mind. Contrary to the last poster, there are better timeshare companies out there, and their cost to buy and use were at one time more palatable, but nowadays that's more difficult if not impossible to find.

Bruce Herbrick
Northglenn, US
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Dec 08, 2011 7:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Is there a class action suite in process? We were talked into buying what we thought and were told, was unlimited use of a specific ocean front unit or an available ocean front unit. With the option of adding a lockout unit for additional family members, We were told we could not use it more than 4 weeks at a time. Now we find after calling for reservations for this coming spring of 2012, over 60 days in advance, that we have a fixed week and that is it. Hope someone has a class action suite in process against the Villa Group and ResortCom International. Hope to have a response.

Frank Selden
North Bend, US
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Dec 13, 2011 11:05 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

MY fiance Barb and I are in Cancun (Dec 2011). This was our first time to Cancun. We approached a desk in the airport that a sign listed as the place to stop for arranging local transportation. We paid for a round trip then were taken to a service desk where we were given the opportunity to experience a new resort in Cancun and at the same time offered local tours we wanted at a discount. The resort turned out to be Villa del Palmar - Cancun. I found out later through research that very little of what the salesman told me was true. Even at the end someone describing himself as the owner's representative asking us questions about the service provided turned out to be at best a developer's representative looking for one more chance to sell us even just "premier weeks" if he could. Our first tour was different that what was promised. "Ordinarily the Underwater Museum (4 statues, not 400) tours are $70 but we'll sell you one for $30." Turns out the $70 tour is on a very nice boat with full meal service and quality snorkeling gear while the $30 tour is on a small boat with a cup of cervichy for lunch. Today is our second tour booked through their agent. Hopefully this one is as claimed. What really annoys me about the Villa Group is how they infiltrate even the airports to pose as local hospitality when it is a sales pitch from beginning to end. I am so disgusted with all of this I never want to come back to Cancun.

Developer Rep Cancun
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Dec 18, 2011 9:26 pm EST

Regarding the posting from Mr. Selden, I am Ms. Holden, the Developer Representative here in Cancun and am interested in hearing more about what concerns you had regarding your experience with us. If you wish to discuss this furhter I can be contacted at or at [protected].

Developer Rep Cancun
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Jan 08, 2012 2:03 pm EST

As of this date, I have yet to hear from Mr. Selden and am hopeful he will contact us soon so that we can review the issues he had with his visit to the Cancun property. I can be contacted at or at [protected].

Developer Rep Cancun
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Feb 06, 2012 2:15 pm EST

I am still waiting for Mr. Selden to contact me so that we can review his concerns during his visit with us. I can be reached at or [protected].

Peter and Karen
Aurora, US
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Feb 17, 2012 8:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We just purchased a time share and this included a trade in of our existing time share. We were advised that there would be some fee's for processing the trade-in The amount of the fee's were not disclosed at the time we signed the contract neither was a good faith esimate given . We have paid $1400 in fee's on a trade-in worth $6800 We are currently trying to get this reviewed by Villa. I guess buyer beware applies to Villa.
We purchased in December 2011 and we were told we are buying one week and we would receive a second week free, wrong! We failed to read the contract that states you have to pay a second maintenance fee to get the extra week, that's not free. The sales staff did not cover this during the sales process and we feel that we were mislead. I have been intouch by phone with Villa regarding improving the training of there sales team to improve disclosure, but I do not know if they are listening.
We wish we keeped our original timeshare with HGVC at least their staff are more profesional, well trained and helpful.

Qualicum Beach, CA
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Feb 24, 2012 11:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I had a very traumatic experience with the timeshare sales staff at Villa del Palmar in Cabo san Lucas in November, 2011. We approached the Canadian Consul's office and were told that we had five days to cancel our contract. Another horrible day of Villa del Arco meetings ensued and we were told that contract cancellation was impossible - they claimed they have an iron clad contract, obliging us to continue with what we agreed with when we were under extreme duress in the initial sales event.

We want to join in a class action law suit. Can Canadians join the American action or do we have to start our own? Are there other outraged Canadians who are willing to band together to end our contracts and hopefully get our money back?

