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Xlibris Publishing

Xlibris Publishing review: Scam 106

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9:48 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Quite simply, Xlibris is a fraudulent, dishonest and incompetent, disaster zone. Xlibris is nothing more than a quick-buck scam printer, posing as a "print-on-demand publisher", and it has one of the highest complaints percentages for a small business of it's type - with numerous civil legal proceedings for fraud and libel - including one major one that is currently in the Indiana courts and when the judgement is made public in Spring 2011, will likely make the Rebecca Brandewyne/Authorhouse saga look like a walk in the park. (Word is they're going to need to remortgage a few houses to cover the damages on this latest libel case) Xlibris was started in the late 1990s in a parents' basement, and was previously run out of a garage/home office in Philadelphia, but in the last year moved to the Author Solutions call-center with partner frauds, AuthorHouse (which has a long legal history - just Google "Authorhouse Scam" to find out) and - the quintessential Author trap. As of December 2010, Xlibris owes huge back taxes to the IRS and is currently carrying huge liabilities that Mr Princeton CEO Kevin Weiss has strategized to rescue with disturbingly dubious "publish 2 for 1" / "publish for a buck" coupon deals which any writer, however good or bad, should stay well clear. Their book production is dog[censored] like their customer service. Piers Anthony, one of the website's English owners, one of the swarming flies who still fronts this scam, is a failed British "published author" and part time con-man who lives in Florida, and has a few skeletons of his own - including a 20-year old criminal record in the UK for serious sexual misconduct, fraud and theft. Yes, Random House does still own a percentage - but let's be clear folks, Random House has a sleeping stake much the same way that Microsoft partially owns the adult services site, Ingenio/Niteflirt and don't they keep that very quiet. RH makes VERY CLEAR that Xlibris books have nothing to do with RH. The Xlibris website contains inept, vague material which is more confusing than helpful, and makes wild inconsistent boasts about how the company has "600 staff" on one page, yet, on another page mysteriously has "300 employees". The company actually has 3 full time employees, (including Mr Ivy League Kevin Weiss), and at any one time up to 10 part time workers, most of whom are part-time college students who know virtually nothing about publishing except high school english and how to make a greasy $10/hour. The problems with printing at Xlibris are as long as Authorhouse's scam history, they are a disgusting company and I'm sorry they ever crossed paths with my work.

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Detroit, US
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Jan 02, 2010 7:59 am EST

I am a poet who has been searching for the right publisher for over two years. I was contacted by Xyllibris Publishing Co. Employee Jethro Aragon collected monies from me to publish my books. Afterwards we disagreed about the scale and payment of royalties. A long story short, after several emails and phone calls they refused to refund monies collected including an overdraft fee. Even though it was agreed that they would do so. Aragon stopped answering my phone calls and emails. (very professional) I will be contacting the BBB to file a complaint also including legal action! STAY AWAY FROM XYLLIBRIS PUBLISHING!

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Jul 17, 2018 2:52 pm EDT
Replying to comment of AeA

Thanks for posting... I am a first time author who has self-published with Xlibris. Guess I should've known what was to come when I signed a contract that included such things as " you can only sue us in the State of Indiana."
I have experienced a myriad of problems: incompetent staff, continual sales attempts to glean more money, and non-transparency... still believe they printed the wrong manuscript and made me pay to revise it

ruth Beall
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Nov 09, 2019 10:37 am EST
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Replying to comment of AeA

I published in 2011. My book is on many sites including sites in Europe. I have yet to receive royalties.

Patricia Rijnja
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Jul 11, 2020 7:31 am EDT
Replying to comment of AeA

I would like to get my money back, and I would also like to put my name down for the class action as Xilbris has taken over $20, 000 and I have received no loyalties. Please help.

Heloise Laure Ruinard
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Feb 17, 2021 6:53 am EST

Hello, is the suit still happening. They have conned my mother and I absolutely want to be part of the lawsuit.

St Petersburg, US
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Jan 06, 2011 12:50 am EST

I thank you for this information it is very good and as I am getting ready this year to have my book published this is a great site to come to and check things out. I am sorry you had to go through all that at an exciting time in a writers life and then to deal with this is unacceptable

Bronx, US
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Mar 20, 2011 3:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a new writer and right now i'm working on getting my book published and xlibris was the company that i was going for. i havn spoken to a lady named Karen Tiller who's suppose to be my publishing consultant and i'm looking for aome advice on who i could turn to for self-publishing my book. Can anybody help direct me in the right path. i refuse to get scammed.

