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CB Banks Bank of America home modification loan program
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Bank of America review: home modification loan program 36

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7:09 pm EDT
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Hi- We're like every working family in America trying to acquire Home Modification Loan from Bank of America. How many of you have tried to get your home loan modified only to be taken for a "ride" through different departments? We have been trying to get this done over the past 14 months only to be given the same excuses over and over again. As well, you're not even talking to someone from America. What the hell is wrong with Bank of America? I am sure other banking institutions and lending institutions from around the country are doing the same thing to innocent, hard working, honest Americans who just want to make sure they take advantage of "All programs" afforded to them. Is that too much to ask for? Tell me if this is something that all of you have gone through:

Filled out paperwork 3 times faxed over a copy and sent over 2 hard copies just to be told that particular department doesn't have your paperwork?
Your given a packet that tells you to return the signed copies and an answer will come in 10 business days, but it has been 3 months waiting for an answer!
Where and When does the american people have the right to say to big name corporation, enough already and get your "S" together. We have done everything that Bank of America has asked us to do, but no answers to our home modification loan has come. What can be done? Any answers appreciated.

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Orem, US
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May 11, 2010 8:23 pm EDT

Bank of America, lied, I pass my trial payments since December of last year, I received the letter from them saying stating to please continue with my payments since they were behind reviewing the files, I been on trial payments for over 9 months already with out missing any payments, I received a letter telling me that I was not able to qualified for a program I was already qualified 9 months ago. they declined my application and they still calling for the "new payment" I call HOPE retention Program and they don't Even Understand why we got turn down.

this is a bank with no integrity whatsoever! we don't know what else to do, any advise?

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Jun 23, 2010 7:52 pm EDT

I am in the same situation with bank of America. I have been paying 6 months now my trial payment which is only for 3 months now I call and I have a balance of $10, ooo dollars in witch I am responsible for my full mortgage payment if I don’t qualify I wont be able to pay that amount I scared and confused. Where will I go?
What is this a way the bank is taking peoples homes?

Los Angeles, California

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Aug 13, 2010 8:06 am EDT

18 months later...from countrywide to BAC...ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE WITH HOME MODIFICATION PROGRAM!...contradicting paperwork, rude insulting reps, reps who have no clue what is going on...etc.
after 18 months of complying and keeping in communication I am in the same if not worse condition than when I started with no real assistance from BAC plus my credit rating is in the toilet.


wapwallopen, US
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Aug 24, 2010 6:30 pm EDT

pa -trying to get somewhere with modification with bank of america! They put me in the wrong department and now I have been in the appeal department for months.. I guess!?... My loan also came from countrywide at 9.875% with a promiss I could refi in 6 months as long as payments were on time. I guess they lied. Cause that was 2005. km

C Stenn
Saint Albans, US
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Sep 01, 2010 5:04 pm EDT

Bank of America is the ### of the earth I tried a modification twice with them and all i got was my credit being ruined I was told to make trial period payments and during that time they reported my mtg as missing and late and they've been reporting it as late ever since I think if the bank sends you a letter telling you to pay less than your mortgage that's a type of temporary modification therefore it should not be reported as partial or late payment, I'm current on my mtg and they still got me as 1 payment behind so now my credit is shot I cant even refinance out of this scam that they got going ...I don't know what to do I feel like giving up, if my mtg keeps rising soon i will have to just give them the house, so I'll gladly support any one who is willing to try and do something.

Monroe, US
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Sep 05, 2010 12:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I comiserate all these people here. As I am unemployed for the first time in my life since 1976, BOA which my mortgage originated from Countrywide, is an absolute farce and the untold "terrorism" of this country.

Without securing full time employment for 19 months, I am at my end of my ropes. No less than 50 hours total on the phone with them with this home modification program I received nothing but "you are missing some documents" or "your paperwork is not complete" for the past 9 months, it a very real possibility I will be homeless!

The bank is holding millions of dollars granted by our government to carry out these modifications so that we can get some relieve and BOA just laughs in our faces. They are the "Evil Empire" and I hope every single one of these executives ROT IN HELL... and I will be more than happy to help them get there!

none, US
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Sep 05, 2010 2:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Smoking gun evidence in recorded tapes that Bank of Abusing America might have planned the whole thing. Read all about it at

I am John Wright and I AM FIGHTING BACK!

