Dollar Tree reviews and complaints 31
View all 2972 complaintsDollar Tree - DM and HR told employee to chase after customer and get injured
Cashier does their job correctly, rings up around 90 or so customers. One of those customers creates conflict. Manager comes over, tells cashier to "void her purchase" as customer was unable to have enough money. It happens. Customer grabs bag, runs out store. Manager told cashier "why did you not chase after her?!" That is against policy. Jessica is manager ahe should know this rule! But lacks manager skills as this job will ask any hard worker for manager role if they like. So manager calls HR and HR decided to let go of employee for not chasing after customer which could cause employee some kind of harm. But HR Henry a [censored]ing [censored]! He ignores policy and decided to put employee in harms way! Employee could have been hurt by customer somehow. District manager Rhonda we chavez, HR Henry, Hank, Harold. Manager Jessica ejia. Daina herb.
Desired outcome: Termination of jessicaejia, dainaerb, carleenundy, drewdrght, paigelly, admitted to refusing to help employees
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Dollar Tree - Manager doesn't know what to do here hides and lies
The managers here so not give breaks or else they give breaks at last 30 minutes of employee shift. Managers hide, run away refusing to answer backup calls or bill checks. Managers refuse customer service daily as they stay in break room sitting down, sleeping, doing anything they please! Managers at this store work at 5AM smoke up, no one else is here but the marijuana scent is strong and follows manager everywhere. Managers at this store usually never open registers, only have one employee per shift. Manager is too lazy to hire new employees so she must depend on workers from other stores to help here! Manager refuses to do interviews, refuses to own up to violations and actions! Managers run store like children! Managers never talk to employees in a year, no directions, no helping, just strong discrimination towards religion, age, gender and ethnicity! Store manager Jessica Mejia is targeting employees, refuses to give them schedule changes, refuses to give day off requests! She must rely on boyfriend to take her to work and pick her up daily. Because she incapable, too lazy to learn to drive and too dumb to know how to take the bus!
Manager Jessica Mejia!
Manager here would change schedule without employee consent, then threaten employee with termination for asking questions! Jessica Mejia!
Managers here at this store refuse customer service, lie to customers about not being cashier, helping with products, and balloons! Managers just stock and hide and smoke up all shift! Ignoring own family members stealing, then allowing them to park car in lot for 6 nights refusing to call towing company on purpose! Managers here do not know how to handle conflicts, or exchanges even. Manager here protected employee stealing products and miss work for 4 days in row, no call no show, managers refused to ask questions just let it alone! Manager Jessica Mejia deserves to be terminated from company multiple times! 13 years of violations! Still unable to locate fire extinguishers as safety inspector still had to point them out to her! Still have not opened all 3 registers in 13 years! Manager Jessica has to have DM tell her what to do, she is beyond unprofessional to do things herself! Jessica Mejia hides lies lazy disrespectful discrimination never opened register in 10+ months not communicating with employees in years!
Desired outcome: Terminate Jessica Mejia store manager at 1960 cliff lake rd. 55122 eagan,MN store number 4260!
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Dollar Tree - Store 4260 1960 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MN store manager Jessica
The store manager here has not opened register in a year, turned away customers never helping them. Has only one employee as cashier per shift. Backup is not tolerated here as only two people work per shift. One manager who hides and does nothing all dal and one employee who does all the work! Very unfair for employees here! Manager refused schedule change for employee in 3 years of being targeted by racist, dishonest, money stealing, lazy Spanish manager! DM is fully aware of store managers violations as they give excuses and protect this lazy dumb manager! As DM refused to help all employees with concerns as DM supports managers that hide, lie, manipulate and smoke weed, then take 20 more smoke breaks all they like! DM honestly does nothing to help employees as they pretend to have talked with all employees and all managers when they honestly have not! These managers here are on phone all day, can hear their conversations and how irritable they are when having to deal with customers and employees. Their are 3 registers and only 2 are used. The other register works well, just the managers far too idiotic to open and put in till as it runs fine. Managers refuse to run registers, have the employee deal with 260+ customers alone without help as bill checks, returns, green dot reloads are done without managers approval even after called 2-3 times. The managers simply take too long to answer, they are in office hiding and in break room talking away, purposely refusing to help out. This is everyday behavior by managers!
Manager refused to open register so morning shift has no back up help, the night cashier refused to do night procedures! Refuses to take out full cardboard boxes, empty trash cans, recover aisles, fill pop coolers, turn of helium tank, all while doing nothing as managers too ignorant to say something! No directions! No proper management, just lazy lying racist spic of a manager!
Lets be racist since my manager tolerates hate speech here as she mentions slurs at customers and only looks out for Spanish people only as she lets them steal and sexually harass employees here! Store manager is Jessica M! Roman
Manager Jessica often refuses to give breaks to employees so employees work 5-7 hours without any meals or 10 minute break as supposed to! Manager Jessica does this on purpose never caring for others, just herself! Only cares about how many violations can she get away with!
The DM pretended to talk with Jessica as they did nothing about her as Jessica continues to hide, use racial slurs, lie, text, talk on phone, leave store for hours And hours without telling anyone, returns with lots of bags from target. As it is next door to store! Manager Jessica has referee back to past incidents to get out of termination as excuses she told to DM! In return the DM looks for anyone to blame and has and protects Jessica from termination or write ups! Jessica admitted to many violations including helping Spanish employee steal multiple products from store on October throughout November of 2023!
Jessica told managers who told employees, "night employee is too old to lift, too old to empty trash bags, too old to stock boxes, too old towalk, too old to learn register operations, too old to learn anything!"