England, GB
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Feb 13, 2017 1:11 pm EST

I never met such a twisted group at Xlibris
what a good luck I had with all the groups ...
after publishing 11 poetry books with them ...
I became in contact with the 12th group
That was my bad luck ...
They don't care for their customers,
They throw their opinion away ...
Bad luck for Xlibris
I have few paintings in my book ...
and there is law if the painter died 70- years ago
no need for permission...

I asked one question
I said, why the other group at Xlibris accepted to publish Gorky's painting in my book?
and they have refused to answer...Till now no answer ...?
They are isolated group no contacts with each other ...
This is what I understood ...
and I'm correct and their base is not U.K.
They are cheating their customers ...
They don't have any lawyers to speak with them...
Just wasting our time ...
"Who cheat others ...Thee cheats himself ...not others."
They make excuses not to publish my book...
And I tried many sites but no one helps you there ...
Sylva Portoian, MD

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Apr 05, 2011 6:17 pm EDT

Xlibris self publishing book company is a fraud and i hire lawyer who said it is a web so big it would cost so much money to get it done, not only me they fraud but many say the book is not selling and it is do not change the copyright name but take the money they sell the image of the book to other for a price and then the print as well and you get nothing of it, and they have it all over for the wages of them only, I want a good group of others who got Farand of them with a good lawyer for us all and to go in this and sue them for this horrid thing, the name of the book I did write is Your Gift of Life vol 1 vol 11 or same Your Gift of Life Unity of nations the book was true a call and has and is out there still selling, it was a documented book as well.

Patricia Rijnja
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Jul 11, 2020 7:35 am EDT
Replying to comment of Kred2

If you do a law suit, include me

Heloise Laure Ruinard
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Feb 17, 2021 6:57 am EST
Replying to comment of Kred2

Also please let me know about the class lawsuit. They are [censored].

Surbiton, GB
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Apr 26, 2011 2:19 pm EDT

I was so proud when Xlibris published my first book, and it all seemed fine, so I proceeded to get my second book published. Unfortunately, I have not heard anything about royalties, I've been waiting almost four months for my author copies, and I have also noticed you cannot use their 'contact us' section on the website since as soon as you try sending anything you receive an email saying that your message cannot be delivered. I would not recommend these publishers in the slightest.

Gary Wayne Thomas
Santa Rosa, US
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Jun 07, 2011 5:24 pm EDT

Recently, I had my first book, REDEMPTION, published by xlibris. I would not recommend this company's "services" to any writer. It became obvious to me (after they had my money) that the staff knows less than nothing about the art of writing and even less about the English language. The twenty-four phone calls that occurred between me and company representatives during the publishing process were torturous exercises in excruciating futility. I could not understand what they were saying as they fumbled about with both my language and the script from which they were reading. If I had a dollar for each time I had to say, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said", I would now have back the money that I naively handed over to them. Whenever I tried to explain my work conceptually or attempted to express my desires for my book's appearance, I received a "That's great." from my representative, and the whole time I was thinking that it was not great because you do not have a clue about what I just said. I thought I was going to develop a working relationship with a company that cares about artists and their works, but am sadly disappointed. I guess I should have known better than to try to mix art with capitalism. I don't have a recommendation for fellow writers about how to pursue your dreams, professionally. I can only definitively tell you not to waste your hard-earned money on xlibris. However, I'm not going to give up on my dream and you shouldn't either. Keep exercising your craft. Write something every day even if you don't think it's any good. Express how you feel and at the end of the day I promise it will make you feel better. There has to be someone out there who still cares about art - even in America. Write on.
Gary Wayne Thomas - Santa Rosa, California

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Jun 24, 2011 9:00 am EDT

Do not give them credit card details over the phone. It is something I would never normally do but they told me that it was the only way that the could process payment. Reluctantly I did so and then found that, in addition to the book publishing fee, they had used my credit card to transfer money to a personal account. My bank reversed it but there are people at Xlibris who are thives. If they want to sue me for this remark, I would be delighted to meet them in court with my evidence. DO NOT GIVE CREDIR CARD DETAILS

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Jul 02, 2011 4:46 am EDT

From what I've read about xlibris, their deal is, "Okay you get a better deal financially than you would with a normal publisher, but we put all of the annoying leg work on you to market this book and make it successful." The chances of any author managing to do this successfully, with large scale production and distribution in mind, is slim to none, seeing as it is POD. They hype self-publishing by citing famous authors, but this has to be taken with a grain of salt, because firstly you aren't a famous author with large publishers begging you to write another book, and I'm doubtful that self-publishing made those authors famous or wealthy at any point.