Phoenix, US
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Sep 18, 2010 7:17 pm EDT

Oh my God, it is true Bank of America Home Modification Program is a complete scam! I have been dealing with this nightmare for 10 months now with no results. During this time of bouncing from dept. to dept. talking with uneducated ###s who are rude and clueless of what they are suppose to help you with. They have told me lie after lie of packets getting sent out that I never receive, then show my mortgage payments as being late and one month missing when I have been current all along. I was looking for a reduction in the Making Homes Affordable Program because my mortgage payment is over 32% of my income and supposibly Bank of America offers a reduction program to help people like me. Well instead it resulted in a complete mess of my mortgage account which by the way my big brother is the borrower and I as co-borrower. Now his credit rating jumped from 7.8 to 6.3 because of their mistakes on my account history. They still show late charges and I have never been late. I have all my receipts of on time payments and still they cannot get it right. I'm close to losing my job due to lack of work at my company of over 28yrs working there., so a reduction in my mortgage would really help right now. It isn't going to happen I can see now. Very dissapointed and disgusted. in Phoenix.

none, US
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Sep 18, 2010 10:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know what you mean. If you are from Phoenix, you must know that is where Bank of America did their employee training session and were secretly recorded and exposed at It is going to really make you mad when you see that they are trained to laugh at us and delay our modifications.

Check it out:

Reno, US
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Sep 23, 2010 5:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bank of America and its President, Brian T. Moynihan, and one Robert Flores who says he's "from the Office of the President, Bank of America" are arrogant ###s totally out of touch with the rest of us Americans. Case in latest point is that I go to my local Senator's office for help under this HAMP, BUT the arroganr ###s, Brian T. Moynihan, and Robert Flores, leave me a telephone number I have to pay to call them at. [protected]. Zero customer service. Zero brains from Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan, and Robert Flores. Bank of America takes billions of dollars from each and every one of us taxpayers but won't have an 800 number in Bank of America's President's Office to handle these loan mods coming in from the Congressional offices or even their customers. If I could afford long distance, you arrogant totally out-of-touch ###s Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan and Robert Flores, I wouldn't be trying to get this legally required loan modification from Bank of America now would I?!? No wonder we tax payers had to bail Bank of America out!

What arrogant totally out-of-touch ###s Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan and Robert Flores Need Is Customer Service. Businesses must promise long and deliver short to their customers. They must keep all commitments made to the customer. Never lie to the customer. Never give conflicting stories to the customer. Never give a customer the run-around. Always remember that the customer is always right. Put a mirror in front of you if you answer the phones. Put a smile on your face when answering the phones. HAVE and GIVE to your customers an 800 number you arrogant totally out-of-touch ###s Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan and Robert Flores.

Arrogant totally out-of-touch ###s Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan and Robert Flores, apologize for having a customer wait. Remember that escalatory language always breeds more escalatory language. Arrogant totally out-of-touch ###s Bank of America's Brian T. Moynihan and Robert Flores, without the customer, there is no business. Without a business, there is no job for an employee. Not the most difficult sell for most people. No wonder we taxpayers had to bail Bank of America out!

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Oct 04, 2010 11:01 pm EDT

Bank of America is doing the same thing to me and my family. We had a special forbearance thru Country Wide as we had fallen into hard times. We only had to pay 300 a month but I always paid more just so we didn't get too far behind. B of A took over my loan and never sent us the paperwork to continue the forbearance and then lifted it without telling us. (there is a big issue with payments going to an old and closed b of a credit card, but that is too long to tell). They then said you are past due all the back money (which was only 2700) I asked for any type of assistance and they said they would look into a loan modification. I waited for the payments were being put into another account not being applied to my mortgage (hurting my credit badly). The so called paperwork 6 months later has still not surfaced. I then get a letter with an intent to forclose stating we had a 4000.00 balance and at that time it was only really 2000.00. We finally had enough and was able to pay everything in full; however, the nightmare continues. I receive a letter dated 9/23 saying we are current on our mortgage (mortgage due on 1st of month) 5 days later they issue an intent to foreclose again saying we were behind one payment which was wrong! I am still fighting them to move the sept payment from a "special account attached to the mortgage" to refelct us being current BECAUSE WE ARE!

Anything reported to a credit agency from B of A should be completely wiped off everyones credit. How can they report inaccurate information, not inform their customers of big changes like a forbearance being dropped. This is an outrage.