Unfair treatment and age discrimination by store manager Jessica Mejia!
Manager opens store at 5AM clocks out at 10 or 11 AM every shift, when inventory is far far past over. No reason to be at store 4 hours before doors open! This manager has been known to smoke weed, sleep in office, break room where cameras cannot see HIM! Manager leaves once next manager or employee clocks in! Most days he leaves so early that their is no manager here, just the employee in store by themselves often! This happens every weekends! Manager leaves without telling employee, employee runs store alone for next few hours until next shift manager clocks in! Every weekends this happens! DM is fully aware as they refuse to do anything about this problem! Not right having one employee the only cashier alone in store for few hours alone as next shift manager arrives! Highly unfair treatment by all managers here! This has been going on for past 2 years of same [censored] activities by unprofessional child like behaving racist idiotic stupid [censored] religion, sex gender discriminating managers here! DM fully aware of manager leaving store and only one cashier employee in store alone until next manager arrives! DM is doing nothing about this as this behavior continues to this very day of Sunday January 7,2024 and beyond!
That's tolerated yes! Manager leaves clocks out of shift, leaves one employee by themselves for few hours until next shift manager clocks in! This is ongoing and DM is respecting, tolerating this very action by these worthless child like managers that continue to do this! The DM told e! ployees, "so [censored]ing what, who cares!". Managers leave store without notifying employee or alert employee they are here alone for next few hours, so no help is available for them! Unfair treatment here! This is true story and events happening at this store in Eagan, MN store number 4260. 1960 Cliff Lake rd. 55122 suite 139!
Desired outcome: Terminate manager Jessica Mejia for continuous discrimination of age, race, sex, gender and stealing deposit money and products from store!
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Termination request for store manager Jessica Mejia, Daina Erb, Andrew dright, DM R.C. for ignoring concerns as these managers continue breaking violations of conduct policies on purpose! Intentionally using discrimination targeting employees for fun by complaining selfish racist managers!
Terminate DM as well R.C. and Jessica mejia, andrew, dright, daina "bully, complaining, attention seeking" Erb.
Dollar Tree - Store manager admitted targeting and refusing customer service and bullying
It is way for managers to never run register and stock all shift. Easy when managers turn away customers refusing to help on purpose. Easy when managers hide, lie, do nothing all shift as they hide inside office! Unfair treatment by managers here. It is easy for managers to smoke up and work at 5AM then leave at 10am, when they are not suppose to work so early. This manager does nothing and hides same with store manager. Manager accepts employee lies and false stories just to have day off. Managers refuse to ask questions and proof for evidence making sure employee is telling truth! But these managers do not ask questions or for proof as this very employee is known to managers to be "compulsive, manipulative, dishonest" employee! Managers know his lies and ignore all of them! Managers do not care! Managers here smoke up, get stoned, steal deposit money, manipulate safe count as the bank will call asking for "missing money". Managers give attitude and do not care!
Store manager has refused to open till in a year, refused to be honest with corporate whenever questioned! Manager is "little child" behavior, highly unprofessional! Dm is aware, refuses to fire manager that admitted to targeting employees, purposely refusing to change schedule, refused to help cashiers and admitted to hiding and having to be told how to do things as manager Jessica is incapable of understanding anything here! Jessica is manager, talks about quitting the job to work as truck driver because they make 6 figures! Sad because Jessica does not have driver's license and has to rely on her drug dealing boyfriend to pick her up every day since she is too to ride the bus! Dumb stupidly manager that never knows what to do, has to have dm'd hold her hand! I feel sorry for her [censored] child! Syke, [censored] them all to hell!
Fire store manager Jessica Mejia for admitting to discrimination and targeting employees for 13 years! Dm fully aware, excuses her violations protecting Jessica for selfish reasons! Unfair and gender, age, religion race discrimination by store manager Jessica Mejia!
Desired outcome: Terminate store manager Jessica Mejia
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Dollar Tree - Lazy racist manager that gets away with violating conduct policies
It is easy for manager when they never ring up customers! Easy for them to just stock all shift, easy for them to turn away customers refusing them any service daily! Manager Jessica has tolerated employee theft, helping employee steal as she gets away with theft by manager. Dm refused to talk to all employees, just continue to target and harass same employee! Unfair treatment! It is unfair to have 1 cashier per shift doing more work than managers that hide, text, lie, and run away all shift. Then have dm tell them what to do and not do as dm continued to give excuses for managers that discrimination, lie, hide, steal products and safe deposit money by own store manager Jessica mejia! Jessica cannot run a register, she is beyond stupid! This manager never knows what to do after 13 years of pretend manager! This manager has used racist comments at customers and employees as dm was made aware and they decided to do nothing about discrimination by manager Jessica and also refused to talk to all employees and all managers since these managers continue to break conduct policies by smoking up, working at 5 am when no need to so that manager never works during the day or morning or nights as he clocks out at 10 am! Unfair and highly unprofessional behavior by all bullying racist, shameful, belittling, stealing, lying, manipulative racist manager Jessica Mejia whom is protected by cm as they refuse to fire Jessica Mejia after she admitted to purposely targeting and and hiding and lying to corporate and refusing employees sick day and refused to allow employees to change schedule over 3 years now! Jessica admitted to all this and breaking conduct policies as dm excuses her disobedience of violations of broken zero tolerance conduct policies numerous times per week here!
Desired outcome: Terminate store manager Jessica Mejia
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Destroying store manager jessica, deserves to be fired from company! The dm sound guilty too! How pathetic! Shame on you and discrimination tolerated is cause for lawsuit! Jessica deserves to be fired and sued in court and will be served!
