Oct. 1 2023 our postal carrier changed. We still have door to door mail delivery on my street. Since Oct. 1 the carrier has only delivered mail twice. I have video surveillance to prove this. I have phoned the 1800 line three times now. twice the complaint was referred to the local Prince George outlet. A rep from there phoned me after each complaint. He didn't leave his name or title or a number to reach him at. He never seemed to read the complaint tickets thoroughly and completely missed the point of the second complaint.
Anyhow, last Friday I phoned the PG depot directly. Took me 8 minutes of pleading to get put through to the Supervisor. His name is Dave. He was angry, sarcastic, rude mean and acted like a pouty two year old child when I asked him questions. Like he shouldn't have to answer to the public. Like I had no right to be bothering him. He ended up screaming at me and hanging up the phone.
then his supervisor, Tyler funk, stood up for him and made excuses for him all the while interrogating me like I was a criminal. Filed a complaint with the ombudsman.
The thing is I have been told by the previous mail carrier, Paul, who I considered a friend, that the new postal carrier is the son of the supervisor of PG depot. I was warned that he was lazy and didn't complete his routes. That he hated dogs and would pepper spray them for no reason and not report it to the PO. that if you complained about him he would put a hold on your mail.
Now everything Paul warned me about is coming true. My complaints aboaut not getting mail are being ignored and the carrier and supervisor are hinting that my mail may be held in the future because of my dogs. Everything Paul predicted is coming true. Meanwhile, Tyler, the area Superintendent denies any family relationships (which I don't believe) and defends his buddy. No apology for screaming at me or hanginig up on me.
People, these are public servants. Your hard-earned tax dollars pay their wages. Where do they get the idea that they aren't accountable to us?
Dave and Tyler seem absolutely gobsmacked that someone actually has the nerve to complain to them and hold ;them accountable for their behaviour.
Don't put up with this crap from Canada Post employees. I am going to be following up . I want to know that Dave is disciplined; I don't need details, there is confidentiality, but if I have to hire a private investigator to find out the truth about family relationships in the depot as well as Dave's disciplinary action I will. If he is not disciplined I will be taking to a lawyer about civil actions.
enough is enough. as a healthcare worker I get hit, kicked, spit on and screamed at by my customers. If I ever spoke to a patient, family member or colleague like Dave spoke to me I would be immediately removed from service and most like terminated. Union or not.
We need to stand up to these people. We pay their wages.
Claimed loss: Two months 6 weeks worth of mail and flyersLoss of dignity/humiliated by Dave screaming at me, insulting me and hanging up the phone on me, and all I want is my mail delivered.
Desired outcome: Regular mail deliveryAccountability from Dave, Tyler Funk and Canada post including a written apology from DaveNo retaliation for making the complaint