Amateur authors may not like it, but your chances are better with a regular mainstream publisher, because they at least have a vested interest in making your work a success if they feel it has potential with whatever markets the subject matter touches upon. Xlibris however makes money off of YOU, whether you succeed or fail. So xlibris markets themselves as THE publisher for ambitious amateur authors, but in effect and conclusion they harvest lots of money from people who would have otherwise been rejected by a major publisher (which is free of cost). I would rather be told I suck by professionals who have a vested interest a book's success than be told it doesn't matter by people who have a vested interest in my putting money in their pocket regardless.

Here are a few snippets from Xlibris' website, demonizing major publishers.

"A book is a reflection of the author. Self-publishing gives you complete control on the direction of your book. The decisions are exclusively yours and not limited by third parties with intentions and interests different from your own." -Xlibris

"As a self-publisher, you own all rights to your book. If you use a traditional publishing house, they will own all rights. If they lose interest in your book, you will not be able to print additional copies unless you purchase those rights back." -Xlibris

Another interesting gem taken from Xlibris...

"Each of us has a unique life story to tell, complete with ordinary incidents, moments of brilliance, tragedy and humor. Your book is an expression of yourself and a great legacy to leave behind."

Wow I feel warm and fuzzy now that I've read that essentially meaningless drivel.

If you're STILL not convinced, look at it this way.

You'll be paid by a publishing company for your work if they like it, and you'll have a better chance at success than trying to broker deals with major business entities by yourself ("Hi I'm Joe from Wisconsin, I'd like to have a meeting to convince you why you should sell my self-published book!" "Lolno thats okay thxbye").


You can pay Xlibris INSTEAD while they sit back and do much less work than a traditional publishing house would do on your behalf. Hmm.

Their main selling point is that you will retain all rights to your work, but that is nothing more than bait which puts the idea into your head that selling your work IS BAD. Don't fall for it. As an amateur author you can't expect to hammer out a deal with a publishing house that is exceptionally in your favour, but that is to be expected, and if your work is successful then you'll have more leverage when dealing with them in the future. You're the one going to them, not the other way around, and they'll be taking a financial risk by investing in your work.

Moral of the story; if you suck, you suck, and don't let Xlibris tell you otherwise.

H.E. Busby
Edison, US
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Jul 20, 2011 6:55 pm EDT

I am so happy that I finally decided to do research into Xlibris, before handing over my work, and my money. I am nearing completion of my first novel, and decided to, begin the research into publishing. I thought something strange when I inquired, only to have an agent, constantly hard sell me. Self publishing is an interesting way to go, in that I know writers, who have benefitted from it. Now to find the right company, because now from the information gained through research of Xlibris, it will not be them. Thank you all for your warnings.

Lanny Ray Lee
Port St. Lucie, US
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Jul 21, 2011 3:40 pm EDT
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Easily said: I paid $5, 000.00 for a marketing campaign. Not one book was sold!

Lanny Ray Lee
Port St. Lucie, US
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Jul 21, 2011 4:00 pm EDT
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Simply this: I spent $5, 000.00 for a marketing scam that didn't sell one book.

Maytia Hernandez
Miami, US
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Jul 31, 2011 9:51 pm EDT

Where were you when I researched publishing companies and ended up publishing with Xlibris in 2009? After more than a couple thousand dollars, the book still has not taken off the ground. Now I have the sequel to the book, plus a children's book to publish and doubts as where I can turn to. Great, more stress! Nevertheless, I really thank you for you honest warning.

Dr. Paul Cook
Tempe, US
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Aug 10, 2011 8:34 pm EDT
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I published a novel with Xlibris back in the early 2000s, right when they started. The book's quality was quite good, but it cost me about $1000. They subsequently priced it at $22 where it's been since then. And, of course, it's not sold a single copy--even though I'm an established science fiction writer. At $22, no one buys a trade paperback! Now they want to sell the book electronically--for $9.99. That's twice the price most novels go for on The truth is, Xlibris prices its books so high because they figure--being a vanity publisher--that the only people who will buy their books are the parents or families of the author and that they'll pay any price for said book. Don't waste your time with them. Please.