Dollar Tree - Manager discriminates and helps steal products
Manager here is intentionally targeting and discriminating against age, race, gender and religious beliefs. Manager is purposely doing this for 11 years as manager. Manager has told employee "she loves her" as manager changed schedule. When another employee asked for schedule change they were given excuses and discriminated against. This manager Jessica Mejia has been showing racism and favorites. Dm fully aware did not care as they excused Jessica's racist behavior and refused to write her up for 11 years of age, race, religion, gender discrimination. Racism and age and religious discrimination is highly accepted here by dm and manager Jessica mejia. Jessica has intentionally refused targeted employees schedule change and day off requests! Jessica has used racism to benefit her management by supporting Hispanic employees to steal, miss work, help them steal and take full advantage as they have gotten away with theft crimes every shift! Manager Jessica has supported employees to never learn their job, refused to teach any new hires as Jessica incapable of training new managers.
Manager Jessica Mejia has filled out employees applications for them, has not communicated with employees in a year, has not given any directions, not able to run a register in many months. Manager Jessica has refused customer service as she willing lies to customers and dm! Jessica Mejia refused to have employee prove family death, as she takes word for it, leaves it alone. That very employee made up complete bold faced lie and told managers different stories. Not able to be honest and just wanted the day off so employee made up lie about death in family as managers refuse to ask for death certificate and proof. Employees can lie to dumb managers about anything as these managers refuse proof and accept all lies just as dm continues to do!
Manager Jessica discriminates against gender, religion, race and age! Jessica has refused to change employee schedule because of their ethnicity! Dm fully aware just excused Jessica racist behaviors! Unfair treatment!
Jessica Mejia hides lies and refuses to open register in a year! Terminate racist unfair disrespectful manager Jessica Mejia for also helping employee steal products as Jessica ignored employee theft and make jokes about employee stealing! Jessica Mejia is unprofessional very racist manager!
Desired outcome: Terminate manager Jessica Mejia and dm.
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Sue dollar tree for protecting racist, age gender religion discrimination by store manager Jessica mejia! Will sue in claims court for supporting racist age, gender religion discrimination by store manager
This is shameful management! Jessica is racist! Fire her or be taken to claims court for further action!
Dollar Tree - Age, race, religious discrimination and theft by manager Jessica
The dm knew about manager discriminating against employees, very aware of this store manager refusing to change employees schedules. This manager Jessica has purposely discriminated against employees for 3 years as dm ignored employee concerns as they excused Jessica discrimination as this behavior persists strongly. Store manager would not allow targeted employees to change schedule over 13 years of constantly targeting employees. Corporate does not care when managers lie and refuse to help employees. Manager Jessica has accepted other employees schedule changes without questions or excuses given. Told employee "she loves her" as her schedule was changed. Manager Jessica tells dm lies and excuses as she continues to refuse targeted employees schedule changes. Manager Jessica Mejia is purposely intentionally discriminating against employees and lies to dm as they excuse violations of unfair unjust, racist, lying, manager Jessica Mejia as she continues to discriminate, hide and lie to every person with full support from dm who excuses racist age, religion discrimination done by store manager Jessica mejia. They've given Jessica excuses and refused to fire her for direct violations for over 11 years. Jessica is beyond guilty of all violations and directly singling out, targeting, discriminating against employees both old and non Hispanic ethnicities. Unfair treatment and racism by manager Jessica Mejia who still behaves this ways just as dm excused her racism and targeting employees as Jessica has protected Hispanic employees allowing them to steal and miss days of work on purpose! Jessica is purposely discriminating employees but your dm are excusing these violations daily.
Manager Jessica supports racism here! Store number 4260 eagan,MN 1960 cliff lake center.
Desired outcome: Terminate store manager Jessica Mejia and dm
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Why does your dm refuse to fire such discriminating unfair, policy violating store manager Jessica Mejia who supports racist, age religion, gender discrimination on purpose. This continues dm fully aware just excuses Jessica Mejia violations over 11 years of same discrimination practices here! Dm excuses this racist behavior as they give Jessica infinite chances as she never willing to change! Shame on you all! You all Deserve to be sued! Sueing!
Dm are participating in illegal policies, tolerated discrimination by race, sex, gender, religion and age! Only way to eliminate is to sue! Hire lawyers, sue and [censored] the world over and over! [censored] dm!
Dollar Tree - Managers here target employees discrimination and violations tolerated
Tore manager tolerates employees to abandon job to help friend move car to another state for 2 weeks. All while not being sick, all while not having other employees cover shift for missed days as written rule by manager Jessica Mejia who ignores her own written rules constantly! Manager tolerates job abandonment on purpose!
Manager purposely targeting employees by refusing to help, refusing to give day off, change schedule, no communication in a year of ignoring targeted employees. DM tolerates discrimination, excuse managers behavior continues. Employees miss work on purpose, manager does nothing, no write up, no talking to. Manager tolerates employees to miss 9 months of work, then return as store manager refuses to make interviews. She always relies on past employees to "maybe" return after they have quit. This is store manager Jessica way of management. Employees quit years ago and Jessica still keeps those employees "on call"! As they are no longer in system or with company, manager Jessica Mejia has allowed them to " help out" without having numbers, not in system, not employed here, but Jessica allowed them to work without pay. Basically store manager Jessica is having ex employees run the register using her numbers as she goes to run away all shift. This happened in 2021 & 2022 with 2 employees who just wanted to "help out without pay"! This is direct violation for store manager Jessica Mejia to have ex employees work by using managers personal numbers and password! DM was fully aware, did not care about this violation. Employees are responsible for their own tills, direct violation when manager Jessica did this and continued to have other employees use her till when not tolerated to. This happened in 2022! DM is aware and tolerates ex employees to " work for free" here!