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Mar 23, 2012 9:45 am EDT

I have documentation to prove unethical business practices. I would be VERY interested in joining a lawsuit against Villa Del Palmar Cabo. I was billed 2x for our 2011 maintenance fees. We paid to avoid late penalties and now we are in communication in regards to a refund - they are not showing any overpayment even though we have 2 payment confirmation codes and bank statement showing money was paid to them. I have emails documenting all communication. It is a relatively small amount, but in the business world damages for this type of behavior is monumental.

Please feel free to email me at

Donkeyand thumper
Airdrie, CA
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May 03, 2012 1:43 am EDT

so does anyone have any good news in the end as to what has come from all of you who have been going through all of this? Did anyone get out of the contract? Has anyone had collector after them for not continuing to pay? My husband and I have recently been bamboozled also - they had us sign this wonderful thing we thought would be okay and they took $2600 down payment (originally wanting $3900). They processed supposedly our credit card when we signed - then when we returned to home a week later the charge still wasn't through on the card. A week exactly later the charge was posted on credit card. Now i am nervous because i do not want to give them more money after reading all of the issues here. Someone please respond so i know what to do. Thanks.

Pittsburgh, US
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Jun 27, 2012 7:38 am EDT

Hello to all interested parties.

We also were scammed by the Villa Group in December, 2011. We have contacted a lawyer, who agrees with our complaint. He is willing to pursue a class action against the Villa Group.

Please email me if you are still interested in keeping these timeshare bandits from plying their trade on other unsuspecting victims. I can be reached at

I look forward to hearing from you.


Jean Tien
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Oct 16, 2019 11:06 pm EDT

Hi - I am interested. Has any progress been made on this item?

Donna Futia
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Nov 06, 2019 4:47 pm EST

I am interested in joining the class action suit.
Donna Futia

minerva guerra
Pasadena, US
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Jul 06, 2012 5:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The service at Villa Del Palmar is bad. Starting with Myra at reception. Poor customer service equals no time shares to be sold. I don't get this company. Strange. You provide poor service, bad food high prices and somehow this will make people want to buy a time share with you? No one ever said " Welcome to El Palmar" not even that. Adriana our concierge signed us up for the tour and Time share presentation upon arrival I wanted to check out the place. She told us that the Boat at Los Arcos was for kids to enjoy. Its a restaurant bar for adults. My brother in law bought a time share and he realized the next day that the sales people lied about a lot of things and the bad service and expensive and bad food at el palmar. when he tried to cancel Miguel and Carlos at the Villa Del Palmar said he needed to wait for another person who wasn't around until 3 days later. It was a terrible experience. I have been to Cabo several times and have never experienced the low quality of attention that you receive here at this hotel. The personell is poorly trained and very unattentive. The rugs in the rooms were very dirty and stinky. Have pictures by the way. The best part is its' location and kitchen. Thats it. Scary part is no "fire extinguishers in kitchen" and no smoke detectors. The exterior of the property is clean but this hotel is only sister to Los Arcos. Which today we were told that being able to use there facilities at los arcos means only there restaurants not the gym or pool. Gee thanks. We were asked to leave the pool. I spoke with Enrique at Los Arcos and I argued the point that this makes no sense. He was unreceptive and again I have never been asked to leave a hotel pool at the Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Blanco or the Sunset Beach you get to use all three pools. We all know that Time Share sales people are RATAS and snakes but these folks make you sick to your stomach. There tactics are awful. Bottom line my brother in law would have kept the time share but by the next day we all realized that we wanted to be a part of a great time share not a mediocore one. There is a definite disconnect at this hotel. There are no supervisors or managers that can help you around. There idea of an affordable massage is 250.00 per couple for 50 minutes. Im not sure who owns the Villa Group but they really are not a good time share to have. Even some of the staff sympathize with our complaints.

Vancouver, US
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Sep 30, 2012 1:51 pm EDT

I am a member as well and they lied about many things. would love to be part of the class action suit. Please list the attorneys name and number if someone knows it.