Karen Brian
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Sep 01, 2011 5:49 pm EDT

I was so proud when I had my first ever book published with xlibris and trusted them 100% until I read all the comments on the scam page and realised that xlibris are in it purely to make money out of people, They talked me into paying £230 for e-mail marketing I've never heard from them since, I worked hard trying to self-promote my book including going on my local radio station, writing to magazines and my local press and just none stop trying to get the message out there about my book but only to be told by Lea who works for xlibris that I had only sold 2 e-books which I find hard to believe, The money didn't really matter as it wasn't a huge sum but my all past went into that book that told a true heartbreaking and harrowing story that I had never dared to tell anyone before and guess what surprise, surprise my book is called Never trust anyone, I have wrote to xlibris and cancelled my contract with them and I am now looking for an agent who will hopefully be interested in taking my book on if there are anyone who could help me find one I would be more than grateful,

Karen Brian
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Sep 01, 2011 6:25 pm EDT

Not too sure what those squiggly things are that are printed over my comment lol

Phished and Ditched
Huntington Beach, US
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Sep 19, 2011 10:23 pm EDT

Well what do you know.. I was looking up Xlibris scams and lo and behold.. My story.. I published my book with Xlibris about 10 years ago.. Paid over $1000 to do so because it really sounded like it would pay off.. Well, my book has been selling everywhere.. Amazon, Ebay, Used bookstores, UK.. and I have made probably less than $100 royalities in 10-11 years.. When I ask why I am not making royalities, they inform me that my book is not selling. Whem I inform them that I think I have been scammed by 'SOMEONE"( because my book is selling everywhere and I'm not making a dime), they do nothing to look into it.. AND ON TOP OF THAT, they continue to call me asking for more money for marketing to make my book finally sell! How do I know it's selling? A LOT of Fans and friends have contacted me to tell me how much they enjoy the book. I see it listed everywhere including lots of copies on Ebay from folks who have used copies… so have I been royally ripped off by either other "Phishing Artists" or simply Xlibris themselves. Will never know..

Phished and Ditched
Huntington Beach, US
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Sep 19, 2011 10:24 pm EDT

Karen, don't be surprised if your book IS selling.. you'd never know if what happened to me is happening to you..

Karen Brian
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Sep 21, 2011 12:40 pm EDT

I have since e-mailed xlibris and told them that I am in the process of speaking to a lawyer (which isn't true) but guess what I received an e-mail a few days later telling me that they was sorry and that they had made a mistake and that my book had been selling and that they will send me all the money that is owed to me, Just goes to show that telling a little porky can go a long way, I recently sent a query to a top agent in London asking him if he was interested in a book that I have written and surprise, surprise I received an e-mail 3 days later asking me to send him my book, Fingers crossed and I pray that he likes it.

West Kelowna, CA
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Nov 17, 2011 8:38 pm EST
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I have proven that Xlibris does not pay or report royalties on books sold. None of the people I know show up as have purchased my book, Evil Eyes, A Daughter's Memoir (by My Xlibris statement shows only 5 books have been sold, I have over 80 people I know bought the book, and paid an unusually high price for the shipping ($12.00 for a small 300 page paperback book plus the $19.95 for the book). Why are none of my known purchases not showing up on my royalty statement? They say it takes a month...well, three months later and here I am. I paid upfront $8029.00 for the publishing service, they take 75% royalties (well, 100% royalties since I am not getting my 25%). This company must be stopped and to me a class action law suit might just do it. We need lots of people who have had rip off experiences with Xlibris to get a lawyer who will work on a contingency basis (meaning he does not get paid until the order is made by the judge that, indeed, we have been duped.

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Mar 03, 2012 10:48 pm EST

Anyone who is interested in self-publishing: do not go with Xlibris. They will hound you to make a decision, lie, and do anything in their power to make you sign with them. Luckily, I did not, but each day they offered me a lower price (still ridiculously high). Started with 20% off, then 25%, 40%; each offer new offer was attached with a note that said to hurry up and make a decision before March because their prices were about to go up significantly. I decline each offer and try to get rid of them, but with no luck. I finally quit answering their calls only to get emails. Guess what happened it March? Prices were not doubled or raised at all, but cut in half. Everything was 50% off. I hate this company. SCAM!