Manager Jessica refused to change employees schedule, using racist reasoning told employee "I'm not changing your schedule, your not mexican!" Said to employees on July 1, 2023 Saturday. She also refused to let employees have weekends off, told employees "don't like it, work somewhere else!" Said to employees 6-6-2023 by manager Jessica who gets away with discrimination and violations broken! DM is totally aware as they ignore managers violations and illegal business practices here done by store manager Jessica Mejia!
Desired outcome: Terminate manager Jessica Mejia
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Dollar Tree - Managers
Managers here violate conduct policies, by refusing customer service, refuse to help cashiers. The store manager Jessica Mejia refuses to open register for 9 months as corporate tolerates this manager to break violations weekly. They give her excuses and ignore all of her violations as corporate tolerates the manager to disrespect and refuse to teach and...
Read full review of Dollar Tree and 3 commentsDollar Tree - Stupid customer who was mad for not getting a hello
To the black [censored] of a customer who complained about not being said hello to. Aries Walker go [censored] yourself n*****! Nasty ugly [censored]ing [censored]! [censored] your dead parents grandparents siblings [censored] your n***** family! I wish death upon you!
Aries we know who you are nappy haired [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] n*****! Come to the store again you'll be treated like [censored] and well be mean as [censored] towards you! You are not welcome here Aries Walker always stars conflicts for no reason. Aries Walker death to you! Hope you die! Wish death on you! [censored] Aries! [censored] you to hell! You will be banned from here! On my***** [censored] Aries nappy haired n***** [censored] your family! Hope you die! Death to aries Walker! [censored] you you will be disrespected to the fullest, we will not serve you or your returns die Aries walker! N***** coon porch monkey ugly ugly [censored] [censored]! Hope you get lynched and raped and skinned! Death to Aries Walker [censored] your mother and death to Aries Walker! [censored] your mother! [censored] your kids [censored] yourself ugly [censored]! Death to Aries! Come to store you'll be lynched and hung for all to see! Stupid dumb nigher [censored]! Mother [censored] Aries Walker!
Dollar Tree - Nothing resolved, i was told who cares, Can't write up managers no matter what
Managers lie and when you fail to manager nothing happens. Managers can never be written up even when accept counterfeit bills. The manager is held accountable for accepting fake bill, nothing happens. If situations happen months ago, I was to it doesn't matter. Incidents in past dont matter even when employee swears at customers, doesnt show up for work or call, that gets ignored and move on. Manager has been lazy and does nothing that doesnt matter. Lady told me everything is all here say. I was told who cares! Managers give excuses and have certain employees sign papers as where other employees never had to not even tell them no. They receive all they ask for and more! As where I was told by ... That even when I brought up situation to manager nothing happened, manager ignored me and never followed up about how of if manager would help. I was told who cares. Hearing the talk that got nowhere made me quit this job today! No 2 week notice, [censored] you! I quit!
Desired outcome: You've done nkthing, all the past violations by managers were ignored and continue to. They told me who cares. Anything goes here!
Dollar Tree - Jessica Mejia ugly attitude
Store4260 eagan, MN 1960 cliff lake road. Store manager Jessica Mejia i had interview and she Jessica made me wait 30 minutes, 3 managers were working and Jessica gave me excuses, got annoyed with me when she was taking very long. During interview she didn't ask professional questions like past work experience, why I chose this place, ect. She just gave me attitude, it was pointless interview, Jessica is a [censored]! Hispanic culo Punta [censored] [censored]! She is unprofessional, little girl. She deserves to be terminated! I am going to corporate and HR management about what she said to me during interview! Which is too explicit for this site! Jessica Mejia is unprofessional, very rude, short tempered, bad mannerism, very ugly nasty customer service! Stay away from dollar tree in cliff lake center! Manager Jessica Mejia Hispanic [censored]! Nasty attitude towards customers! DM Rhonda Chavez will be alerted about my interview with Jessica mejia!
Desired outcome: Terminate Jessica mejia!!!!
Dollar Tree - Customer who returns used items without receipt and lies!!
Some [censored] of a [censored] customer wanted to return opened used items and glasses, in exchange for NEW item and glasses. The return was approved of, now this @-#3& [censored] wants to purchase different set of items but get them for free since she was trying to mislead and manipulate the situation by claiming the first return was the same as the second return.
First return: She returns opened items, exchange for same amount of items.
Second return: Then wants to return items she just purchased or returned, In exchange for same amount of returned items again. Understand?!?! 2 returns for no reason when the first return wasn't allowed since products were used and opened without package OR reciept! But manager has to be nice and... This customer is tall dark dark skinned #+ — %$ [censored] who works at CUB Foods in eagan. She always sings gospel songs loud so everyone can hear her annoying obnoxious voice and she does this singing the entire time she is in store! [censored] you [censored] you [censored] you you stupid ugly [censored]faced -&% [censored] of a [censored] [censored]! Mother [censored] your entire family, [censored] you you uuugly #&%@$! I CURSE YOU! Stay the fuuuuuckkkk out of this store! NO! friendly service for you ever! You will be disrespected by all means!
Desired outcome: BAN this woman! Tall black noisy, loud, always sings gospel songs loudly, very rude, manipulative, trouble making customer
Dollar Tree - Customer who complains not getting her black ways. Ignorant.