Peoria, US
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Nov 02, 2010 9:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was enrolled in Obama’s Home Affordable modification program through BOA in Jan 2010. BOA put un into HAMP trial payment plan. Soon after the 3 months of trial was over I kept calling BOA and they asked me to continue making trial payments since my case was still under review.
In Jul 2010 they rejected my mortgage application saying that I have missing documents. I had sent them the set of documents for about 2-3 times. I appealed their decision and my case was re-opened. Again I was asked to continue making trial payments. In the mean time I started getting letters of accelerate to foreclosure and collection calls. I called BOA loan modification department and they asked me to ignore the letters and continue making trial payments. I received foreclosure notice last week. I was really scared and surprised. When I called BOA about it, within 3 days they rejected my loan modification application which was pending for 10 months.
All these time, I have been paying trial payments and have never missed even a single payment. Boa reported to credit companies as a delinquency and now my credit score is down from 790 to 660. I feel I am been screwed. They want all the money in next 2 weeks now. I don’t know what to do. They are going to foreclose my house.

none, US
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Nov 02, 2010 10:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have created for all those who have been abused by Bank of Betraying America’s potentially irregular, fraudulent and simply abusive home loan modification process.

My name is John Wright and I AM FIGHTING BACK!

John Wright

Apple Valley, US
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Dec 20, 2010 3:10 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We also had been playing the waiting game with Bank of America since May. All the back and forth stuff just as many of you have described.
It's all a farce. We had fallen on financial hardship and thought we were being seriously considered for the Program. After all the months of being lied to THE "Fedex" letter came indicating that: Your loan is not eligible for a Home Modification because: *We service your loan on behalf of an investor or group of investors that has not given us the contractual authority to modify your loan under the Home Affordable Modification Program.* The whole Program is a scam!

New Britain, US
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Jan 05, 2011 9:50 pm EST

I been filling out all the nessary paper work Bank statements, Tax Returns, etc.
I called back several time to the modification Dept, Underwriting, it has been months.
This is no doubt a scam but also away to get info on the person that has the loan.
That is the only reason i can think of.It is a dirty trick considering the overall picture.

Phil Damato
Waterbury, US
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Jan 29, 2011 9:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just got my second loan modification from BAC, they voided the first due to their mistake and this proccess has been goin on for 2 years starting with Countrywide. I have always tried to make payments and straighten this mess out that started when I hired a company to do a loan mod and they told me to stop paying bank to get them to work with me. I finally just got another modification, signed it with my lawyer, sent back the paperwork with a payment the bank requested. A week later I just got the check I sent back from the bank with a letter saying the payment they requested and agreed to in the modification they drew up was not enough money! I cannot believe our government is letting them get away with this type of practice and am requesting my attorney to sue them ot unfair business practice and my emotional ditress they have put my entire family thru.
My name ids Philip Damato and I live in Waterbury, Ct

Apple Valley, US
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Jan 30, 2011 2:11 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The home modification program is just a scam. This is a progam that just adds to the stress you are already under. You remain hopeful and all along there is no hope. No one cares about us. You're on your own...

shawn matthias
Palm Harbor, US
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Feb 28, 2011 8:45 pm EST

thanks for all the horror stories. I know now not to resubmit my papers again in fear of my
payment going up, my question is do all banks offer this kind of customer tail chasing process
or is it just Bank Of America. thanks Shawn

R. Clemons
Sparta, US
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Mar 01, 2011 5:49 am EST

I have been sending in paperwork for ten months. They keep losing it. When they finally ackowledge receiving it, they have no one to review it. Then I get a call telling me to resubmit because docs are too old. Over and over again this process continues. Six times I have sumitted docs! Tossed from one person to the next like a rag doll! The bank is making to much money servicing these notes...late fees, attorney fees, added insurance fees, processing fees, and so on. They have no intention of modifying anyones loan. Its a scam supported by the Plutocracy,
the real ruling class os America. We have all been duped into believing they will grant a modification if we are just diligent enough. The joke is on us!

none, US
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Mar 05, 2011 8:19 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

When I think of Brian Moynihan or Barabra Desoer, I think of the song by John Lennon called Piggies:
So if it walks like a piggy, talks like a piggy, by golly it’s a PIGGY!

BofA and it’s CEO Brian Moynihan reminds me of that song by John Lennon and George Harrison titled "Piggies" I invite you to listen to this song on youtube and see if it appropriately fits.
Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt to play around in.
Have you seen the bigger piggies
In their starched white shirts
You will find the bigger piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Always have clean shirts to play around in.
In their ties with all their backing
They don't care what goes on around
In their eyes there's something lacking
What they need's a damn good whacking.
Everywhere there's lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.

