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CB Retail Stores Dollar Tree 7106 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA, 19128, US
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Dollar Tree
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Dollar Tree

7106 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA, 19128, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
7:51 pm EDT

Dollar Tree - Employee

As I was waiting in line of at least 20 people, a tall thin black walked right up to the counter and put his things down. It happened to be my turn next and she called me over. I went over to the cashier and thanked her for taking me because he was butting in line. The guy started yelling at me saying he can do whatever the hell he wants because he works there and furthermore if he doesn't want to wait on me or sell me things that he can refuse to do that. He then told me to leave the store as he threw my things back at me. We had some words and then he said [censored] you get the hell out of here. I don't know where you found this guy but he needs to be fired.

Desired outcome: Fire this racists smartass.

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Oct 23, 2021 11:51 pm EDT

Work both ways but im very sorry that you experience that.
I saw a rude customer go off on a cashier because she didn't give her the receipt in her hand. Now the cashier put it in her bag, but she insisted that she place it in her hand and then she started cursing at her. The cashier had a long line.

I see her when I shop there. She is very friendly and a hard worker. They only had one cashier working that day! Instead of going off on a cashier for simply not putting a receipt in your hand, be thankful and appreciate her for being there. Either she goes from store to store being mean to the staff just so she can call corporate. This is just outrageous. They need security for the staff working at any dollar tree. Mostly time it be just the Store manager and a cashier

Read this article so you can understand it. How hard and stressful the work at Dollar Tree is look on and read what-its-really-like-to-work-at-a-dollar-store/

Feb 23, 2022 3:24 am EST
Replying to comment of Bethere

Agreed. As a former assistant manager at Dollar Tree I can attest to the fact that almost all customers are a pleasure to serve but once in a while cashiers will get a complete idiot. I just couldn't live a life where all one has to do is get a kick out of being nasty to others. Thank your cashiers and remember that without them (and yes, there are ever enough) the stores couldn't operate.

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