This morning some colored Customer woman made complaint about cashier doing their job, polite, not polite enough to say welcome. Everything had to be just so, her obnoxiousnways. Customer kept on making requests about properly bagging her items in and orderly fashion. You know exactly who you are and whom im writing up here! &itch. This stupid @#$%@ & lady is special and has been doing her obnoxious self everywhere she shops and causes trouble for any worker she comes across! This stupid @&%#$ lady came into store today being curly obnoxious and believing she is better than everyone else and every needs to do things HER stupid &@$#%# way! [censored] you you stupid fat ugly smelly [censored] face ugly @&$#&@ get your nappy hair [censored] the [censored] out of here! We have you on camera lady and you will be banned from this very store, these managers are aware of you and YOUR behavior of pure &%$#@ ignorance! You are a disgrace and should @ and have your stupid @&%#$ [censored] hung, well meet again and %. To the Customer who called me a [censored]ing [censored] [censored]! [censored] you too! Tell that to [protected]@&%. Your picture will be taken and you will be banned from this store permanently, immature, actions for this customer shall have her banned upon next visit. No respect given!
Desired outcome: Customer should be banned and sent to jail for constant threats at cashiers.Photo take and banned from store!
Dollar Tree - Managers in love with lazy, racist, lying, suing, employee Rocky H.
Employee Rocky Hanna quit this job in 2021 and pretended to have sued dollar tree for past years incident where dollar tree provided her medical care. Rocky didn't care, she claims to have sued company for $10,000 and proceeded to brag about her winnings to anybody! This year 2023 pay went up and Rocky decides to return to the job she has just sued and made complaints about including store managers being "stupid [censored]es and [censored] [censored]s!" Rocks words! These managers tell all to basically anybody including customers! Rocky couldn't even fill out her application online because she is computer illiterate! So the manager Jess Mejia filled out her application for Rocky even when managers are not allowed to do so! And if an applicant cannot fill out their own application that means they are not adequate or prepared for job or tasks! How could a manager simply fill out another applicants application? This is all too true because I actually work here and witness all illegal processes handled by all managers everday! Corperate does not care also they too are ignorant by rehiring someone who sued company, then decides to return back to sued company and sued company accepts Rocky back and await another lawsuit provided by yes Rocky Hanna again! Dollar tree hired back an employee who sued them for incident that happened around 2018!?!? Then have manager fill out her application then allow her (Rocky) to only work on "go backs" that's when you put back items in proper place. Rocky does not know how to do retyrns, add money to green dot cards, stock boxes, fill pop cooler nor do any closing procedures as job inquiries! Rocky has also had her daughter come in and use racial slurs at employees as managers don't really care or say anything to the mother who works here and managers ignore all that Rocky does and sasy! Including she used strong profanity at teen shoppers as manager stands listening to Rocky argue with teenagers as manager just allows this to happen! Rocky swearing at customers loudly, manager just makes jokes and all is well, where if a different employee were to to same that employee would be written up fast! But NO write ups for Rocks behavior or that she knows nothing about store products, does not know answers to customers questions nor does Rocky help customers because she is unfamiliar with the store she worked at for 8+ years prior to her suing same company! Rocky quits job, sued dollar tree, pretended to won $10,000, asks for job back, gets job back after 1 year absence, can't fill out own application, uses profanity towards customers, constantly arguing, has daughter use racial slurs towards employees managers still show up most respect for this behavior! Managers basically are in full support when it comes to racism and not burning bridges even when Rocky disrespects all managers even employees! Shame shameful dollar tree! This is Eagan,MN store 4260, 1960 Cliff Lake Road, 55122 where racism, disrespectful, ignorance, lethargic managers work here!
Desired outcome: Terminate managers Jessica Mejia, Andrew Dright, employee Roxanne Hanna
Dollar Tree - Store manager Jessica Mejia dollar tree Eagan,MN
This manager has lied to customers too many. I have shopped this store too often, boxes blocking aisles, carts scattered everywhere in sgore, very messy! I listened to managers discussing about "getting drunk, and stoned after work". Manaher Jessica has threatened customers, she told me they don't do even exchanges even when I had my receipt, she told me store changed return, exchange policy this week. She did not explain the "new" policy just refused to answer my questions and help me instead she told me to get out for bothering customers. When I was not! Manager was a short Spanish girl Jessica. Another incident happened when their was a line of customers and only 1 cashier. The cashier called for backup, same manager comes out minutes later and tells customers she can only ring next 3 customers. She rang up 3 then walks away while the other cashier still had long line. Very unprofessional behavior for a supposed "store manager"! When it was my turn I told cashier sorry for having a poor [censored]ty manager! Cashier told me manager does nothing and sleeps in office hours on end and does NO employee training, had other manager and employees train new hires! She doesnt train her employees? Jessica will be fired from here, i will pursue in many attempts to have little girl jessica terminated! This is shameful and pathetic manahement! She does not know how to be a true manager, her attitude was intolerable, Jessica spoke with loud tone, in a yelling manner waving her hands in my face! I will contact corporate to have store manager Jessica Mejia removed perminantly! There was a customer as there were lots of water puddles in and around store, old lady slips and falls face first, injuring her elbow. Manager tells other customers about incident like telling stories to a child! Making fun and laughing, manager name is Daina and she loves to use profanity and make scenes she needs to be center of attention! I will help sue both managers and company in small claims court just like their employee has done!
Employee injured on job, quits job, waits 2 years later files lawsuit against company, claims to have won HER case, waits 1 more year finds out dollar tree increased pay wage to $15 and talks to spic Culo el Punta Jessica Mejia store manager and has manager fill out employees application due to employee not being able to use computer, so Jessica Mejia helps HER! Then immediately gets the job knowing she quit, sued company over incident happened 2 years ago, waits extra year, then decides to return back to company this employee just sued! Dollar Tree corporate and store manager all too excited in having her back to do more lethargic, leisurely, slow, work! Thank you!