Lied 2
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Nov 28, 2012 7:02 pm EST

Villa Del Palmar Flamingos is a scam. We told Austin Dickerson we had no intentions to buy that we didn't like the west coast and, it was to expensive to fly and we would never be back.. Austin Dickerson promised us eight bonus weeks we could rent and make money every year. He even stated that the money made off the rental wouldn't require a 1099 form since it was in Mexico pure profit. The package he promised never came in the mail. We called and emailed him. He said no problem and referred us to Regal This cost us another 661.00 dollars for a agency to rent them for us. Nothing ever rented. LIES! We are now being harassed by Villa Del Palmar for non payment of maint. Fees and, late penalties. I have copies of the emails with Austin Dickerson and, have contacted an attorney. Hope he can get us out of this fraudulent situation. We never even stayed at their resort they lied and, we are not sending them any monies.

Edmonton, CA
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Dec 11, 2012 8:28 pm EST

Wow. Wish I would have seen this page before ALSO BEING DUPPED! I purchased a studio time share and now feel like a complete idiot after reading this online forum. Feel free to contact me with any info of a lawsuit. Does anyone have ANYTHING positive to say about this company...Out of the thousands of people they sell to Im sure there has to be some positives to it...NO?

Dane Bav
Montvale, US
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Jan 24, 2013 5:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had nothing but difficulties from the very beginning (August, 2012) and after reading all your complaints, I can relate. I am wondering if any of you have gotten anywhere with your complaints. I still can't get straight the UVC/Resortcom/and Villa Group dynamics. Every time I call I get different people and different answers. Any attorney info would be appreciated if you all have combined efforts. Way too much to type to tell all the issues of inept and misrepresentation from the sales rep in Mexico.

jennie riegger
Hen, US
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Feb 08, 2013 5:37 pm EST

I bought my times share in June 2005 for the Villa del Arco1 bedroom at $15, 000 summer months and $525 maintenance fees. I have not been able to redeem any of my weeks due to saying their rooms were sold out. I have been to Cabo San Lucas every year or every other year and had to pay and stay at other resorts.. I was told I was getting the construction price and when I came back to the states realized they have me owner at the Home Resort Villa Del Palmar. My current maintenance fees are $765. I have many years banked and deposits to exchange for a vacation through Interval world International and I have tried many times to get a resort here in the states and never once been able to exchange because they say its high season their a big scam too. If anyone knows of any class action suits or attorneys please fill me in..

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 12, 2013 4:52 pm EST

I am also trying to build a case on the Villa Group. I was scammed and i'm trying to get out of a contract. Oh and as soon as I tried to get out of the contract by typing a demand letter they sent me to collections and they want the lump some up front. I never used it and was never able to use it. It was always full, no rooms. They always lie to you when you call them. Even their own reps admit that they will lie to us because we signed the contract. am willing to help, or join in a class action law suit if possible.

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Mar 04, 2013 4:30 am EST

we bought our timeshare last november and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to cancel it. we haven't used it & have not paid off the downpayment for that matter... any suggestions on how to get out of's a total scam !

Rancho Santa Margarita, US
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Mar 12, 2013 4:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have a Westin Timeshare in Princeville and use it all the time, no attitude, no hassle, extremely accommodating employees...I could go on and on. We went to Cabo on an all inclusive trip to Villa Del Arco, were very well taken care of at first. We were wooed into the timeshare presentation and the story goes on and sounds just like everyone else that has written on here. We even decided to put are 2 adult children on this with us so they could use with there friends, well my daughter is down in cabo at Villa Del Palmar (as you can never get into Del Arco) right now and being hassled every time she walks in the building and it is taking 15 minutes of the same BS to get to her room. My Husband has called the Villa Group to let them know this needs to stop, and of course they say"Oh yes, I understand and it will" We paid for our entire 2 units/1 week up front and pay our annual HOA dues and expect to be given what we were promised. We have exhausted all avenues to find out why we can Never use the Del Arco Property. I could bore you with the same struff that has been said over and over. Bottom line, where do I sign up for this class action lawsuit.

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