I bought a gucci tote bag from vestiaire collective recently. I paid for authentication and inspection. The bag was delivered to me and I was going to use it for travel abroad so I didn't use the bag for good few weeks since I bought it. I didn't do a thorough check since I paid for authentication so I put my trust vestiaire collective do a good job on authentication. I used the bag for the first time yesterday and I noticed that all my belongings that were inside the bag were covered it some type of black dust! I tried to wipe it get rid of it but it was going anywhere and seems the whole inside lining was covered in black dust. There is also a smell to it so not sure what it is! Upon further inspection I also notice there is a, rip in inside pocket and I saw that there is like yellow tape attached to it hold the bag together! This was not declared on the description and I believe this bag is not genuine and Vestire collective sold it to me without checking properly. I tried to complain about this and I was told to simply relist! Know this can be a counter product. Please look in to this matter since I don't want other people to get duped by this company.
My details are
Name: Pabudu Bandara
Email ID: [protected]@gmail.com
I have attached a copy of my invoice too.
Desired outcome: I would like a refund and also action on checking vestiaire collectives authentication process