Desired outcome: Sue company and managers for allowing manager to drink and smoke on job and talk about it with DM and GM!
Dollar Tree - Poor management same results
Dollar tree opened on Christmas eve for 11 hours, closing at 7pm. Still not even a half day, nor enough cashiers scheduled properly, no respect here, no appreciation. Just some little girl acting as manager Jessica Mejia! Jessica was given $20 tip from customer. Now store policy about customers giving tips is that the employee must give tip to store and not allowed to pocket tip! Jessica pocketed tip and bragged to other managers. Jessica is extremely lazy, slacking often, 12 years of misconduct as corporate ignores and accepts unprofessional behavior from such pathetic management! Disgraceful, shame on corps state and wonder why people steal products from them. And sue them. Always selfish and ready to give certain employees a write up just because she can. Corporate shows employees NO respect nor appreciation, no condolences when employee died, just greed for lust for paper with dead presidents printed on and given some value to. Money, greed, lust, repeate. Burn in he'll dollar tree corporate [censored] [censored]face mother [censored] yours!
Desired outcome: Fire Jessica Mejia store manager
Dollar Tree - Complaining about managers Jessica and Daina in Eagan dollar tree store
Jessica Mejia allows certain employees to work 5 hours take half hour break as other employees work 5 hours do not have half hour breaks because they work 5 even 3 hour shifts as they get 1 10 minute break only! Use to work here I know exactly how they operate! She then allows that employee to drink alcohol during break in their car sitting in parking lot! Return to work different aditude smelly from perfume they use to hide odor but doesnt work to good! Customers complain to manaher but manaher is little girl who ignores complaints from customers and then proceeds to down play situation like getting drunk on break is NO problem here! 3 hour shift is too difficult and standing around register waiting for customers, not doing anything, is too hard of a job to do! Their is only 1 person working and thats the cashier every damn day! Noone gives a piss nobody cares if manager hides, lies, steals, disrepects customers and employees and corperate is too lazy to listen to honest employees who see these managers same way loyal customers do! And that is rude, mean, lying, belittling, mocking, unintellegent, unprofessional, lazy, lazy, lazy worthless pathetic managers! Managers here are completely useless! Ignorant mindless, lazy pathetic unprofessional little kids running a store as if it is high school! Unprofessional management by all! Jessica Mejia is store manager who lies to customers encourages employees to tell customers lies and swear at them like daina does! Manager daina erb! Swears constantly at everyone, including children and parents, she is instigator along with Jessica both argue and need to be center of attention as Jessica hides in office refuses to help or do work! When she does do something she has her phone out texting with boxes blocking aisles and having snottty short temper at customers! HR does nothing they are fully aware of the illegal ongoing and rude shameful impolite interactions Jessica Mejia talks and behaves towards customers and staff employees! District manager is Rhonda Chavez. General manager Wendy. HR relations personnel Tim Aylor. Store number 4260. 1960 cliff lake road Eagan,MN 55122.
Dollar Tree - Store Manager Jessica Mejia disturbing behavior
Store number 4260, 1960 Cliff Lake road, Eagan,MN 55122 store manager Jessica Mejia does nothing everyday! She stays inside office for many many hours, pretending to do paperwork. Jessica is full of [censored], she steals money, lies to customers every time she refuses to help employees. She hires new employees then gets mad at them for not knowing what to do because her stupid spic [censored] doesn't tell them teach them anything, just ignores them and allows them to be lazy and leaves it that way. Jessica lick my [censored] Mejia is too unprofessional as corporate does not care what type of manager runs the store! Corporate can gag dirty dildos and die! [censored] your dead mother corperate!😁😁. For you pussies cannot do [censored]! Too much of pussies to listen to honest customers loyal and trustworthy. Instead you pussies ignore employee customer safety and concerns as you corporate [censored] faces encourage hate, disrespect, racism, and sexual harassment! Corporate go [censored] your dead grand mommy and rape you own daughters and sisters because this is what white men in America do to pretty girls, no matter if its their own daughter, their daddy will happily Rape them 60 times over as their brother joins in raising their sisters! God bless this america! Rape your own kid because she is a young woman and this is what Americans do they rape their children and do it again and have their buddies join in and gangbang their daughters by strangers for entertainment and fun! This is what corporate is about and making devil evil money in the process!
Terminate Jessica Mejia she steals, lies, does no work, disappears for hours daily, and refuses to help employees, Jessica Mejia been manager here for 12 years and steals, lies, misbehaves, talks about "getting liquored up everyday after work"! Nice to know manager is alcoholic! Jessica Mejia had DM Rhonda Chavez this month as this lesbian does nothing here! It's all make believe everyone here is fake! They lie to protect themselves as they have no problem throwing people under bus, so lets do this! I hope you all get run over by bus and put into trash compactor and die fearfully! Mother [censored] anyone responding to this, keep opinions to yourself! [censored] you Howard [censored]face [censored] your mommy and sister and daughter hope they get raped by Ted bundy! 😁😁 Fuuuuuck you corperate, [censored] Jessica spic mejia, [censored] rhonda, [censored] dollar tree, [censored] corporate [censored] dick suckers! I [censored]ing Hate you all for not terminating Jessica Mejia for violating zero tolerance policy every week! We have been giving you proof actual footage on camera shows how Jessica sits in office sleeping, watching shows on phone being completely useless everyday! [censored]ing [censored]es gives spoken with employees there and most willing to sue dollar tree and more! Your actions cause customers danger due to your managers threatening and impolite constantly swearing and harassing customers as HR is fully aware and refuse to do something! Sue dollartree!