Banning, US
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May 01, 2012 9:58 am EDT

I have not received any royalties from my book sales either. Xlibris says that the book hasn't sold but I have a list of people I KNOW purchased the book, they have their copies of the book but Xlibris says they have no record of the sales. I believe that a class action suit is exactly what is needed in this situation.

Fat Paul Nz
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May 01, 2012 10:15 am EDT

I used this firm to get rubbish complaints like this removed

some guy i fell out with put ### complaints all over the web on sites like this plus forums etc, yes i paid this firm to remove them but and here's the but we can now work again with no false reviews online

Ted McCartin
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Dec 24, 2021 7:05 am EST

Fat paul nz, am I to understand you paid, to delete all of the [censored] reviews about xlibris?

Buddy, what law school did you go to? did you actually read your contrcats before signing them?

Many of the trems are unsconscionable, thereby making the contract void and unenforcable.

Also, they cannot take away your individual right to sue in civil claims court.

Did you know that after 90 days they do not have to refund your money.? if you are dying from pancreatic cancer and can't submit a finished manuscript, too bad for you.

You can get better prices for better service elsewhwre.

Indianapolis, US
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Jun 14, 2012 4:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I interviews authors who've had trouble with the companies owned by Author Solutions on my blog Suess's Pieces. If you're interested in sharing some more details, I'd like to tell your story so that other writers will know to steer clear of these scammers.
Emily Suess

O Canada
Markfield, GB
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Sep 13, 2012 3:56 am EDT

I published with Xlibris in August 2010, and twice now I have had difficulty obtaining my royalty fees from them. The current fiasco dates from Q1 2012, so basically I'm still waiting for my April payment from you. despite over 30 emails and 10 phone calls no body returns my calls. This is a copy of the last email I received from Xlibris on the subject dated 11th September 2012.
"Hi Chris,
Finance has been informed of your request to be paid via EFT. Another follow-up has been made earlier today. We will continue to reach out to them until we will be able to finally resolve this one.
Again, we are so sorry for all this. You have indeed been very patient with us. Thank you for letting us work on this for you.
Pamela Blake"

So, 5 months of delays in paying me, Xlibris are more than keen to take money prior to publishing, but when it comes to paying it's sadly an completely different story.

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Jan 24, 2014 5:25 pm EST
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I made contact with this company believing they were in New Zealand. Later to find out they are in Australia. Oooh then I get the phone calls but after a few questions I discover I am dealing with a Philipines based company. The phone calls I got were endless all sorts of promises and endless e mails. All praising my work. That was amusing as they had never seen it. When told I would be using a New Zealand based company their tone changed to being critical of everyone else and telling me they were a global company with a major stake in Penguin Books and Random House. A search of them via the web and here I am. Ever so thankful to everyone who has posted warnings. The phone calls continued as did the e mails from this company and when I pointed out what I had read it became nasty, I should not listen to the black publicity smearing their company etc etc. It got to the point of being abusive. Don't go near this company

Kambah, AU
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Mar 14, 2014 11:36 pm EDT

I've been ripped of, if anyone else wants to sue them apart from me and Kred2 you are welcome!

Kambah, AU
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Mar 14, 2014 11:54 pm EDT

Gary Wayne Thomas,
I understand you completely. I've been writing since I was 12 and my soul is in it. I am also visual artist which they made fun of by taking$8000. In last two weeks I have been talking to them everyday just to get confusing answers on my q about sales and royalties page. Some would tell me that report is done for the last two quarters some would say report hasn't been done. It shows no sales to the last two quarters while I'm sure I have sold some books. Last night I had Don Garliado trying to convince me to give him another $8000 for putting my book on baker and Taylor's website as he is absolutely sure that my book is so good that it would attract book investors around the world. When I said I haven't sold a single book since last two quarters he persisted in convincing me I don't know how to do business. He just wanted more money.
Let's stop this disgraceful harassment and mental abuse. Let's get together and sue them. They are liars and thiefs!