When I filed my lawsuit against Bank of America, I thought of the many others out there in the same situation. It was then that we decided to educate the public on what these piggy banks are doing, as well as unite us all together as one voice. Please help me turn this David vs. Goliath modification process, into a Goliath vs. Goliath.
Please stand with me and Brookstone Law Firm, and send an email to Bank of Abusing America that states that we will no longer tolerate their potentially illegal, fraudulent, irregular and abusive business methods.
So please send your email directly to Bank of America and include the following:
1. Your name
2. Your complaint concerning your experience with Bank of America.
3. Please end your email “I support John Wright vs. BofA Lawsuit!”
4. Please send a copy of your email to
5. Please send your email to BofA CEO Brian Moynihan:
I have created for all of those who have been abused by Bank of Destroying Americas potentially irregular, fraudulent and simply abusive home loan modification process.
Divided we might have fell America. UNITED WE MUST STAND!
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
John Wright

Eureka, US
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Mar 16, 2011 7:41 pm EDT

I have been dealing with this nightmare since Nov. 2010. I called BofA immediately upon realizing it would be impossible for me to make my Nov. mortgage payment. I have received packet after packet from them asking for the same information over and over again. I have faxed and sent the tax returns, bank statements and P&L statements at least 5 times. Every time I call them I have talked to a pleasant rep that requested information be faxed to them that was not included in the written request. So, round and round and round I go. Mortgage hasn't been paid since Nov. 2010, some info says foreclosure won't happen while in this process and then I receive another demand for payment and foreclosure notice. Who knows what to do or who to write to? This is f'ing ridiculous

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Mar 22, 2011 11:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We were strung out for over 4 months (Aug 2010 - Jan 3, 2011) with the "missing documentation" and then "still waiting for an underwriter" excuses. Suddenly on Jan 3, 2011 we are contacted by an "underwriter" (?) who says we need to get all our updated information in immediately so she can process our modification. A couple of weeks later, it sounds like we are almost there. Then we get a notice that our monthly payment is going up by $316.74 per month to cover an escrow account which we have never had. I called as soon as we received this notice and told the person that we had not yet received a loan modification and were not going to pay more per month than we already were. She told me to just keep making our usual monthly payment and we would be hearing in a couple of weeks. On Feb 22 we received the "big" envelop that just said to call the Loan Mod group. Found out we were still not approved but something would be coming soon. On Feb 25 we receive another notice that the Mar 1 mortgage payment will now be 337.44 higher to cover escrow payments. Then another 3/7/11 showing more information about the increased monthly payment. Finally, we receive a notification dated 3/10/11 that we have been turned down for the Loan Modification. I called to cancel the escrow account because we have always paid those ourselves and did not want B of A involved. Called on 3/22 and found out they will not cancel the escrow accoount and just the fact that we applied for the modification required them to open the account per Government requirements. I cannot believe that thsi true. Does anyone know if a class action suit has been started against BofA yet?

Salem, US
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Apr 05, 2011 2:59 am EDT

We had a mortage with BOC and tried for three years to get some type of modification, only to be told either we didn't qualify or they'll review our information and notify us in 30days IF we qualified for a modification. If we didn't qualify we won't hear anything. Guess we didn't qualify because a year later we still haven't heard anything. They claimed to have sent out a modification package, we're still waiting on that. We were having difficulty keeping up on our payments and BOC didn't seem to be interested in helping us keep our house. When you call you get transferred to 17 different people, only to get no resolution in the end. If they tell you they will call you back, don't hold your breath, because they never do. They sent four mortgage modification packets to my mother, who has never been late with her mortgage and didn't request any modification. They add late fees when you're not late, if you pay check over the phone they take it out of your account twice and it's like pulling teeth to get the money back. They post your payments to the wrong account and then try to tell you that unfortunately they cannot apply it to the correct account for one reason or another. I've threatened lawsuits on several occassions just to get them to do their job. I've told them that it's no wonder they are being sued, cussed and yelled at them until I thought my head would explode. I've made up cuss words, they've had me so mad. I'm convinced that the qualification to work for Bank of America is that you must be a complete idiot! Bank of America is not interested in helping their customers keep their homes. They want you to send them the monthly payment amount as reflected on the monthly coupon, even though it's incorrect. Oh and don't bother sending the coupon because they don't bother to look at it. After several attempts over several years to qualify for some type of assistance with Bank of America, to no avail, we gave them their house back. Now they can make the mortgage payments! I cannot believe that our government hasn't stepped in and done something about the seemingly illegal activities of this bank. I now save my dealings with Bank of America (on my mother's home) for when I've had a bad day and need to release some frustration. At least I give them the courtesy of telling whomever answers the phone that "I'd like to begin this conversation by saying that I'm getting ready to rip you a new a#@hole". I am totally amazed that they are still in business.