Desired outcome: sue dollar tree, sue Rhonda Chavez, sue Jessica Mejia, sue daina erb! Terminate Jessica Mejia!!!
Dollar Tree - Corporate protecting dishonest unprofessional manager
Managers here have "favorites" they give them anything they want! Employee asked for month off she gets it, another employee asked for day off just to watch football, manager gave it to them. If your not considered "favorite" then you get disrespected, belittled, mocked cussed at by managers! These managers treat you like an enemy with hate! They will not do anything for you even if you have flu and ask for day off manager Jess Mejia told that employee you will be written up for missing any days of work! That is not right, she expects sick employees to work and never miss any days ever! Corporate is aware and agrees with managers picking "favorites" and bully those who are not part of the "in crowd" or considered "popular by managers!" This store is run by a little girl (Jess mejia) who runs it like a high school, with constant bickering, gossiping, threatening employees and bullying them at will! As Jess Mejia disappears in the office for many hours daily, she is far too lazy full of [censored], lies to employees constantly and give excuses to employees making sure they do not get what they ask for unless they are considered "favorites" by these lazy childish behaving unprofessional impolite, disrespectful managers at this here store!
Managers are allowed to bully, mock, belittle, emberass, hate, use slurs, steal, threaten, intimidate employees who are not "favorites" this is Dollar Tree! Corporate does not care about employees, they pretend they do but only care for money! One of our employees passed away, corporate was thrilled and did nothing, not concern for the family, just a "[censored] you, your replaceable, [censored] off!" That is what corporate did to employees who pass away! Disrespectful nature this company displays! Dollar Tree must be SUED forever! Sue dollar tree by any means! 1960 Cliff Lake road, store number 4260, Eagan,MN 55122
[protected]! Rhonda Chavez is District Manager! Wendy is General Manager of dollar tree! [protected]! Manager is Jessica Mejia! Terminate this manager NOW! Why have manager who does nothing daily, lazy, always on phone, threatens, mocks, belittles employees and corporate respects this! Corporate supports hate and managers who clearly violate zero tolerance policy! SUE Dollar Tree! Sue dollar tree! Anybody responds to this DON'T! You must work here to actually understand so butt out and [censored] your opinion Howard!
Desired outcome: Terminate manager Jess Mejia for lying, threatening, swearing, bullying customers and employees
Dollar Tree - Complaint
This company has managers who steal from the safe deposit, store manager refuses to have closer follow her to bank, technically she is secretly stealing money! Then why not do your job properly store manager? This store has managers who swear at children, belittle employees, mimic disabled veterans, Threatening employees will be hurt and towards customers and lots of swearing at customers, never solving conflicts, lying to employees about everything, refusing to let employee request day off, change schedule, or even give them breaks. Store manager Jessica Mejia Eagan, MN 1960 Cliff Lake Road, store number 4260. Mother [censored] corporate for not doing anything EVER! [censored] corporate wish death upon them all! Sue them! Corporate does NOT care about employees, corporate treats employees as slaves on plantations! Corperate lusts for money, lusts after discouraging others and intimidating employees with threats as well! This is corperate dollar tree for you! Corporate is full of dog [censored], go [censored] your dead mother, fathers, and grandparents corperate! Fuuuuuuccckkk Corperate! Fuuuccckkk you ALL! Lesbian who does not support gay community or gay men! Rhonda Chavez District Manager! Wendy General Manager of dollar tree in minnesota! Mother [censored]ers! #suedollartree
#suedollartree. #suedollartree.
Desired outcome: terminate Jessica mejia!
Dollar Tree - Horrible disrespectful unprofessional eagan dollar tree managers behave like children
Both stores in Burnsville, MN are always closed. Either they are open 3 days a week for 6 hours or less, they are closed at Noon and even 5PM or simply just closed for the day just about daily! Both stores are like this and the inside is nasty, boxes blocking aisles, boxes scattered everywhere, products are not in correct place, shelves are bare, wit at least 3 employees working. That's better than the one in Eagan by Cub and Target. That Eagan store has just 1 poor employee every time I am there! The managers in Eagan suck, they are very lazy, very selfish people, rude impolite manners! Such disgusting behavior those managers in Eagan display to customers. Store Manager Jess short Spanish woman gets attitude if you've ask a question, I always see her on phone being obnoxious and ignoring customers if they need help. For example, I asked her where a product was, manager Jess tells me "I'm on the phone with my boyfriend, read the signs [censored]"! I told her don't speak to customers that way. Jess then raises her voice at me loudly and tells me "go to hell, I don't have to help or be nice to customers, this is my [censored]ing store, you can get the [censored] out!" There is never any music in that store so it is quiet and customers over headed Jess yelling at me, starting a comotion. Customers with little kids even babies were offended by her constant swearing and attitude to me. Some were scared at the checkout line and others just left thinking by Jesse's temper she would not let up. Another manager comes in lady name Daina and instead of calmly and being rational about situation this manager Daina reacts by telling me to "get the [censored] out my store, ill call cops on you!" All I did was ask Jess where a product was as she was on phone with her boyfriend, when she should not be! Is this how you train your managers Corperate?!? Team up against customer and act like children and use profanity at customers with babies and children present! I demand both managers Jess and Daina to be Terminated from store number 4260 on 1960 Cliff Lake Road, Eagan, MN 55122 suite 139b. Phone number is [protected], unprofessional management! Corperate; I WILL SUE
Desired outcome: Termination of managers Jessica Meja and Daina Erb.
