Dear Citi Bank,
I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding an issue that has been ongoing for over two years. Despite numerous attempts to rectify this situation through phone calls and written correspondence, my concerns have been dismissed and the problem remains unresolved.
An account associated with Best Buy, which I have never opened or authorized, was erroneously placed on my credit report. This error has had significant negative impacts on my financial life, including being denied home and car loans, having to pay higher interest rates, and being unable to secure loans for necessary medical expenses. The details above do not list half of the impact I am currently facing.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), I have the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information in my credit reports. Despite my efforts to exercise this right, the inaccurate information remains on my report. This is not only a violation of my rights under the FCRA, but it also has caused me substantial harm.
Given the severity of this issue and the long period during which it has been ignored, I believe it is only fair that Citi Bank takes the following actions: Called over 100 times wrote 42 times and disputed on credit 9 times
1. *Correct the Inaccurate Information*: The inaccurate information on my credit report, specifically the account associated with Best Buy which I have never opened or authorized, must be corrected immediately. This error has been reported multiple times over the past two years with no resolution.
2. *Issue a Credit Card*: To help repair my credit, I demand that a credit card with a $7000 limit be issued to me. This is equivalent to the amount erroneously showing on my credit report, which is currently taking up 77 percent of my credit utilization. Please understand every time I get close to being able to have a better life credit goes up this account brings it down. I have spent hours on phone with customer service hung up on told to call Best Buy they send me back to you. I am begging for you to do what’s right as I have tried on my side. I will be hiring a lawyer I spoke to last week on Friday as friends are holding a fundraiser to provide the money.
3. *Cover the Costs of Denied Loans*: Due to this error, I have been denied home and car loans. I demand that Citi Bank cover the costs to purchase a home and a car to compensate for the opportunities I lost due to this error.
In addition to these demands, I am also seeking compensation for the severe hardships I have endured as a result of this error:
4. *Compensation for Hardships*: I demand compensation of $1 million for the hardships I have endured due to this error. I was unable to cover necessary medical expenses, including brain surgery, and the tragic loss of my daughter at the age of 17. Because of the inability to secure credit, I lost everything while I was sick and am now living in deplorable conditions without a car.
These demands are not only fair and just, but they are also necessary to begin repairing the significant damage that this error has caused in my financial life. I expect a response within ten business days.
If these actions are not taken, I will be forced to seek legal recourse for all damages I have suffered as a result of this error. These damages include, but are not limited to, actual damages (such as lost opportunities for loans or jobs), statutory damages for willful noncompliance, punitive damages for malicious or reckless violations, and legal costs, as provided under the FCRA.
I am hopeful that Citi Bank will take this matter seriously and act promptly to rectify this situation. I expect a response within ten business days.
Lori Wenger
Claimed loss: 4million
Desired outcome: its in letter
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