Tired of the mess
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Apr 09, 2011 4:35 pm EDT

I have been dealing with it also for over 2yrs. only to be told, It's being reviewed to you didn't sent in the proper documents and get this in a timely manner when I didn't even know I had to send the document in the first place. It's really a scam and they are not out to help anyone. The money the government had allotted for them to help people, I guess they used that for themselves. I am confident that what you reap, you will sow. Give it time and they will go belly up because of the way they did us all.

Kelli Murphy
Rochester, US
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Jun 10, 2011 10:24 pm EDT

It has been 13 months since I applied for the home modification program. I was recently turned down and now BOA says that there are going to review my account for their personal modification program which is more lenient than the governments'. I have called every week over the last 30 days and have been told that there is no new information and there is noone i can talk to for other options. BOA just strings you along. They get funding from the government to review your loan for a modification...Just to review it not to make any attempt to help you quaify. Yes, BOA mortgage is ripping peope off, but at the same time the government is allowing it to happen. Why, if this program is meant for hardtimes, are there so many IN hardtimes that don't qualify? The governments rules and regulations aren't really there to protect US! We will all be homeless and those in political and big business offices will still be fat on our money! Where's the UNITED states now?

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Jun 13, 2011 11:50 pm EDT

BAM used bailout funds to buy out other companies. Then they lie about loan mods. They use bait and switch tactics. They did me a loan mod. I had to send the $5000. They didn't disclose that they were increasing my ballance by $14, 000. They gave me a trial payment which I could barely afford. Made those payments for 3 months. Then BAM increased my payments by $1200. It broke my back.

Contacts with their reps have been frustrating. They call and disclose that call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes. I have developed an ornery attitude. I just reply, thats OK, I am recording it too. Then they hang up. I have moved out of house and it is way under water. I have gone bankrupt. Not a thing they can do. They refused to talk to loan mod company and then latter to my attorney. They can pound sand as far as I am concerned.

Brenda Adrine
Cleveland, US
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Jun 15, 2011 4:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have a mortgage with BOA and tried for months to get a modification to no avail. Instead of modifying it loan to help us, they instead made the monthly payments almost $300 more per month. If we had toruble paying the initial payment, how could we possibly pay 300 more? Our loan started out wit one company, was sold to Countrywide, then Bank of America. After trying and trying to reason with them, we just stopped paying altogether. We haven't heard from them in over a year. We've decided that if they foreclose, we'll just move. The condo isn't worth the money we owe anyway.
Has anyone heard about a class action lawsuit against them? That's what we should do, sue them!

Slidell, US
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Jul 18, 2011 9:26 pm EDT

they are not following the concent order of April 13, 2011.

Fed-up in Ohio
Akron, US
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Sep 13, 2011 11:31 am EDT

I agree with all the above and then some. The latest and greatest is that BOA called me in June and said the "private investor" wanted me to pay 2 months of full house payments to consider my modification. I pulled it from my 401K and paid it. I also sent a written request to BOA to find out who this private investor is; 6 weeks later I received a letter from BOA acknowledging my request and stating they were looking into it and would be sending me the info requested. I have never received this information and it has now been 3 1/2 months. Then in July I received paperwork to "start the modification program". I phoned BOA to explain I was already in the middle of it and I couldn't get anyone to answer the phone so I would leave a message. A few days later I received a message to call a certain person at BOA and they left me the wrong number. I contacted my previous contact by email and a few days later received another call; I then called the "corrected" number only to get voice mail. I left a message and never got a return call. I called back and spoke to someone that told me my modification was denied because I hadn't complied with their request for documentation; I replied with I had replied for 2 years and I was still waiting on BOA to follow through. For fear of losing my home, I pulled the past due amount out of my 401k to pay it and then start paying my regular mortgage payment because I had just gotten a job but when I called to pay the back amount I was on the phone with 5 people over 3 1/2 hours and was told by all 5 that my mortgage was foreclosed on and sold. They wouldn't take the payment and I was told by the 5th person not to pay it because BOA would use it to pay fees and I would never see it again. I had never received notification of any foreclosure and I still live in the house. In fact, I had received a letter from BOA to respond to it before August 19th to look at other options; they told me I shouldn't have received the letter. I have an attorney now and he said that the property was never foreclosed on so I will let him take over this battle.