Dollar Tree - Howie raddadf say something pussy
District and general managers cannot do anything even with multiple eye witness accounts and police reports filed. They ignore customers complaining, they ignore managers behaviors as managers assault and steal, harass, manipulat, create conflicts with customers and employees and get their way! Managers here suck! Eagan,MN 1960 Cliff Lake Road mist be closed for good due to all the threats, specially harassment and illegal ongoing participated at this store! If your a shopper her you know! Months back an old lady slipped hit head on floor with blood out her ear, managers that day just poked fun and made crude comments about sotuation, ambulance came and took lady away to hospital, manager Daina was making comments like stupid old lady, [censored]ing [censored] left blood stain! They did not even bother to clean blood they just left it alone with no caution signs. Customers were stepping in blood as Daina told them it was paint. Daina lies Andrew sexually touches teen girls and Jessica steals money and she is store manager who told customer to die and [censored] yourself [censored]! Managers at Eagan,MN dollar tree MUST be fired! [censored] you too!
Desired outcome: Fire these managers ANDREW DRIGHT, JESSICA MEJA DAINA ERB, RHONDA CHAVEZ!
Wow! Hope Howie gets sued, smh!
Dollar Tree - Store Manager Jessica Meja from 1960 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MN
Manager told employees they are not allowed to have 2 employees working same shift. There are morning, mid, and close. Now that they are always usually short staffed going on 2 years now, this store closes at 6 PM Fridays Saturday and sundays. This store number 4260 on 1960 Cliff Lake Rd. Eagan,MN by Target has 1 cashier running store. No help from managers who just cuss and hide in office refusing to help ring. These managers all pretend to work they all just text, hide, lie and ignore customers! I asked Jess store manager where is the vaseline? She told me to "go [censored] yourself" I asked for corporates number and District Managers name. Jess again rudly told me "corporate does not care how we treat customers or about customers complaining, so [censored] you!" I was shocked and decided to find corps trades number myself and report manager Jessica Meja to DM in hopes Jessica should be Fired for abusive language towards customers! shame on you! Ill have Jessica fired for good!
Desired outcome: Terminate Jessica mens store manager
Dollar Tree - Sexually harassed, threatened by managers
Dear DM, Rhonda Chavez, your store Manager has been sexually harassing teen customers other manager complains about anything, she swears at employees, customers even kids! Her name manager Daina. Managers Ames are Jessica Meja, Andrew Dright, Daina Erb! Location Eagan, MN store number 4269 on Cliff Lake road! I hope people read this and do something, protest against these sex harassing, money stealing, teen girl groping, pretending to work, lying to customers and corperate, threatening customers and DM,Rhonda Chavez, GM, Wendy! Calling them names, making fun, mean hurtful mockery done by managers here and mocking disabled customers including veterans! These managers are all lazy and refuse to help they complain all day long and swear at customers often and sexually assault and harass teenage girls in attempts to rape them somehow! Making rude sexual comment towards teenage girls did this manager has done since his return in June or July 2022 (andrew)! Jessica Meja has lied to employees and DM Rhonda many times as Jessica refuses to fire employees who do not show up for 3 months, she did not reach this employer, she ignored this employer, and still after 6 months of no shows Jessica yells us "she is still keeping her on, she is still employed here I just haven't Fred her or told Chico anything!" This is from manager a Jessica Meja and what poor management is that! She too scared to terminate employees who refuse to show up for work! That is job abandonment! Jess is weak and very stupid! Terminate Jessica Meja! Andrew and Daina! Ill sue for managers violating Zero Tolerance code along with sexual harassment charges, inability to consider helping employees or customers, followed by severe death threats on customers whom I spoken in person about their shopping experience at this store! Its ugly and so are the managers rude selfish behaviors! Managers here are evil, they do no work, Jessica will ring custo!ers then immediately hides in office watching and texting on phone! We see her in aisle on phone sitting down being lazy! Little do you know that customers are like dogs here and well warn customers about what these horrible managers are capable of.
Sincerely, loyal regular customer since 2001! Not no more! Terminate All managers here, start over with new professional managers who are nice and do not manipulate people or lie, steal and please NO More sexual harassment from managers who then pretend to not know but most certainly do! Talking about Andrew Dright, Jessica Meja, Daina Erb! TERMINATE, FIRE, get rid of these awful managers! Or ill sue company! Your customers deserve better! I feel sad and sorry for the cashiers who work way.harder than lazy managers here! The cashiers do ALL THE WORK! I WILL SUE if these managers are not replaced for good! Rhonda Chavez listen to customers, we know what you do not! Take this seriously Rhonda Chavez, this is all true and your managers behave like idiots, little kids, small minded unprofessionals! You have a store run by little girl, a "rapist" teen groping manager, manager who steals deposit money, swears at children, mimics the handicap and swears at employees and customers! Terrible management must be renewed or maybe you (Rhonda Chavez) does not care how rude unreliable, mean, disrespectful managers behave DAILY!
I believe you won't do [censored] so ill just [censored]ing sue, then maybe you'll do your [censored]ing job okay DM Rhonda Chavez!?!?
Desired outcome: fire all managers Andrew, Jessica, Daina.
Store number 4260! Suite 139b. 1960 Cliff Lake Rd. Eagan,MN 55122. Manager harass customers, threaten, steal, lie, argue loudly, swear at children, employees,customers attempt to fondle kids, sexually harassed teenage girls!
Close this store...probably not
Terminate all managers...Probably not
Sued by customer... Most Definitely!
Suing Dollar Tree DM,GM, Managers, Company...Most Definitely!
Rhonda Chavez weak, failure to listen to honest customers. this is why your being sued and more!
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