They have access to my email address if you want to join the battle post me on

Kambah, AU
Send a message
Mar 15, 2014 12:02 am EDT

I just wrote full text explaining myself on how they ripped me of for $8000 it hasn't gone through it disappeared! They are thiefs and liars! If anybody else wants to join Kred2 and me leave a note on my blog please

Disgruntled with Xlibris
Canberra, AU
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Nov 06, 2014 4:33 pm EST

I have not been paid my royalties for 18 months. Every time I talk with them about it, they say there's nothing they can do. They are blaming the postal service for losing 8 cheques! Really? All of my other mail makes it to me just fine but apparently money that is owed to me by Xlibris can't seem to find its way into my mail box. They are the worst company ever so please do NOT take your business to them.

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 24, 2014 9:55 am EST

I did consider Xlibris, and then after speaking with a rep decided to do my own research and agreed to speak with the rep later in the week. This rep did seem too agreeable about my work which he had not read; he did however encourage me to choose the least expensive package to "get started." He added that if I just wanted to spend the money, I could choose a more expensive package. He also said the he was forwarding the contract details for me to read while I contemplated going forward with Xlibris. I never received the email. I also could not locate the reps name on the Xlibris website---the address the rep gave to me. Then I could not locate the books of the two authors that the rep said he had helped. I extensively searched to no avail and amazon, the company of which Xlibris says their authors' works automatically goes, says they have no knowledge of said work that I was inquiring about. I would say this is not a stable place to go to, to get your work out there. Good luck to authors who must sue. It can be beneficial to read reviews/complaints.

Abraham Mathebe
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Dec 29, 2014 5:29 am EST

I published a book with Xlibris in 2010 and still did not receive a royalty!
I am a South African citizen who has fallen in love with writing, I always wanted to have an international publisher who would assist me live my dream and publish as many scripts as I could, so little I had known that the publisher I chose would create my demise before I even started with my work. I paid over 5000 English pounds for the executive package and later paid more money for other promotional program which did not materialize as promised. I feel so bad about this given the amount of money I paid converted from my SA currency to theirs. I did not listen when I was warned by the department of arts and culture in my own country, I was very persuasive and took all the money I have been saving for this work, I am however writing few poems that will be included in the anthology of verse to be published in SA. I cannot believe they are still expecting me to put more money for their so called promotional programs. hahahahahahahahahhhhh! I learnt a hard way, I hope that one day just will be served.

michael brophy
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Jul 28, 2015 6:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hi my name is Michael Brophy from Ireland i am so glad i have read all your comments i have been in contact with a selling agent from Xlibris in the uk she goes by the name of Rogie Pierce i had been on line and i thought i had contacted a publishing company and i left my e-mail and my phone number. The next day i was contacted by this woman Rogie Pierce by phone her english was ok but not great she spent at least 45 minutes on the phone telling me about how Xlibris would publish my book got me to explain what my book was about told me the price for the best package was nearly three thousand pounds i told her to put everything into an e-mail which she did and i have to say i was impressed with the e-mail and excited to think my book would be published as a first time publisher.
She contacted me the next day and she seemed a bit pushy telling me i need to move fast with the book as the printing time was four months and to have the book printed and ready for sale for Christmas purchases was very important i told her i needed time to think.
she phoned every day for about a week and i did not answer her calls until yesterday monday 27/07/2015 she again was very pressing about the time and i should pay and get started i then told her i could not afford the amount she told me to hold on the line and she would talk to her manager she came back with anew price of 899 pounds a big drop from the first price but told me if i did not make a payment to her by card there and then she would not be able to offer me the same deal again she also wanted my home address for them to send the copies of the completed books.
at that point i told her that i had not agreed to her proposal and why should i give my address to her and i did not have my credit card on me she again put me on hold to talk to her manager she came back and told me that she would hold the deal until today.
i am so glad i smelled a rat that i decided to go on line today and see if they are scammers they wont be getting any money from me she will be phoning me today and if anyone of you people know how colourfull an Irishman, s language can be when pissed of well that is what Rogie Pierce is going to be getting today.
The sad thing is for all the writers out there that have had books published and not received anything something should be done as this so called company is making millions over the years from this scam.
Whoever came up with this idea its obviously above the law they have the company and if anyone complains they just say that the persons book is not selling and its not there fault.
i would like to thank all the people who put up there comments as they have saved me from being scammed and if anyone of you know a proper publishing house please e-mail me at thanks again michael brophy

gene mccann
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Aug 27, 2015 9:15 am EDT