Spring, US
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Sep 21, 2011 5:58 pm EDT

There is a mortgage expert that was in the mortgage servicing industry for about 20 years and is now consulting with homeowners through his own business Wyatt Consulting Services. His name is Chris Wyatt. He can review your information and provide you with guidance to assist you with your mortgage company. He can be reached via email at

Sacramento, US
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Sep 27, 2011 5:13 pm EDT

I too have been in this headache of a loan mod with Bank of America. Struggling to make the payment only to be told I don't qualify because there is no hardship. Then when the hardship hit I tried again. Submitted the paperwork over and over again. Always being told we need more documents. Or, my favorite, contact your local HUD office for assistance. Who also needed more documents. I submitted everything asked and played the waiting game. I considered going with a forensic loan audit but the company I was considering is being sued for fraud. Without even the slightest bit of hope to hold on to I now have to let my dream home go. Hopefully I can do a short sale and hold on to what little credit rating I have left. But that is up to Bank of America to decide. So I wait on their decision, again.

Lawrenceville, US
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Oct 05, 2011 6:49 pm EDT

I am in same boat with Mod process drug out ove r 3 years with 2nd Intent to Accelerate Letter Expired!
This is after having a Loan Mod APPROVED and signed and then being told 6 months later it was actually DENIED! Had to take money out of IRA to bring current, then told make plenty of money to make payment and fell behind again. Did NOT qualify again for Mod or Repayment Program- only 2 payments behind now!
A rating at BBB within NO complaints

Rialto, US
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Feb 22, 2012 11:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

BE CAREFUL... Don't pay upfront with Mader. They will tell you anything. They can stop the foreclosure temporarily by being "retained" but it doesn't mean they will actually do anything. They drug my mod out for months acting like they were helping but there was always one more thing they needed. In the end I was just further behind and now had a repayment plan upping my payment 900.00 a month. They are under investigation my the Florida State Atty. The BBB doesn't mean anything. And btw, after they failed I was able to get a modification ON MY OWN using the same info they had. They suck..don't use yourself now.

William McKenney
Reno, US
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Jun 21, 2012 5:44 pm EDT

I made my trial payments on time for eight months and sent hard copies and faxed my documents three times because they couldn't locate them. I called BofA every Friday morning and they would say my loan mod documents were on their way to me. I never got a thing. One BofA rep told me the documents were being mailed out that day and I would recieve them in a week. They never showed of course, and when I talked to the next BofA rep I asked why the other rep would tell me the docs were being sent to me, and he said she told me that just to get me off the phone. They lied to me every week and this went on for months. I finally filed bankruptcy and let them have the damn house back. My bankruptcy was granted six months ago and they are now sending me letters saying that I now qualify for a loan modification. I talked to one BofA rep and she told me that my name was still on the loan. I called another rep who assured me that I would never hear from these A**holes again. I would love to sue them for all the grief and lies they told me. If anyone knows of a class action suit I would love to be part of it. I am just another sucker who tried to play by their rules and lost.

Susan and Coby
Port St. Lucie, US
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Oct 03, 2014 12:10 am EDT

I have one thing to say about bank of america frauds. I have been turned down again 4th time. I have hired another lawyer one near me. Never use main law pc in laguna hills, ca they don't do anything. I was able to permanently modify my grandmothers house they are with wells fargo the first time on time and no problems what so ever. This just proves b o a is a bunch of frauds.

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Jun 03, 2016 8:20 am EDT

Bank of America seems to be delaying a decision on our modification. Over the 3 month trial basis I have repeatly had to send and resend information that they did not have although I had already sent it to them. I checked up with them constantly to see where the loan was and was always shocked to find things missing. Finally it was sent for processing and shortly there after we were denied for missing information! I called immediately and was told it was reopened! I am disabled and raising my 3 grandchildren, I have lived in this home for almost 25 years now and can afford to pay this if the mortgage rate of interest would be dropped to a fair rate. I am sick over this and feel BAC is not committed to working with their customers. There are too many paper pushers involved and not enough people involved to make the right decisions. I certainly hope this has a positive end for me.

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