I bought a bag on Vestiaire on 4 weeks ago. I couldn’t get my delivery on time and I wrote an email about it to customer service again again and again. They still couldn’t solve it which is frustrating.I should not consider any problem that shipping related or such as similar problems actually I bought a bag via their brand which means from the begging to the end it’s all on their responsibility. I cannot handle any of these problems it could be anything I’m not a professional importer that’s why I paid to Vestiaire to do these things , I paid import taxes fee etc for that reason right!? I just expect my package to delivery on time and it failed obviously and I asked them to paid my refund. Math in this is very clear I didn’t not have my delivery so if there’s no product why did I paid for ? This is the issue that Vestiaire need to solve it’s not my problem I’m a customer. Customer happiness must be a first step in their business they have one job and obviously it’s a very very amateur brand I highly not recommend this app do not buy anything! You might pay your money to get nothing!