I have just found out about this and I have trusted
Xlibris They have published two books so much for trust
I am out $3000, .00 +++++++++++
what a fool i was

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Dec 27, 2015 1:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have reported Xlibris Publishing to the Federal Gov. for computer fraud. They have high-jacked my computer and copied-deleted my documents and images. These are workers who are selfish, and I do not know if the company is aware of these two shysters but I must sue. Is there someone out there who can help me? Call [protected] and ask for Yvonne

gene mccann
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Jan 31, 2016 12:04 pm EST

The royalties I have received my first book amounted to about $10 on my second book they did not edit it appropriately I had to pay them $6000 on my first book and I almost spend $3000 on the next book after that after I receive their repetition another publisher coldly since I read there record of their failure I decided to somehow good part of my royalties I am sure since the first book was published in 2012 I think that I should have received more royalties than what I've stated above

gene mccann
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Jan 31, 2016 12:08 pm EST

On my first book I received about $10 in royalties the book was published in 2012 on my second book because of my experience with ex-labor I decided to change walk there's the book was not even edited I am an author but I do not edit books the spelling was not even corrected because also spelling was incorrect was very dissatisfied with the experience of my first book and more dissatisfied with the second book even when it which printed I was extremely disappointed it is to bed I felt for their line I am a new author and I should have seen it coming

Gerard Mignot
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Mar 23, 2016 6:54 pm EDT

After several phone calls and emails concerning the corrections of a few pages of my book I had no correspondences for two months with Xlibris. I paid in advance for my book to be printed. They send me a proof with very low resolution images and text out of the margins. I asked them to send me the corrections and high resolution of the images and since then nothing happened no phone calls, no emails for nearly two months.

Richard Webb Author
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Mar 31, 2016 3:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My name is Richard Webb. I'm a novelist and have written 12 novels with 6 published. Recently I decided to self publish with Xlibris. This was the biggest financial mistake I've ever made in my life. From the very beginning the programs were misrepresented. Straight out lies which they were even bold enough to put into Emails. Example; I was told my package would cost $1, 800.00 and I agreed to it. Two days later the salesman called me and said that for $1950.00 "INSTEAD" I could get a number of additional benefits. The benefits were definitely worth $150.00 more, but when I looked at my Visa Account I realized they had taken an (ADDITIONAL) $1, 950.00. This was done without my authorization with an E-signature. It gets much worse. Between agreeing to the first offer and the second lie, I was contacted by their "Marketing Department) After talking with the representative for an hour, I agreed to add on "Marketing Plan One" Endorsements. The plan made sense, and I agreed to it, about $3, 000.00. But after realizing they had scammed me on the original package I Emailed to cancel the Marketing Plan One. Too late. They had already taken a down payment, $900.00. I immediately closed my account to prevent them from taking any more money. It gets even worse. They sent me what they considered the "published edition", I assumed for my final review, which is traditional in the industry, however, it was full of errors and the cover was outrageous with dark red print over glossy black paper making it impossible to read. The back cover was worse. Again blood red lettering over black, and the print size was like 7, instead of 12, impossible to read without very strong glasses. None of this had shown in the Gallies which I did approve. They were perfectly readable. So I immediately stopped publication and sent in a request for the necessary revisions. All hell broke loose.Problem after problem, too many to enumerate here. Bottom line, three months later still no book. I'm talking to my attorney and if they don't come through soon, I'm suing their crooked ### for everything I can throw at them.

Diane Brischke
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Apr 28, 2016 5:37 am EDT

I agree with everyone. My book is beautiful to look at but after over a year of editing mostly by myself I was jerked around being tossed around from person to person and being offered one service after another and getting a total of $36.00 in royalties. They are always asking for money and not coming through with their marketing. I was so excited when my book finally came out my dream is now crushed by them. I wish someone would take the chance and bring a class action suit against them so no one else will go through what we have.

Richadr V. Webb
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Apr 28, 2016 3:17 pm EDT

I have experienced all of the problem sited above with Xlibris. What I'd like to do is to form some kind of group which can officially go after Xlibris and have them banned from the business or more. I'd like to have them indicted for fraud and support a criminal case against them naming the individuals in the organization who are responsible. Any Attorneys out their who can supply some advice?

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